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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Colonial Period (1600-1775) in 2019

Early American History: 1000 - 1765: From The Vikings to the Stamp Act by Donovan, Michael Edward
Prairie Imperialists: The Indian Country Origins of American Empire by Bjork, Katharine
Lancaster County, Virginia Record Book #2, 1654-1666. by Fleet, Beverley
The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia, 1625-1812 by Colonial Dames, National Society of
California: The History and Legacy of the Land Before and After It Joined the United States by Charles River
California: The History and Legacy of the Land Before and After It Joined the United States by Charles River
Historic Families of Kentucky by Green, Thomas Marshall
Rediscovering Christanna: Native Worlds and Governor Spotswood's Fort by Kincheloe, John
Baron von Steuben: The Life and Legacy of the Prussian General Who Drilled the Continental Army at Valley Forge during the Revolutionary by Charles River
Early Friends Families of Upper BUCKS COUNTY, Pennsylvania by Roberts, Clarence V.
Atlantic Lives: A Comparative Approach to Early America by Shannon, Timothy
Atlantic Lives: A Comparative Approach to Early America by Shannon, Timothy
Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1719-1760. by Chapman, Blanche Adams
Darkness Falls on the Land of Light: Experiencing Religious Awakenings in Eighteenth-Century New England by Winiarski, Douglas L.
The Power of Objects in Eighteenth-Century British America by Van Horn, Jennifer
Early Pennsylvania Land Records, 1686-1732: Minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania. by Egle, William Henry
Young Washington: How Wilderness and War Forged America's Founding Father by Stark, Peter
The early American chroniclers by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
Household Gods: The Religious Lives of the Adams Family by Georgini, Sara
Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip's War by Brooks, Lisa
Records of the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Commonn Pleas of BUCKS County, Pennsylvania, 1684-1700. by Pennsylvania, The Colonial Society of
PENNSYLVANIA-GERMANS in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783. by Richards, Henry Muhlenberg
Genealogical and Historical Notes on Culpeper County, Virginia by Green, Raleigh Travers
Poseidon's Curse by Magra, Christopher P.
Planters, Merchants, and Slaves: Plantation Societies in British America, 1650-1820 by Burnard, Trevor
Pennsylvania Genealogies: Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German by Egle, William Henry
Old Virginia and Her Neighbours by Fiske, John
Plymouth and the Pilgrims by Lord, Arthur
Plymouth and the Pilgrims by Lord, Arthur
Smooth Tongued and Deceitful: White New Jersey Runaways, 1767-1783 by
A Narrative of The Captivity of Nehemiah How in 1745-1747 by Paltsits, Victor Hugo
Village Life in America by Richards, Caroline Cowles
Boston's Massacre by Hinderaker, Eric
Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jun. of Massachusetts by Quincy, Josiah
Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jun. of Massachusetts by Quincy, Josiah
Masters of the Middle Waters: Indian Nations and Colonial Ambitions Along the Mississippi by Lee, Jacob F.
Alexander Henry's Travels and Adventures by Quaife, Milo Milton, Henry, Alexander
Relation of Virginia: A Boy's Memoir of Life with the Powhatans and the Patawomecks by Spelman, Henry
Pocahontas and the English Boys: Caught Between Cultures in Early Virginia by Kupperman, Karen Ordahl
Colonial Spices and Herbs by Mitchell, Patricia B.
Monumental Mobility: The Memory Work of Massasoit by O'Brien, Jean M., Blee, Lisa
Monumental Mobility: The Memory Work of Massasoit by Blee, Lisa, O'Brien, Jean M.
The New England Magazine; Volume 36 by Anonymous
The New England Magazine; Volume 36 by Anonymous
Sir William Johnson by Buell, Augustus C.
German Immigrants, American Pioneers: The Brunners of Schifferstadt by Rensberger, Boyce, Ogden, Patricia
Cumberland Parish, Luneneburg County, Virginia 1749-1816 and Vestry Book 1746-1816. by Bell, Landon C.
The genesis of the United States: a narrative of the movement in England, 1605-1616, which resulted in the plantation of North America by Englishmen, by Brown, Alexander
New Jersey Index of Wills and Inventories, 1663-1900. (Volume #1) by Of State, New Jersey Department
New Jersey Index of Wills and Inventories, 1663-1900. (Volume #2) by Of State, New Jersey Department
New Jersey Index of Wills and Inventories, 1663-1900. (Volume #3) by Of State, New Jersey Department
Disease and Discrimination: Poverty and Pestilence in Colonial Atlantic America by Hutchinson, Dale L.
Virginia Migrations, Hanover County, 1723-1871. (Vols 1 & 2) by Glazebrook, Eugenia G., Glazebrook, Preston G.
Legal Development in Colonial Massachusetts 1630-1686 by Hilkey, Charles J.
