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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Civil War Period (1850-1877) in 2016

Marching Home: Union Veterans and Their Unending Civil War by Jordan, Brian Matthew
Braxton Bragg- Military Strategist by U. S. Army War College
A Failure in Strategic Command: Jefferson Davis, J.E. Johnston and The Western Theater by U. S. Army War College
Daniel Harvey Hill and His Contribution to the Battle of Chickamauga by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
Confederate Strategy in 1863: Was a Strategic Concentration Possible? by School of Advanced Military Studies
The Failure of the Confederate Vicksburg Campaign by U. S. Army War College
Opportunities Lost: Prelude to Chickamauga by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
The Dismissal of General McClellan: Why did Lincoln Delay? by Air War College
The Strategic Importance of Colored Soldiers in the Civil War by U. S. Army War College
It's My War Too!: A Civil War Diary by Schlabach, Janet
Give This Book to a Yankee!: A Southern Guide to the Civil War For Northerners by Seabrook, Lochlainn
The Red River Campaign of 1864 by Naval War College
Everything You Were Taught About American Slavery is Wrong, Ask a Southerner! by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Bragg's Invasion of Kentucky: A Campaign Analysis by Naval War College
Lee Builds an Army: From Malvern Hill to Second Manassas by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
The Quotable Jefferson Davis: Selections from the Writings and Speeches of the Confederacy's First President by Seabrook, Lochlainn
The Constitution of the Confederate States of America Explained: A Clause-By-Clause Study of the South's Magna Carta by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Carnton Plantation Ghost Stories: True Tales of the Unexplained from Tennessee's Most Haunted Civil War House! by Seabrook, Lochlainn
The Unquotable Abraham Lincoln: The President's Quotes They Don't Want You to Know! by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Food and Agriculture during the Civil War by Hurt, R.
The CSS Hunley: The History and Mystery of the Civil War's Most Famous Submarine by Charles River
Give 'Em Hell Boys!: The Complete Military Correspondence of Nathan Bedford Forrest by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Abraham Lincoln: The Southern View by Seabrook, Lochlainn
General Henry Baxter, 7th Michigan Volunteer Infantry: A Biography by Martin, Jay C.
The Last Shot: Essays on Civil War Politics, the Demise of John Wilkes Booth, and the Republican Myth of the Assassinated Lincoln by Richter, William L., Smith, J. E.
Soldiers, Spies & Steam: A History of the Northern Central Railway in the Civil War by Mingus, Scott
Gender and the Jubilee: Black Freedom and the Reconstruction of Citizenship in Civil War Missouri by Romeo, Sharon
The Overland Campaign: 4 May - 15 June 1864 by United States Army
The War: "Stonewall" Jackson His Campaigns, and Battles, The Regiment As I Saw Them by Wood, James H.
Soldier Boy by Dinizo, J. B.
Solomon Northup's Kindred: The Kidnapping of Free Citizens before the Civil War by Fiske, David
The Tammany Regiment: A History of the Forty-Second New York Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1864 by Wexler, Fred C.
The Tammany Regiment: A History of the Forty-Second New York Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1864 by Wexler, Fred C.
Summer Storm: Regimental Wargame Scenarios For the Battle of Gettysburg by Butkovich, Brad
The Contest in America: The original edition of 1862 by Mill, John Stuart
Southerner, Take Your Stand! by Vinson, John
Kill Jeff Davis: The Union Raid on Richmond, 1864 Volume 51 by Venter, Bruce M.
The Lady was a Spy: Pauline Cushman and the Civil War by Thomas, Tom
A Soldier at Dawn: Captain De Golyer has gone to the field of battle by Bertera, Marty Nino
The Free State of Jones: Mississippi's Longest Civil War by Bynum, Victoria E.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Jacobs, Harriet
The Quotable Nathan Bedford Forrest: Selections From the Writings and Speeches of the Confederacy's Most Brilliant Cavalryman by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Nathan Bedford Forrest and African-Americans: Yankee Myth, Confederate Fact by Seabrook, Lochlainn
The First Georgia Cavalry in the Civil War: A History and Roster by Cavender, Michael Bowers
The Battle of Gettysburg by Haskell, Frank Aretas
The Green and the Gray: The Irish in the Confederate States of America by Gleeson, David T.
What I Remember of the Great Rebellion: Late Surgeon Eighth Michigan Infantry and Surgeon-in-Chief Field Hospital, First Devision, Ninth Army Corps by Fox, Wells B., Jackson, James N.
Observing Hancock at Gettysburg: The General's Leadership through Eyewitness Accounts by Bretzger, Paul E.
The American Civil War and the Hollywood War Film by Trafton, John
Pitchin: The Story of an Early Illinois Colony, its Civil War Participation, and a Family Remembrance by Brock, Charles M.
