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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Christian Living in 2014

The Lord's Prayer Devotional: Deepening in the Most Well-Known Prayer by Kim, David H.
A Child Shall Lead Them PB: Martin Luther King Jr., Young People, and the Movement by Burrow, Rufus
But God (Large Print Edition) by Strohbehn, Brenda, Strohbehn, Lorraine
Cremate or Bury, What saith the Bible? by Wilsenach, Piet
Every Reason to Leave: And Why We Chose to Stay Together by Rose, Vicki
Daily Prayer for All Seasons [English Edition] by The Standing Commission on Liturgy Music
Life Management for Busy Women by George, Elizabeth
The Kingdom of Heaven; What Is It? by Burbidge, Edward
Dear God: Prayers for Families with Children by Finley, Kathleen
Hope's Daughters by Willis, R. Wayne
Irons in the Fire: Autobiography by Stiles, Stuart
Conversations Worth Having: Gospel Wisdom for College Students by McCall, Casey G.
The Perversion Principle by Read, David W.
Straight Talk by Tolleson, Kathleen Steele
Love by Davis, Chris
A Road Without Fear: Finding Comfort and Peace in a Fearful World by Hopkins, Barbara Dimmett
Carry Like Mary: You Have Superpowers. It's Time to Change the World. by Burton, John Edward
Journey with Jesus Two: Silent Prayer and Meditation by McDonald, Yong Hui V.
Journey With Jesus II: Silent Prayer and Meditation by McDonald, Yong Hui V.
Discovering Jesus: A Study for Learning about Jesus, Who He Is, and What He Has Done for Us by Reyolds, Hermie
And that's the Gospel Truth! by McKee, Miles
Fifth Gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John... You by Kinley, Jeff, Conway, Bobby
A Couple's Guide to a Growing Marriage: A Bible Study by Chapman, Gary
Praying Through the Names of God by Evans, Tony
The Tales Hunters Tell: Stories of Adventure and Inspiration by Chapman, Steve
She Calls Me Daddy: 7 Things You Need to Know about Building a Complete Daughter by Wolgemuth, Robert
Billy Graham: Candid Conversations with a Public Man by Frost, David
To Live Is Christ to Die Is Gain by Chandler, Matt, Wilson, Jared C.
Abraham: One Nomad's Amazing Journey of Faith by Swindoll, Charles R.
In Pursuit of Destiny: For the Kingdom Minded Entrepreneur by Newbold, Ria C.
Renovando tu fe: Cuando sientes que todo está perdido... by Bambaren, Giovanni J.
A Man Like God: As He Is So Are We by Craig, James
Prayers Prophecies Dreams by Cesar, M.
Putting the Amazing Back in Grace by Weems, Ann
Three Essential Foundational Keys to Success and Victory by Ihemaguba, Winnie Ebere
Three Essential Foundational Keys to Success and Victory by Ihemaguba, Winnie
The Prophetic Mantle: The Gift of Prophecy and Prophetic Operations in the Church Today by Evans, Roderick L.
The New Normal: For Better or Worse by Coleman, Kathy
Praying Through Deuteronomy by Schmidt, Troy
Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School by Huff, Nancy
Grace Like Rain: 30-day Devotional by Schwartz, Whitney L.
Growing in Prayer by Lefort, Clinton R.
Love: & Healing by Lefort, Clinton R.
Snow on Magnolias by Jones, Penny Smith
2014 Yearbook Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall: Saints Of Value MTC by Lee, Vicki M.
Celebremos La Recuperación Guía 3: Cómo Mejorar Su Relación Con Dios, Con Usted Mismo Y Con Otros: Un Programa de Recuperación Basado En Ocho Principi by Baker, John
Celebremos La Recuperación Guía 2: Cómo Hacer Un Inventario Honesto Y Espiritual: Un Programa de Recuperación Basado En Ocho Principios de Las Bienave by Baker, John
Celebremos la recuperación Guía 4: Cómo crecer en Cristo mientras ayudas a otros: Un programa de recuperación basado en ocho principios de las bienave by Baker, John
James in the Suburbs by Love-Fordham, April
Celebremos La Recuperación Guía del Líder - Edición Revisada: Un Programa de Recuperación Basado En Ocho Principios de Las Bienaventuranzas by Baker, John
Celebremos La Recuperación Guía 1: Cómo IR de la Negación a la Gracia de Dios: Un Programa de Recuperación Basado En Ocho Principios de Las Bienaventu by Baker, John
10 Gospel Basics by Osborn, Ladonna, Osborn, T. L.
Faithful Warrior: Praying with Hope for Women Battling Cancer by Hedlund, Katherine
The Power of a Story: It Inspires, Surprises and Lifts Your Faith by Moore, James W.
