• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Civil War Period (1850-1877) in 1998

Letters to the Home Circle: The North Carolina Service of Pvt. Henry A. Clapp, 1862-1863 by Barden, John R.
Impeachment of a President: Andrew Johnson, the Blacks, and Reconstruction by Trefousse, Hans L.
Mr. Dunn Browne's Experiences in the Army: The Civil War Letters of Samuel Fiske by Sears, Stephen
Melting Pot Soldiers: The Union Ethnic Regiments by Burton, William L.
Melting Pot Soldiers: The Union Ethnic Regiments by Burton, William L.
Cornwell Chronicles: Tales of an American Life on the Erie Canal, Building Chicago, in the Volunteer Civil War Western Army, on the Farm, i by Cornwell, David
Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of the War by Cooke, John
Death in September: The Antietam Campaignvolume 4 by Jamieson, Perry D.
The Civil War Battles of the Western Theatre by Bush, Bryan S.
Iron and Heavy Guns: Duel Between the Monitor and the Merrimac by Smith, Gene a.
Battle of the Crater by Kinard, Jeff
North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster, Volume 14: Infantry (57th, 58th, 60th, and 61st Regiments) by
The Civil War Battles of the Western Theatre by Bush, Bryan S.
War in the West: Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove by Shea, William L.
Gettysburg 1863: High Tide of the Confederacy by Smith, Carl
Over Lincoln's Shoulder: The Committee on the Conduct of the War by Tap, Bruce
For the Union: Ohio Leaders in the Civil War by Wheeler, Kenneth W.
Irish Rebels, Confederate Tigers: A History of the 6th Louisiana Volunteers by Gannon, James
The Words Lincoln Lived by: 52 Timeless Principles to Light Your Path by Griessman, Gene
Three Years with Quantrill, Volume 60: A True Story by Barton, O. S., McCorkle, John
Battle on the Bay: The Civil War Struggle for Galveston by Cotham, Edward T.
The Legacy of the Civil War by Warren, Robert Penn
Boy Colonel of the Confederacy: The Life and Times of Henry King Burgwyn, Jr. by Davis, Archie K.
Fighting for the Confederacy: The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander by
Gettysburg--The Second Day by Pfanz, Harry W.
The Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois: The Story of the Twenty-ninth U.S. Colored Infantry by Miller, Edward a.
Texans in the Confederate Cavalry by Bailey, Anne J., Balley, Anne
Freedom's Soldiers: The Black Military Experience in the Civil War by
Freedom's Soldiers by
Unlikely Warriors: General Benjamin H Grierson and His Family by Leckie, William H., Leckie, Shirley A.
The Warrior Generals: Combat Leadership in the Civil War by Buell, Thomas
Civil War Memoir of Philip Daingerfield Stephenson, D. D.: Private, Company K, 13th Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, Loader, Piece No. 4, 5th Company, Was by
Desertion During the Civil War by Lonn, Ella
A Diary of Battle: The Personal Journals of Colonel Charles S. Wainwright 1861-1865 by Wainwright, Charles S.
Irish Brigade in the Civil War: The 69th New York and Other Irish Regiments of the Army of the Potomac by Bilby, Joseph G.
A Bird's-Eye View of Our Civil War by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
The Most Promising Man of the South: James Johnston Pettigrew and His Men at Gettysburg by Wilson, Clyde N.
The Confederacy's Greatest Cavalryman: Nathan Bedford Forest by Wills, Brian Steel
Railroads of the Confederacy by Black, Robert C.
James Longstreet: The Man, the Soldier, the Controversy by Dinardo, Richard L., Nofi, Albert a.
The Fighting Men of the Civil War by Davis, William C.
McClellan's Own Story: The War for the Union by McClellan, George B.
American Mobbing, 1828-1861: Toward Civil War by Grimsted, David
The Confederacy Is on Her Way Up the Spout: Letters to South Carolina, 1861-1864 by Barrett, Milton
The Fashionable Dancer's Casket by Durang, Charles
As If It Were Glory: Robert Beecham's Civil War from the Iron Brigade to the Black Regiments by
Shiloh: The Battle That Changed the Civil War by Daniel, Larry J.
The Secret War for the Union: The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the Civil War by Fishel, Edwin C., Fishel
Shades of Blue and Gray by Hattaway, Herman, Hattaway
Mobile Bay and the Mobile Campaign: The Last Great Battles of the Civil War by Hearn, Chester G.
The Reconstruction Presidents by Simpson, Brooks D.
May I Quote You, General Lee? (Volume 2): Observations & Utterances of the South's Great Generals by
Families and Freedom: A Documentary History of African-American Kinship in the Civil War Era by Berlin, Ira
Campaigning with Old Stonewall: Confederate Captain Ujanirtus Allen's Letters to His Wife by
May I Quote You, General Chamberlain?: Observations & Utterances of the North's Great Generals by
Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison by Boyd, Belle
Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience During the Civil War by Hollandsworth, James G.
May I Quote You, General Grant?: Observations & Utterances of the North's Great Generals by
Third Day at Gettysburg and Beyond by
Civil War Stories by Clinton, Catherine
Chained to the Rock of Adversity: To Be Free, Black, and Female in the Old South by
Two Months in the Confederate States: An Englishman's Travels Through the South by
Meeting Mr. Lincoln: Firsthand Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by People, Great and Small, Who Met the President by
Lee: The Last Years by Flood, Charles Bracelen
Cushing of Gettysburg: The Story of a Union Artillery Commander by Brown, Kent Masterson
The White Tecumseh: A Biography of General William T. Sherman by Hirshson, Stanley P.
Seven Story Mountain: The Union Campaign at Vicksburg by Thienel, Phillip M.
Dear Sister: The Civil War Letters of the Brothers Gould by Niflot, John, Harris, Robert F.
Virginia's Private War: Feeding Body and Soul in the Confederacy, 1861-1865 by Blair, William
The Civil War Letters of General Robert McAllister by
The Civil War Diary of Cyrus F. Boyd, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, 1861--1863 by
Soldiers Blue and Gray by Robertson, James I.
Insurrection: Holding History by O'Hara, Robert
Gunner with Stonewall: Reminiscences of William Thomas Poague, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Lieutenant Colonel of Artillery, Army of North by Poague, William Thomas
Partners in Command: The Relationships Between Leaders in the Civil War by Glatthaar, Joseph
South to Posterity: An Introduction to the Writing of Confederate History by Freeman, Douglas Southall
Confederate State of Richmond: A Biography of the Capital by Thomas, Emory M.
To Gettysburg and Beyond: The Parallel Lives of Joshua Chamberlain and Edward Porter Alexander by Golay, Michael
Giants in Their Tall Black Hats: Essays on the Iron Brigade by
For Courageous Fighting and Confident Dying: Union Chaplains in the Civil War by Armstrong, Warren B.
Mystic Chords of Memory: Civil War Battlefields and Historic Sites Recaptured by Eicher, David J.
The Musick of the Mocking Birds, the Roar of the Cannon: The Civil War Diary and Letters of William Winters by Winters, William
Letters from Lee's Army by
Leaders of the American Civil War: A Biographical and Historiographical Dictionary by
Religion and the American Civil War by
Religion and the American Civil War by
For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War by McPherson, James M.
Leaders of the American Civil War: A Biographical and Historiographical Dictionary by
The Guide to the Vicksburg Campaign by
The Shattering of Texas Unionism: Politics in the Lone Star State During the Civil War Era by Baum, Dale
The Guide to the Vicksburg Campaign by
Ulysses S. Grant: Soldier & President by Perret, Geoffrey