Forrest!: 99 Reasons To Love Nathan Bedford Forrest by Seabrook, Lochlainn
To Buy Us A Star by Ortiz, Patricia
Redeeming the Great Emancipator by Guelzo, Allen C.
National Geographic: The Civil War: A Traveler's Guide by National Geographic
The Civil War: A Traveler's Guide by National Geographic
Trevilian Station, June 11-12, 1864: Wade Hampton, Philip Sheridan and the Largest All-Cavalry Battle of the Civil War by McKinney, Joseph W.
Civil War: Treasures From The Attic by Moses, Gerald
Historic Papers on the Causes of the Civil War by Rutherford, Mildred Lewis, Potts, Eugenia Dunlap
Players Plans & Pawns: A Comprehensive Narrative of Military Operations, Planning and Dramatis Persona in the Eastern Armies January to June by Campbell, Kevin
Players Plans & Pawns: A Comprehensive Narrative of Military Operations, Planning and Dramatis Persona in the Eastern Armies January to June by Campbell, Kevin
History of the 85th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry by Aten, Henry J.
The 1862 Shenandoah Valley Campaign: The History of the Civil War Campaign that Made Stonewall Jackson a Confederate Legend by Charles River
Life and Public Services of William Pitt Fessenden by Fessenden, Francis
Confederates in Canada: A Civil War Romance by Schofield, Nikki Stoddard
Dearest Lydia: 1856-1864 Courtship & Civil War Letters from George T. & Lydia Ann Denton-Patten by Hamilton, Richard L.
Lee and His Cause: The Why and the How of the War Between the States by Deering D. D., John R.
New History of the 99th Indiana Infantry: Containing official reports, anecdotes, incidents, biographies, and complete rolls by Lucas, Daniel R.
The History of Company A, 2nd Illinois Cavalry: Containing official reports, anecdotes, incidents, biographies, and roll by Fletcher, Samuel H.
The Maryland Campaign of September 1862: Ezra A. Carman's Definitive Study of the Union and Confederate Armies at Antietam by
Mutiny at Fort Jackson: The Untold Story of the Fall of New Orleans by Pierson, Michael D.
Calculating the Value of the Union: Slavery, Property Rights, and the Economic Origins of the Civil War by Huston, James L.
Blue & Gray Diplomacy: A History of Union and Confederate Foreign Relations by Jones, Howard
Maryland and the Confederacy by Johnson Jr, Robert Bowie
Boys Become Men Through the Eyes of War by Hall, J. Terry, Hall, Ben F.
Defense of the Peach Orchard at Gettysburg: With Collis's Philadelphia Zouaves by Schreckengost, Gary
The Capture of Jefferson Davis: The History of the Confederate President's Attempt to Escape the Union Army by Charles River
History of the Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry: Birney's Zouaves - Three Months & Three Years' Service by Wray, William J.
The End of the Civil War: The History of the Battles and Events that Destroyed the Confederacy and Finished the War Between the States by Charles River
Lone Star Unionism, Dissent, and Resistance: Other Sides of Civil War Texas by
Lone Star Unionism, Dissent, and Resistance: Other Sides of Civil War Texas by
The Battle of Palmito Ranch: The History of the Last Battle of the Civil War by Charles River
Streight's Foiled Raid on the Western & Atlantic Railroad: Emma Sansom's Courage and Nathan Bedford Forrest's Pursuit by Beck, Brandon H.
The Complete Civil War Road Trip Guide: More Than 500 Sites from Gettysburg to Vicksburg by Weeks, Michael
Streight's Foiled Raid on the Western & Atlantic Railroad: Emma Sansom's Courage and Nathan Bedford Forrest's Pursuit by Beck, Brandon H.
The Last Roundup on The Llano Estacado by Olson, Chuck
The Cannoneer: Recollections of Service in the Army of the Potomac by Buell, Augustus
De Golyer's Eighth Michigan Battery by Bertera, Martin N.
A Brief History of the 69th Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers: From Formation Until Final Muster Out of the United States Service by McDermott, Anthony W.
Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner! (Large Print Edition) by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Windmill Point by Stempel, Jim
Washington County in the Civil War by Bockmiller, Stephen R.
A Place Called Appomattox by Marvel, William
Virginia in the Civil War by D'Arezzo, Joseph A.
Their Last Full Measure: The Final Days of the Civil War by Wheelan, Joseph
The Civil War: The War That Divided The United States by Stewart, Lance T.
Abraham Lincoln: Frontier Crusader For American Liberty by Crawley, Michael
A Brief History of the 100th Regiment: Pennsylvania Infantry Veteran Volunteers (Roundheads) by Bates, Samuel P.
The Hamiltons of Danbury 1688-2015: Whales, Revolution, Wild West, Civil War, Printing Press by Glass, George a.
