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Colonial Period (1600-1775) in 2011

The Baltimore Principles by Douglas, Carl
The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson: A Collection of Selected Writings, Memoirs and Letters by Jefferson, Thomas
Farming Dissenters by Troxler, Carole W.
Domestic Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century by Jester, Annie Lash
The Planters of Colonial Virginia by Wertenbaker, Thomas J.
The Fledgling Province: Social and Cultural Life in Colonial Georgia, 1733-1776 by Davis, Harold E.
'Poor Carolina': Politics and Society in Colonial North Carolina, 1729-1776 by Ekirch, A. Roger
The Formation of a Society on Virginia's Eastern Shore, 1615-1655 by Perry, James R.
Faithful Magistrates and Republican Lawyers: Creators of Virginia Legal Culture, 1680-1810 by Roeber, A. G.
Tench Coxe and the Early Republic by Cooke, Jacob E.
The Duke's Province: A Study of New York Politics and Society, 1664-1691 by Ritchie, Robert C.
Lethal Encounters: Englishmen and Indians in Colonial Virginia by Cave, Alfred
New Men: Manliness in Early America by
Vestry Book of Kingston Parish, Mathews County, Virginia (Until May 1, 1791, Gloucester County), 1679-1796 by
New Men: Manliness in Early America by
White Servitude in Pennsylvania. Indentured and Redemption Labor in Colony and Commonwealth by Herrick, Cheesman a.
In Their Own Words: The Wisdom and Passion of Our Founding Fathers by Nasello, Edward Robert
A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison by Seaver, James E., Jemison, Mary
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin
History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield. in Three Books. Volume I by
Dispute and Conflict Resolution in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 1725-1825 by Nelson, William E.
History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield. in Three Books. Volume II, Part 2 by
History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield. in Three Books. Volume II, Part I by
Anti-Japanese War-Scare Stories by Gulick, Sidney Lewis
Before They Were Heroes at King's Mountain - North Carolina Edition by Jones, Randell
Passion Is the Gale: Emotion, Power, and the Coming of the American Revolution by Eustace, Nicole
Before They Were Heroes at King's Mountain (South Carolina Edition) by Jones, Randell
John Woolman and the Affairs of Truth by Woolman, John
John Woolman and the Affairs of Truth by Woolman, John, Proud, James
The Seneca Restoration, 1715-1754: An Iroquois Local Political Economy by Jordan, Kurt A.
Thomas Jefferson's Haitian Policy: Myths and Realities by Scherr, Arthur
Before They Were Heroes at King's Mountain (Virginia Edition) by Jones, Randell
Virginia Tax Payers 1782 - 1787; Other Than Those Published by the United States Census Bureau by
Imperial Entanglements: Iroquois Change and Persistence on the Frontiers of Empire by Macleitch, Gail D.
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress 2 Volume Set: Written During the War Between the United Colonies and Great Britain by Washington, George
Washington's Political Legacies by Washington, George
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress - Volume 1 by Washington, George
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress - Volume 2 by Washington, George
Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1790: Names of Persons for Whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued in the Province of Pennsylvania Prior to 1790 by
Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. Volume XXIX, 1755-1758, Libers: 36 (Pp. 208-End), 37 (Pp. 1-144) by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Genealogical and Personal History of the Upper Monongahela Valley, West Virginia. in Two Volumes. Volume I by
Genealogical and Personal History of the Upper Monongahela Valley, West Virginia. in Two Volumes. Volume II by
History of Kentucky. Collins' Historical Sketches of Kentucky. in Two Volumes. Volume I by Collins, Lewis, Collins, Richard H.
History F Kentucky. Collins' Historical Sketches of Kentucky. in Two Volumes. Volume II by Collins, Lewis, Collins, Richard H.
The Hanging of Thomas Jeremiah: A Free Black Man's Encounter with Liberty by Harris, J. William
The Liberty Bell by Nash, Gary B.
Settlers, Liberty, and Empire: The Roots of Early American Political Theory, 1675-1775 by Yirush, Craig
Settlers, Liberty, and Empire by Yirush, Craig
Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation by Bradford, William
Documents Illustrative of American History, 1606-1863; With Introduction and References, by H. W. Preston. by Preston, Howard Willis
From a Far Country: Camisards and Huguenots in the Atlantic World by Randall, Catharine
Jar of Severed Hands: Spanish Deportation of Apache Prisoners of War, 1770-1810 by Santiago, Mark
Albemarle County in Virginia; Giving Some Account of What It Was by Nature, of What It Was Made by Man, and of Some of the Men Who Made It. by Woods, Edgar
Genealogies of Some Old Families of Concord, Massachusetts and Their Descendants in Part to the Present Generation by
Remaking Custom: Law and Identity in the Early American Republic by Pearson, Ellen Holmes
New Jersey Biographical Index, Covering Some 100,000 Biographies and Associated Portraits in 237 New Jersey Cyclopedias, Histories, Yearbooks, Periodi by
Buried Genealogical Data: A Complete List of Addressed Letters Left in the Post Offices of Philadelphia, Chester, Lancaster, Trenton, New Castle by Scott, Kenneth
General Index to the Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series by
Virginia Counties: Those Relating to Virginia Legislation. from the Bulletin of the Virginia State Library, Volume 9, Numbers 1,2 and 3, by Robinson, Morgan P.
