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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2000

Indigenous Religions: A Companion by
A Reformation Debate: John Calvin & Jacopo Sadoleto by Olin, John C.
Religion, Ethnicity and Social Change by Fawcett, L.
The Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing by Johnston, William
A Reformation Debate: John Calvin & Jacopo Sadoleto by Olin, John C.
Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing by Johnston, William
The Fountainhead of Religion: A Comparative Study of the Principle Religions of the World and a Manifestation of Their Common Origin from the Vedas by Prasad, Ganga
The Origin and Evolution of Religion by Churchward, Albert
Was Jesus Influenced by Buddhism?: A Comparative Study of the Lives and Thoughts of Gutama and Jesus by Goddhard, Dwight
The Truth Is by Poonja, Sri H. W. L.
Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs: A Comparative Study of Genesis 1. 2. by Palmer, A. Smythe
The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ: Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Christolatry by Massey, Gerald
The Lost Language of Symbolism: An Inquiry Into the Origin of Certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy-Tales, Folklore, and Mythologies by Bayley, Harold
Referring to God: Jewish and Christian Philosophical and Theological Perspectives by
Thoughts on the East by Merton, Thomas
A Magic Still Dwells: Comparative Religion in the Postmodern Age by
The Mysteries of the Qabalah: Or Occult Agreement of the Two Testaments by Levi, Eliphas
The Early History of Heaven by Wright, J. Edward
Religion and International Relations by
The Call of the Minaret by Cragg, Kenneth
Buddhists Talk about Jesus, Christians Talk about the Buddha by
Exploring the Labyrinth: A Guide for Healing and Spiritual Growth by West, Melissa Gayle
Passover Easter: Origin & History to Modern Times by
Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism: Volume 2: Apocalypticism in Western History and Culture by
Community Works: The Revival of Civil Society in America by
Restoring the Goddess: Equal Rites for Modern Women by Walker, Barbara G.
That Old-Time Religion by Maxwell, Jordan
Grace in Dying: A Message of Hope, Comfort and Spiritual Transformation by Singh, Kathleen D.
Religion, Ethnicity and Social Change by Fawcett, L.
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Origins by Fitzmyer, Joseph A.
The Lustre of Our Country: The American Experience of Religious Freedom by Noonan, John T.
The Listening Ebony: Moral Knowledge, Religion, and Power Among the Uduk of Sudan by James, Wendy
From Earth Spirits to Sky Gods: The Socioecological Origins of Monotheism, Individualism, and Hyper-Abstract Reasoning, From the Stone Age to the Axia by Lerro, Bruce
Religious Commitment and Secular Reason by Audi, Robert
Of Human Bondage and Divine Grace: A Global Testimony by
That Old-Time Religion by Maxwell, Jordan
Religious Commitment and Secular Reason by Audi, Robert
Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism: Volume One: The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity by
Das Persönliche Überleben Des Todes: Eine Darstellung Der Erfahrungsweise: Bd. 3 by Mattiesen, Emil
The Diminishing Divide: Religion's Changing Role in American Politics by Keeter, Scott, Green, John C., Kohut, Andrew
The Storyteller's Goddess: Tales of the Goddess and Her Wisdom from Around the World by Edwards, Carolyn McVickar
Theorizing Myth: Narrative, Ideology, and Scholarship by Lincoln, Bruce
Religion in Modern Times: An Interpretive Anthology by
Religion in Modern Times: An Interpretive Anthology by
Stairways to Heaven: Drugs in American Religious History by Fuller, Robert W.
Working on God by Gallagher, Winifred
Many Gods, One Idol: A Study of the Nature of Religion by Tsitrin, Lev
Blessed Bi Spirit by
The Book of Heaven: An Anthology of Writings from Ancient to Modern Times by
Comparing Spiritualities by Neusner, Jacob, Chilton, Bruce D.
Peace is the Way: Writings on Nonviolence from the Fellowship of Reconciliation by
Show Me Your Way: The Complete Guide to Exploring Interfaith Spiritual Direction by Addison, Howard A.
Text and Artifact in the Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity: Essays in Honour of Peter Richardson by
Religious Minorities in Iran by Sanasarian, Eliz
Knowledge of Christ by Moloney S. J., Raymond
Religion and International Relations by
Obatala: Ifa and the Chief of the Spirit of the White Cloth Paperback by Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun
Health Care & Spirituality: Listening, Assessing, Caring by Gilbert, Richard
Reinventing God: For the New Millenium by Heyel, Carl
Muhammad and the Golden Bough: Reconstructing Arabian Myth by Stetkevych, Jaroslav
The Cult of Asherah in Ancient Israel and Judah: Evidence for a Hebrew Goddess by Hadley, Judith M., Judith M., Hadley
An Encyclopedia of American Synagogue Ritual by Olitzky, Kerry M., Raphael, Marc
Christians and Muslims: The Dialogue Activities of the World Council of Churches and Their Theological Foundation by Sperber, Jutta
Voice of Many Waters: A Sacred Anthology for Today by
Journeys Into Emptiness: Dogen, Merton, Jung and the Quest for Transformation by Gunn, Robert Jingen
Theology and the Arts: Encountering God Through Music, Art and Rhetoric by Viladesau, Richard
Reconstructing Religious, Spiritual and Moral Education by Erricker, Jane, Erricker, Clive
Not Ashamed: The Story of Jews for Jesus by Tucker, Ruth
Between Eden and Armageddon: The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking by Gopin, Marc
Encyclopedia of Monasticism: 2 Volume Set by
A Brighter Future After 2000 Years of Christian Churches Vs Judaism?: Why Pope John II Apologizes by Gellman, Jack a.