The Red Neck Ties: History of the 15th New York Volunteer Cavalry by Norton, Chauncey S.
Dr. John Henry Erskine: A Yellow Martyr by Hughes, Walter T., Jr.
The Election of 1876: The History of the Controversial Election that Ended Reconstruction by Charles River
Abraham Lincoln by Books, Applewood
Educational Reconstruction: African American Schools in the Urban South, 1865-1890 by Green, Hilary N.
Sherman's Flame and Blame Campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas: ... and the burning of Columbia by McNeely, Patricia G.
Generals South, Generals North: The Commanders of the Civil War Reconsidered by Axelrod, Alan
Educational Reconstruction: African American Schools in the Urban South, 1865-1890 by Green, Hilary N.
Patriot Graves: Discovering a California Town's Civil War Heritage by Gregory, Jim
Behind the Scenes: Or Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House by Keckley, Elizabeth
The Yankees' Secret Weapon: Even Lincoln Didn't Know by Lowry M. D., Thomas Power
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Index to Volumes I-IV by Todd, Glenda McWhirter
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume V, Supplement A by Todd, Glenda McWhirter
The Civil War Soldiers' Orphan Schools of Pennsylvania 1864-1889 by Gold, O. David
The CSS Alabama: The History of the Famous Confederate Raider that Sank Off the Coast of France during the Battle of Cherbourg by Charles River
Selections from the Letters and Speeches of the Hon. James H. Hammond by
The Great Riots of New York 1712 to 1873 Including a Full and Complete Account of the Four Days' Draft Riot of 1863 by Headley, Hon J. T.
Two Civil Wars: The Curious Shared Journal of a Baton Rouge Schoolgirl and a Union Sailor on the USS Essex by
The Last Civil War Veterans: The Lives of the Final Survivors, State by State by Grzyb, Frank L.
The Red River Campaign and Its Toll: 69 Bloody Days in Louisiana, March-May 1864 by Robertson, Henry O.
The Three Gunsallus Brothers: Fighting For Pennsylvania During The Civil War by Semler, Edward Leo, Jr.
Grenville Mellen Dodge in the Civil War: Union Spymaster, Railroad Builder and Organizer of the Fourth Iowa Volunteer Infantry by Morgans, James Patrick
Yours Faithfully, Florence Burke: An Irish Immigrant Story by Alden, Ellen B.
Letters From Gill by Biggs, Terrie
The Wound Dresser - A Series of Letters Written from the Hospitals in Washington During the War of the Rebellion by Whitman, Walt
The Civil War Siege of Jackson, Mississippi by Woodrick, Jim
The Civil War Siege of Jackson, Mississippi by Woodrick, Jim
Sovereignty and an Empty Purse: Banks and Politics in the Civil War by Hammond, Bray
Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movements in Russia, 1918-1922 by Brovkin, Vladimir N.
South Reports the Civil War by Andrews, J. Cutler
Henri Mercier and the American Civil War by Carroll, Daniel B.
The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists by Duberman, Martin B.
Capital Dames: The Civil War and the Women of Washington, 1848-1868 by Roberts, Cokie
The Lincoln Persuasion: Remaking American Liberalism by Greenstone, J. David
A Plea For Captain John Brown by Thoreau, Henry David
Sorrow's Joy by Kelly, Meara
Protectors of the Ohio Valley: The Fifth West Virginia Volunteer Infantry: A Short History of the Fifth West Virginia Volunteer Infantry and the Town by Perry, Matthew a.
Civil War Prison Camps by Jones, Robert C.
Brandy Station and the March to Gettysburg: The History of the Confederate Invasion of Pennsylvania Before the Biggest Battle of the Civil War by Charles River
The Abolition Crusade And Its Consequences: Four Periods Of American History by Herbert, Hilary Abner
War Reminiscences By The Surgeon Of Mosby's Command, Volume 10 by Monteiro, Aristides
Confederate Records from the Elbert County, Georgia, Court of Ordinary, 1890-1932 by
A Treatise on the Tactical Use of the Three Arms: Infantry, Artillery, and Caval by Lippitt, Francis J.
The High Tide of the Confederacy: The History of the Climactic Final Day of the Battle of Gettysburg by Charles River
Yates Phalanx: The History of the Thirty-Ninth Regiment, Illinois Veteran Infantry in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865 by Clark, Charles M., Decker, Frederick Charles
'If I am alive next Summer': The Civil War Letters of Captain Charles Robinson Johnson of the 16th Massachusetts Infantry by Eisenberg, Albert C., Hammerson, Michael
Day 1 of the Battle of Shiloh: The History of the Fighting that Nearly Ended Ulysses S. Grant's Civil War Career by Charles River
The March to Antietam: The History of the Confederate Invasion of Maryland Before the Bloodiest Day of the Civil War by Charles River
Thirteen Months In The Rebek Army, By An Impressed New Yorker [w.g. Stevenson] by Stevenson, William G.
