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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2012

Global and Local Televangelism by
The Catholic Church and Conversion (Aziloth Books) by Chesterton, G. K.
Riten und Rituale der Postmoderne: Am Beispiel des Bistums Erfurt by Schatzler, Stephan
Jesus, an Emerging Jewish Mosaic: Jewish Perspectives, Post-Holocaust by Moore, Daniel F.
Calvins Lehre vom dreifachen Amt Christi: (an Hand der Institutio von 1559 und des Genfer Katechismus von 1545) und ihre Rezeption bei exemplarischen by Meier, Holger
Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #27; A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings by Aseshananda, Hixon, Lex
Die Kernlehre des Buddhismus. Die Lehre von den "Vier Edlen Wahrheiten" by Naumann, Laura
Interreligious Learning: Dialogue, Spirituality and the Christian Imagination by Barnes, Michael
Kirche und Europa by Schreiber, Monica
Transformations and Transfer of Tantra in Asia and Beyond by
Oeuvres Complètes De Edgar Quinet ...: Le Génie Des Religions. De L'origine Des Dieux... by Quinet, Edgar
3 Theories of Everything by Potter, Ellis
Could Satan Have Stolen Holy Scriptures?: The Living Should Not Be Lead My the Dead! by Phillips, Thomas I., Mohammed, Hamin M.
Conversations Between Friends: A Guide to Dialogue and Interfaith Witness Between Monotheists by
Christianity Is Jewish by Schaeffer, Edith
Religiöse Devianz in Leipzig. Monisten, Völkische, Freimaurer und gesellschaftliche Debatten - Das Wirken religiös devianter Gruppierungen im Leipzig by
Religion and Culture: Contemporary Practices and Perspectives by Hecht, Richard D., Biondo, Vincent F.
The Embodied Eye: Religious Visual Culture and the Social Life of Feeling by Morgan, David
The Embodied Eye: Religious Visual Culture and the Social Life of Feeling by Morgan, David
Gospel for Muslims: Gospel for Muslims Learning to Read the Bible by Bell, Steve
Classical Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism by Chilton, Bruce D., Neusner, Jacob
New Religious Movements: A Guide for the Perplexed by Oliver, Paul
Die Bedeutung der Institutionen des Diasporajudentums für die Ausbreitung des Christentums by Mattern, Denny
The Awakened Ones: Phenomenology of Visionary Experience by Obeyesekere, Gananath
Noah's Flood and the Deluge of Gilgamesh: The Comparative Texts by Unknown, Author
Heiliger Krieg im Islam by Jarron, Abe
Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean: Christians, Muslims, and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries by
All You Want to Know But Didn't Think You Could Ask: Religions, Cults, and Popular Beliefs by Ortega Gaurkee, Christine, Tinklenberg Devega, Jessica
Judaism and World Religions: Encountering Christianity, Islam, and Eastern Traditions by Brill, A.
Religion and Society: Volume 2: Advances in Research by
Ten Great Religions: A Comparison of All Religions. [1911... by Clarke, James Freeman
The Religions of the World and Their Relations to Christianity: In 8 Lectures... by Maurice, Frederick Denison
The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion - Lectures Delivered on the William Wyse Foundation at Trinity College, Cambridge 1932-1933 by Frazer, James George
Abrahamitische Religionen - Ein Überblick by Peters, Jennifer
The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion - Part I, The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings - Vol. I by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion - Part I, The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings - Vol. II by Frazer, James George
Magic and Religion - Being Chapters I to VII of the Abridged Edition of 'The Golden Bough' by Frazer, James George
World Religions: An Investigation of the Origins, Nature, and Doctrines of Seven Major World Religions: A Brief and Concise Handbook on by Lantz, Charles Craig
Religions De La Grèce Ou Recherches Sur L'origine, Les Attributs Et Le Culte Des Principales Divinités Helléniques, Volume 1... by Rolle, Pierre Nicolas
Anthems of Apocalypse: Popular Music and Apocalyptic Thought by
Chrislam by Deruvo, Fred
The Christanisme Et Ses Origines ... by Havet, Ernest
Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art by Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish
Flight from the Absolute: Cynical Observations on the Postmodern West. Volume I by Gosselin, Paul
My Neighbor's Faith: Stories of Interreligious Encounter, Growth, and Transformation by
The Idea of God in Early Religions by Jevons, F. B.
