• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Cognition in 2017

Buddha's Mom: The Neurobiology of Spiritual Awakening by Schroder, Vincent
How to Be Bored by Hoffman, Eva
The Holocaust Across Generations: Trauma and Its Inheritance Among Descendants of Survivors by Jacobs, Janet
El Proceso de la Individuacion by Schellhammer, Eduard
The Holocaust Across Generations: Trauma and Its Inheritance Among Descendants of Survivors by Jacobs, Janet
Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories by Brotherton, Rob
Language, Normativity and Europeanisation: Discursive Evidence from the Eurovision Song Contest by Motschenbacher, Heiko
Intimate Economies: Bodies, Emotions, and Sexualities on the Global Market by
That's the Way I Think: Dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and dyscalculia explained by Grant, David
The Clinician, the Brain, and 'i': Neuroscientific Findings and the Subjective Self in Clinical Practice by Schneider, Tony
DNA Modifications in the Brain: Neuroepigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression by
Fondement de la conscience et conditionnement pathogène: Théorie universelle de l'évolution et de l'adaptation sociale by Vazquez, Roger Manuel Linares
Deutsch-Israelisches Leadership Development: Eine Evaluationsstudie by Kotte, Silja
Methods of Psychological Intervention: Yearbook of Idiographic Science Vol. 7 by
Methods of Psychological Intervention: Yearbook of Idiographic Science Vol. 7 (HC) by
Parkinson's Disease: Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Pathology by
Center of the Cyclone: An Autobiography of Inner Space by Lilly, John C.
Stress: Neuroendocrinology and Neurobiology: Handbook of Stress Series, Volume 2 by
Tagtraumhaftes Heldentum: Psychoanalytische Lesarten Der Auftragskommunikation by Galling-Stiehler, Andreas
Kooperation Und Kompetition Im Videospiel: Der Einfluss Sozialer Interdependenz Auf Stimmung Und Prosoziales Verhalten by Wulf, Tim
Der Tag hat 48 Stunden: Wie Sie entschleunigen und dennoch alles schaffen by Opelt, Rüdiger
The Vicarious Brain, Creator of Worlds by Berthoz, Alain
Trauma-Informed Care: How neuroscience influences practice by Evans, Amanda, Coccoma, Patricia
The Three Ascensions Of Empowerment: A Dynamic Process for Emotional Alchemy and Transformation by Anzaldua, Lisa Marie
Memory Practices and Learning: Interactional, Institutional and Sociocultural Perspectives by
Memory Practices and Learning: Interactional, Institutional, and Sociocultural Perspectives (hc) by
Cure: A Journey Into the Science of Mind Over Body by Marchant, Jo
Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Gonzales, Laurence
Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse: A Collection of Essays on Malignant Narcissism and Recovery from Emotional Abuse by Arabi, Shahida
Persönlichkeits- Und Differentielle Psychologie: Quellen Zu Ihrer Entstehung Und Entwicklung by Eckardt, Georg
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology: Volume 55 by
The Embodied Mind, Revised Edition: Cognitive Science and Human Experience by Thompson, Evan, Rosch, Eleanor, Varela, Francisco J.
The Timing of Neural and Behavioral Events: Its Relation to Human Experience by Hoosain, Rumjahn
The Timing of Neural and Behavioral Events: Its Relation to Human Experience (HC) by Hoosain, Rumjahn
Emotion-Focused Therapy for Generalized Anxiety by Greenberg, Leslie S., Watson, Jeanne C.
Las emociones también hablan by Rouanet Moscardó, Amparo
Alba Emoting: A Scientific Method for Emotional Induction by
The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramon Y Cajal by Newman, Eric, Araque, Alfonso, Swanson, Larry W.
The Frequency-Following Response: A Window Into Human Communication by
Molecular and Cellular Therapies for Motor Neuron Diseases by
Nutrition and Lifestyle in Neurological Autoimmune Diseases: Multiple Sclerosis by
Lateralized Brain Functions: Methods in Human and Non-Human Species by
The Golfing Brain: Fast-Brain Golf by Grubbs, James H.
