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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Cognition in 2001

Theories of Mood and Cognition: A User's Guidebook by
Emotional Impact: Passionate Leaders and Corporate Transformation by Channer, P., Hope, T.
Faces in a Cloud: Intersubjectivity in Personality Theory by
Theories of Mood and Cognition: A User's Guidebook by
Catharsis in Healing, Ritual, and Drama by Scheff, Thomas J.
Crying: The Natural and Cultural History of Tears by Lutz, Tom
Social Anxiety by Moehn, Heather
States of Mind: New Discoveries about How Our Brains Make Us Who We Are by Conlan, Roberta
Toward a Theory of Neuroplasticity by
Mood Swings: Understand Your Emotional Highs and Lowsand Achieve a More Balanced and Fulfilled Life by Arterburn, Stephen, Minirth, Frank, Meier, Paul
Half a Brain Is Enough: The Story of Nico by Battro, Antonio
Mood Management Leader′s Manual: A Cognitive-Behavioral Skills-Building Program for Adolescents by Langelier, Carol A.
A General Theory of Love by Lannon, Richard, Lewis, Thomas, Amini, Fari
fear: a spiritual navigation by Kadlecek, Jo
The Psychology of Self-Esteem: A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Understanding That Launched a New Era in Modern Psychology by Branden, Nathaniel
The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self & Soul by Dennett, Daniel C., Hofstadter, Douglas R.
Humor: The Psychology of Living Buoyantly by Lefcourt, Herbert M.
Hypochondriasis: Modern Perspectives on an Ancient Malady by Starcevic, Vladan
Model Systems and the Neurobiology of Associative Learning: A Festschrift in Honor of Richard F. Thompson by
The Power of Feelings: Personal Meaning in Psychoanalysis, Gender, and Culture by Chodorow, Nancy J.
Understanding the Tin Man: Why So Many Men Avoid Intimacy by July, William
The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram: Nine Faces of the Soul by Maitri, Sandra
Up the Down Hill: One Woman's Struggle to Survive Major Depression by Paxman, Rozanne W.
Stem Cells and CNS Development by
Speech and Language Impairments in Children: Causes, Characteristics, Intervention and Outcome by
The Structure of Personality: Modelling Personality Using Nlp and Neuro-Semantics by Hall, L. Michael, Bodenhamer, Bob G., Bolstad, Richard
The Structure of Personality: Modelling Personality Using Nlp and Neuro-Semantics by Hall, L. Michael, Bolstad, Richard, Bodenhamer, Bob G.
Motifs: The Transformative Creation of Self by Feeney, Don J.
Heart by Eiko, Petra
Temperament in Context by
Controlling Your Emotions: Before They Control You by Phillips, Bob
The Created Self: Reinventing Body, Persona, and Spirit by Weber, Robert J.
Behind the Mask: Destruction and Creativity in Women's Aggression by Jack, Dana Crowley
How Brains Make Up Their Minds by Freeman, Walter
Damaged Identities, Narrative Repair: Worker Risk and Opportunity in the New Economy by Nelson, Hilde Lindemann
Damaged Identities, Narrative Repair by Nelson, Hilde Lindemann
Neurodegenerative Disorders: Loss of Function Through Gain of Function by
Expressing Emotion: Myths, Realities, and Therapeutic Strategies by Kennedy-Moore, Eileen, Watson, Jeanne C.
Hemispheric Asymmetry: What's Right and What's Left by Hellige, Joseph B.
Psychophysiology: The Mind-Body Perspective by Hugdahl, Kenneth
The Rehabilitation Psychology Treatment Planner by Berghuis, David J., Rusin, Michele J.
In Search of Madness: Schizophrenia and Neuroscience by Heinrichs, R. Walter, Heinsichs, R. Walter
Persons, Situations, and Emotions: An Ecological Approach by
Reflections on Anger: Women and Men in a Changing Society by Reiser, Christa
Understanding Psychological Assessment by
Medical Neuropsychology: Second Edition by
From the Enlightenment to the Neurosciences / Helmholtz: Des Lumières aux neurosciences by Meulders, Michel
Strange Behavior: Tales of Evolutionary Neurology by Klawans, Harold L.
