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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2016

Essays On Cultural Pluralism: A Philosophical Approach To Interfaith Spirituality In The Age Of Science by Khwaja, Jamal
Siberian Shamanism: The Shanar Ritual of the Buryats by Tkacz, Virlana
Anthology of World Scriptures by Van Voorst, Robert
Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics by Scheid, Daniel P.
Science vs. Bible vs. Quran (7) the Earth: Bible contradicts Science and Quran preceded Science by Aly, Ibrahim Khalil
Science vs. Bible vs. Quran (6) the Thunder: In Bible, Thunder is God's voice and in Quran, Thunder Glorifies Allah by Aly, Ibrahim Khalil
Mors Britannica C by Davies
Buddhismus als Religion? Vom Hinayana zum Mahayana by Gallert, Else
Science vs. Bible vs. Quran (7) the lightning: The Bible contradicts the science and the Quran never does it by Khalil, Ibrahim
Der Fetisch an der Küste Guineas by Bastian, Adolf
If Allah Wills by Philpott, Kent
Rebirth and the Stream of Life: A Philosophical Study of Reincarnation, Karma and Ethics by Burley, Mikel
Rebirth and the Stream of Life: A Philosophical Study of Reincarnation, Karma and Ethics by Burley, Mikel
Interface: Catholic/Orthodox Convergence by Bundy, V. Lester Michael
Le Coran T01 by Sans Auteur
Le Testament de Jean Meslier. Tome 2 by Meslier-J
Le Testament de Jean Meslier. Tome 3 by Meslier-J
World Religions in a Nutshell: A Compact Guide to Reaching Those of Other Faiths by Comfort, Ray
Mechanism of Human Relationship: An Agnostic View by M, Paul
Islamische Soziologie. Bildung und das Bildungssystem im Gesamtwerk "Risale-i Nur" von Said Nursi by Arslan, Muhammet Ali
Science vs. Bible vs. Quran (8) the Subatomic Weight: The Quran preceded the sciences and the Bible contradicts the sciences by Aly, Ibrahim Khalil
Practical Mysticism in Islam and Christianity: A Comparative Study of Jalal al-Din Rumi and Meister Eckhart by Zarrabi-Zadeh, Saeed
Der Zen-Buddhismus: Eine chinesische Religion im japanischen Gewand?: Ursprünge und Entwicklung des Meditationsbuddhismus von den Anfängen by Drescher, Frank
An Introduction to the History of Religion (Routledge Revivals) by Jevons, F. B.
Church in an Age of Global Migration: A Moving Body by
Science vs. Bible vs. Quran (9) the Ants: The Bible contradicts the Science while the Quran preceded the Science by Khalil, Ibrahim
Thinking Biblically about Islam: Genesis, Transfiguration, Transformation by Glaser, Ida
Thinking Biblically about Islam: Genesis, Transfiguration, Transformation by Glaser, Ida
The Impact of Culture and Cultures Upon Jewish Customs and Rituals: Collected Essays by Fishbane, Simcha
A Poetics of Translation: Between Chinese and English Literature by
Holocaust Politics by Roth, John K.
Science vs. Bible vs. Quran (10) the Spider: The Bible contradicts the Science while the Quran preceded the Science by Khalil, Ibrahim
The Collapse of Time by Redden, Andrew
Primitive Ritual and Belief: An Anthropological Essay by James, E. O.
Islam, Islamismus oder politischer Terrorismus? Der Diskurs über Al Quaida by Köberich, Oliver
The Spirit of Contradiction in Christianity and Buddhism by Nicholson, Hugh
Refractions of the Scriptural: Critical Orientation as Transgression by
God was in this place & I, I did not know: Finding Self, Spirituality and Ultimate Meaning (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Kushner, Lawrence
Sun Gods: The Solar Deities by Slostad, Walton
Living Traditions and Universal Conviviality: Prospects and Challenges for Peace in Multireligious Communities by
Jesus Freaks: A True Story of Murder and Madness on the Evangelical Edge by Lattin, Don
Die Apokalyptik in Christentum und Judentum. Ende der Zeit oder eschatologische Hoffnung? by Visnovsky, Michaela
Of Strangers & Enemies: A Pathway to Peace for Jews, Christians, and Muslims by Eagan, J. Robert
Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome: One Woman's Desperate, Funny, and Healing Journey to Explore 30 Religions by Her 30th Birthday by Riley, Reba
Christianity is an African Religion: How African Spirituality Gave Birth to the Light of the World. Deconstructing White Christian Religious Racism co by Matthews Ph. D., Donald Henry
Godless Paganism: Voices of Non-Theistic Pagans by Halstead, John
The Digital Humanities and Islamic & Middle East Studies by
Understanding the World Religions: A guide to comparative religion by MacPherson, Camilia
Beyond the Secular West by
The Good Heart: A Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of Jesus by Dalai Lama
A Book of the Beginnings [TWO VOLUMES BOUND INTO ONE] by Massey, Gerald
Mindblowing by Codnia, J. P.
The Politics of Iconoclasm: Religion, Violence and the Culture of Image-Breaking in Christianity and Islam by Noyes, James
Nouvelles Contributions À l'Hagiologie de l'Islam by Goldziher, Ignác
God Against the gods: Storytelling, Imagination and Apologetics in the Bible by Godawa, Brian
A Christian View of Islam, Muhammad, and the Koran by Faulkner, Bob
Disclosures: Symbols, Worlds, Selves by Gualtieri, Antonio R.