Disabled and Blessed by Anthony, David
Hello World . . . What the Hell?: A Baby Boomer's Life Journal of Segregation, Integration, and Salvation by Jones, Dyanne Mason
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? by Mixon, Regina Gale
The Winning Formula: Discover How to Live a Life of Possibility! by Kasali, Fatai
Dirty Faith: Bringing the Love of Christ to the Least of These by Nowell, David Z.
Move on: When Mercy Meets Your Mess by Courtney, Vicki
Created for Influence: Transforming Culture from Where You Are by Ford, William L., III
Una Vida de Bendición / The Blessed Life = The Blessed Life by Morris, Robert
Unnatural by Murr, Rachel
Faithful Warrior: Praying with Hope for Women Battling Cancer by Hedlund, Katherine
$10 Great Dates: Connecting Love, Marriage, and Fun on a Budget by Larson, Heather, Larson, Peter, Arp, Claudia
Follow Bible Study Participant's Guide: No Experience Necessary by Stanley, Andy
Innovation by Moore, Anne, Moore, Bill
The Only Way to Live by Bourland, Dave
A Movable Feast: Worship for the Other Six Days by Timm, Terry
Finding Faith in the Dark: When the Story of Your Life Takes a Turn You Didn't Plan by Short, Laurie
Missions in the Third Millenium by Guthrie, Stan
Who Is In My House?: Haunted Houses 3 AM by McGee, Janie
I am Who I am: Grace & Self-Acceptance by Lefort, Clinton R.
Truths of Revelation: Will There Be An End? by Sheets Jr, Paul T.
Hello World . . . What the Hell?: A Baby Boomer's Life Journal of Segregation, Integration, and Salvation by Jones, Dyanne Mason
Arise by Boynes, Janet
Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual by Eckhardt, John
Break Out!: 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life by Osteen, Joel
Move on Study Guide: When Mercy Meets Your Mess by Courtney, Vicki
Go Small: Because God Doesn't Care About Your Status, Size, or Success by Gross, Craig, Palmer, Adam
Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World by Weiseth, Nish
The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family: Over 100 Practical and Tested Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Kids by
Jeremiah, Participant Book: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World by Spoelstra, Melissa
Jeremiah, Leader Guide: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World by Spoelstra, Melissa
Surviving Henry: Adventures in Loving a Canine Catastrophe by Young, Erin Taylor
Push: Pray Until Something Happens: Divine Principles for Praying with Confidence, Discerning God's Will, and Blessing Others by Matthesius, Jurgen
Manual de Liberación Y Guerra Espiritual / Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Man Ual by Eckhardt, John
Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual by Eckhardt, John
Reckless Devotion: 365 Days Into the Heart of Radical Love by Baker, Rolland, Baker, Heidi
Introducing the Kingdom Matrix by Christopherson, Jeff
Stalked by the Demons: Based on a True Story by Walsh, Bob
Eight Things That Matter by Scroggie, W. Graham
Men of My Father's Generation by Thornton, James
Reconstructing Church: Tools for Turning Your Congregation Around by Yonkman, Todd Grant
Wrinkled Sheets and God's Grace: Reconciliation. Restoration. Reclamation. by Brown, Doreen Priscilla
The Believer's Life: A Guide to Spiritual Maturity by Goodenough, Steven
Drive Your Dream by Olubowale, David
Living By The Bible: The 30 Sayings of the Wise from the book of Proverbs broken down by Boulay, James
God's Story: Advent & Christmas by Witten, W. Dean
The Gospel According to Ishmael by Roiel, David
La Iglesia de Jesucristo: "Revelando El Misterio de Sus Riquezas y de Su Gloria" by M, Apostol Delio Zuluaga
Bible Folks by Quinn, Ernest D.
The Successful Christian 101: Twelve Lessons for Mastering the Art of Christian Life and Service by Evans, Roderick L.
The Millionaire Christian by Gillie-Jackson, Felicia M.
