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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Colonial Period (1600-1775) in 2024

Campaigning in Kaffirland Or, Scenes and Adventures in the Kaffir War of 1851-52 by King, William Ross
The Conquest of the Americas: A Captivating Guide to the Discovery of the New World, European Colonization, and Indigenous Resistance by History, Captivating
College United States History (Early Colonization to 1877): Complete US History Review by Test Prep, Sterling
Proclaim Liberty: The Pivotal Impact of Colonial Clergy on the First Continental Congress of 1774 by Robinson, Stewart
Homeschool American History: Comprehensive Content by Education, Sterling
Black Majority: Race, Rice, and Rebellion in South Carolina, 1670-1740 by Wood, Peter H.
Frommer's New England by Beckius, Kim Knox, Brokaw, Leslie, Trahan, Erin
Talking Back: Native Women and the Making of the Early South by Dubcovsky, Alejandra
Talking Back: Native Women and the Making of the Early South by Dubcovsky, Alejandra
Colonial Dames and Good Wives by Earle, Alice Morse
Colonial Dames and Good Wives by Earle, Alice Morse
Inventing Disaster: The Culture of Calamity from the Jamestown Colony to the Johnstown Flood by Kierner, Cynthia A.
The New York City Slave Revolt of 1712: The First Enslaved Insurrection in British North America by Hughes, Ben
Vestry Minutes of St. Paul's Parish, Chowan County, North Carolina, 1701-1776 (2nd Edition) by Fouts, Raymond Parker
The Bond of Two Worlds: Captain James Avery and Uncas First of the Mohegans by Battles, James
Dawn Of Liberty: A Journey From Colonies To Nationhood, History Of The American Frontier by Garwood, Steve
Brought Forth on This Continent: Abraham Lincoln and American Immigration by Holzer, Harold
James Oglethorpe, Father of Georgia: A Founder's Journey from Slave Trader to Abolitionist by Thurmond, Michael L.
Complete Writings and Selected Correspondence of John Dickinson: Volume 3 Volume 3 by
God's Solution for America and the Nations of the World: This is a Spiritual Revolution! by Hertler, David Carl, Hallahan Hertler, Jean
Godly Violence in the Puritan Atlantic World, 1636-1676: A Study of Military Providentialism by Rowley, Matthew
Killing Over Land: Murder and Diplomacy on the Early American Frontier by Owens, Robert M.
The Creole Archipelago: Race and Borders in the Colonial Caribbean by Murphy, Tessa
The Deerfield Massacre: A Surprise Attack, a Forced March, and the Fight for Survival in Early America by Swanson, James L.
Troublemakers: Volume 1 by Brewster, Rebekah
Colonial America: A Quick Read by Bonham, Brooke, Bonham, Allison, Links, Academic
Tribus nativas americanas: Una guía apasionante de los cheroquis, chickasaw, choctaw, creek y seminolas by Wellman, Billy
The Henry Bagwell Story: English Adventurer, Virginia Planter (1589-1663) by Rice, Margaret A.
Bacon's Rebellion, 1676-1677: Race, Class, and Frontier Conflict in Colonial Virginia by Otto, Paul, Robinson, Verdis Levar
William Trent: Factor of Ambition by Cherry, Jason A.
Trusting the Inscrutable Ways of Providence: George Washington's Spiritual Path to Joy by Ronaldi, Lynn P.
Reading Roger Williams: Rogue Puritans, Indigenous Nations, and the Founding of America-a Documentary History by McIntyre, Sheila M., Fisher, Julie A., Fisher, Linford D.
Reading Roger Williams: Rogue Puritans, Indigenous Nations, and the Founding of America-a Documentary History by Fisher, Julie A., Fisher, Linford D., McIntyre, Sheila M.
The Dibble Family: Weymouth, Somerset, England to Dorchester, Massachusetts and Windsor, Connecticut and Charleston, South Carolina by Louise, E.
Indian Billy Ice by Ice, Jerry Stephen
Archaeology at Colonial Brunswick by South, Stanley
Mutiny on the Rising Sun: A Tragic Tale of Slavery, Smuggling, and Chocolate by Hardesty, Jared Ross
Historical Archaeology and Indigenous Collaboration: Discovering Histories That Have Futures by Gould, D. Rae, Herbster, Holly, Law Pezzarossi, Heather
The Great Historic Families of Scotland, Volume #1 by Taylor, James
The Great Historic Families of Scotland, Volume #2 by Taylor, James
The Part and the Whole in Early American Literature, Print Culture, and Art by
Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey, Reformed Dutch Church Baptisms, 1740-1850 by Randolph, Howard, Rankin, Russell
Pedigrees of some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants by Von Redlich, Marcellus D. a. R.