Jesus and the Religions: Retrieving a Neglected Example for a Multi-Cultural World by Robinson, Bob
Jesus and the Religions: Retrieving a Neglected Example for a Multi-Cultural World by Robinson, Bob
The Huston Smith Reader by Smith, Huston
Mission and Development: God's Work or Good Works? by
Fields of Faith: Theology and Religious Studies for the Twenty-First Century by
Separated Brethren: A Survey Of Non-Catholic Christian Denominations In The United States by Whalen, William Joseph
Contemporary Problems In Religion by
The Handy Religion Answer Book by Renard, John
When Souls Had Wings by Givens, Terryl L.
No Longer the Same: Religious Others and the Liberation of Christian Theology by Brockman, D.
Becoming Buddhist: Experiences of Socialization and Self-Transformation in Two Australian Buddhist Centres by Eddy, Glenys
Rabbi David: A Documentary Catalogue by Neusner, Jacob
That's Just Your Interpretation: Responding to Skeptics Who Challenge Your Faith by Copan, Paul
The Congregation: Vol. by Green, James R., Jr.
Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidens, Deviants: The First One Hundred Years of Jewish-Christian Relations by Sanders, Jack T.
The Mediators: Nine Stars in the Human Sky by MacQuarrie, John
The Myth of Christian Uniqueness by Knitter, Paul F.
Shamanic Drumming: Calling the Spirits by Drake, Michael
The Ideologies Of Religion by Conger, George Perrigo
A Shot of Faith (to the Head): Be a Confident Believer in an Age of Cranky Atheists by Stokes, Mitch
Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal by Campbell, Joseph
An Archaeology of Religion by Wesler, Kit W.
Al-Gazālī und die Logik by Atik, Günes
Wild Religion: Tracking the Sacred in South Africa by Chidester, David
Sacred Humanism Without Miracles: Responding to the New Atheists by Saltman, R.
The Parallax from Hell: Satan's Critique of Organized Religion and Other Essays by Laubach, Douglas L.
The Parallax from Hell: Satan's Critique of Organized Religion and Other Essays by Laubach, Douglas L.
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough 2 Volume Set: A Study in Comparative Religion by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough - Volume 1 by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough - Volume 3 by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough - Volume 9 by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough - Volume 12 by Frazer, James George
Teutonic Mythology by Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl
Teutonic Mythology - Volume 2 by Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl
Teutonic Mythology by Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl
Teutonic Mythology - Volume 4 by Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
Two Thousand Years Together ? Jews and Christianity by Polonsky, D-R Pinchas
Talking with Mormons: An Invitation to Evangelicals by Mouw, Richard J.
God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by Starr, Mirabai
Les Lois Morales, Religieuses Et Civiles de Mahomet Extraites Du Koran. Tome 1 (Éd.1850) by Sans Auteur
Ormazd Et Ahriman: Leurs Origines Et Leur Histoire (Éd.1877) by Darmesteter, James
Les Confréries Musulmanes (Éd.1899) by Petit, Louis
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria (Éd.1898) by Jastrow, Morris
Les Religions Et Les Langues de l'Inde (Éd.1880) by Cust, Robert Needham
Origine de Tous Les Cultes, Ou Religion Universelle. [Volume 2] (Éd.1822) by Dupuis, Charles-François
Origine de Tous Les Cultes, Ou Religion Universelle. [Volume 3] (Éd.1822) by Dupuis, Charles-François
Origine de Tous Les Cultes, Ou Religion Universelle. [Volume 4] (Éd.1822) by Dupuis, Charles-François
Origine de Tous Les Cultes, Ou Religion Universelle. [Volume 6] (Éd.1822) by Dupuis, Charles-François
Love, Sex, and Gender in the World Religions by Martin, Nancy M., Runzo, Joseph
Interfaith Theology: A Reader by
Christianity and Other Religions: Selected Readings by
Hymne À Ammon-Ra: Des Papyrus Égyptiens Du Musée de Boulaq (Éd.1874) by Sans Auteur
Mahomet Et Son Oeuvre (Éd.1897) by Gondal, Ignace Louis
Du Bouddhisme (Éd.1855) by Barthélemy-St-Hilaire, Jules
La Vie de Mahomed (Éd.1730) by François Ier
Des Védas (Éd.1854) by Barthélemy-St-Hilaire, Jules
Mémoire Sur Les Trois Plus Fameuses Sectes Du Musulmanisme (Ed.1818) by Jean-Baptiste-Louis-Jacques
Marabouts Et Khouan: Étude Sur l'Islam En Algérie (Éd.1884) by Rinn, Louis
Le Taoïsme (Éd.1892) by de Rosny, Léon
Notes Sur l'Islâm Magribin: Les Marabouts (Éd.1900) by Doutté, Edmond
La Religion Védique d'Après Les Hymnes Du Rig-Veda. T. 1 (Éd.1878-1897) by Bergaigne, Abel
L'Immortalité de l'Âme Chez Les Juifs (Éd.1857) by Brecher, Gideon
Le Mahdi, Depuis Les Origines de l'Islam Jusqu'à Nos Jours (Éd.1885) by Darmesteter, James
Human Rights and Responsibilities in World Religions by Runzo, Joseph, Martin, Nancy M., Sharma, Arvind
Ethics in the World Religions by
Scripture in the World Religions: A Short Introduction by Coward, Harold
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, & Lao Tzu: The Parallel Sayings by Hooper, Richard
The Epistemology of Religious Disagreement: A Better Understanding by Kraft, J.