That's the Way I Think: Dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and dyscalculia explained by Grant, David
Reconciliation and Social Healing in Afghanistan: A Transrational and Elicitive Analysis Towards Transformation by Najibullah, Heela
Neuroprotective Therapy for Stroke and Ischemic Disease by
The Pituitary by
Group Therapy with Children: Psychodrama with Children by Aichinger, Alfons, Holl, Walter
Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change: A Clinician's Guide by Davenport, Leslie
Speech Science: An Integrated Approach to Theory and Clinical Practice by Ferrand, Carole
A Life Scientific: The memoirs of a natural scientist by Donovan, Bernard
Empath: 25 Secrets To Handle And Take Advantage Of Your Empathy by Ammons, Garcia V.
The Game Called Life by Gilley, Kay
Supporting the Highly Sensitive Child: Making Sense of Meltdowns by Williams, James, Skye, Lucy
Persönlichkeit, Burnout Und Work Engagement: Eine Einführung Für Psychotherapeuten Und Angehörige Gefährdeter Berufsgruppen by Sisolefsky, Franziska, Rana, Madiha, Herzberg, Philipp Yorck
Planen Und Handeln: Neurowissenschaftliche, Psychologische, Medizinische Und Gesellschaftsrelevante Aspekte by
The Promised Child: Black, Bipolar, and Baptized by Mack, Justina Laurice
Gozo Al Instante: El Arte de Descubrir La Felicidad Interior by Tan, Chade-Meng
Psychosocial Imaginaries: Perspectives on Temporality, Subjectivities and Activism by
Herbert C. Kelman: A Pioneer in the Social Psychology of Conflict Analysis and Resolution by
Day-to-Day Happiness by Bridgland, Beau
Birds of the Wind, People of the Wind by Petit-Skinner Ph. D., Solange
Understanding Social Anxiety: A Recovery Guide for Sufferers, Family, and Friends by Maass, Vera
Understanding Collective Pride and Group Identity: New directions in emotion theory, research and practice by
Pediatric Disorders of Regulation in Affect and Behavior: A Therapist's Guide to Assessment and Treatment by Degangi, Georgia A.
Komik und Humor: Eine psychologisch-ästhetische Untersuchung by Lipps, Theodor
Moderne Gesprächstherapie by Seidel, Stephan
The Subjectified and Subjectifying Mind by
The Subjectified and Subjectifying Mind (hc) by
Mental Language: From Plato to William of Ockham by Panaccio, Claude
Sleep and Neurologic Disease by
Hardwired for Life: Human Understanding Beyond Surface Personality by Kullman, Brad
The Expression Of Emotion in Man and Animals by Darwin, Charles
Twin Mythconceptions: False Beliefs, Fables, and Facts about Twins by Segal, Nancy L.
Essential Personality by Pennington, Donald
The Stress-Proof Brain: Master Your Emotional Response to Stress Using Mindfulness and Neuroplasticity by Greenberg, Melanie
Neuropsychology Fact-Finding Casebook: A Training Resource by Bush, Shane S., Stucky, Kirk J.
Introvert Survival Tactics: How to Make Friends, Be More Social, and Be Comfortable In Any Situation (When You Just Want to Go Home And Watch TV Alone by King, Patrick
Bad Singer: The Surprising Science of Tone Deafness and How We Hear Music by Falconer, Tim
Location-Based Social Media: Space, Time and Identity by Evans, Leighton, Saker, Michael
Know This: Today's Most Interesting and Important Scientific Ideas, Discoveries, and Developments by Brockman, John
Switched On: A Memoir of Brain Change and Emotional Awakening by Robison, John Elder
Rorschach Assessment of Psychotic Phenomena: Clinical, Conceptual, and Empirical Developments by Kleiger, James H.
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Grant, Adam
Good and Miserable: For those who try hard but end up miserable by Schulenburg, Neil P.
The Sedated Society: The Causes and Harms of Our Psychiatric Drug Epidemic by
Fifteen Minutes to Freedom: The Power and Promise of Havening Techniques by Pickens, Harry
In the Sphere of the Personal: New Perspectives in the Philosophy of Persons by
Homo Sovieticus: Brain Waves, Mind Control, and Telepathic Destiny by Velminski, Wladimir
Do You Know What It's Like? by Lu, Madam
Divorce, Families and Emotion Work: 'Only Death Will Make Us Part' by Moore, Elena
The Rights and Wrongs of Zebrafish: Behavioral Phenotyping of Zebrafish by
Death, Emotion and Childhood in Premodern Europe by
The Human Sciences After the Decade of the Brain by
The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy by
Neurobehavioural Disability and Social Handicap Following Traumatic Brain Injury by
Neurobehavioural Disability and Social Handicap Following Traumatic Brain Injury by
Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness by Deci, Edward L., Ryan, Richard M.