Pennsylvania Marriage Licenses Previous to 1790 by Egle, William H., Linn, John B.
The George M. Bedinger Papers in the Draper Manuscript Collection by Heath, Craig L.
French Cooking in Early America by Mitchell, Patricia B.
The English in America: Virginia, Maryland, & the Carolinas by Doyle, J. a.
Inn Civility: Urban Taverns and Early American Civil Society by Scribner, Vaughn
A Constellation of Great Men: Exploring the Character Sketches of Dr. Benjamin Rush of Pennsylvania of the Signers of the Declaration of Independenc by Vile, John R.
Jamestown by Fishwick, Marshall W.
Jamestown by Fishwick, Marshall W.
Properties of Empire: Indians, Colonists, and Land Speculators on the New England Frontier by Saxine, Ian
The City-State of Boston: The Rise and Fall of an Atlantic Power, 1630-1865 by Peterson, Mark
The History of King Philip's War by Mather, Cotton, Mather, Increase
Fort Niagara: The Key to the Inland Oceans and the French Movement to Dominate North America by Utley, William Edward, Scott, Patricia Kay
Migration: From Massachusetts Bay to the Old Northwest by Rawson, Richard
Temperate Empire: Making Climate Change in Early America by Zilberstein, Anya
Fort Niagara: The Key to the Inland Oceans and the French Movement to Dominate North America by Scott, Patricia Kay, Utley, William Edward
The Whitman Massacre: The History and Legacy of the Native American Attack on Missionaries that Started the Cayuse War by Charles River
The Whitman Massacre: The History and Legacy of the Native American Attack on Missionaries that Started the Cayuse War by Charles River
Migration: From Massachusetts Bay to the Old Northwest by Rawson, Richard
Encyclopedia of the French and Indian War in North America, 1754-1763 by Stoetzel, Donald I.
Borderland Narratives: Negotiation and Accommodation in North America's Contested Spaces, 1500-1850 by
The UnPuritans by Dickinson, Joan Adsit
Thomas Jefferson: A Modern Prometheus by Moses, Wilson Jeremiah
New Hanover County, North Carolina Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1786-1800. (Vols. 3 and 4) by Walker, Alexander McDonald
Colonial Surry by Boddie, John Bennett
Petitions of the Early Inhabitants of Kentucky to the General Assembly of Virginia, 1769-1792. by Dorman, John F., Robertson, James R.
The Parish Register of Saint Peters, New Kent County, Virginia, 1680-1787. by Colonial Dames, National Society of the
UNVEILED - The Twenty & Odd: Documenting the First Africans in England's America 1619-1625 and Beyond by Knight, K. I.
Homelands of Bliss: The British Origins of American Bliss Families by Bliss, Tom
Law in American History, Volume III: 1930-2000 by White, G. Edward
Nueva Ámsterdam y Nueva York británica: la historia de la ciudad de Nueva York como una posesión colonial antes de la guerra revolucionaria by Charles River
Nueva Ámsterdam y Nueva York británica: la historia de la ciudad de Nueva York como una posesión colonial antes de la guerra revolucionaria by Charles River
400 Years in America: A Heritage of Faith, Fortitude, and Adventure by Baird, Paul T.
The Struggle for Power in Colonial America, 1607-1776 by Nester, William R.
La Compañía de las Indias Orientales: La historia de la más famosa empresa mercantil del Imperio británico by Charles River
The Jamestown Brides: The Story of England's Maids for Virginia by Potter, Jennifer
The Secret Token: Myth, Obsession, and the Search for the Lost Colony of Roanoke by Lawler, Andrew
The Keen Family and the Mayflower Beginning by Bloss, Dorinda W.
The American Constitutional Tradition: Colonial Charters, Covenants, and Revolutionary State Constitutions, 1578-1780 by Brown, H. Lowell
The Widow Washington: The Life of Mary Washington by Saxton, Martha
"Virginia makes the poorest figure of any State": The Virginia Infantry at the Valley Forge Encampment, 1777-1778. Volume I by Boyle, Joseph Lee
Virginia 1619: Slavery and Freedom in the Making of English America by
Virginia 1619: Slavery and Freedom in the Making of English America by
Hodges' Scout: A Lost Patrol of the French and Indian War by Travers, Len
God, War, and Providence: The Epic Struggle of Roger Williams and the Narragansett Indians Against the Puritans of New England by Warren, James A.
African Descendants in Colonial America: Impact on the Preservation of Peace, Security, and Safety in New England: 1638-1783 by Mboma, Lievin Kambamba
Soldiers in King Philip's War: History of the American Colonies and Wars with Native Americans from 1620 to 1677; Their Troops and Battles by Bodge, George M.
The Vestry Book of the Upper Parish, Nansemond County, Virginia, 1743-1793. by Hall, Wilmer L.
