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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2002

Reinterpreting Rahner: A Critical Study of His Major Themes by Burke, Patrick
Reinterpreting Rahner: A Critical Study of His Major Themes by Burke, Patrick
Sex in Islam and other worldviews: Towards a Global Sexual Ethos by Kelly, Derek
Varieties of Religious Experience: Centenary Essays by
Religion and the Dramatisation of Life. Spirit Beliefs and Rituals in Southern and Central Malawi by Schoffeleers, Matthew
Africa's Inland Fisheries. the Management Challenge by
Shaking the Fundamentals: Religious Plurality and Ecumenical Movement by Van Lin, Jan
Christianity and the Religions: From Confrontation to Dialogue by Dupuis, Jacques
Rene Girard and Myth: An Introduction by Golsan, Richard
Menstrual Purity: Rabbinic and Christian Reconstructions of Biblical Gender by Fonrobert, Charlotte Elisheva
Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity by
Modernization, Globalization, and Confucianism in Chinese Societies by Tamney, Joseph B., Chiang, Linda Hsueh-Ling
Reconsidering Nature Religion by Albanese, Catherine L.
Daughters of Islam: Building Bridges with Muslim Women by Adeney, Miriam
Resurrection: The Capstone in the Arch of Christianity by Hanegraaff, Hank
The Prophet & the Messiah: An Arab Christian's Perspective on Islam & Christianity by Moucarry, Chawkat
What Would Buddha Do?: 101 Answers to Life's Daily Dilemmas by Metcalf, Franz
The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism by Carson, D. A.
Christianity in Jewish Terms by Novak, David, Ochs, Peter, Frymer-Kensky, Tikva
From Medieval Pilgrimage to Religious Tourism: The Social and Cultural Economics of Piety by
At the Feet of the Goddess: Divine Feminine in Local Hindu Religion by Foulston, Lynn
Legacy of the Prophet: Despots, Democrats, and the New Politics of Islam by Shadid, Anthony
Phallism in Ancient Worships by
Practicing Religion in the Age of the Media: Explorations in Media, Religion, and Culture by
Practicing Religion in the Age of the Media: Explorations in Media, Religion, and Culture by
Green Magic: The Sacred Connection to Nature by Moura, Ann
Japanese Religions by Yusa, Michiko
Daughters of Islam: Building Bridges with Muslim Women by Adeney, Miriam
The Early History of Heaven by Wright, J. Edward
Untaught and Unlearned Knowledge: Christianity's Inevitable Global Triumph by Womack, D. Min Fred G.
Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective: The One, the Few, and the Many by
Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective: The One, the Few, and the Many by
The Cross and the Crescent: Understanding the Muslim Heart & Mind by Parshall, Phil
Dying for the Gods: Human Sacrifice in Iron Age & Roman Europe by Green, Miranda Aldhouse
The Symbolism of the Cross by Guenon, Rene
The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times by Wetmore, James Richard, Guenon, Rene
Self and Self-Transformation in the History of Religions by
Religions of Asia in Practice: An Anthology by
Hanuman, der Gott in Affengestalt by Keul, István
Theology and Modern Science by Wiseman, James
Self and Self-Transformations in the History of Religions by
Introducing Theologies of Religions by Knitter, Paul
Afghanistan: Mullah, Marx, and Mujahid by Naby, Eden, Rather, Dan, Magnus, Ralph H.
'Religion' and the Religions in the English Enlightenment by Harrison, Peter, Peter, Harrison
The Many Faces of Faith: A Guide to World Religions and Christian Traditions by Losch, Richard R.
Reinventing Paul by Gager, John G.
Asceticism by
The Shade of Swords: Jihad and the Conflict Between Islam and Christianity by Akbar, M. J.
Euthanasia of a Mission: African Church Autonomy in a Colonial Context by Hanciles, Jehu
Incarnate Love: Essays in Orthodox Ethics, Second Edition by Guroian, Vigen
The Changing Shape of Church History by Gonzalez, Justo
Gendering the Spirit: Women, Religion and the Post-Colonial Response by
Experience and Faith: The Significance of Luther for Understanding Today's Experiential Religion by Hordern, William
The Potent Dead: Ancestors, saints and heroes in contemporary Indonesia by
The New Buddhism by Brazier, David
Origins of Huna: Secret Behind the Secret Science by Kaehr, Shelley
Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism by Inman, Thomas
Jewish Monotheism and Christian Trinitarian Doctrine by Lapide, Pinchas, Moltmann, Jürgen
The Islamic Jesus: The Portrait of Jesus in Islamic Literature and Tradition by Deleanu, Daniel
Progress, Apocalypse, and Completion of History and Life After Death of the Human Person in the World Religions by
Contesting Sacrifice: Religion, Nationalism, and Social Thought in France by Strenski, Ivan
Ritual and Cult at Ugarit by Pardee, Dennis
Benedict's Dharma: Buddhists Reflect on the Rule of Saint Benedict by Henry, Patrick
Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions by Higginbotham, River, Higginbotham, Joyce
With God on their Side: Sport in the Service of Religion by
Sacrificing the Self: Perspectives on Martyrdom and Religion by
Ancient Egypt the Light of the World Part 1 by Massey, Gerald
Ancient Egypt the Light of the World Part 2 by Massey, Gerald
On Mankind Their Origin and Destiny Part 2 by Thomson, Arthur Dyott
Natural Genesis Part 1 or the Second Part of a Book of the Beginnings by Massey, Gerald
Natural Genesis Part 2 or the Second Part of a Book of the Beginnings by Massey, Gerald
On Mankind their Origin and Destiny Part 1 by Thomson, Arthur Dyott
Rivers of Life Part 1 or Sources and Streams of the Faiths of Man in all Lands Showing the Evolution of Faiths from the Rudest Symbolisms to the Lates by Forlong, J. G. R.