Armistead's Regiment: The 16th Confederate Cavalry aka The 12th Mississippi Cavalry by Lyons, Christopher W.
Gaston County, North Carolina, in the Civil War by Carpenter, Robert C.
The Civil War and the Constitution, 1859-1865 by Burgess, John William
Prison Life in the South: At Richmond, ..., and Andersenville During the Years 1864 and 1865 by Abbott, A. O.
The Battle of Fort Sumter: The First Shots of the American Civil War by Moody, Wesley
What I saw From 1861 to 1864; by Paver, John M.
Your Friend Forever, A. Lincoln: The Enduring Friendship of Abraham Lincoln and Joshua Speed by Strozier, Charles
My Reminiscences of the Civil War with the Stonewall Brigade and the Immortal 600 by Edgar, Alfred Mallory
My Life and Some Letters by
Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia: Passed in Milledgeville at an Annual Session in November and December, 1863; Also Extra Session by Georgia
Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Late President of the United States: Preached on the Occasion of the National Funeral, Wednesday, April 19, 18 by
American Patriots and Statesmen: From Washington to Lincoln by
Abraham Lincoln: Selections From his Speeches and Writings by Lincoln, Abraham
Memorial Sermon on Abraham Lincoln: Delivered Before Buckingham Post, G.A.R. (Department of Connecticut.) In the Norwalk Methodist Episcopal Church, M by
Plantation Reminiscences by Burwell, Letitia M.
Andersonville: A Story Of Rebel Military Prisons, Fifteen Months A Guest Of The So-called Southern Confederacy: A Private Soldier's E by McElroy, John
Midshipman Farragut by Barnes, James
Mysteries of the South: Ghosts, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena in Dixie by Charles River
The Iron Brigade: The History of the Famous Union Army Brigade During the Civil War by Charles River
The Cavalry of the Army of the Cumberland by Belcher, Dennis W.
Confederate Cabinet Departments and Secretaries by Peterson, Dennis L.
Haunted by Atrocity: Civil War Prisons in American Memory by Cloyd, Benjamin G.
America's Covenant by Stokes, Ronald
Long Time Gone: Neighbors Divided by Civil War by Rolston, Les
Confederate Political Economy: Creating and Managing a Southern Corporatist Nation by Bonner, Michael Brem
The Battle of Fort Sumter: The First Shots of the American Civil War by Moody, Wesley
The Dismissal of Major Granville O. Haller: of the Regular Army of the United States, by order of the Secretary of War in Special Orders No. 331 of Ju by Haller, Granville Owen
General Mouton's Regiment: The 18th Louisiana Infantry by Jones, Michael Dan
Leaves from the Diary of an Army Surgeon: Incidents of Field Camp, and Hospital Life by Ellis, Thomas T.
With Ballot and Bayonet: The Political Socialization of American Civil War Soldiers by Frank, Joseph Allan
A Guide to Civil War Maps in the National Archives by Library of Congress
He Knew Lincoln by Tarbell, Ida M.
The United States Colored Troops: The History and Legacy of the Black Soldiers Who Fought in the American Civil War by Charles River
Some Truths of History: A Vindication of the South Against the Encyclopedia Britannica and Other Maligners by Oglesby, Thaddeus Kosciusko
From Hometown to Battlefield in the Civil War Era: Middle Class Life in Midwest America by Mahoney, Timothy R.
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 32 by
The Day of the Confederacy by Stephenson, Nathaniel W.
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 20 by
Extreme Civil War: Guerrilla Warfare, Environment, and Race on the Trans-Mississippi Frontier by Stith, Matthew M.
Memorial of Pickering Dodge Allen: By His Father by Allen, J. Fisk
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 41 by
A Captive of War by Hyde, Solon
The North and the South: A Statistical View of the Condition of the Free and Slave States by Sanborn, Charles Henry, Chase, Henry
Confederate Scrap-Book: Copied From a Scrap-Book Kept by a Young Girl During and Immediately After the War, With Additions From War Copies of by Daniel, Lizzie Cary
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 16 by
Persuading John Bull: Union and Confederate Propaganda in Britain, 1860-65 by Sebrell, Thomas E.
A Reporter's Lincoln .. Volume 2 by Stevens, Walter B. 1848-1939
1861 to 1865 by
In Memoriam Sempiternam by
Walking by Thoreau, Henry David
The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson: In Which is Told the Part Taken by the Rockbridge Artillery in the Army of Northern Virginia by Moore, Edward a.
Men of the 110th Regiment: Oswego's Own by Woodall, Natalie Joy
A Reporter's Lincoln .. Volume 1 by Stevens, Walter B. 1848-1939
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