The Vestry Book of Petsworth Parish, Gloucester County Virginia, 1677-1793. by Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson
Immigration of the IRISH QUAKERS into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750. by Myers, Albert Cook
History of Randolph County, West Virginia by Bosworth, A. S.
Southside Virginia Families, Vol. #2 by Boddie, John Bennett
The Quaker Colonies: History of the Early Quaker Settlements in New England and the Delaware River by Fisher, Sydney G.
The Quaker Colonies: History of the Early Quaker Settlements in New England and the Delaware River (Hardcover) by Fisher, Sydney G.
The Royal Spanish Military Hospital at Saint Augustine by Miller, Christine
The Whole History Of Grandfather's Chair: Or True Stories From New England History, 1620-1808 by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
"The Willigee Negroes": Sir William Johnson, Sir Peter Warren and an 18th Century Free Black Community in the Mohawk Valley by Weaver, Daniel T.
The Dutch and Quaker colonies in America (Volume II) by Fiske, John
Colonial Ecology, Atlantic Economy: Transforming Nature in Early New England by Roberts, Strother E.
Jar of Severed Hands: Spanish Deportation of Apache Prisoners of War, 1770-1810 by Santiago, Mark
George Washington: A biography of George Washington, one of America's founding fathers by West, Adam
A History of the United States Constitution: A Guide to the United States Founding Documents by Wonning, Paul R.
The Settlers' Empire: Colonialism and State Formation in America's Old Northwest by Saler, Bethel
Gateways to Empire: Quebec and New Amsterdam to 1664 by Weeks, Daniel J.
Los Rosacruces: La historia de una de las sociedades secretas más notorias del mundo by Charles River
Los Rosacruces: La historia de una de las sociedades secretas más notorias del mundo by Charles River
Las sociedades secretas más notorias del mundo: las historias y los misterios de los masones, los Illuminati y los Rosacruces by Charles River
Las sociedades secretas más notorias del mundo: las historias y los misterios de los masones, los Illuminati y los Rosacruces by Charles River
Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Volume#1.: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808. by Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, Hinkle, William J.
Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Volume #2.: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808. by Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, Hinkle, William J.
Southside Virginia Families, Vol. #1 by Boddie, John Bennett
Boston and My Personal, One-Day, History Tour by Gray, Brian
The Secret History of the Jersey Devil: How Quakers, Hucksters, and Benjamin Franklin Created a Monster by Regal, Brian, Esposito, Frank J.
More Letters from the American Farmer: An Edition of the Essays in English Left Unpublished by Crèvecoeur by St John de Crèvecoeur, J. Hector
The emancipation of Massachusetts by Adams, Brooks
Seas of Gold, Seas of Cotton: Christophe Poulain Dubignon of Jekyll Island by Keber, Martha L.
The Voyage of the Slave Ship Hare: A Journey Into Captivity from Sierra Leone to South Carolina by Kelley, Sean M.
Charles I's Killers in America: The Lives and Afterlives of Edward Whalley and William Goffe by Jenkinson, Matthew
Hidden History of Northwestern Pennsylvania by Hilburn, Jessica
Mayflower Lives: Pilgrims in a New World and the Early American Experience by Whittock, Martyn
Everyday Crimes: Social Violence and Civil Rights in Early America by Ryan, Kelly A.
Orange County, North Carolina Deed Books 6 and 7, 1797-1799. (Volume #5) by Bennett, William D.
Orange County, North Carolina Deed Books 8 and 9, 1799-1802. (Volume #6) by Bennett, William D.
Orange County, North Carolina Deed Books 10 and 11, 1801-1806. (Volume #7) by Bennett, William D.
Orange County, North Carolina Deed Books 12, 1805-1807. (Volume #8) by Bennett, William D.
Franklin Family History: From 1425 England to 2018 U.S.A. by Franklin, William M.
Orange County, North Carolina Deed Books 13, 1808-1811. (Volume #9) by Bennett, William D.
Orange County, North Carolina Deed Books 15 & 16, 1815-1819. (Volume #11) by Bennett, William D.
Colonial Bertie County, North Carolina, Deed Books A-H, 1720-1757. by Bell, Mary Best
Bradford's history of Plymouth plantation, 1606-1646 by Bradford, William, T. Davis, William
Norfolk County, Virginia Tithables, 1730-1750. by Wingo, Elizabeth B.
Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders, 1661-1696. (Volume #2) by Fleet, Beverley
Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders, 1655-1661. (Volume #1) by Fleet, Beverley
Index of Maryland Colonial Wills, 1634-1777 by Magruder, James M.
Personal Names in Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia and Shepherd's Continuation by Casey, Joseph J.
