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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Civil War Period (1850-1877) in 2004

Tariffs, Blockades, and Inflation: The Economics of the Civil War by Thornton, Mark, Ekelund, Robert B.
Spies and Spymasters of the Civil War by Markle, Donald
Phantom Pain: North Carolina's Artificial-Limbs Program for Confederate Veterans by Wegner, Ansley Herring
Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison: [Large Print Edition] (Large Print Edition) by Boyd, Belle
An American Iliad: The Story of the Civil War by Roland, Charles P.
The Secessionist Impulse: Alabama and Mississippi in 1860 by Barney, William L.
The Smoothbore Volley That Doomed the Confederacy: The Death of Stonewall Jackson and Other Chapters on the Army of Northern Virginia by Krick, Robert K.
The Gonzales Connection: The History and Genealogy of the Dewitt and Jones Families by Moehring, Sharon Anne Dobyns
Bleeding Kansas: Contested Liberty in the Civil War Era by Etcheson, Nicole
A Great Civil War: A Military and Political History, 1861-1865 by Weigley, Russell F.
Meade: Victor of Gettysburg by Sauers, Richard A.
Lee in the Shadow of Washington by McCaslin, Richard B.
Freedom's Journey: African American Voices of the Civil War by
The Fighting 10th: The History of the 10th Missouri Cavalry US by Eagleburger, Len
The Fighting 10th: The History of the 10th Missouri Cavalry US by Eagleburger, Len
Born to Blush Unseen by Haymes, Michael R.
Born to Blush Unseen by Haymes, Michael R.
Brackett's Battalion: Minnesota Cavalry in the Civil War and Dakota War by Bergemann, Kurt D.
The Civil War in Appalachia: Collected Essays by Noe, Kenneth W.
Divided Mastery: Slave Hiring in the American South by Martin, Jonathan D.
Slavery in the South: A State-by-State History by Allen, John, Jewett, Clayton
Soldier of Tennessee: General Alexander P. Stewart and the Civil War in the West by Elliott, Sam Davis
The Civil War Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant by Grant, Ulysses S.
The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States and Official Report of the Niger Valley Exploring Party by Delany, Martin R.
Still Fighting the Civil War: The American South and Southern History by Goldfield, David R.
Lee and His Generals in War and Memory by Gallagher, Gary W.
Shrouds of Glory: From Atlanta to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the Civil War by Groom, Winston
John Brown: The Legend Revisited by Peterson, Merrill D.
Front Line of Freedom: African Americans and the Forging of the Underground in the Ohio Valley by Griffler, Keith P.
The Refugee: Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada by Drew, Benjamin
Harvesting Freedom: African American Agrarianism in Civil War Era South Carolina by Ochiai, Akiko, Bu, Liping
The Black Hearts of Men: Radical Abolitionists and the Transformation of Race by Stauffer, John
Arms and Equipment of the Civil War by Coggins, Jack
Women of the War: Their Heroism and Self Sacrifice by Moore, Frank
The War Between the States or Was Secession a Constitutional Right Previous to the War of 1861 by Bledsoe, Albert Taylor
Four Years of Fighting: A Volume of Personal Observation with the Army and Navy from The First Battle of Bull Run to the Fall of Richmond by Coffin, Charles Carleton
Annals of the War by Leading Participants North and South, Leading Participants North and South, Pa
The Valley of the Shadows: The Coming of the Civil War in Lincoln's Midwest, A Contemporary Account by Grierson, Francis
Women of the War: Their Heroism and Self Sacrifice by Moore, Frank
Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860 to 1861 by Doubleday, Abner
Quantrill and the Border Wars by Connelley, William Elsey
Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860 to 1861 by Doubleday, Abner
Quantrill and the Border Wars by Connelley, William Elsey
Freedom, Union, and Power: Lincoln and His Party in the Civil War by Green, Michael
Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam by McPherson, James M.
The Prairie President: Living Through the Years with Lincoln 1809 to 1861 by Warren, Raymond
Children for the Union: The War Spirit on the Northern Home Front by Marten, James a.