Remedial Christianity: What Every Believer Should Know About the Faith, but Probably Doesn't by Laughlin, Paul Alan, Jackson, Glenna S.
Religion Politics Peace by Rouner, Leroy S.
Can Evangelicals Learn from World Religions?: Jesus, Revelation Religious Traditions by McDermott, Gerald R.
Faiths in Conflict?: Christian Integrity in a Multicultural World by Ramachandra, Vinoth
Friendship and Ways to Truth by Burrell C. S. C., David B.
The Perfect Stranger's Guide to Funerals and Grieving Practices: A Guide to Etiquette in Other People's Religious Ceremonies by
Essential Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind by Walsh, Roger
The Perfect Stranger's Guide to Funerals and Grieving Practices: A Guide to Etiquette in Other People's Religious Ceremonies by
World Religions by Fowler, Jeaneane D.
Essential Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind by Walsh, Roger
Chewa Traditional Religion by Van Breugel, J. W. M.
Diamond Heart: Book Three: Being and the Meaning of Life by Almaas, A. H.
Being Upright: Zen Meditation and Bodhisattva Precepts by Anderson, Tenshin Reb
Jewish-Christian Debates by Neusner, Jacob, Chilton, Bruce
A History of Christian-Muslim Relations by Goddard, Hugh
A History of Christian-Muslim Relations by Goddard, Hugh
Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man by Almaas, A. H.
Medieval Christian Perceptions of Islam: A Book of Essays by
Puritanismus und Pioniergeist by Brunotte, Ulrike
Goddesses Who Rule by
Goddesses Who Rule by
Eschatology by Schwarz, Hans
The Numinous and Modernity: An Interpretation of Rudolf Otto`s Philosophy of Religion by Gooch, Todd a.
God's Breath: Sacred Scriptures of the World -- The Essential Texts of Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Suf by Kenedi, Aaron, Miller, John
Peyotism and the Native American Church: An Annotated Bibliography by White, Phillip M.
Religion, Law, and Freedom: A Global Perspective by
The Way of the Labyrinth: A Powerful Meditation for Everyday Life by Curry, Helen
Praying with Our Hands: Twenty-One Practices of Embodied Prayer from the World's Spiritual Traditions by Sweeney, Jon M.
Going Home: Jesus and Buddha as Brothers by Hanh, Thich Nhat
The Promised End by Fiddes, Paul S.
An Anthropological Approach to Theology: A Study of John Hick's Theology of Religious Pluralism, Towards Ethical Criteria for a Global Theology of Rel by Meacock, Heather
Friendship Ways to Truth by Burrell, David B.
Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment?: A Debate Between William Lane Craig Gerd Ludemann by
Religious Sites in America: A Reference Guide by Snodgrass, Mary
The Book of Concealed Mystery by Continuum
Kant and Kierkegaard on Religion by
Prophecy in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context: Mesopotamian, Biblical, and Arabian Perspectives by
Down by the Riverside: Readings in African American Religion by
The Lost Religion of Jesus: Simple Living and Nonviolence in Early Christianity by Akers, Keith
Memory History in Judaism by
The Good Road: The Journey Along a Spiritual Path by Kavar, Louis F.
Down by the Riverside: Readings in African American Religion by
Apocalypses: Prophecies, Cults, and Millennial Beliefs Through the Ages by Weber, Eugen
Mysticism and Sacred Scripture by
Sacred Energies by Maguire, Daniel C.
Witchcraft: Theory and Practice by de Angeles, Ly
Creation Stories of the Middle East by Wasilewska, Ewa
The Rivers of Paradise: Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as Religious Founders by
Jewish Law in Gentile Churches by Bockmuehl, Markus
Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World's Religions by
Undressing Religion: Commitment and Conversion from a Cross-Cultural Perspective by
The Secret Stream: Christian Rosenkreutz and Rosicrucianism by Steiner, Rudolf
Law and Religion in Contemporary Society: Communities, Individualism and the State by Edge, Peter W., Harvey, Graham
Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking Religious Identities in Islamicate South Asia by
The World Religions Reader by
Krsna: Lord or Avatara?: The Relationship Between Krsna and Visnu by Matchett, Freda
Religion and Mass Electoral Behaviour in Europe by
Religion-Metaphysik(kritik)-Theologie im Kontext der Moderne/Postmoderne by
Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Religion by
The God Bu$ine$$ by Lehman, Earl F.
The Return of the Mother by Harvey, Andrew