• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Christian Music in 2015

Adoración 101: Manual para el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de los ministerios de adoración. by Claudio, Gamaliel
Twenty Three Choral Works: New Croral Works b Harry Hicks by Hicks, Harry
Christmas Carols for Crosspicking Ukulele with low G: volume 1 by Sarek, Ondrej
Christmas Carols for Crosspicking Baritone ukulele by Sarek, Ondrej
The Christian Musician's Call to Ministry by Becker, Mark a.
The Search Continues ... The Journey by Downswell, Kevin
The Art Of Leading Worship: Workbook: The Essentials of Sincere & Extraordinary Worship by Young, Michael
The Art of Leading Worship: The Essentials of Sincere & Extraordinary Worship by Young, Michael E.
The Art Of Leading Worship: Instructor's Guide: The Essentials of Sincere & Extraordinary Worship by Young, Michael
How Shall We Worship? by Dawn, Marva J.
Like a Thief In the Night by North, Stafford
A Call to Prayer by Ryle, John Charles, Ryle, Jc
Marquart's Works - Worship and Liturgy by
Max Regers Musik: Eine Studie zu Regers Musikdenken by Retzmann, Hans-Peter
Stabat Mater by Dvorak, Antonin
Gregorian chant for G tuning Banjo by Sarek, Ondrej
Songs of the Season: 10 Vocal Solos for Winter and Holiday Performances by
Songs of the Season: 10 Vocal Solos for Winter and Holiday Performances by
Working Weekends: A Look Back at the Music Ministry of The McKenzies by McKenzie, Matthew
Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: The Road to Unity and Spiritual Maturity by Janzen, James D.
Christian Metal: History, Ideology, Scene by Moberg, Marcus
Christmas Solo Album for F Horn by
Songs of the Season: 10 Vocal Solos for Winter and Holiday Performances, Book & CD by
Songs of the Season: 10 Vocal Solos for Winter and Holiday Performances, Book & CD by
The Easy Christmas Gig Book: Score & Parts by
Essential Music: A Biblical Strategy for Worship in the Urban Church by Johnson Ph. D., Willetta Greene
Christmas Carols for Crosspicking Mandolin by Sarek, Ondrej
The Musical Rhetoric of the Polish Baroque: The Musical Rhetoric of the Polish Baroque by Jasiński, Tomasz
English Cathedral Music and Liturgy in the Twentieth Century by Thomas, Martin
Sacred Hymns from the German by Various
Christmas Carols for Crosspicking Ukulele: volume 1 by Sarek, Ondrej
The Future of Humanity: Preaching from Revelation 4 to 22 by Robertson, Murray
The Christian Band Handbook: Wise Guidance to Build an Extraordinary Music Ministry by Wise, Marie
Hildegard of Bingen and Musical Reception by Bain, Jennifer
Liturgies of the Western Church by Thompson, Bard
Liturgics for Orthodox Liturgical Singing - Volume 1 by Barrett, David
The Contemporary Christmas Service: 10 Inspiring Piano Solos for Church Pianists by
The Christian Musician: Taking "playing music to the glory of God" from idea to reality by Dunn, Kyleigh
Responsorial Psalms for the Church Year: Volume Three by Fielding, Robert
The Savior: A Cantata of original choral music celebrating the premortal, mortal, and postmortal life of Jesus Christ by Jensen, Kim L., Williams, Bergeta, Fotheringham, Mark R.
Gray Sabbath: Jesus People Usa, the Evangelical Left, and the Evolution of Christian Rock by Young, Shawn
Gray Sabbath: Jesus People Usa, the Evangelical Left, and the Evolution of Christian Rock by Young, Shawn
Urban God Talk: Constructing a Hip Hop Spirituality by
Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies by
Amusing Too by Writer, Imma
The Bible in Music: A Dictionary of Songs, Works, and More by Long, Siobhán Dowling, Sawyer, John F. a.
Thanks and Praise Words Edition: A Supplement to the Church Hymnal by The Church of Ireland
Trumpets, Horns, and Bach Abschriften at the time of Christian Friedrich Penzel: Probing the Pedigree of BWV 143 by Smithers, Don
Only a Look: A Historical Look at the Career of Mrs. Roberta Martin and the Roberta Martin Gospel Singers of Chicago, Illinois by Greer, Ronald L.
Vom gottesdienstlichen Singen: Gedanken zum Gesang in der katholischen Liturgie, ausgehend von den Schriften Joseph Ratzingers by Gosch, Veronika
My Dwelling Place: A Place of Surrender by Vaughn, Glenda
The Saint Andrews Plainchant Breviary: The Divine Office, Holy Communion, and other liturgies set to Plainchant in modern English, Red Letter Edition by Haines, John E.
The Saint Andrew's Plainchant Breviary: The Divine Office, Holy Communion, and other Liturgies set to Plainchant with modern English texts. by Hubbard, Paul K., Haines, John E.
The Saint Andrew's Plainchant Psalter: An Abridged Version of the Book of the Psalms by Haines, John E.
The Saint Andrew's Metrical Psalter by Haines, John E.
The Plainsong Psalter by Douglas, Charles Winfred
The Saint Andrew's Plainchant Breviary by Haines, John E.
The Saint Andrew's Plainchant Psalter by Haines, John E.
The Saint Andrew's Plainchant Breviary by Haines, John E.
Psalms 1-10 by
Danke Gott - 20 schöne neue Lieder für Kindergarten, Gottesdienst, Schule und Zuhause: Das Liederbuch mit allen Texten, Noten und Gitarrengriffen zum by Janetzko, Stephen
Jesus, Bartimäus, Zachäus & Co - Lieder zu Bibel-Geschichten: Das Liederbuch mit allen Texten, Noten und Gitarrengriffen zum Mitsingen und Mitspielen by Baumann, Christa, Janetzko, Stephen
A Dream Deferred Makes Me Wanna Holler by Phillips, Malcolm J.