A Legacy of Valor: The Memoirs and Letters of Captain Henry Newton Comey by Comey, Lyman Richard
Discoveries and Inventions: A Lecture by Abraham Lincoln Delivered in 1860 by Lincoln, Abraham
The Sinking of the USS Cairo by Wideman, John C.
Kentucky's Last Cavalier: General William Preston, 1816-1887 by Sehlinger, Peter J.
Thomas R.R. Cobb: The Making of a by McCash, William B.
War Stories and School-Day Incidents for the Children by Zettler, B. M.
Cross Over the River: Lives of Stonewall Jackson by Benidt, Bruce Weir
Cross Over the River: Lives of Stonewall Jackson by Benidt, Bruce Weir
Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee by Lee, Captain Robert E.
Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee by Lee, Captain Robert E.
Chickamauga: A Battlefield History in Images by Linton, Roger C.
All That Makes a Man: Love and Ambition in the Civil War South by Berry, Stephen W.
First in Defense of the Union: The Civil War History of the First Defenders by Hoptak, John David
Commanding Voices of Blue & Gray: General William T. Sherman, General George Custer, General James Longstreet, and Major J. S. Mosby, Among Others in by
Confederate Military History: A Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South (Volume II) by
Confederate Military History: A Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South (Volume V) by
Confederate Military History: A Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South (Volume VI) by
Confederate Military History: A Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South (Volume VII) by Evans, General Clement a.
Confederate Military History: A Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South (Volume IX) by
Confederate Military History: A Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South (Volume XII) by
Confederate Military History: A Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South (Volume IV) by
Confederate Military History: A Library of Confederate States History, Written by Distinguished Men of the South (Volume III) by
Dear Eagle: The Civil War Correspondence of Stephen H. Bogardus, Jr. to the Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle by Bogardus, Stephen H.
The Torch Bearer by Ryan, Agnes E.
Hospital Sketches by Alcott, Louisa May
A Plea For Captain John Brown by Thoreau, Henry David
Starr King In California by Simonds, William Day
State Of The Union Addresses by Lincoln, Abraham
Writings Part 4 by Lincoln, Abraham
The Story Of Riel's Revolt by Bland, Major General T.
Autobiography Of Colonel Richard Malcolm Johnston by Johnston, Colonel Richard Malcolm
The Log Of A Noncombatant by Green, Horace
Old John Brown by Hawkins, Walter
The Great North Western Conspiracy In All Its Startling Details by Ayer, I. Windslow
Speeches Of The Honorable Jefferson Davis 1858 by Davis, Honorable Jefferson
State of the Union Addresses of Andrew Johnson by Johnson, Andrew
Writings Part 3 by Lincoln, Abraham
State Of The Union Addresses by Grant, Ulysses S.
On The Trail Of Grant And Lee by Hill, Frederick Trevor
Writings Part 1 by Lincoln, Abraham
The Campaign Of Chancellorsville by Dodge, Theodore A.
The Memoir Of John Lothrop Motley by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Abraham Lincoln: The People's Leader In The Struggle For National Existence by Putnam, George Haven
Aleta Dey by Beynon, Francis Marion
The Anti Slavery Examiner, Part 4 of 4 by American Antislavery Society, American Anti-Slavery Society
The Life Of Abraham Lincoln by Ketcham, Henry
The Army Of The Cumberland by Cist, Henry M.
The Life Of Stephen A. Douglas by Gardner, William
The New Mirror For Travellers And Guide To The Springs by Paulding, James Kirke
The Narrative Of Sojourner Truth by Gilbert, Olive, Sojourner Truth
Eighteen Hundred And Thirteen A Poem by Grant, Anne
Thirty Years A Slave From Bondage To Freedom The Institution Of Slavery As Seen On The Plantation And In The Home Of The Planter: Autobiography Of Lou by Hughes, Louis
The Anti Slavery Crusade by Macy, Jesse
The Barbers Or The Road To Riches by Hutton, William
The Ghosts by Ingersoll, Col Robert Green
Abraham Lincoln by Thayer, William M.