Music, Dance, Affect, and Emotions in Latin America by
Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon's Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart by Doty, James R.
The Diagnosis and Management of Agitation by
The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening by Taylor, Steve
Critical Care Neurology Part I: Neurocritical Care Volume 140 by
Open Versus Closed: Personality, Identity, and the Politics of Redistribution by Johnston, Christopher D., Lavine, Howard G., Federico, Christopher M.
Stress and Epigenetics in Suicide by Rozanov, Vsevolod
Social Bodies: The Shaping of Internal and External Worlds by Poulette, Rusti
Selfie Citizenship by
Open versus Closed by Lavine, Howard, Federico, Christopher M., Johnston, Christopher D.
Personality at Work: The Drivers and Derailers of Leadership by Warren, Ronald
'I Find That Offensive!' by Fox, Claire
Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work by Kotler, Steven, Wheal, Jamie
The Nmda Receptors by
Addictive Substances and Neurological Disease: Alcohol, Tobacco, Caffeine, and Drugs of Abuse in Everyday Lifestyles by
One Woman's Private Life Shared: You are not alone: depression, Stress, Anxiety, Grief...#How I've got through the cr*p & found success & happy days by Fuller, Nikki K.
Mathematics for Neuroscientists by Gabbiani, Fabrizio, Cox, Steven James
The Creative Self: Effect of Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, Mindset, and Identity by
The Geometry of Meaning: Semantics Based on Conceptual Spaces by Gardenfors, Peter
$Situations$ by Lewis, Sharon A.
This Time Next Year by Wild Pages Press
Shell-Shock and Medical Culture in First World War Britain by Loughran, Tracey
Brain Plasticity and Behavior by Kolb, Bryan
Fetal Development: A Psychobiological Perspective by
Neurophenotypes: Advancing Psychiatry and Neuropsychology in the Omics Era by
Psychology of Emotion by Niedenthal, Paula M., Ric, François
Whose Unconscious Is It?: A Deconstruction of Psychoanalysis and Neuropsychoanalysis by Kasem, Adeeb
Assessing Empathy by Segal, Elizabeth, Gerdes, Karen, Lietz, Cynthia
Assessing Empathy by Segal, Elizabeth, Gerdes, Karen, Lietz, Cynthia
The Tides of Mind: Uncovering the Spectrum of Consciousness by Gelernter, David
Mindfulness Skills for Trauma and Ptsd: Practices for Recovery and Resilience by Goldsmith Turow, Rachel
The Modern Enneagram: Discover Who You Are and Who You Can Be by Berghoef, Kacie, Bell, Melanie
The Role of Trust in Conflict Resolution: The Israeli-Palestinian Case and Beyond by
Eccentricity: Society's Secret Sauce: The Value of Being Eccentric by Sinclair, Brett
De 0 a 10, ¿cual es tu nivel de bienestar?: Claves sencillas para mejorar tu bienestar subjetivo by Gutierrez, Manu
Measuring the Psychological and Electrophysiological Attributes of Human Personality: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Vorkapic, Sanja Tatalovic
Neurolanguage Coaching: Brain Friendly Language Learning by Paling, Rachel
The Brain: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Wenk, Gary L.
