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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Cognition in 2020

Perseguindo Estocolmo: Um conto americano by Champion, Andrea
The Unfolding: A Journey of Involution by Wolfe, J. S.
Isfj 2.0: A Quick Guide That Teaches You Everything You Want to Know About the ISFJ MBTI Personality From A to Z by Welch, Sarah, Howexpert
ENTJ Dating and Relationships Guide: A Quick Guide on Dating, Relationships, and Love for the ENTJ MBTI Personality Type by Howexpert, Borzo, Alexandra
The INTJ Female: How to Understand and Embrace Your Unique MBTI Personality as an INTJ Woman by Humbert, Caitlin, Howexpert
The INFJ Author: How to Embrace Your Unique Strengths and Succeed as an INFJ Writer in an Extrovert's World by Howexpert, Hamilton, M. L.
Knowing Emotions: Truthfulness and Recognition in Affective Experience by Furtak, Rick Anthony
Borderline Personality Disorder: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment for Emotional Insecurity by Tillman, Charles
Sozialpsychologie - Der Mensch in Sozialen Beziehungen: Interpersonale Und Intergruppenprozesse by Mayer, Jennifer, Seibt, Beate, Werth, Lioba
Forced Migration and Resilience: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Results by
A Dialectical Journey Through Fashion and Philosophy by Kang, Eun Jung
Fixationsmuster-Anomalien beim Leugnen bekannter Gesichter: Der wertvolle und unwiderrufliche Moment der Gegenüberstellung by Modersohn, Leander
Innovations, Algorithms, and Applications in Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence by
Social Psychology and Human Nature by Baumeister, Roy F., Bushman, Brad
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Murphy, Joseph
Isfj 101: How to Understand Your ISFJ MBTI Personality and Thrive as the Defender by Blake, Mary, Howexpert
Entj 101: How To Understand Your ENTJ MBTI Personality to Plan, Execute, and Live Life to the Fullest by Howexpert, Borzo, Alexandra
Winning: Motivation and Mindset in Sports and Fitness: How to build up and unleash mental techniques and strategies to improve by Jenkins, Zac
L'Aventure intérieure: Se libérer de la souffrance et réaliser sa vraie nature by Darpan
The small step to great happiness: a strongly motivating book to give away, read, and also write yourself by Holly
The Art of the Lie: How the Manipulation of Language Affects Our Minds by Danesi, Marcel
Dr. Paul's FEELING GOOD ToolBox: 100's of Categories, 1,000's of ways to THINK and ACT to FEEL Great! by Young, Paul J.
Letters to Those Loved and Lost: You Will Always Be Remembered by Ma, Lena
Body Language: How to Analyze and Read People Better by Stephens, Sally
Body Language: How to Read People without Saying a Thing by Stephens, Sally
Body Language: 3 Ways to Learn More about Non-Verbal Communication, Body Language, and Personality by Stephens, Sally
Body Language: Mastering Non-Verbal Communication Skills by Stephens, Sally
May I Call You Queen: Unlocking The Royalty Code to Living Your Best Life by Pinder, Kerel R.
Brain and the Lexicon: The Neural Basis of Inferential and Referential Competence by Calzavarini, Fabrizio
Psychodynamic Treatment of Children with Severe Emotional Disturbances by Pollitt, Gertrude
Psychological Disorders And Your Personality: You Are Who You Are by McKennith, Aaron
Fifty One: Finding myself with Parkinson's by
Dr. Paul's TOTAL Relief, Total Joy, Feel Good Book 3: Finally...a TOTAL approach to curing depression by Young, Paul J.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The Ultimate Guide for Using DBT for Borderline Personality Disorder, Difficult Emotions, and Mood Swings, Including T by Turner, Steven
How to Analyze People: An Essential Guide to Human Psychology, Body Language, Personality Types, Persuasion, Manipulation, Human Behavior, an by Lovell, Scott
Feelings Materialized: Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Germany, 1500-1950 by
Dark Psychology: What Machiavellian People of Power Know about Persuasion, Mind Control, Manipulation, Negotiation, Deception, Human Be by Turner, Steven
bring out the fire who inside you: You can put out the fire inside you by writing by Smith, J. William
Lone Wolves: The New Terrorism of Right-Wing Single Actors by Hartleb, Florian
Emotional and Narcissistic Partner Abuse: stop the aggressive narcissist and free himself from the psychopathic partner, take back your life and heali by Sam, Keith
Emotionsinduktion in Spendenmailings. Antrieb oder Hindernis für die Spendenmotivation? by Cokicli, Erkan
Mild Cognitive Impairment: International Perspectives by
Mild Cognitive Impairment: International Perspectives by