Abraham Lincoln A History Volume 2 by Nicolay, John G.
Writings Part 5 by Lincoln, Abraham
The Life And Adventures Of Major Roger Sherman Potter by Trusedale, Pheleg Van
The Life Of Harriet Beecher Stowe by Stowe, Charles Edward
A Life Of General Robert E. Lee by Cooke, John Esten
Abraham Lincoln A History Volume 1 by Nicolay, John G.
The Scouts Of Stonewall: The Story Of The Great Valley Campaign by Altsheler, Joseph A.
Army Life In A Black Regiment by Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
Writings Part 2 by Lincoln, Abraham
Andersonville A Story Of Rebel Military Prisons by McElroy, John
Writings Part 6 by Lincoln, Abraham
Military Reminiscences Of The Civil War V1 by Cox, Jacob Dolson
Military Reminiscences Of The Civil War V2 by Cox, Jacob Dolson
Pages From A Journal With Other Papers by Rutherford, Mark
Twenty-Two Years A Slave And Forty Years A Freeman: Embracing A Correspondence Of Several Years While President Of Wilberforce Colony London, Canada W by Steward, Austin
The Woman in Battle: The Civil War Narrative of Loreta Janeta Velazques, Cuban Woman and Confederate Soldier by Velazquez, Loreta Janeta
Fear Was Not in Him: The Civil War Letters of General Francis C. Barlow, U.S.a by Samito, Christian G.
Ulysses S. Grant by Coombs, Lovell
August Reckoning: Jack Turner and Racism in Post-Civil War Alabama by Rogers, William Warren, Ward, Robert David
After the Glory: The Struggles of Black Civil War Veterans by Shaffer, Donald R.
Fredericksburg: Squandered Courage and Uncertain Allegiance by Kingseed, Wyatt
Crossed Sabers: General George Armstrong Custer and the Shenandoah Valley Campaign by Ovies, Adolfo
Fredericksburg: Squandered Courage and Uncertain Allegiance by Kingseed, Wyatt
Crossed Sabers: General George Armstrong Custer and the Shenandoah Valley Campaign by Ovies, Adolfo
Pale Horse at Plum Run: The First Minnesota at Gettysburg by Leehan, Brian
Abraham Lincoln a Play by Drinkwater, John
Raiding with Morgan by Dunn, Byron A.
Letters and Addresses of Abraham Lincoln by Lincoln, Abraham
Colors and Blood: Flag Passions of the Confederate South by Bonner, Robert E.
J Wilkes Booth: An Account of His Sojourn in Southern Maryland After the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, His Passage Across the Poto by Jones, Thomas
Final Freedom: The Civil War, the Abolition of Slavery, and the Thirteenth Amendment by Vorenberg, Michael
Scarred by War: Civil War in Southeast Louisiana by Peena, Christopher G., Pea, Christopher G., Peqa, Christopher G.
Scarred by War: Civil War in Southeast Louisiana by Peena, Christopher G., Pea, Christopher G., Peqa, Christopher G.
Paddy Owen's Regulars by Ernsberger, Don
Wisconsin Veterans Home at King by Heltemes, Kim J.
Yours for the Union: The Civil War Letters of John W. Chase, First Massachusetts Light Artillery by Collier, John S., Collier, Bonnie B.
The Tragedy of Andersonville by Chipman, N. P.
From Henry to Corinth by Force, M. F.
The Army Under Pope by Ropes, John Codman
The Antietam and Fredericksburg by Plafrey, Francis Winthrop
Chancellorsville and Gettysburg by Doubleday, Abner
The Army of the Cumberland by Cist, Henry M.
The Mississippi by Greene, Francis Vinton
Atlanta by Cox, Jacob D.
The March to the Sea by Cox, Jacob D.
The Statistical Records of the Armies of the United States by Phisterer, Frederick
The Peninsular - McClellan's Campaign of 1862 by Webb, Alexander S.