Rivers of Life Part 2 or Sources and Streams of the Faiths of Man in all Lands Showing the Evolution of Faiths from the Rudest Symbolisms to the Lates by Forlong, J. G. R.
Anacalypsis Part 1 An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions by Higgins, Godfrey
Anacalypsis Part 2 An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions by Higgins, Godfrey
Searching for Meaning in the Holocaust by Bolkosky, Sidney M.
Islam, Europe's Second Religion: The New Social, Cultural, and Political Landscape by Hunter, Shireen
Islam, Europe's Second Religion: The New Social, Cultural, and Political Landscape by
Palace and Temple: A Study of Architectural and Verbal Icons by McCormick, Clifford Mark
Was Greek Thought Religious?: On the Use and Abuse of Hellenism, from Rome to Romanticism by Ruprecht, L.
Religion of the Semites: The Fundamental Institutions by Segal, Robert a.
Was Greek Thought Religious?: On the Use and Abuse of Hellenism, from Rome to Romanticism by Ruprecht, L.
Between Integration and Secession: The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma/Myanmar by Yegar, Moshe
The Open Heaven by Rowland, Christopher
The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel by Smith, Mark S.
Islam in China: Religion, Ethnicity, Culture, and Politics by Israeli, Raphael
Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad?: Understanding the Differences Between Christianity and Islam by George, Timothy
Tao of Nature: Earthway's Wisdom of Daily Living from Grandmother Earth by Rain, Mary Summer
Mohammed and Mohammedanism by Smith, R. Bosworth
The Myth and Ritual School: J.G. Frazer and the Cambridge Ritualists by Ackerman, Robert
The Mythology of South America by Bierhorst, John
Readings in Indigenous Religions by
Readings in Indigenous Religions by
This Day in Paradise: Contemporary and Historical Evidence of Life After Death by Ward, Tim
The Holy Dybbuk:: Letters of Charles Rich, Contemplative. by Desola Chervin, Ronda
From Conflict to Dialogue: Examining Western and Islamic Approaches in Psychology of Religion: A Special Issue of the International Journal for t by
Indian Religions: A Historical Reader of Spiritual Expression and Experience by
Indian Religions: A Historical Reader of Spiritual Expression and Experience by
Human Rights and Religion: A Reader by Gearon, Liam
Human Rights and Religion: A Reader by Gearon, Liam
The Genesis of Perfection: Adam and Eve in Jewish and Christian Imagination by Anderson, Gary a.
Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy by Heinrich, Clark
Religion and the Obligations of Citizenship by Weithman, Paul
Body, Meaning, Healing by Csordas, T.
Body, Meaning, Healing by Csordas, T.
The Rites of Odin by Fitch, Ed
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft by Buckland, Raymond
To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft by Ravenwolf, Silver
Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Cunningham, Scott
Green Witchcraft by Moura, Ann
Santeria: The Religion: Faith, Rites, Magic by González-Wippler, Migene
Raising Witches: Teaching the Wiccan Faith to Children by O'Gaea, Ashleen
Religions of India: A User Friendly and Brief Introduction to Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and the Jains by Sikora, Jack
Religion and Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective by
Kingdom of Snow: Roman Rule and Greek Culture in Cappadocia by Dam, Raymond Van
Hittite Prayers by Singer, Itamar
But Don't All Religions Lead to God?: Navigating the Multi-Faith Maze by Green, Michael
Daughters of Abraham: Feminist Thought in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by
Shamanism: An Introduction by Stutley, Margaret
Ethnoreligious Conflict in the Late 20th Century: A General Theory by Fox, Jonathan
Caught Between Heaven and Hell: Our Journey Through This Life by Felts, Marsha Dickens
Caught Between Heaven and Hell: Our Journey Through This Life by Felts, Marsha Dickens
The Road Within: True Stories of Transformation and the Soul by
The Road Within: True Stories of Transformation and the Soul by
Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs by Lindow, John
Allah and Elohim: Are They the Same God? by Isaac, Sherly
Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians by Freke, Timothy, Gandy, Peter
Islamismo Al Descubierto by Geisler, Norman L., Saleeb, Abdul, Geisier, Norman L.
Oneness: Great Principles Shared by All Religions by Moses, Jeffrey
The Alchemical Mandala: A Survey of the Mandala in the Western Esoteric Traditions by McLean, Adam
Worship and Wilderness: Culture, Religion, and Law in the Management of Public Lands and Resources by Burton, Lloyd
Between Eden and Armageddon: The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking by Gopin, Marc
Imagining Karma: Ethical Transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist, and Greek Rebirth Volume 14 by Obeyesekere, Gananath
Wisdom's Blossoms: Tales of the Saints of India by Glener, Doug, Komaragiri, Sarat
Common Prayers: Faith, Family, and a Christian's Journey Through the Jewish Year by Cox, Harvey
Religious Texts from Ugarit: 2nd Edition by Wyatt, Nicolas
Jesus, Judaism, & Christian Anti-Judaism: Reading the New Testament After the Holocaust by
Deeply Into the Bone: Re-Inventing Rites of Passage Volume 1 by Grimes, Ronald L.
Book of Mirrors: A Spiritual Journal by D'Amato-Neff, Adam L.
Book of Mirrors: A Spiritual Journal by D'Amato-Neff, Adam L.