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: With the Manual of Epictetus and a Summary of Christian Morality by Aurelius, Marcus, Epictetus
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: With the Manual of Epictetus and a Summary of Christian Morality by Aurelius, Marcus, Epictetus
The Christian Soldier, or Heaven Taken by Storm: Showing the Holy Violence a Christian Is to Put Forth in the Pursuit After Glory (1810) by Watson, Thomas
What Do Unitarians Believe? by May, Samuel J.
Like Christ: Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Conformity to the Son of God by Murray, Andrew
The Cross of Christ (1910) by Simpson, Albert B.
A Book Called in Latin Enchiridion Militis Christiani, and in English the Manual of the Christian Knight (1905) by Erasmus, Desiderius
Studies in Zechariah (1911) by Gaebelein, Arno Clemens
Millennial Harp: Designed for Meetings on the Second Coming of Christ (1843) by Himes, Joshua Vaughan
The Manliness of Christ (1887) by Hughes, Thomas
Hymns for Little Children (1908) by Alexander, Cecil Frances
Thoughts on Family Worship (1847) by Alexander, James Waddel
Safed and Keturah: The Third Series of the Parables of Safed the Sage by Barton, William E.
The Hymner: Containing Translations of the Hymns from the Sarum Breviary, Together with Sundry Sequences and Processions (1905) by Catholic Church
Cynewulfs Christ: An Eighth Century English Epic by Cynewulf
Ayuno de 40 Dias de Rendicion by Owens, Celeste Camille
4 Absurd Decisions God Wants You to Make Today by Breakey, Caleb
The Epistles of Ignatius and Polycarp by
Sermons of Christmas Evans by Evans, Christmas
A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Galatians, First and Second Corinthians, Romans and Ephesians (1832) by Locke, John
The Soliloquies of St. Augustine by Saint Augustine of Hippo
A Token for Children: Being an Exact Account of the Conversion, Holy and Exemplary Lives and Joyful Deaths of Several Young Children (1771) by Janeway, James
A Christmas Book: Origin of the Christmas Tree, the Mistletoe, the Yule Log, and St. Nicholas (1898) by Wenckebach, Carla
The True Spouse of Jesus Christ: Or the Nun Sanctified by the Virtues of Her State by Liguori, Alfonso Maria De
Favorite Welsh Hymns by
The Christian Soldier, or Heaven Taken by Storm: Showing the Holy Violence a Christian Is to Put Forth in the Pursuit After Glory (1810) by Watson, Thomas
Holy in Christ: Thoughts on the Calling of Gods Children to Be Holy as He Is Holy (1887) by Murray, Andrew
St. Basil and His Rule: A Study in Early Monasticism (1912) by Morison, Ernest Frederick
Cardinal Newmans Dream of Gerontius: With Introduction and Commentary, for Use in High Schools, Academies and Colleges (1916) by Newman, John Henry, Gliebe, Julius Joseph
Humility: The Beauty of Holiness by Murray, Andrew
The True Spouse of Jesus Christ: Or the Nun Sanctified by the Virtues of Her State by Liguori, Alfonso Maria De'
The Throne of Grace (1865) by Macduff, John Ross
The Works of the REV. H. Scougal: Containing the Life of God in the Soul of Man with Nine Other Discourses by Scougal, Henry
An Alarm to the Unconverted (1812) by Alleine, Joseph
Epitaphs of the Catacombs: Or Christian Inscriptions in Rome During the First Four Centuries by Northcote, J. Spencer
The Almost Christian Discovered: Or the False Professor Tried and Cast by Mead, Matthew
The Doctrine of Justification by Faith Through the Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ, Explained, Confirmed and Defended by Owen, John
The Keeping of Christmas at Bracebridge Hall by Irving, Washington
In Christ: Or the Believers Union with His Lord by Gordon, Adoniram Judson
A Round of Stories by the Christmas Fire (1853) by Dickens, Charles
The Epistles and Ars Poetica of Horace (1877) by Horace
The Friendship of Christ (1912) by Benson, Robert Hugh
Universalism: The Prevailing Doctrine of the Christian Church During Its First Five Hundred Years (1899) by Hanson, John Wesley
The Gifts of the Child Christ, and Other Tales V2 by MacDonald, George
The Higher Christian Life by Boardman, William Edwin
Avoiding Shipwreck: Keeping Faith Strong by Blair, Vickie J.