Jefferson Davis by Dodd, William E.
Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate States Armies by Hood, J. B.
Jefferson Davis by Dodd, William E.
Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate States Armies by Hood, J. B.
Seven Days Battles 1862: Lee's Defense of Richmond by Konstam, Angus
The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates by Pollard, Edward A.
Manifest Destiny's Underworld: Filibustering in Antebellum America by May, Robert E.
Music of the Civil War Era by Cornelius, Steven H.
Wilson's Creek: The Second Battle of the Civil War and the Men Who Fought It by Hatcher, Richard W., Piston, William Garrett
Black Soldiers in Blue: African American Troops in the Civil War Era by
On the Trail of Grant and Lee by Hill, Frederick Trevor
Lincoln on Democracy by
The Scalawags: Southern Dissenters in the Civil War and Reconstruction by Baggett, James Alex
The Civil War: Primary Documents on Events from 1860 to 1865 by Risley, Ford
What All Children Need: Theory and Application by Dunlap, Linda L.
Hospital Sketches by Alcott, Louisa May
The Gleam of Bayonets: The Battle of Antietam and Robert E. Lee's Maryland Campaign, September 1862 by Murfin, James V.
The Battle of the Wilderness May 5-6, 1864 by Rhea, Gordon C.
Loyalty and Loss: Alabama's Unionists in the Civil War and Reconstruction by Storey, Margaret M.
Enemies of the Country: New Perspectives on Unionists in the Civil War South by
John Brown's Body: Slavery, Violence, and the Culture of War by Nudelman, Franny
In the Presence of Mine Enemies: War in the Heart of America 1859-1863 by Ayers, Edward L.
The Reconciliation of Government with Liberty by Burgess, John W.
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: From Sumter to Shiloh Part One by
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Retreat from Gettysburg Part Three by Johnson, Robert Underwood
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass by Douglass, Frederick
Fort McAllister by Durhan, Roger S., Durham, Roger S.
Jane Addams: A Biography by Berson, Robin Kadison
Lincoln's Constitution by Farber, Daniel a.
Brothers in Gray: The Civil War Letters of the Pierson Family by
Edge of the Sword: The Ordeal of Carpetbagger Marshall H. Twitchell in the Civil War and Reconstruction by Tunnell, Ted
Lincoln's Ladies: The Women in the Life of the Sixteenth President by Winkler, H. Donald
Railroads in the Civil War: The Impact of Management on Victory and Defeat by Clark, John E.
Sabine Pass: The Confederacy's Thermopylae by Cotham, Edward T.
Defend This Old Town: Williamsburg During the Civil War by Dubbs, Carol Kettenburg
These Honored Dead: How the Story of Gettysburg Shaped American Memory by Desjardin, Thomas A.
When Slavery Was Called Freedom: Evangelicalism, Proslavery, and the Causes of the Civil War by Daly, John Patrick
The Indian and Antiquities of America 1897 by Shipp, Barnard
Lee's Endangered Left: The Civil War in Western Virginia, Spring of 1864 by Duncan, Richard R.
The Memory of the Civil War in American Culture by
Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War by Faust, Drew Gilpin
The American Civil War by Kingseed, Cole
War Is All Hell: A Collection of Civil War Facts and Quotes by Bedwell, Randall J.
South Carolina in the Civil War: The Confederate Experience in Letters and Diaries by
Now for the Contest: Coastal and Oceanic Naval Operations in the Civil War by Roberts, William H.
War to the Knife: Bleeding Kansas, 1854-1861 by Goodrich, Thomas
We Are Lincoln Men: Abraham Lincoln and His Friends by Donald, David Herbert
The Politics of Judicial Interpretation: The Federal Courts, Department of Justice, and Civil Rights, 1866-1876 by Kaczorowski, Robert J.
Gettysburg by Sears, Stephen W.
Civil War Collector's Encyclopedia: Arms, Uniforms and Equipment of the Union and Confederacy by Lord, Francis A.
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