Story of Georgia and the Georgia People, 1732-1860. Second Edition [1901] by Smith, George Gillman
Memorials of the Huguenots in America, with Special References to Their Emigration to Pennsylvania by Stapleton, Ammon
Abstracts from Ben Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette, 1728-1748 by Scott, Kenneth
Vital Record of Rhode Island 1630-1850: Births, Marriages and Deaths: Warwick by Arnold, James N.
Vital Record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: Births, Marriages and Deaths: Cranston, Johnston, and North Providence, Rhode Island by Arnold, James N.
Vital Record of Rhode Island 1636-1850: Births, Marriages and Deaths: Providence by Arnold, James N.
Settlers of Maryland, 1679-1700. Extracted from the Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland by Coldham, Peter Wilson
From Jamestown to Jefferson: The Evolution of Religious Freedom in Virginia by
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Family History of New York. in Four Volumes. Volume I by Pelletreau, William S.
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Family History of New York. in Four Volumes. Volume II by Pelletreau, William S.
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Family History of New York. in Four Volumes. Volume III by Pelletreau, William S.
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Family History of New York. in Four Volumes. Volume IV by Pelletreau, William S.
Colonial America: A History in Documents by Gray, Edward G.
The Papers of George Washington: 1 May-30 September 1794 Volume 16 by Washington, George
A Political and Civil History of the United States of America from ... 1763 to ... 1797, including a summary view of the political and civil state of by Pitkin, Timothy
A Political and Civil History of the United States of America from ... 1763 to ... 1797, including a summary view of the political and civil state of by Pitkin, Timothy
Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. An inquiry into the material condition of the people, based upon original and contemporaneous by Bruce, Philip Alexander
Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. An inquiry into the material condition of the people, based upon original and contemporaneous by Bruce, Philip Alexander
Annals of Pennsylvania from the discovery of the Delaware ... 1609-1682. by Hazard, Samuel
New York Marriages Previous to 1784 by New York State Library
1861 vs. 1882. Co Aytch, Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment; Or, a Side Show of the Big Show. by Watkins, Sam R.
Tom Paine's America: The Rise and Fall of Transatlantic Radicalism in the Early Republic by Cotlar, Seth
The Lost Rocks: The Dare Stones and the Unsolved Mystery of Sir Walter Raleigh's Lost Colony by La Vere, David
A Journal of an Indian Captivity During Pontiac's Rebellion in the Year 1763 by Rutherfurd, John
The Captors' Narrative: Catholic Women and Their Puritan Men on the Early American Frontier by Foster, William Henry
Inheritance and Family Life in Colonial New York City by Narrett, David
Barbarians and Brothers: Anglo-American Warfare, 1500-1865 by Lee, Wayne E.
Slavery, Disease, and Suffering in the Southern Lowcountry by McCandless, Peter
Lotteries in Colonial America by Millikan, Neal
Genealogical Gleanings in England. Abstracts of Wills Relating to Early American Families, with Genealogical Notes and Pedigrees Constructed from the by Waters, Henry F.
Genealogical Gleanings in England. Abstracts of Wills Relating to Early American Families, with Genealogical Notes and Pedigrees Constructed from the by Waters, Henry F.
Simmendinger Register of Persons Still Living, by God's Grace, in the Year 1709, Under the Wonderful Providence of the Lord, Journeyed from Germany to by Simmendinger, Ullrich
Monongahela of Old, or Historical Sketches of South-Western Pennsylvania to the Year 1800 by Veech, James
Hirelings: African American Workers and Free Labor in Early Maryland by Dorsey, Jennifer Hull
Home Life in Colonial Days. ... Illustrated, etc. by Earle, Alice Morse
Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. Volume XXX, 1758-1761. Libers: 37 (Pp. 145-End); 38 (Pp. 1-106) by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Making Haste from Babylon: The Mayflower Pilgrims and Their World: A New History by Bunker, Nick
Huguenots: Their Settlements, Churches, and Industries in England and Ireland by Smiles, Samuel
The Papers of James Madison: 1 February-30 June 1805 Volume 9 by Madison, James
Major Washington's Pittsburgh and the Mission to Fort Le Boeuf by Crytzer, Brady J.