La Iglesia de Jesucristo: "Revelando El Misterio de Sus Riquezas y de Su Gloria" by M, Apostol Delio Zuluaga
You are a Pearl: A Book of encouragement on how to avoid heartache and how to wait upon the Lord by DiStefano-Winston, Diana
The ABC's of Personal Finance: 26 Essential Keys to Winning With Your Money by King, Debbi
When the Referees Reacted by Ellinger, Rick
The Prose Works of John Milton: Containing the First Book of a Treatise on Christian Doctrine by Milton, John
A Christian Directory Part III, V5: Or, a Sum of Practical Theology and Cases of Conscience; Christian Ecclesiastics, or Church Duties by Baxter, Richard
The Hymner: Containing Translations of the Hymns from the Sarum Breviary, Together with Sundry Sequences and Processions (1905) by Catholic Church
An Autobiography: The Story of the Lords Dealings with Mrs. Amanda Smith, the Colored Evangelist (1921) by Smith, Amanda
Religious Experience and Journal of Jarena Lee: Giving an Account of Her Call to Preach the Gospel (1849) by Lee, Jarena
Rough Rhymes of a Padre (1918) by Woodbine Willie, Kennedy, Geoffrey Anketell Studdert
The Triad Society: Or Heaven and Earth Association by Stanton, William
A Larger Christian Life (1890) by Simpson, A. B.
The Christ of Cynewulf, a Poem in Three Parts: The Advent, the Ascension, and the Last Judgment by Cynewulf
A Larger Christian Life (1890) by Simpson, A. B.
Ministers Handbook: For Christenings, Weddings, and Funerals (1880) by Savage, Minot Judson
The Cross of Christ (1910) by Simpson, Albert B.
St. Basil and His Rule: A Study in Early Monasticism (1912) by Morison, Ernest Frederick
St. Basils Hymnal: An Extensive Collection of English and Latin Hymns for Church, School and Home (1918) by Basilian Fathers
Dare We Be Christians (1914) by Rauschenbusch, Walter
The Spirit of Christ: Thoughts on the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Believer and the Church (1888) by Murray, Andrew
The Lamplighter by Cummins, Maria S.
Ministers Handbook: For Christenings, Weddings, and Funerals (1880) by Savage, Minot Judson
The Friendship of Christ (1912) by Benson, Robert Hugh
The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ: From the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich (1899) by Emmerich, Anne Catherine
Epitaphs of the Catacombs: Or Christian Inscriptions in Rome During the First Four Centuries by Northcote, J. Spencer
Christian Non-Resistance: In All Its Important Bearings, Illustrated and Defended by Ballou, Adin
Cardinal Newmans Dream of Gerontius: With Introduction and Commentary, for Use in High Schools, Academies and Colleges (1916) by Gliebe, Julius Joseph, Newman, John Henry
Hymns for Little Children (1908) by Alexander, Cecil Frances
Favorite Welsh Hymns by
Jesus Himself (1893) by Murray, Andrew
Sanctified by Grace: A Theology of the Christian Life by
When God Is Silent: Finding Spiritual Peace Amid the Storms of Life by Martinez, Archbishop Luis
The Egg by James, Amanda
A Little Girl Name Destiny Who Loves to Pray by Daniels, Bren
Marriage by Design: The Keys to Create, Cultivate and Claim the Marriage You've Always Wanted by Disney, Eric a.
My Mess: Believe it or not, a story about grace by Black, Troy Daniel
The Lazy Believer: Overcoming Laziness by Green, Cyndy
Jesus a Servant with the Power to Save You by Hampton, Jimmy H.
Bringing Sexy Back to Your Marriage by Crowder, Gail
Allowed to Live by Kidman, Russell
The Resolute Leader by Crank, Warren
All of Grace: An Earnest Word with Those Who Are Seeking Salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ by Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
A Little Girl Name Destiny Who Loves to Pray by Daniels, Bren
The Egg by James, Amanda
Blessing Blockers: Unclogging the Flow of God's Provisional Power by Shipman, David E.
Spiritual Keys to Financial Reward: Understanding Biblical Strategies that Provoke Financial Increase by Omole, Charles
His Excellent Greatness in the Lives of Ordinary People by Downe, Isabel
Marriage by Design: The Keys to Create, Cultivate and Claim the Marriage You've Always Wanted by Disney, Eric a.
Women Stop the Chase: Let God's Man Find You Expanded Edition by Gillam, Mary
Preparing His Own Volume Three by Stewart, Dennis
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