Identitätsbildende Prozesse im Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens zur Zeit des Wilhelminischen Deutschlands by Schönherr, Sophie
Affect in Relation: Families, Places, Technologies by
The Moral Psychology of Compassion by
The Moral Psychology of Disgust by
The Evolution of Knowledge: Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene by Renn, Jürgen
Happiness 101 (Previously Published as When Likes Aren't Enough): Simple Secrets to Smart Living & Well-Being by Bono, Tim
Freeing Your Child from Negative Thinking: Powerful, Practical Strategies to Build a Lifetime of Resilience, Flexibility, and Happiness by Chansky, Tamar
Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain by Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne
Seele und Gesundheit: Band 3 Existenzielle Grundlagen by Depner, Michael
Self-Esteem, Self-Image, Self-Worth: Overcoming Feelings of Being "LESS THAN" by Deutsch, M. Fenton, Deutsch, Mitchell
Dark Psychology Mastery: Psychology Mastery Master the Secrets of Dark Psychology and Its Fundamentals Such as the Art of Reading People, Manip by Hughes, Pamela
The Resilient Mind: Achieve Success by Building Mental and Emotional Toughness by Coulbeck, Brad
Accept How You Feel: How to Find Balance and Enjoy Freedom from Stress by Graham, Karen
Untangling the Mind: Why We Behave the Way We Do by Berger, Lisa, George, David Theodore
Global Mental Health and Neuroethics by
Neurological Modulation of Sleep: Mechanisms and Function of Sleep Health by
Empatía: Una guía práctica de supervivencia para que la persona altamente sensible logre una completa sanación emocional, físic by Gordillo, Lita
Autoconfianza y ansiedad social: Descubre cómo superar la timidez y la ansiedad a través del amor propio y la compasión by Gordillo, Lita
Inteligencia Emocional, Cómo Analizar a la Gente, y Comunicación No Verbal: La Guía Definitiva para Dominar Tus Emociones, Desarrollar La Autoconcienc by Gordillo, Lita
Inteligencia Emocional y tu EQ: La Guía Práctica para Dominar Tus Emociones, Desarrollar Autoconciencia, Mejorar tus Habilidades Sociales, y Aumentar by Gordillo, Lita
La Ley de la Atracción: Descubre Cómo Vivir en el Ahora, Desarrolla Tu Espiritualidad y Crea Abundancia Usando el Poder de la Manifestación by Gordillo, Lita
La Ley de Atracción, Autoconfianza & Empatía: Descubre Cómo Superar la Ansiedad Social, Controla tus Emociones y Logra una Completa Sanación Emocional by Gordillo, Lita
Crime and Criminality: Social, Psychological, and Neurobiological Explanations by Boyanowsky, Ehor
La travesía del Eneagrama: Encontrando el camino de regreso a la espiritualidad dentro de ti: la guía fácil de los 9 tipos de personalidad sagrad by de Cordova, Catalina
La Guía De Supervivencia Para Los Empáticos: La guía de supervivencia para principiantes para curar a una persona altamente sensible by Stabile, Ian Christian
Empático y Eneagrama: La guía de supervivencia fácil hecha para la curación de las personas altamente sensibles - Para los principiantes emp by de Cordova, Catalina
Persona Altamente Sensible: Una guía completa de supervivencia para aliviar la ansiedad, frenar la sobrecarga emocional, y eliminar la energía neg by de Cordova, Catalina
El Eneagrama: La Guía Moderna de los 27 Tipos de Personalidad Sagrada: Para Relaciones Saludables en Pareja y Para Encontrar el Cami by Mullins, Scarlett
The Highly Sensitive Empath: A Practical Survival Guide To Achieve Complete Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Healing For Every Person by Rowe, Quinn
Empath & Enneagram: The made easy survival guide for healing highly sensitive people - For empathy beginners and the awakened (2 in 1) by Howard, Sarah
The Enneagram Journey: Finding The Road Back to the Spirituality Within You - The Made Easy Guide to the 9 Sacred Personality Types: For Heal by Howard, Sarah
Emotional Intelligence Mastery 2-in-1: The Spiritual Guide for how to analyze people & yourself. Improve your social skills, relationships and boost y by Heuertz, Suzanne
Empático y Eneagrama: La guía de supervivencia fácil hecha para la curación de las personas altamente sensibles - Para los principiantes emp by de Cordova, Catalina
The Enneagram: The Modern Guide To The 27 Sacred Personality Types - For Healthy Relationships In Couples And Finding The Road Back T by Christian, Beatrice
Artificial Intelligence: Research Directions in Cognitive Science: European Perspectives Vol. 5 by
Conquer Your Emotions: The Ultimate Guide to Overcome Your Negativity, Take Back Control of Your Feelings and Live a Stress Free Life by Leveque, Jean-Claude
Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game by Gallimore, Andrew R.