Personality and Motivational Differences in Persons With Mental Retardation by
The Tender Heart: Conquering Your Insecurity by Nowinski, Joseph
Phobias: Fighting the Fear by Saul, Helen
Conquering Your Migraine: The Essential Guide to Understanding and Treating Migraines for All Sufferers and Their Families by Diamond, Seymour
Gender, Emotion, and the Family by Brody, Leslie
The Psychology of Stalking: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives by
Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder: The Power of the Collective Heart by Krakauer, Sarah Y.
Evolutionary Anatomy of the Primate Cerebral Cortex by
The Passions of Law by
Il Disordine Fonologico Nel Bambino Con Disturbi del Linguaggio: Eserciziario by Anchisi, P., Febbo, M.
Love's Journey: The Seasons and Stages of Relationship by Gurian, Michael
Coping with Stress: Effective People and Processes by
Emotion, Social Relationships, and Health by
Appraisal Processes in Emotion: Theory, Methods, Research by Scherer, Klaus R., Schorr, Angela, Johnstone, Tom
On the Self-Regulation of Behavior by Carver, Charles S., Scheier, Michael F.
The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions by Sternberg, Esther
Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission: Bridging the Gaps (1890-1990) by Robinson, Joseph D.
Dreaming Souls: Sleep, Dreams and the Evolution of the Conscious Mind by Flanagan, Owen J.
Nurturing Emotional Literacy: A Practical for Teachers, Parents and those in the Caring Professions by Sharp, Peter
Psychology: The Briefer Course by James, William
The History of Modern Epilepsy: The Beginning, 1865-1914 by Friedlander, Walter
Theoretical Issues in Psychology: Proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference by
Trends and Prospects in Motivation Research by
Choosing Character by Jacobs, Jonathan
The Human Face of Warfare: Killing, Fear and Chaos in Battle by
Respiration and Emotion by
Genius Explained by Howe, Michael J. a.
Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition by
The Anxiety Cure by Hart, Archibald
Identity and Emotion: Development Through Self-Organization by
Behavioral Neurology in the Elderly by
Coping with Life in the 21st Century by Allen, Bem P.
The Mark of Cain: Psychoanalytic Insight and the Psychopath by
Collective Reflexology: The Complete Edition by Bekhterev, V. M.
Intelligence and Personality: Bridging the Gap in Theory and Measurement by
Self and Motivational Systems: Towards a Theory of Psychoanalytic Technique by Lachmann, Frank M., Fosshage, James L., Lichtenberg, Joseph D.
Sandplay: A Sourcebook for Play Therapists by McNally, Susan Perkins
Intoxicating Minds: How Drugs Work by Regan, Ciaran
Biopsychosocial Perspectives on Transplantation by
Spinal Cord Plasticity: Alterations in Reflex Function by
Elementi Di Psicolinguistica Generale by Marini, Andrea
Personality and Motivational Differences in Persons with Mental Retardation by
Global Brain: The Evolution of the Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century by Bloom, Howard
Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century by Bloom, Howard
A Practical Guide to the Thematic Apperception Test: The Tat in Clinical Practice by Reznikoff, Marvin, Altman Weiss, Kim, Aronow, Edward
Neural Binding of Space and Time: Spatial and Temporal Mechanisms of Feature-object Binding: A Special Issue of Visual Cognition by
Extending Self-Esteem Theory and Research by
Attitudes and Persuasion by Erwin, Philip
The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook by Haddock, Deborah Bray
The Race for Consciousness by Taylor, John G.
Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions by Nussbaum, Martha Craven
Trends in Youth Development: Visions, Realities and Challenges by
Practitioner's Guide to Empirically Based Measures of Anxiety by
Autoantibodies in Neurological Diseases by
Women of Adventure: From Dream to Self-Realisation / Femmes d'aventure: Du rêve à la réalisation de soi by Reverzy, Catherine
Emotional Healing in Minutes: Simple Acupressure Techniques for Your Emotions by Lynch, Paul, Lynch, Valerie
The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions by Reddy, William M.
The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions by Reddy, William M.
Treating Personality Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Relational Approach by Bleiberg, Efrain
A Theory of Case-Based Decisions by Gilboa, Itzhak, Schmeidler, David
A Theory of Case-Based Decisions by Gilboa, Itzhak, Itzhak, Gilboa, Schmeidler, David
Neuronal Death by Accident or by Design by
Self-Awareness & Causal Attribution: A Dual Systems Theory by Duval, Thomas Shelley, Silvia, Paul J., Lalwani, Neal
Memory, Brain, and Belief by
Memory, Consciousness and Temporality by Dalla Barba, Gianfranco
The Process Approach to Personality: Perceptgeneses and Kindred Approaches in Focus by Smith, Gudmund J. W.
Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements by
The Enabler: When Helping Hurts the Ones You Love by Miller, Angelyn
Kokology 2: More of the Game of Self-Discovery by Nagao, Tadahiko, Saito, Isamu
Clinical and Neuropsychological Aspects of Closed Head Injury by Richardson, J.
Philosophy and Neurosciences by
Philosophy Neurosciences by
The Stranger in the Mirror by Steinberg, Marlene, Schnall, Maxine
The Unbalanced Mind by Leff, Julian
Letting Go of Worry and Anxiety by Vredevelt, Pam
The Aging Brain by Whalley, Lawrence
Friday's Footprint: How Society Shapes the Human Mind by Brothers, Leslie
Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions by Sartre, Jean-Paul
Intimacy and Alienation: Memory, Trauma and Personal Being by Meares, Russell
Feeding the Fire: Poems by Harrison, Jeffrey
Feeding the Fire: Poems by Harrison, Jeffrey
Language, Cognition, and the Brain: Insights From Sign Language Research by Emmorey, Karen
How Emotions Work by Katz, Jack
Language, Cognition, and the Brain: Insights From Sign Language Research by Emmorey, Karen
Ecstacy by Eigen, Michael
Beyond Invisible Walls: The Psychological Legacy of Soviet Trauma, East European Therapists and Their Patients by
Perception of the Visual Environment by Boothe, Ronald G.
Clinical Studies in Neuro-Psychoanalysis by Kaplan-Solms, Karen
Essentials of MMPI-A Assessment by Archer, Robert P., Krishnamurthy, Radhika
The Psychology of Happiness by Argyle, Michael
With A Woman's Voice: A Writer's Struggle for Emotional Freedom by Daniels, Lucy
Social Deviance: Testing a General Theory by Johnson, Robert J., Kaplan, Howard B.
Have a Heart's Home by Bernhardt, Stephen L.
The Art of Becoming Human: Patterns of Growth, the Adventure of Living, Love & Separation, Limitless Possibilities by Mercer, Mary E.
Ghost Man: Reflections on Evolution, Love, and Loss by Simmons, Thomas
Magicneering (TM) Book II: Living, Laughing, & Loving Life! by Eberra, Mark
Laughter: A Scientific Investigation by Provine, Robert R.
Love Yourself/Love is a Feeling to Be Learned by Trobisch, Walter
Relative Deprivation: Specification, Development, and Integration by
Health Anxiety: Clinical and Research Perspectives on Hypochondriasis and Related Conditions by
Visions of Compassion: Western Scientists and Tibetan Buddhists Examine Human Nature by
African-American Children at Church: A Sociocultural Perspective by Haight, Wendy L.
Trauma: A Practitioner's Guide to Counselling by
Trauma: A Practitioner's Guide to Counselling by
The Emotional Intelligence Activity Book: 50 Activities for Promoting Eq at Work by Lynn, Adele