The Epistemology of Religious Disagreement: A Better Understanding by Kraft, J.
Strange Texts, But Grand Truths by Macartney, Clarence Edward Noble
El Ocultismo Y Su Reino = The Kingdom of the Occult by Van Gorden, Kurt, Rische, Jill Martin, Martin, Walter
What Matters?: Ethnographies of Value in a Not So Secular Age by
What Matters?: Ethnographies of Value in a Not So Secular Age by
Die Medizinmänner der Comanchen und die Kunst der Magie: Eine Anwendung von Bronislaw Malinowskis Magie-These by Zander, Daniel
Then We'll Sing a New Song: African Influences on America's Religious Landscape by Clark, Mary Ann
Fiestas de Cruz en la República Dominicana: Estudio Preliminar by Matos, Maitreyi Villamán
Science and Belief: The Big Issues by Stannard, Russell
Religion From Tolstoy To Camus by
El Evangelio de la Luz: Compendio de la historia cósmica del hombre by C, Javier Orrego
WB Companion to African Religi by
One God of All?: Probing Pluralist Identities by Hallett, Garth
The Wisdom Of The Serpent: The Myths Of Death, Rebirth And Resurrection by Oakes, Maud, Henderson, Joseph Lewis
Religionswissenschaft by
Why Religions Spread: The Expansion of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam with Implications for Missions Second Edition by Montgomery, Robert L.
Les Civilisations Primitives En Orient: Chinois, Indiens, Perses, Babyloniens, (Éd.1861) by Martin, Louis-Auguste
Les Livres Sacrés de l'Orient, Comprenant Le Chou-King Ou Le Livre (Éd.1857) by de Visdelou, Claude
Les Traditions Indo-Asiatiques, (Éd.1876) by Jacolliot, Louis
Coligny Avant Les Guerres de Religion: Études Sur Le Xvie Siècle (Éd.1884) by Bersier, Eugène
Le Bouddhisme Au Tibet, (Éd.1881) by Von Schlagintweit, Emil
Le Rig-Véda Et Les Origines de la Mythologie Indo-Européenne (Éd.1892) by Regnaud, Paul
Les Livres Sacrés de Toutes Les Religions Sauf La Bible. 1 (Éd.1865-1866) by de Visdelou, Claude
Les Livres Sacrés de Toutes Les Religions Sauf La Bible. 2 (Éd.1865-1866) by de Visdelou, Claude
Les Lois de Manou (Éd.1893) by Sans Auteur
Histoire Comparée Des Anciennes Religions de l'Égypte Et Des Peuples Sémitiques. (Éd.1882) by Tiele, Cornelis Petrus
Théologie Hindoue: Le Kama Soutra, Règles de l'Amour de Vatsyayana (Ed.1891) by Vatsyayana
Théologie Hindoue: Le Kama Soutra, Règles de l'Amour de Vatsyayana (Ed.1891) by Vatsyayana
Théologie Musulmane. Rauzat-Us-Safa (Jardin de Pureté). Bible de l'Islam (Ed.1894) by Mirkhond, Muhammad Bin Khavendshah Bin Mahmud
L'Islam, Impressions Et Études, (Éd.1896) by de la Croix de Castries, Henry
Le Droit Musulman, Exposé d'Après Les Sources (Éd.1860) by Tornau, Nikolai Egorovitch
Job Et l'Égypte. Le Rédempteur Et La Vie Future Dans Les Civilisations Primitives. (Éd.1877) by Ancessi, Victor
Le Culte Des Morts Dans Le Céleste Empire Et l'Annam, (Éd.1893) by Bouinais, Albert
Histoire Des Origines Du Christianisme. 4, l'Antéchrist (Éd.1873) by Renan, Ernest
L'Inde Après Le Bouddha, (Éd.1892) by Lamairesse, Pierre-Eugène
Failure and Nerve in the Academic Study of Religion by McCutcheon, Russell T., Arnal, William E., Braun, Willi
Fortune and the Cursed: The Sliding Scale of Time in Mongolian Divination by Swancutt, Katherine
Muslim, Christian, Jew: The Oneness of God and the Unity of Our Faith . . . a Personal Journey in Three Abrahamic Religions by Gish, Arthur G.
