• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 1995

Buddhism and Interfaith Dialogue: Part One of a Two-Volume Sequel to Zen and Western Thought by Abe, Masao
Studies in Religion: A Comparative Approach to Theological and Philosophical Themes by Richards, Glyn
Moon Sisters, Krishna Mothers, Rajneesh Lovers: Women's Roles in New Religions (Revised) by Palmer, Susan Jean
Religion and Gender by
Japanese Religions Past and Present by Reader, Ian, Stefansson, Finn, Andreasen, Esben
Working the Spirit: Ceremonies of the African Diaspora by Murphy, Joseph M.
India's Agony Over Religion by Larson, Gerald James
South Asian Religions in the Americas: An Annotated Bibliography of Immigrant Religious Traditions by Fenton, John Y., Anom
A'Aisa's Gifts: A Study of Magic and the Self by Stephen, Michele
Beyond Death: Theological and Philosophical Reflections of Life After Death by
Religious Truth for Our Time by Watt, W. Montgomery
Touched by Angels by Freeman, Eileen Elias, Freeman, Richard
She Who Dwells Within: Feminist Vision of a Renewed Judaism, a by Gottlieb, Lynn
The Gods Have Landed: New Religions from Other Worlds by
Death, Ecstasy, and Other Worldly Journeys by
Heaven, Heroes and Happiness: The Indo-European Roots of Western Ideology by Winn, Shan
Jews and the Christian Imagination: Reluctant Witnesses by Haynes, S.
Jews and the Christian Imagination: Reluctant Witnesses by Haynes, S.
Angel Answers: Creating Heaven on Earth by Ramer, Andrew
Reluctant Witnesesses by Haynes, Stephen R.
Religion and The Transformation of Capitalism: Comparative Approaches by
Concilium 1995/2: The Many Faces of the Divine by
The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedānta: A Comparative Study in Religion and Reason by Sharma, Arvind
Rethinking Materialism: Perspectives on the Spiritual Dimension of Economic Behavior by
Religions of India in Practice by
Spirit Possession and Personhood Among the Kel Ewey Tuareg by Rasmussen, Susan J.
Unification Church by Yamamoto, J. Isamu
New Age Movement by Rhodes, Ron
Unmasking the Cults by Zondervan
Satanism by Passantino, Bob, Passantino, Gretchen
Mormonism by Van Gorden, Kurt
Jehovah's Witnesses by Bowman Jr, Robert M.
Mind Sciences: Christian Science, Religious Science, Unity School of Christianity by Ehrenborg, Todd
Preaching Biblical Texts: Expositions by Jewish and Christian Scholars by
Who's Who in Egyptian Mythology by Bianchi, Robert Steven, Mercatante, Anthony S.
Ritual and Ethnic Identity: A Comparative Study of the Social Meaning of Liturgical Ritual in Synagogues by Bird, Frederick B., Fishbane, Simcha, Lightstone, Jack N.
The Deva Handbook: How to Work with Nature's Subtle Energies by Altman, Nathaniel
Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Myth & Reality of the Triple Goddess by Conway, D. J.
Rama and Moses: The Aryan Cycle and the Mission of Israel by Schure, Edouard
The Orthodox Church by Fitzgerald, Thomas E.
Religion in Roman Britain by Henig, Martin
The World's Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World's Religions by Novak, Philip
Christianity, Tragedy, and Holocaust Literature by Steele, Michael R.
The Search for Fundamentals: The Process of Modernisation and the Quest for Meaning by
The Quotable Angel: A Treasury of Inspiring Quotations Spanning the Ages by
The Quotable Angel: A Treasury of Inspiring Quotations Spanning the Ages by
Buddhism and Interfaith Dialogue: Part One of a Two-Volume Sequel to Zen and Western Thought by Abe, Masao
The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions by Smith, Huston
Christian-Muslim Encounters by
One Earth, Many Religions: Multifaith Dialogue and Global Responsibility by Knitter, Paul F.
The Judaeo-Christian Tradition: Second Edition by Hexter, J. H.
Church and Synagogue Affiliation: Theory, Research, and Practice by
Christianity and the Religions: A Biblical Theology of World Religions by
Theory and Method in Religious Studies by
Divine Discourse: Philosophical Reflections on the Claim That God Speaks by Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism by Cumont, Franz Valery Marie
Treasure of the Magi: A Study of Modern Zoroastrianism by Moulton, James Hope
Pantheism and Christianity by Hunt, John
A Christian theology of religions by Hick, John
Cultural Disarmament: The Way to Peace by Panikkar, Raimon
Nature Worship: An Account of Phallic Faiths and Practices Ancient and Modern, Including the Adoration of the Male and Female Powers i by Anonymous
The Phallus: Sacred Symbol of Male Creative Power by Daniélou, Alain
The Truth of Broken Symbols by Neville, Robert Cummings
A Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Late Antiquity by Hirshman, Marc
American Sacred Space by
Orpheus: A History of Religions by Reinach, Salomon
How to Understand Hinduism by Demariaux, Jean-Christophe, Bowden, John
Eckankar-Ancient Wisdom for Today by
The Eclipse of Eternity: A Sociology of the Afterlife by Walter, T.