Translational Immunotherapy of Brain Tumors by
Emotions in the History of Witchcraft by
Plasticity in the Central Nervous System: Learning and Memory by
Contemporary Learning Theories: Volume II: Instrumental Conditioning Theory and the Impact of Biological Constraints on Learning by
The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity and Culture Research by
The Prefrontal Cortex as an Executive, Emotional, and Social Brain by
Emotions, Community, and Citizenship: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives by
Mind in Architecture: Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design by
Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist by Koch, Christof
Fra massiv omsorgsvigt i nord Grønland til Bondekone i Vendsyssel: Blev hjemløs på grund af stigmatisering by Williamsdatter, Shira
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation by Fisher, Janina
Music, Passion, and Cognitive Function by Perlovsky, Leonid
Developing Difference by Johnson, Wendy
Invisible Idol Part-I by S, Ernest Jeffry
Primer on Cerebrovascular Diseases by
The Brain: The Story of You by Eagleman, David
The Secret Language of Astrology: The Illustrated Key to Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars by Gillett, Roy
Allgemeine Psychologie: Eine Einführung by Becker-Carus, Christian, Wendt, Mike
Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz: Band 2: Gegenstandsbereiche by
The Positive Power of Sadness: How Good Grief Prevents and Cures Anxiety, Depression, and Anger by Johnson, Ron, Brock, Deb
The Writer's Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity by Skilbeck, Ruth
The Writer's Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity by Skilbeck, Ruth
Zur Psychologie des Individuums: I. Chopin und Nietzsche by Przybyszewski, Stanislaw
Learning with the Brain in Mind: Mind Sets Before Skill Sets by Hebron, Michael
Taken by Lewis, Rosie
Psychologie Der Märchen: 41 Märchen Wissenschaftlich Analysiert - Und Was Wir Heute Aus Ihnen Lernen Können by
Manual para primeras citas: Cómo actuar y saber si has conocido a la pareja que buscas by de León, Patricia
The Psychology of Aphasia: A Practical Guide for Health Care Professionals by Tanner, Dennis
Emotions: The Top 100 Best Ways To Gain Emotional Prosperity by McCloud, Ace
Emotions: The Top 100 Best Ways To Gain Emotional Prosperity (Large Print Edition) by McCloud, Ace
Emotions: The Top 100 Best Ways To Gain Emotional Prosperity by McCloud, Ace
Emotions: The Top 100 Best Ways To Gain Emotional Prosperity (Large Print Edition) by McCloud, Ace
Gambling, Crime and Society by Banks, James
The General Factor of Personality by Musek, Janek
Habit: The Top 100 Best Habits: How To Make A Positive Habit Permanent And How To Break Bad Habits by McCloud, Ace
Habit: The Top 100 Best Habits: How To Make A Positive Habit Permanent And How To Break Bad Habits by McCloud, Ace
Habit: The Top 100 Best Habits: How To Make A Positive Habit Permanent And How To Break Bad Habits (Large Print Edition) by McCloud, Ace
Habit: The Top 100 Best Habits: How To Make A Positive Habit Permanent And How To Break Bad Habits (Large Print Edition) by McCloud, Ace
Introvert: Discover How To Use Your Inner Strengths To Thrive And Flourish In The Modern World by McCloud, Ace
Introvert: Discover How To Use Your Inner Strengths To Thrive And Flourish In The Modern World by McCloud, Ace
Introvert: Discover How To Use Your Inner Strengths To Thrive And Flourish In The Modern World (Large Print Edition) by McCloud, Ace
Introvert: Discover How To Use Your Inner Strengths To Thrive And Flourish In The Modern World (Large Print Edition) by McCloud, Ace
Coping and the Challenge of Resilience by Frydenberg, Erica
A Theory of Human Motivation by Maslow, Abraham H.
Techniques to Investigate Mitochondrial Function in Neurons by
Identity, Personhood and the Law by Foster, Charles, Herring, Jonathan
The 10 Pillars Of Self Love by Richards, Katy
Genes, Brains, and Human Potential: The Science and Ideology of Intelligence by Richardson, Ken
Collaborative Therapy and Neurobiology: Evolving Practices in Action by
The Unopened Gift: A Primer in Emotional Literacy by Newby, Dan, Núñez, Lucy
Moral Psychology, Volume 5: Virtue and Character by
Course 1.1: Practice the Art to Love by Schellhammer, Edward
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology by Dekker, H.
Homo: A Brief History of Consciousness by Naskar, Abhijit
El Cerebro Idiota by Burnett
Lipidomics by
Practical Stress Management: A Comprehensive Workbook by Romas, John A., Sharma, Manoj
Rebellious Bodies: Stardom, Citizenship, and the New Body Politics by Meeuf, Russell
Carnivore Minds: Who These Fearsome Animals Really Are by Bradshaw, G. A.
Siddhartha's Brain: Unlocking the Ancient Science of Enlightenment by Kingsland, James
The Alchemy of Freedom: The Philosophers' Stone and the Secrets of Existence by Almaas, A. H.
Essentials of Neuroanesthesia by
Jung Journal 37: Visionen: Forum für Analytische Psychologie und Lebenskultur by
The Book Of Life: A Solid Foundation for Achieving True Happiness by Berman, Derek
See More