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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Cognition in 2004

Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Problems: There Is Always a Reason by Cross, Melanie
Engendering Emotions by Petersen, A.
Instrumentation: An Introduction for Students in the Speech and Hearing Sciences by Carrell, Thomas D., Decker, T. Newell
The Psychology of Shame: Theory and Treatment of Shame-Based Syndromes by Kaufman, Gershen
Picturing Personhood: Brain Scans and Biomedical Identity by Dumit, Joseph
Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment by Seligman, Martin E. P.
Christopher A Study in Human Personality by Lodge, Oliver J.
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory Volume 44 by
Everyone's Choices: Wisdom, Respect, Success and Happiness by Robinson, Ralph E.
Finding Serenity in the Age of Anxiety by Gerzon, Robert
Treating Psychological Trauma and PTSD by
Handbook of Self-Determination Research by
Self and Social Identity by
Neurobehavioral Disorders of Childhood: An Evolutionary Perspective by Melillo, Robert, Leisman, Gerry
Why I Am Not a Christian: And Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects by Russell, Bertrand
The Transcendent Function: Jung's Model of Psychological Growth through Dialogue with the Unconscious by Miller, Jeffrey C.
Analyzing Race Talk by
Treating Personality Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Relational Approach by Bleiberg, Efrain
Anthroposophical Therapeutic Speech by Denjean-Von Stryk, Barbara, Von Bonin, Dietrich
The Transmission of Affect by Brennan, Teresa
Memories Are Made of This: How Memory Works in Humans and Animals by Bourtchouladze, Rusiko
Antidepressants: Past, Present and Future by
Behavioral Anthropology: Toward an Integrated Science of Human Behavior by Graves, Theodore D.
Emotional Expression and Health: Advances in Theory, Assessment and Clinical Applications by
Understanding People by Butt, Trevor
Character Reading: Its Theory and Practice by Dumont, Theron Q.
The Psychopathology of Functional Somatic Syndromes: Neurobiology and Illness Behavior in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Gulf War Illness, Ir by Manu, Peter, Patarca-Montero, Roberto
Behavioral Anthropology: Toward an Integrated Science of Human Behavior by Graves, Theodore D.
Master Your Fears: How to Triumph Over Your Worries and Get on with Your Life by Sapadin, Linda
History Beyond Trauma by Davoine, Francoise, Gaudilliere, Jean-Max
Mad Cow Disease and Related Spongiform Encephalopathies by
Visual Space Perception and Action: A Special Issue of Visual Cognition by
The Emotions and the Will by Bain, Alexander
Rational Mysticism: Dispatches from the Border Between Science and Spirituality by Horgan, John
School Neuropsychology: A Practitioner's Handbook by Fiorello, Catherine A., Hale, James B.
Gendered Discourses by Sunderland, J.
Social and Personal Identity: Understanding Yourself by Layder, Derek
Difícil de Creer: El Alto Costo E Infinito Valor de Seguir a Jesús by MacArthur, John F.
Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama by Goleman, Daniel
Angiotensin Vol. I by
Girls and Aggression: Contributing Factors and Intervention Principles by
Seeing, Thinking and Knowing: Meaning and Self-Organisation in Visual Cognition and Thought by
Evidence-Based Treatment of Stuttering: Empirical Bases and Clinical Applications by
Angiotensin Vol. II by
Fear by Eiko, Petra
Heart by Eiko, Petra
Is by Eiko, Petra
Technology in Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Special Issue of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation by
Words and Things: Cognitive Neuropsychological Studies in Tribute to Eleanor M. Saffran: A Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology by
The Happy Life by Eliot, Charles W.
Feelings and Emotions by
Feelings and Emotions: The Amsterdam Symposium by
Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development by
Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development by
Bodily Sensibility: Intelligent Action by Schulkin, Jay
Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification by Peterson, Christopher, Seligman, Martin E. P.
Evidence-Based Treatment of Stuttering: Empirical Bases and Clinical Applications by
Visual Agnosia by Farah, Martha J.