Pioneers of Old Hopewell with Sketches of her Revolutionary Heroes, Mercer County, Pennsylvania by Ege, Ralph
The Part and the Whole in Early American Literature, Print Culture, and Art by
Erasure and Tuscarora Resilience in Colonial North Carolina by La Vere, David
Erasure and Tuscarora Resilience in Colonial North Carolina by La Vere, David
Puritan Family by Morgan, Edmund S.
Situation Critical: Critique, Theory, and Early American Studies by
Situation Critical: Critique, Theory, and Early American Studies by
The Patriots' Dilemma: White Abolitionism and Black Banishment in the Founding of the United States of America by Messer-Kruse, Timothy
Governor William Bradford's Letter Book by Bradford, William
Governor William Bradford's Letter Book by Bradford, William
Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation by Bradford, William
Longing for Connection: Entangled Memories and Emotional Loss in Early America by Burstein, Andrew
Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation by Bradford, William
Becoming the Lost Colony: The History, Lore and Popular Culture of the Roanoke Mystery by E. Thomson Shields, Jr., Ewen, Charles R.
No Longer Subjects of the British King: The Political Transformation of Royal Subjects to Republican Citizens, 1774-1776 by McGhee, Shawn David
The Prince of Pirates: A Tale of Love, Loss, and Lots O'Loot by Casteele, E. H.
Greco-Roman Literature and Culture in the Imagination of Virginia's Tidewater Region, 1607-1826: The Empire of the Mind by Haller, Benjamin Stephen
Rezeption Und Memoria Der Reformation Im Ostlichen Europa by
Spark of Revolution: The Reluctant Forging of a New Nation by Landwehr, Dewayne
Beyond 1619: The Atlantic Origins of American Slavery by Polgar, Paul J., Cromwell, Jesse
Beyond 1619: The Atlantic Origins of American Slavery by Polgar, Paul J., Cromwell, Jesse
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin
Hatfield 1677 by Rader, Laura C.
Hatfield 1677 by Rader, Laura C.
The Founding of English America: An Introduction to the Lost Colony and Jamestown by May, John
Heart of American Darkness: Bewilderment and Horror on the Early Frontier by Parkinson, Robert G.
South Carolina Genealogy of the Vanderhorst Family by Vanderhorst Rodriguez, Guadalupe
The Good Forest: The Salzburgers, Success, and the Plan for Georgia by Auman, Karen
Servizio, Lealta, Onore: I Cavalieri Italiani Degli Ordini Militari Spagnoli (Secoli XVI-XVII) by Balestra, Davide
The Good Forest: The Salzburgers, Success, and the Plan for Georgia by Auman, Karen
The History of the USA Understanding America's Past: The History of the United States of America The Story of the United States by Com, Skriuwer
Conscience as a Historical Force: The Liberation Theology of Herman Husband by Harvey, Douglas
Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me: Debunking the False Narratives Defining America's School Curricula by Reilly, Wilfred
History of the American Frontier by Paxson, Frederic L.
The Lost Village: A History of Sharon, New Hampshire by Goff, Gina S.
Making Saints in a 'Glocal' Religion: Practices of Holiness in Early Modern Catholicism by
Vicious and Immoral: Homosexuality, the American Revolution, and the Trials of Robert Newburgh by McCurdy, John Gilbert
Jamestown 1622: The Anglo-Powhatan Wars by Colby, Cameron
Ownership: The Evangelical Legacy of Slavery in Edwards, Wesley, and Whitefield by McGever, Sean
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Britain and the American Dream by Moore, Peter
New York in 1698: A Comprehensive List of Residents, Based on Census, Tax, and Other Lists by
Trading Spaces: The Colonial Marketplace and the Foundations of American Capitalism by Hart, Emma
Colonialism's Legacy: The Lasting Impact of Empire by Dennis, Megan
From Empire to Revolution: Sir James Wright and the Price of Loyalty in Georgia by Brooking, Greg
From Empire to Revolution: Sir James Wright and the Price of Loyalty in Georgia by Brooking, Greg
The Friendships of John Adams, 1774-1801: The Art of Politics by MacPherson, Jamie
For God, King, and People: Forging Commonwealth Bonds in Renaissance Virginia by Haskell, Alexander B.
Blackbeard: The Truth Revealed by Jacob, Robert
The Science of the Soul in Colonial New England by Rivett, Sarah
Slavery and Abolitionism on Cape Cod: A Massachusetts Incongruity by Pregot, Michael V.