Muslim, Christian, Jew: The Oneness of God and the Unity of Our Faith . . . a Personal Journey in Three Abrahamic Religions by Gish, Arthur G.
Dancing Dead: Ritual and Religion Among the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and Northeastern Nigeria by Van Beek, Walter E. a.
The Quran: With or Against the Bible?: A Topic-By-Topic Review for the Investigative Mind by Naqvi, Ejaz
The Quran: With or Against the Bible?: A Topic-By-Topic Review for the Investigative Mind by Naqvi, Ejaz
Sacrifice: Its Nature and Purpose by Ashby, Godfrey
Religion Without Magic by Osgood, Phillips Endecott
Modern Trends in World Religions: Haskell Foundation Institute by
Living Springs: New Religious Movements In Western Europe by Wyon, Olive
The Two Hands Of God: The Myths Of Polarity by Watts, Alan W.
Der Islam in Albanien: Eine Untersuchung über die geschichtlichen Gründe des heutigen Religions- und Nationalverständnisses der Albaner by Riedel, Ann Cathrin
Astrology and Cosmology in the World's Religions by Campion, Nicholas
Astrology and Cosmology in the World's Religions by Campion, Nicholas
Religious Experience and Christian Faith by Dillistone, F. W.
The Bible and Other Faiths: What Does the Lord Require of Us? by Glaser, Ida
Reflections on Religious Individuality: Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian Texts and Practices by
Esotericism, Religion, and Politics by
The Religion of the Occident: Or the Origin and Development of the Essene Christian Faith by Larson, Martin Alfred
Die Elisabeth-Tsasouna in Kirkkonummi / Finnland: Eine einzigartige Freilicht-Kapelle der finnisch-orthodoxen Kirche by Merten, Kai
Die Welträtsel by Haeckel, Ernst
Koranexegese zwischen Tradition und Moderne: Der Beitrag von Fazlur Rahman Malik in der modernen Koranexegese by Ziliaskopoulos, Christos-Athenagoras
God: All That Matters by Vernon, Mark
The Children of Odin: The Book of Northern Myths by
Oracle and Sun: Inspirations by Kettering, F. T.
Religious Beliefs Of Youth: A Study And Analysis Of The Structure And Function Of The Religious Beliefs Of Young Adults by Ross, Murray G.
Buddha, Christ, Merlin: Three Wise Men for Our Age by Penczak, Christopher
All the World an Icon: Henry Corbin and the Angelic Function of Beings by Cheetham, Tom
De Bouddha à Jésus (From Buddha to Jesus French Edition): Le Bouddhisme et Le Christianisme Vus de l'Intérieur by Cioccolanti, Steve
Looking For God: A Seeker's Guide to Religious and Spiritual Groups of the World by Sadleir, Steven S.
Beyond Secularism and Jihad?: A Triangular Inquiry into the Mosque, the Manger, and Modernity by Beaulieu, Peter D.
Prophetische Texte II - Hosea 1-3: Sexuelle Gewalt in im Alten Testament by Fischer, Robert
Loci Sacri: Understanding Sacred Places by
On Krishnamurti's Teachings: The Collected Writings, Talks and Classroom Discussions of Allan W. Anderson on the Teachings of J. Krishnamurti by Anderson, Allan W.
Divining the Etruscan World by Turfa, Jean Macintosh
Rationale Schiiten by Wachowski, Markus
Die Samaritaner Und Die Bibel / The Samaritans and the Bible: Historische Und Literarische Wechselwirkungen Zwischen Biblischen Und Samaritanischen Tr by
The Geologic Model of Religion by Clifford, Andrew
Jesus for a Buddhist by MacPherson, Scott
Understanding My Muslim Neighbour: Some Questions and Answers by Stone, Christopher, Nazir-Ali, Michael
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