Conspicuous Employment: Theory, Measurement, and Consequences of Prestigious Employer Preference by Berghaus, Benjamin
Managing Worry and Anxiety: Practical Tools to Help You Deal with Life's Challenges by Holthaus Jean Lisw Lmsw
The Epistemic Benefits of Disagreement by Lougheed, Kirk
Grace and Grit: A Love Story by Wilber, Ken
Love Drugs: The Chemical Future of Relationships by Savulescu, Julian, Earp, Brian D.
Political Introverts: How Empathetic Voters Can Help Save American Politics by Lieber, Arthur
Be Fearless: 5 Principles for a Life of Breakthroughs and Purpose by Case, Jean
Ansia: Sconfiggi l'ansia, e fobie e lo stress naturalmente (Mettete fine all'ansia sociale, allo stress e alla depressione e by Luca, Celio
Evolutionary Neuropsychology: An Introduction to the Structures and Functions of the Human Brain by Coolidge, Frederick L.
Master Emotional Intelligence: 7 Books in 1: Emotional Intelligence, How to Analyze People, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Self-Discipline, Manipulati by Vaden, Ray, Orloff, Jane, Benedict, Edward
Manipulation: Techniques in Dark Psychology, Influencing People with Persuasion, NLP, and Mind Control by Benedict, Edward
Narzissmus im Berufsleben. Welchen Einfluss hat eine narzisstische Persönlichkeitsstörung auf den Berufserfolg? by Moers, Laura
Human Behavior and Social Environment by Ebrahim Ph. D., Roshdy
The English... God bless 'em... by Barone, Arturo
Politics and Emotions in Romantic Periodicals by
Brains Through Time: A Natural History of Vertebrates by Striedter, Georg F., Northcutt, R. Glenn
Los cinco pilares del puente al futuro by García-Rincón de Castro, César
Corporate Psychopathy: Investigating Destructive Personalities in the Workplace by Fritzon, Katarina, Brooks, Nathan, Croom, Simon
Narcisismo en español/ Narcissism in Spanish: Comprender el trastorno de la personalidad narcisista by Mason, Charlie
The Upward Spiral Workbook: A Practical Neuroscience Program for Reversing the Course of Depression (16pt Large Print Edition) by Korb, Alex
Counseling and therapy skills: Overcome anxiety and improve relationship. You can improve communication skills and feel good about yourself and other by Burns, Katerina
Emotional Intelligence: 21 Proven Ways to Improve Your People Skills, Social Skills, Relationships, and Self-Mastery by Skinner, Eric
Social Intelligence and Nonverbal Communication by
Spatial Learning and Attention Guidance by
Mind Control Techniques: Discover the Secret of Subliminal Persuasion and How to Influence People's Behavior with Dark Psychology for Mind Hack by Cooper, Jack
Critical Thinking: The Best Beginner's Guide To Improve Your Skills Of Problem Solving Logically. Increase Your Independent Thinking Skil by Derry, Roy J.
Innovations, Algorithms, and Applications in Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence by
Entwicklung sozialer Identität unter den Bedingungen rassifizierter Machtdifferenzen. Wie eignen Kinder sich das Konzept "Race" beziehungsweise "Ident by Tekama, Neneta
Dark Psychology and Mind Control: The Art of Reading People with Over 101 Secrets of Manipulation, NLP and Emotional Mastery. Techniques for Beginners by Brain, Mark
Emotions in a Crusading Context, 1095-1291 by Spencer, Stephen J.
Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond by Denworth, Lydia
Not Born Yesterday: The Science of Who We Trust and What We Believe by Mercier, Hugo
Estrogens and Memory: Basic Research and Clinical Implications by
Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class by Murray, Charles
OVERCOME ANXIETY and PANIC ATTACK: Retrain Your Anxious Brain, Stop Depression, Fear and Toxic Relationship, Rewire Yourself and Improve Stress Manage by Chakra, Team
Building Positive Changes: Small Ways That Can Improve Your Life by Friedenthal, Elia
Sozialpsychologie - Das Individuum Im Sozialen Kontext: Wahrnehmen - Denken - Fühlen by Werth, Lioba, Denzler, Markus, Mayer, Jennifer
Sensitive Warrior: 10 Ways to Respond When You're Called "Overly Sensitive" by Wild, Julia Rose
How to Stop Worrying: Guide to End Worries & Overcome Anxiety, Stop Panic Attacks, Eliminate Negative Thinking and Start Living Your Best Li by Rivera, Roberta
Anxiety Disorders: Rethinking and Understanding Recent Discoveries by
Ecological Crisis, Sustainability and the Psychosocial Subject: Beyond Behaviour Change by Adams, Matthew
Decolonizing and Feminizing Freedom: A Caribbean Genealogy by Noble, Denise
Stoicism in Modern Life: Stoic Mindset to Discipline, Mental Toughness, & Emotional Intelligence by Holt, Aureluis
Let There Be Nine: Enneagram Poetry by Combs, Teshelle
Mind Manipulation: How to Analyze People Psychology with Brain Control Methods. Influence Others, Develop Persuasion Techniques, and Chan by Cooper, Jack
Personalized Food Intervention and Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder Management by
Sex, Lies, and Brain Scans: How Fmri Reveals What Really Goes on in Our Minds by Sahakian, Barbara J., Gottwald, Julia
Anxiety, Depression & Anger Toolbox for Teens: 150 Powerful Mindfulness, CBT & Positive Psychology Activities to Manage Emotions by Bernstein, Jeffrey
The Unconscious Domain by Kellerman, Henry
Anger Management: 10 Steps Guide to Master Your Emotions and Take Control of Your Life Again by Grant, Simon
Outsmart Your Anxious Brain: Ten Simple Ways to Beat the Worry Trick by Carbonell, David A.
Exposure Therapy for Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Ocd by Whiteside, Stephen P., Ollendick, Thomas H., Biggs, Bridget K.
Fight, Flight or Flourish: How neuroscience can Unlock human potential by Du Buisson-Narsai, Ingra
Mind Hacking: Develop the Power of Your Brain with Persuasion Techniques to Influence Human Minds with Dark Psychology, Control Peop by Cooper, Jack
Persuasion Skills: The Secret Manipulation Technique to Read Body Language, Understand Dark Psychology, and Influence Human Behavior with by Cooper, Jack
NLP Body Language: How to Analyze People Behavior by Reading Subliminal Brain Vulnerabilities and Control Human Minds with Mental Manipul by Cooper, Jack
Sex in the Brain: How Seizures, Strokes, Dementia, Tumors, and Trauma Can Change Your Sex Life by Baird, Amee
Stoicism: Apply Stoicism, Critical Thinking, Empath and The Art of Happiness in Modern Life. Wisdom, Self Confidence and Resilie by Stoic, Tim
Handbook of functional connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods in CONN by Nieto-Castanon, Alfonso
Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness by Hanson, Rick, Hanson, Forrest
Emotional Intelligence: Models of EQ 2.0 for Improving Social Intelligence, Relationships, and Mindset by Leigh, Marc
Manejo de la ira: Guía de 10 pasos para dominar tus emociones y tomar el control de tu vida de nuevo by Grant, Simon
Narcissism: How to find strength to survive and prosper after narcissistic abuse. Disarm the Narcissist, take control of your life by Sam, Keith
Émpata: Guía Práctica Para Personas Altamente Sensibles Que Buscan Desarrollar Su Don Para Prosperar En El Mundo Moderno by Borrego, Adriana
Wisdom of the Ghost Valley: Gui Gu Zi by
Map of the Soul - Shadow: Our Hidden Self by Stein, Sarah, Stein, Murray, Cruz, Leonard
Au coeur de l'Amitié: Citations et proverbes pour la comprendre et la vivre. by Lequien, Alain
How the Brain Produces the Mind and Consciousness: Can the Brain comprehend itself ? Is it possible for the Brain to figure itself out ? Is it possibl by Ellman, Roger
Emotional Intelligence: Raise Your EQ, People Skills, Social Skills, and Relationships by Harper, Elliot
Emotional Intelligence Mastery: 3 Books in 1 - Emotional Intelligence, Empath, Self-Discipline by Harper, Elliot
The Breakdown Of Psychiatry: A Critique by Gangure, Jd Dinu