The Dreadful Word: Speech Crime and Polite Gentlemen in Massachusetts, 1690-1776 by Olbertson, Kristin A.
Litigation Nation: A Cultural History of Lawsuits in America by Hoffer, Peter Charles
The Involuntary American: A Scottish Prisoner's Journey to the New World by Gardner, Carol R.
The Ruin of All Witches: Life and Death in the New World by Gaskill, Malcolm
Edward Duffield: Philadelphia Clockmaker, Citizen, Gentleman, 1730-1803 by Frishman, Bob
In the Shadow of Salem: The Andover Witch Hunt of 1692 by Hite, Richard
Science and Specters at Salem by Goldish, Matt
Science and Specters at Salem by Goldish, Matt
Engaging Children in Vast Early America by
Engaging Children in Vast Early America by
True Salem: The Authentic Historical Guide by Brunette, J. J.
Sober and Civil: Being a true narrative of one Sarah Towne Cloyse, formerly Bridges by Stuckey, Antonio A.
For Such a Time as This: Ruth's Hidden Truth and The End Of The Age by Bochau, Mae
Squanto: A Native Odyssey by Lipman, Andrew
The Involuntary American: A Scottish Prisoner's Journey to the New World by Gardner, Carol
The Involuntary American: A Scottish Prisoner's Journey to the New World by Gardner, Carol
Titus Simons: Father and Son Loyalists Who Fought in the American Revolution and the War of 1812 by Petty, Ross D.
William Bartram's Visual Wonders: The Drawings of an American Naturalist by Athens, Elizabeth A.
America's First Vaccination: The Controversy of 1721-22 by Heifferon, Barbara
The Unexpected Abigail Adams: A Woman Not Apt to Be Intimidated by Smith, John L.
Penman of the Founding: A Biography of John Dickinson by Calvert, Jane E.
Lotteries in Colonial America by Millikan, Neal
Fairy Stories of the American Colonists - Volume One: Whether you are a starter reader or a parent reading bedtime stories, these timeless tales offer by Kaur, Nehal
Fun and Fancy in Old New York: Reminiscences of a Man About Town by Picton, Tom
Robert Rogers, Ranger: The Rise and Fall of an American Icon by Klotz, Martin
Sober and Civil: Being a true narrative of one Sarah Towne Cloyse, formerly Bridges by Stuckey, Antonio A.
Kabbalah and the Founding of America: The Early Influence of Jewish Thought in the New World by Ogren, Brian
The Great Power of Small Nations: Indigenous Diplomacy in the Gulf South by Ellis, Elizabeth N.
A River of Blood: Two Centuries of Conflict Along the Kennebec by Gawalt, Gerard W.
Revolution by Fire: New York's Afro-Irish Uprising of 1741, a Graphic Novel by Rediker, Marcus, Lester, David
Common Sense (Deluxe, Hardbound Edition) by
The Colonial Towns of Piedmont North Carolina by Hendricks, Christopher E.
Leo IX. Und Die Papstgeschichtliche Wende (1049-1054) by Massetti, Francesco
Through Words, Not Wounds: History and Theology in the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia by Jensen, Carsten Selch
Promise to Pay: The Politics and Power of Money in Early America by Moore, Katie A.
Promise to Pay: The Politics and Power of Money in Early America by Moore, Katie A.
Republic of Indians: Empires of Indigenous Law in the Early American South by Dixon, Bradley J.
From Silence to Statesman: Essays and Writings of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin, Nocturne, Ingall
Miracle on the Mayflower: John Howland's Remarkable Rescue and Lasting Impact on America by Hogg, Cynthia Howard
Miracle on the Mayflower: John Howland's Remarkable Rescue and Lasting Impact on America by Hogg, Cynthia Howard
Race Traffic: Antislavery and the Origins of White Victimhood, 1619-1819 by Peck, Gunther
English Crown Grants, St. George Parish in Georgia, 1755-1775 by Bryant, Pat
Captive Cosmopolitans: Black Mariners and the World of South Atlantic Slavery by Hicks, Mary E.
Fallen from Heaven: The Enduring Tradition of Europeans as Gods in the Americas by Griffiths, Nicholas
The Indigenous Critique: On the Origin of Modern Democracy and the Truth about Western Culture by Robinson, Scott
Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation by Bradford, William
Matoaka, Pocahontas, Rebecca: Her Atlantic Identities and Afterlives by
Matoaka, Pocahontas, Rebecca: Her Atlantic Identities and Afterlives by