Last Voyages of the Mayflower: A Story of the Pilgrims' Ship by Allsop, Kenneth
War on the Run: The Epic Story of Robert Rogers and the Conquest of America's First Frontier by Ross, John F.
Some Emigrants to Virginia. Memoranda in Regard to Several Hundred Emigrants to Virginia During the Colonial Period Whose Parentage Is Shown or Former by
A Particular History of the Five Years French and Indian War in New England and Parts Adjacent from March 15, 1744 to Oct. 16, 1749 Sometimes Called G by Drake, Samuel Gardner
The Life Of Mary Jemison, Indian Captive by Sutherland, Margaret Bradt
Thomas Jefferson And His Unknown Brother Randolph by Jefferson, Thomas, Jefferson, Randolph
Forty Years of Diversity: Essays on Colonial Georgia by
Justices of the Peace of Colonial Virginia 1757-1775 by Ingle, Edward
Logan and Cresap by Mayer, Brantz
Colonial America: A History to 1763 by Lombard, Anne, Middleton, Richard
Forged in Faith: How Faith Shaped the Birth of the Nation 1607-1776 by Gragg, Rod
American Backlogs: The Story of Gertrude Tyler and Her Family, 1660-1860 by
Peaceable Kingdom Lost: The Paxton Boys and the Destruction of William Penn's Holy Experiment by Kenny, Kevin
Ephraim Bowles: His Quaker Heritage by Mott, Joanna Bowles
Saints and Sectaries: Anne Hutchinson and the Antinomian Controversy in the Massachusetts Bay Colony by Battis, Emery
Money and Politics in America, 1755-1775: A Study in the Currency Act of 1764 and the Political Economy of Revolution by Ernst, Joseph
Immigrant and Entrepreneur: The Atlantic World of Caspar Wistar, 1650-1750 by Beiler, Rosalind
Plantation Enterprise in Colonial South Carolina by Edelson, S. Max
Abstracts of Bristol County, Massachusetts, Probate Records. Book 2, 1745-1762 by
Inhabitants of New York, 1774-1776 by Wilson, Thomas B.
Peirce's Colonial Lists. Civil, Military and Professional Lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies. 1621-1700 by Peirce, Ebenezer Weaver
Separated by Their Sex by Norton, Mary Beth
Shaping the Body Politic: Art and Political Formation in Early America by
Ill-Starred General: Braddock of the Coldstream Guards by McCardell, Lee
Voices of Revolutionary America: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life by
Pirates of Savannah: The Birth of Freedom in the Low Country by Lupo, Tarrin P.
Maryland Records: Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church from Original Sources. in Two Volumes. Volume II by Brumbaugh, Gaius Marcus
Maryland Records: Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church from Original Sources. in Two Volumes. Volume I by Brumbaugh, Gaius Marcus
Israel Pemberton: King of the Quakers by Thayer, Theodore
Journals Of Charles Beatty, 1762-1769 by Beatty, Charles
Letters Of Sarah Byng Osborn, 1721-1773 by Osborn, Sarah Byng
Myths and Men: Patrick Henry, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson by Mayo, Bernard
The Hessians and the Other German Auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary War by Lowell, Edward J.
James Travis and the Siege of Brookfield, 1675 by Tracy, Martin Booth
One Family Under God: Love, Belonging, and Authority in Early Transatlantic Methodism by Lawrence, Anna M.
Mary Browne: The True Life And Times Of The Daughter Of The Commissioner Of The United Colonies Of New England by White, Elizabeth Nicholson
New England Captives Carried To Canada V1: Between 1677 And 1760 During The French And Indian Wars by Coleman, Emma Lewis
Oliver Pollock: The Life And Times Of An Unknown Patriot by James, James Alton
Genealogical Records: Manuscript Entries of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Taken from Family Bibles 1581-1917 by
Contesting Slavery: The Politics of Bondage and Freedom in the New American Nation by
Old Somerset on the Eastern Shore of Maryland: A Study in Foundations and Founders by Torrence, Clayton
The American Martyrs: The Story of the Eight Jesuit Martyrs in North America by O'Brien, John a.
Richard Smith: First English Settler Of The Narragansett Country, Rhode Island by Smith, Richard, Jr., Updike, Daniel Berkeley
The Journal And Letters Of Francis Asbury by Asbury, Francis
The Bookbinder in Eighteenth Century Williamsburg: An Account of His Life and Times, and of His Craft by Samford, C. Clement
Pirates of the Carolinas by Pope, Miller
Currituck County, North Carolina: Eighteenth Century Tax & Militia Records by Bennett, William Doub
Buckingham County, Virginia, Surveyor's Plat Book, 1762-1858. Second Edition by Grundset, Eric G.