Sozialisation durch Sprache nach George Herbert Mead: Können wir eine eindeutige Identität entwickeln, wenn unsere Sprache mehrdeutig ist? by Jansen, Freda
Types in a Frame: Introspective self-report by Pantic, Sara
Emotionen, emotionale Intelligenz und Motive. Deutungen und Erklärungsansätze by Heller, Sascha
Stroke Revisited: Vascular Cognitive Impairment by
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Und Persönlichkeitsdynamik: Grundlagen, Befunde Und Anwendungsfelder by Allemand, Mathias
Preclinical Research in Down Syndrome: Insights for Pathophysiology and Treatments: Volume 251 by
Big Brains and the Human Superorganism: Why Special Brains Appear in Hominids and Other Social Animals by Caldararo, Niccolo Leo
Perspectives for a New Social Theory of Sustainability by
Narcissistic relationship: Understanding the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, How to Defend Yourself from Parents and Partner and Save Relation by Fears, Elliot
Motivation Rainbow: Let's get motivated by Swaroop, Aditya
Moden in Der Hip-Hop-Szene: Eine Ethnographische Studie Über Die Bedeutung Und Dynamik Von Modestrukturen by Krause, Marco
Creativity -- A New Vocabulary by
The Meaning of Fashion in Jean Rhys. An Analysis of Gender and Identity by Strube, Josianne
Az Shanbeh: راهنمای علمی و کارب&#1 by Bahrampoor, Mohammad Payam
In Praise of Inductive Philosophy. Rethinking the Philosophy of Emotions by Ibrahim, Omar
Efecto del péptido β‐amiloide(25‐35) sobre la expresión génica de receptores glutamatérgicos en rodajas de hipocampo de rata by Mayordomo-Cava, Jennifer
Performing Scottishness: Enactment and National Identities by Brown, Ian
Deep Living with the Enneagram: Recovering Your True Nature (Revised and Updated) by Howe-Murphy, Roxanne
Put Your Mouth on Him: A Collection of Prayers and Affirmations for Men by Sloan Cpc, Sybil M.
Vagus Nerve: Self Help Exercises to Heal Inflammation, Trauma, Anxiety and Depression by Bailey, Walter
Enneagram: A Guide to Self-Discovery by Nancy, Lui
Narcissists: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Narcissism and Ways of Dealing With a Narcissist Who Is Using Manipulation at Work by Braden, Tyron
Pick Your Poison: Confidence by Putnam, Danielle
Advances in Motivation Science: Volume 7 by
Selbstmanagement. Einflussfaktoren, Anwendungsbereiche und Kompetenzen: Haben Menschen Selbstmanagement nötig? by Leisle, Valentin
与九型智慧 (Working with Emotional Health and the Enneagram) by Lazenby, Malcolm, Hardie, Gayle
Psicologia Pragmática (Portuguese) by Mittermaier, Susanna
How To Deal WIth Emotions: Overcome Emotional Blocks And Achieve Your Goals by Callista, Beth
The Gods of Christianity by Dennis, Brian
The expression of the emotions in man and animals by Darwin, Charles
Freud and Philosophy of Mind, Volume 1: Reconstructing the Argument for Unconscious Mental States by Wakefield, Jerome C.
Apprendimento del lessico L2 tra neurolinguistica e glottodidattica by Rodaro, Matteo
The Judge's Gavel: Winning the Drug War by Empowering Recovery by Eccher M. a., Diana, Miller Ph. D., Judith Ann
Abjection and Abandonment: Melancholy in Philosophy and Art by
Fomenting Political Violence: Fantasy, Language, Media, Action by
Empathy by Maibom, Heidi
Selbstliebe und Charisma Leicht gemacht: So bekommst Du das gewisse Etwas und entwickelst effektiv Selbstbewusstsein! by Und Emotionen, Impulse
Bellessere Femminile: Come Vivere Il Benessere e Raggiungere Il Bellessere Attraverso Il Linguaggio Segreto Dell'Universo Femminile by de Paoli, Lorenza
The Age of Experiences: Harnessing Happiness to Build a New Economy by Hunnicutt, Benjamin
Oxford Handbook of Moral Development: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Social Psychology and Everyday Life by Sonn, Christopher, Hodgetts, Darrin, Stolte, Ottilie
Girl With A Blue Diamond by Tamhane, Ashok Y.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Murphy, Joseph
Un instante diferente by Asensi García, Diego
The Neuroscience of Meditation: Understanding Individual Differences by Tang, Rongxiang, Tang, Yi-Yuan
The Heart of Fear: A Guide to Dealing with Your Fears by Wood, John Thomas
Life Beyond Obscurity: Renew Your Mind, Release Negativity, Reveal You by Aruna, Aralola
BioPsychoSocial: Including Psyche or Light into Our Theoretical Models by Mark My Words
Persönlichkeitspsychologie. Was sind emotionale Intelligenz, Cattells Modell der 16 Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und das Konzept der Kreativität? by Gruber, Stefan
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