• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Colonial Period (1600-1775) in 2000

Into the American Woods: Negotiators on the Pennsylvania Frontier by Merrell, James H.
The Boisterous Sea of Liberty: A Documentary History of America from Discovery Through the Civil War by
Partisanship and the Birth of America's Second Party, 1796-1800: Stop the Wheels of Government by Dawson, Matthew Q.
King Philip's War: Civil War in New England, 1675-1676 by Drake, James D.
Fort Orange Records: 1656-1678 by
Lord Cornbury Scandal the Politics of Reputation in British America by Bonomi, Patricia U.
The Great Frontier War: Britain, France, and the Imperial Struggle for North America, 1607-1755 by Nester, William
The First Global War: Britain, France, and the Fate of North America, 1756-1775 by Nester, William
That Disturbances Cease: The Journals of Don Diego de Vargas, 1697-1700 by
British Clubs and Societies 1580-1800: The Origins of an Associational World by Clark, Peter
Powhatan's World and Colonial Virginia: A Conflict of Cultures by Gleach, Frederic W.
The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492-1800 by
Alexander Hamilton, American by Brookhiser, Richard
When the Eagle Screamed: The Romantic Horizon in American Expansionism, 1800-1860 by Goetzmann, William H.
The British Isles and the War of American Independence by Conway, Stephen
Possible Pasts by
Possible Pasts by
The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume VII: India: The Hastings Trial 1789-1794 by Burke, Edmund
Indians and English: Facing Off in Early America by Kupperman, Karen Ordahl
Haughty Conquerors: Amherst and the Great Indian Uprising of 1763 by Nester, William R.
The Creation of America: Through Revolution to Empire by Jennings, Francis
Ye Heart of a Man: The Domestic Life of Men in Colonial New England by Wilson, Lisa
The French in Early Florida: In the Eye of the Hurricane by McGrath, John T.
A Fever in Salem: A New Interpretation of the New England Witch Trials by Carlson, Laurie Winn
Colonial Plantations and Economy in Florida by
The Creation of America: Through Revolution to Empire by Jennings, Francis
Debating the Issues in Colonial Newspapers: Primary Documents on Events of the Period by Copeland, David
Natives and Newcomers: The Cultural Origins of North America by Axtell, James
Witches of the Atlantic World: An Historical Reader and Primary Sourcebook by
North Carolina Taxpayers, 1679-1790. Volume 2 by Ratcliff, Clarence E.
Original Scots Colonists of Early America, 1612-1783 by Dobson, David
Virginia Wills and Administrations 1632-1800 by Torrence, Clayton
North and South Carolina Marriage Records by Clemens, William Montgomery
Kentucky Pioneers and Their Descendants by Fowler, Ila Earle
Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666 by Greer, George C.
A Few Acres of Snow: The Saga of the French and Indian Wars by Leckie, Robert
Events That Changed America Through the Seventeenth Century by Findling, John, Thackeray, Frank
Colonial Ironwork In Old Philadelphia - The Craftsmanship Of The Early Days Of The Republic by Wallace, Philip B.
Colonial Ironwork In Old Philadelphia - The Craftsmanship Of The Early Days Of The Republic by Wallace, Philip B.
The Salem Witch Trials Readers by Hill, Frances
America's First Families: An Inside View of 200 Years of Private Life in the White House by Anthony, Carl Sferrazza
From British Peasants to Colonial American Farmers by Kulikoff, Allan
Politics and Post-Colonial Theory: African Inflections by Ahluwalia, Pal
Politics and Post-Colonial Theory: African Inflections by Ahluwalia, Pal
Ancient Sagadahoc by Chandler, E. J.
Captive Selves, Captivating Others: The Politics and Poetics of Colonial American Captivity Narratives by Strong, Pauline Turner
From Colonials to Provincials: American Thought and Culture 1680-1760 by Landsman, Ned
Thomas Morton of "Merrymount": The Life and Renaissance of an Early American Poet by Dempsey, Jack
New English Canaan: Notes & Text by Morton, Thomas