A Tapestry of Heroes: Appleton, Armistead, Baylor, Donnel, Faris, Hughes, Hunter, Kerr by Young, Maureen
Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. Volume XXXI: 1761-1762. Libers: 38 (Pp.107-End), 39 (Pp. 1-160) by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
The Life and Times of Richard Derby, Merchant of Salem 1712-1783 by Phillips, James Duncan
The Letters of Noah Webster by Webster, Noah
A Genealogical Register of the Descendants in the Male Line of Robert Day, of Hartford, Conn., Who Died in the Year 1648 by Day, George E.
State of New Jersey: Index of Wills, Inventories, Etc., in the Office of the Secretary of State Prior to 1901. in Three Volumes. Volume I by New Jersey Department of State
State of New Jersey: Index of Wills, Inventories, Etc., in the Office of the Secretary of State Prior to 1901. in Three Volumes. Volume II by New Jersey Department of State
State of New Jersey: Index of Wills, Inventories, Etc., in the Office of the Secretary of State Prior to 1901. in Three Volumes. Volume III by New Jersey Department of State
The Stirring: Gateway To Destiny by Witt Jr, Charles T.
Bound with an Iron Chain: The Untold Story of How the British Transported 50,000 Convicts to Colonial America by Vaver, Anthony
Lists of Germans from the Palatinate Who Came to England in 1709 by
Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Paltz, New York by Versteeg, Dingman
Fur, Fortune, and Empire: The Epic History of the Fur Trade in America by Dolin, Eric Jay
Some Emigrants to Virginia by Stanard, W. G. Stanard, Stanard, W. G.
William Penn: A Biography by Peare, Catherine Owens
A Short Biography of John Cotton of Boston and a Cotton Genealogy of His Descendants by Cooley, Laverne C., Cotton, John
With Rogers' Rangers: Woodranger Tales by Browne, G. Waldo
North Carolina Wills and Inventories by Grimes, J. Bryan
Louisville's First Families: A Series of Genealogical Sketches by Jennings, Kathleen
Captain Forrester: The Story of a Salem Merchant Prince by Purcell, Hugh Devereux
The Rich Heritage of Quakerism by Williams, Walter R.
Vestry Book of Saint Peter's, New Kent County, Virginia, from 1682-1758 by National Society of the Colonial Dames O
History of Preston County, West Virginia. in Two Volumes. Volume I by Morton, Oren F.
Pioneer Irish in New England by O'Brien, Michael J.
Empire at the Periphery: British Colonists, Anglo-Dutch Trade, and the Development of the British Atlantic, 1621-1713 by Koot, Christian J.
History of Mercer and Boyle Counties [Kentucky] by Daviess, Maria T.
History of Preston County, West Virginia. in Two Volumes. Volume II by Cole, J. R., Morton, Oren F.
The Hunters of Kentucky: A Narrative History of America's First Far West, 1750-1792 by Belue, Ted Franklin
When Drunk Is Very Bold: White Maryland Runaways, 1763-1769 by Boyle, Joseph Lee
Anne Hutchinson: A Biography by Curtis, Edith
The Martyrs of the Mohawk by Campbell, T. J.
Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey. in Four Volumes. Volume I by
Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey. in Four Volumes. Volume II by
Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey. in Four Volumes. Volume IV. Contains Index to All Four Volumes by
Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey. in Four Volumes. Volume III by
Andrew Newcomb, 1618-1686, And His Descendants by
First Man West: Alexander MacKenzie's Journal of His Voyage to the Pacific Coast of Canada in 1793 by MacKenzie, Alexander
Writing and Reading the Declaration of Independence: An Eighteenth Century View by Hopp, David Ian
Miraculous Plagues: An Epidemiology of Early New England Narrative by Silva, Cristobal
Limits of Optimism: Thomas Jefferson's Dualistic Enlightenment by Valsania, Maurizio
On the Banks of the Rappahannock: A captivating story of romance and mystery in colonial Virginia by Peach, John Harding
The Writings Of Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, With Appendix. Correspondence by Jefferson, Thomas
National Identity in Great Britain and British North America, 1815-1851: The Role of Nineteenth-Century Periodicals by Connors, Linda E., MacDonald, Mary Lu
The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, Including That Part Which Is Now Fitchburg: 1719-1764 by
Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. Volume XXXII: 1762-1764. Libers: 39 (Pp. 161-End), 40 (Pp. 1-153) by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Siblings: Brothers and Sisters in American History by Hemphill, C. Dallett
Bodies of Belief: Baptist Community in Early America by Lindman, Janet Moore
Chronicles of Colonial Maryland by Thomas, James Walter
Pioneer Families of Franklin County, Virginia by Wingfield, Marshall
Vestry Book of Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia, 1729-1783 by
Vital Records of Athol, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 by
Vital Records of Tisbury, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 by
Religion and Profit: Moravians in Early America by Engel, Katherine Carté
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