Black Lives, Native Lands, White Worlds: A History of Slavery in New England by Hardesty, Jared Ross
The Salem Witch Hunt: A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and Trials of People Accused of Witchcraft in Colonial Massachusetts by History, Captivating
Captive Selves, Captivating Others: The Politics And Poetics Of Colonial American Captivity Narratives by Strong, Pauline Turner
Conrad Weiser: Pennsylvania Peacemaker by Graeff, Arthur D.
Witchcraft in Colonial Virginia by Jr, Carson O. Hudson
Reconsidering Interpretation of Heritage Sites: America in the Eighteenth Century by Lindsay, Anne
Reconsidering Interpretation of Heritage Sites: America in the Eighteenth Century by Lindsay, Anne
A Pirate's Life in the Golden Age of Piracy by Jacob, Robert
American Empire: A Global History by Hopkins, A. G.
History of Kentucky - Volume #1 by Collins, Lewis
The Indian World of George Washington: The First President, the First Americans, and the Birth of the Nation by Calloway, Colin G.
Hidden In a Book: $40 Trillon -- Keep the Mule by Alexander, Larry Kenneth
James Madison's Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 and their Relation to a More Perfect Society of Nations (1918) by Scott, James Brown
Sandwich A Cape Cod Town by Lovell, R. a.
William Penn's 'Holy Experiment': Quaker Truth in Pennsylvania, 1682-1781 by Proud, James
William Penn's 'Holy Experiment': Quaker Truth in Pennsylvania, 1682-1781 by Proud, James
Black Flags, Blue Waters: The Epic History of America's Most Notorious Pirates by Dolin, Eric Jay
More Than a Plea for a Declaration of Rights: The Constitutional and Political Thought of George Mason of Virginia by Vile, John R.
The Mayflower Pilgrims: Sifting Fact from Fable by Wilson, Derek
Inventing Destiny: Cultural Explorations of US Expansion by
Inventing Destiny: Cultural Explorations of Us Expansion by
Records of the Court of NEW CASTLE COUNTY, Delaware, 1676-1681. (Volume #1) by Pennsylvania, The Colonial Society of
Records of the Court of NEW CASTLE COUNTY, Delaware, 1681-1699. (Volume #2) by Pennsylvania, The Colonial Society of
History of Kentucky - General History by Battle, J. H., Kniffin, G. C., Perrin, William Henry
God on Three Sides by Wilson, Jonathan M.
God on Three Sides by Wilson, Jonathan M.
Apostle of the East by Lawson, Russell M.
Apostle of the East by Lawson, Russell M.
Nahauntus: Accounts of Unexplained Occurrences in Nahant, Massachusetts by Butler, Gerald W.
History of Halifax County, North Carolina by Allen, W. C.
The Story of Liberty & Old Times in the Colonies (Illustrated Edition) by Coffin, Charles Carleton
Mary Ball Washington: The Mother of George Washington and Her Times (Illustrated Edition) by Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice
The Birth of the Nation (Illustrated Edition): Jamestown, 1607 by Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice
Old Times in the Colonies (Illustrated Edition) by Coffin, Charles Carleton
The Mayflower Ship's Log (Complete 6 Volume Edition): Day to Day Details of the Voyage, Characteristics of the Ship: Main Deck, Gun Deck & Cargo Hold, by Ames, Azel
The Letters of Mary Penry: A Single Moravian Woman in Early America by
George Washington: The Life & Times of George Washington - Complete Biography by Wilson, Woodrow
Freedom's Voyage by Hunt, Cissy
Granville Proprietary Land Office Records: Orange County, North Carolina. (Volume #1): Loose Papers, 1752-1763 by Bennett, William D.
Granville Proprietary Land Office Records: Orange County, North Carolina. (Volume #2): Deeds and Surveys, 1752-1760 by Bennett, William D.
Granville Proprietary Land Office Records: Orange County, North Carolina. (Volume #3): Deeds and Surveys, 1761-1763 by Bennett, William D.
Granville Proprietary Land Office Records: Orange County, North Carolina. (Volume #4): Miscellaneous Records by Bennett, William D.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Baltimore County, Volume II: Liber 5: 1757; Liber 6: 1758, 1759, 1760 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Baltimore County, Volume I: Calvert Papers, 1750; Liber 5: 1754, 1755, 1756 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
America's Haunted Prisons and Jails: A Ghost Hunter's Guide by Dwyer, Jeff
The NYPD: The History and Legacy of the New York City Police Department by Charles River
Snowshoe Country by Wickman, Thomas M.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Baltimore County, Volume III: Liber 6: 1761; Liber 7: 1762, 1763, 1764 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland. Baltimore County, Volume IV: Liber 7: 1765; Liber 8: 1766, 1768 by Skinner, Vernon L., Jr.
The NYPD: The History and Legacy of the New York City Police Department by Charles River
Cadwallader Colden, 1688-1776: A Life between Revolutions by Ranlet, Philip
Old Albemarle and Its Absentee Landlords. by Ray, Worth S.
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