Into the Silent Land: Travels in Neuropsychology by Broks, Paul
The Senses and the Intellect by Bain, Alexander
The Senses and the Intellect by Bain, Alexander
War and Redemption: Treatment and Recovery in Combat-related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder by Dewey, Larry
Epilepsy: Scientific Foundations of Clinical Practice by
The State of Affairs: Explorations in Infidelity and Commitment by
Rational Living by King, Henry Churchill
Optic Flow and Beyond by
Wider than the Sky / Plus vaste que le ciel: Une nouvelle théorie générale du cerveau by M. Edelman, Gerald
Time-To-Contact: Volume 135 by
Disgust: The Gatekeeper Emotion by Miller, Susan
Computers and Aphasia: A Special Issue of Aphasiology by
The Enigma of Anger: Essays on a Sometimes Deadly Sin by Keizer, Garret
Assessment of Intellectual Functioning by Aiken, Lewis R.
Ethnicity, Immigration, and Psychopathology by
Human Aggression by Baron, Robert A., Richardson, Deborah R.
The Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology: Meeting Challenges in the Courtroom by
The Psychology of Emotions by Izard, Carroll E.
Advanced Personality by
Drawing from the Heart: A Seven-Week Program to Heal Emotional Pain and Loss Through Expressive Art by Ganim, Barbara
Methodological and Biostatistical Foundations of Clinical Neuropsychology and Medical and Health Disciplines: 2nd Edition by
How We Choose to Be Happy: The 9 Choices of Extremely Happy People--Their Secrets, Their Stories by Foster, Rick, Hicks, Greg
The Regulation of Emotion by
Theory Construction in Social Personality Psychology: Personal Experiences and Lessons Learned: A Special Issue of personality and Social Psychology R by
Mastering Blocking and Stuttering: A Cognitive Approach to Achieving Fluency by Bodenhamer, Bob G.
Defense Mechanisms: Theoretical, Research and Clinical Perspectives Volume 136 by
On Anxiety by Salecl, Renata
Psychosomatic: Feminism and the Neurological Body by Wilson, Elizabeth A.
The Foundations Of Personality by Myerson, Abraham
The Theory Of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam
Ethics On The Origin And Nature Of The Emotions by Spinoza, Benedict De
Ethics Of Human Bondage Or The Strength Of The Emotions by Spinoza, Benedict De
The Origin And Nature Of The Emotions by Crile, George W.
Laughter: An Essay On The Meaning Of The Comic by Bergson, Henri
Nerves And Common Sense by Call, Annie Payson
Emotion, Evolution and Rationality by
Emotional Memory Failures: A Special Issue of Cognition and Emotion by
Recent Advances in Epilepsy Research by
Why the Mind Has a Body by Strong, C. A.
Streiten Kulturen?: Konzepte Und Methoden Einer Kultursensitiven Mediation by
The Nine Emotional Lives of Cats: A Journey Into the Feline Heart by Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff
Studies in Hysteria by Freud, Sigmund, Breuer, Joseph
Understanding Paranoia: A Guide for Professionals, Families, and Sufferers by Kantor, Martin
The Mind: Its Nature and Origin by Van Der Velde, Christiaan D.
Caring for Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Their Families: An Innovative Approach to Interdisciplinary Practice by
Optimal Human Being: An Integrated Multi-level Perspective by Sheldon, Kennon M.
Deep Listeners: Music, Emotion, and Trancing by Becker, Judith
Caring for Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Their Families: An Innovative Approach to Interdisciplinary Practice by
The Nibble Theory and the Kernel of Power (Revised Edition): A Book about Leadership, Self-Empowerment, and Personal Growth by Jamison, Kaleel
Healing Through the Dark Emotions: The Wisdom of Grief, Fear, and Despair by Greenspan, Miriam
The Face in the Mirror: How We Know Who We Are by Gallup, Gordon G., Falk, Dean, Keenan, Julian
I'm Ok--You're Ok by Harris, Thomas
Optimal Human Being: An Integrated Multi-level Perspective by Sheldon, Kennon M.
Clinical Values: Emotions That Guide Psychoanalytic Treatment by Buechler, Sandra
Performance Addiction: The Dangerous New Syndrome and How to Stop It from Ruining Your Life by Ciaramicoli, Arthur
Performance Addiction: The Dangerous New Syndrome and How to Stop It from Ruining Your Life by Ciaramicoli, Arthur
The Essential Vygotsky by
The Physical Basis of Mind by Lewes, George Henry
The Pain of Helping: Psychological Injury of Helping Professionals by Morrissette, Patrick J.
Strömt Die Welt in Unseren Köpfen?: Kontiguität Und Abruf in Mentalen Karten by Schweizer, Karin
Epilepsy and the Ketogenic Diet by
Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality by Leary, Timothy
The Essential Difference: Male and Female Brains and the Truth about Autism by Baron-Cohen, Simon
Anger Goes Up, Fear Goes Down- Emotions and the Hidden Link: Ancient Healing Principles and Treatments That Can Change Your Life by Rocha, Cairo P.
The Enemy Within: One Vietnam Veteran Helps Others Cope with Ptsd by Helle, Gregory A.
The Emotional Literacy Handbook: A Guide for Schools by Haddon, Alice, Goodman, Harriet, Park, James
Personality Disorders in Modern Life by Meagher, Sarah E., Millon, Theodore, Millon, Carrie M.
Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets by Tuan, Yi-Fu
Worry, the Disease of the Age by Saleeby, C. W.
Personality Theory in Context by Walters, Glenn D.
Emotion in Social Life: The Lost Heart of Society by Layder, Derek
Portraits of Temperament by Keirsey, David
Somatoform Dissociation: Phenomena, Measurement, and Theoretical Issues by Nijenhuis, Ellert R. S., Nijenhuis, E. R. S.
Hatred: The Psychological Descent Into Violence by Gaylin, Willard
Breaking Free from Boomerang Love: Getting Unhooked from Borderline Personality Disorder Relationships by Melville, Lynn
The Anger Trap: Free Yourself from the Frustrations That Sabotage Your Life by Carter, Les
Collective Guilt: International Perspectives by
Collective Guilt by
Understanding People: Normativity and Rationalizing Explanation by Millar, Alan
Molecular Markers of Brain Tumor Cells: Implications for Diagnosis, Prognosis and Anti-Neoplastic Biological Therapy by Bodey, Bela, Siegel, Stuart E., Kaiser, Hans E.
Workplace Trauma: Concepts, Assessment and Interventions by Tehrani, Noreen
Intelligence: A Brief History by Cianciolo, Anna T., Sternberg, Robert J.
Emotions: A Brief History by Oatley, Keith
Emotions by Oatley, Keith
Intelligence: A Brief History by Cianciolo, Anna T., Sternberg, Robert J.
Broken Spirits: The Treatment of Traumatized Asylum Seekers, Refugees and War and Torture Victims by Wilson, John P., Drozdek, Boris
The Principles of Psychology Part One by Spencer, Herbert
The Principles of Psychology Part Two by Spencer, Herbert
Spiritualism and Allied Causes and Conditions of Nervous Derangement by Hammond, William A.
Measuring Intelligence by Bartholomew, David J.
What Could He Be Thinking?: How a Man's Mind Really Works by Gurian, Michael
Measuring Intelligence: Facts and Fallacies by Bartholomew, David J.
The Social Life of Emotions by
Theories of Visual Perception by Gordon, Ian E.
Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions by Panksepp, Jaak
The Fragility of Empathy After the Holocaust by Dean, Carolyn J.
The Fragility of Empathy After the Holocaust by Dean, Carolyn J.
Communicating Social Support by Goldsmith, Daena J.
The Social Life of Emotions by
Social Motivation by
Neuroimaging of Mental Imagery: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology by
Empathy in the Treatment of Trauma and Ptsd by Wilson Ph. D., John P., Thomas Ph. D., Rhiannon Brywnn
Engendering Emotions by Petersen, A.
The Designed Self: Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Identities by Strenger, Carlo
Post-Genomic Perspectives in Modeling and Control of Breathing by
The Power and Science of Love 1927 by Clarke, Peter
The Doctor Prescribes Colors: The Influences of Colors on Health and Personality 1938 by Podolsky, Edward
The Master Hand: A Study of the Origin and Meaning of Right and Left Sidedness and Its Relation to Personality and Language 1946 by Blau, Abram
The Success Process 1927 by Landone, Brown
Imagination: Mind's Dominant Power 1926 by Leeming, Benjamin Christopher
The Eternal Ones of the Dream: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Australian Myth and Ritual 1945 by Roheim, Geza
The Secret of Mind Power and How to Use It 1935 by de Radwan, C.
The Science of the Hand or the Art of Recognizing the Tendencies of the Human Mind by the Observation of the Formation of the Hands 1889 by D'Arpentigny, M. Le Capitaine C. S.
Phrenology: How to Tell Your Own and Your Friend's Character From the Shape of the Head 1910 by Olin, Charles H.
Sleep as the Great Opportunity or Psychoma 1919 by Wallace, Helen Rhodes
Love and Affection: An Essay on Analyzing the Contents of Love and Affection 1920 by Palamoa, Veikko, Goodenough, Sherija Lucy
Disaster Mental Health Services: A Primer for Practitioners by Wee, David, Myers, Diane
Workplace Trauma: Concepts, Assessment and Interventions by Tehrani, Noreen
Female Entrepreneurship: Implications for Education, Training and Policy by O. Cinneide, Barra, Carter, Nancy M., Henry, Colette
Your Spiritual Personality: Using the Strengths of Your Personality to Deepen Your Relationship with God by Littauer, Marita
The Birth of the Mind: How a Tiny Number of Genes Creates the Complexities of Human Thought by Marcus, Gary
The Wondering Brain: Thinking about Religion with and Beyond Cognitive Neuroscience by Bulkeley, Kelly
Experimente El Corazon de Jesus: Conozca Su Corazon, Sienta Su Amor = Experiencing the Heart of Jesus = Experiencing the Heart of Jesus by Lucado, Max
From Messengers to Molecules: Memories Are Made of These by
The Wondering Brain: Thinking about Religion With and Beyond Cognitive Neuroscience by Bulkeley, Kelly
Disaster Mental Health Services: A Primer for Practitioners by Myers, Diane, Wee, David
Cognition, Emotion and Psychopathology by
A Mind of My Own: Memoir of Recovery from Aphasia by Mills, Harrianne
Men and the Language of Emotions by Galasinski, D.
Men and the Language of Emotions by Galasinski, D.
Attention: A Neuropsychological Approach by Ward, Antony
Reclaiming Your Life After Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Client Workbook by Rothbaum, Barbara Olasov, Foa, Edna B., Rothbaum
Cognition, Emotion and Psychopathology: Theoretical, Empirical and Clinical Directions by
The Pig Who Sang to the Moon: The Emotional World of Farm Animals by Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff
Social Anxiety and Social Phobia in Youth: Characteristics, Assessment, and Psychological Treatment by Kearney, Christopher
Emotion in Social Relations: Cultural, Group, and Interpersonal Processes by Fischer, Agneta H., Manstead, Antony S. R., Parkinson, Brian
Family Stressors: Interventions for Stress and Trauma by
Emotion in Social Relations: Cultural, Group, and Interpersonal Processes by Fischer, Agneta H., Manstead, Antony S. R., Parkinson, Brian
Auditory Signal Processing: Physiology, Psychoacoustics, and Models by
How Are You Feeling Now? by Sabin, Edwin L.
The Aesthetic Attitude by Langfeld, Herbert Sidney
Emotions in Organizational Behavior by
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