Ritual Gone Wrong: What We Learn from Ritual Disruption by McClymond, Kathryn T.
Sin, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
ISIS vs. the Illuminati: The War for a New World Order by The Dark Lords
Universal Spirituality: Understanding The Subtle Body: Love, The Cross, and Crosses by MacPherson, Camilia
Buddhist Experience: Bridging The Gap Between Christianity And Buddhism by MacPherson, Camilia
Mercury's Children - Shamanic and Hermetic Practices: Institute for Hermetic Studies Monograph Series by Stavish, Mark
It's Between What They Say by Wasi, Khalid
Oddly Unjust by Hartmann, Larry
Introduction To The Science Of Religion by Müller, Friedrich Max
Post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Dialogue: After the Flood, before the Rainbow by
Knowing Jesus And The Urantia Book Through Questions To The Authors: The Gospel Authors by Crickett, Robert
Shamanism and the Eighteenth Century by Flaherty, Gloria
Learning Love from a Tiger: Religious Experiences with Nature by Capper, Daniel
Learning Love from a Tiger: Religious Experiences with Nature by Capper, Daniel
Mambu: A Melanesian Millennium by Burridge, Kenelm
Religion and The Transformation of Capitalism: Comparative Approaches by
The Evolution of the Messianic Idea: A Study in Comparative Religion by Oesterley, W. O. E.
Man's Origin And Destiny by Lesley, J. Peter
The Myth and Ritual School: J.G. Frazer and the Cambridge Ritualists by Ackerman, Robert
More Than Allegory: On Religious Myth, Truth and Belief by Kastrup, Bernardo
Religion in Contemporary Nigeria by
Première Lettre À M. Necker, Sur l'Importance Des Opinions Religieuses by de Rivarol, Antoine
Le Culte Domestique, Sermon Prononcé Au Temple Israélite d'Enghein Le Premier Jour de Rosch-Haschana by Lévy, Léon
La Moysade, Et Examen Critique Du Nouveau Testament, Suivi d'Un Supplément by Naigeon, Jacques-André
Israël Vengé, Ou Exposition Naturelle Des Prophéties Hébraïques Que Les Chrétiens Appliquent À Jésus by Orobio de Castro, Ishak Balthazar
World Religions and Cults, Volume 2: Moralistic, Mythical and Mysticism Religions by
Unparalleled: How Christianity's Uniqueness Makes It Compelling by Wilson, Jared C.
Muhammad And Christ by Ali, Moulvi Muhammad
Polygamie im Islam. Liefert die Sure "An-Nisa" im Koran die Legitimation für die Unterdrückung der Frau in der Ehe? by Menzel, Carolin
An Interpretation of India's Religious History by Hume, Robert Allen
India: Its Natives and Missions by Trevor, George
Parsi, Janina, and Sikh, or, Some Minor Religious Sects in India: The Maitland Prize Essay for 1897 by Thornton, Douglas M.
Supreme Science Volume 1: Does The Matrix Really Exist? by Hendrix, Dewayne
The Growth of Religion, a Study of its Origins and Development by McCabe, Joseph
The Spiritual Delta: Bridging and Integrating Spiritual Viewpoints for Our Next Generation by Davis, Kirk
Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements: Volume II by
Marxian Socialism and Religion: A Study of the Relation of the Marxian Theories to the Fundamental Principles of Religion by Spargo, John
Die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka. Elementare Strukturen, Erfahrungen, Zugänge und Wahrheiten by Wieser, Eva
Career of Religious Ideas: Their Ultimate: The Religion of Science by Tuttle, Hudson
The Respective Peculiarities in the Creeds of the Mahometan and the Hindu Which Stand in the Way of Conversion to the Christian Faith: An Essay by Fiske, Ernest Frederick
Christ and Other Masters: An Historical Inquiry Into Some of the Chief Parallelisms and Contrasts Between Christianity and the Religious Systems by Hardwick, Charles
Jeesuksen jooga - The Yoga of Jesus (Finnish) by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Ten Great Religions: An Essay in Comparative Theology, Volume 1 by Clarke, James Freeman
The Philosophy of Religion On the Basis of Its History, Volume 2 by Pfleiderer, Otto
The Philosophy of Religion On the Basis of Its History, Volume 4 by Pfleiderer, Otto
New Patterns for Comparative Religion: Passages to an Evolutionary Perspective by Paden, William E.
Man's Origin and Destiny: Sketched From the Platform of the Sciences, in a Course of Lectures Delivered Before the Lowell Institute in Boston, i by Lesley, J. Peter
The Mind of Mithraists: Historical and Cognitive Studies in the Roman Cult of Mithras by Martin, Luther H.
Oriental and Linguistic Studies: The East and West by Whitney, William Dwight
An Analysis of Religious Belief, Volume 1 by Amberley, John Russell
Religious Freedom and Religious Pluralism in Africa: Prospects and Limitations by
Oriental and Linguistic Studies: The East and West; Religion and Mythology; Orthography and Phonology; Hindu Astronomy by Whitney, William Dwight
An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religion by Jevons, Frank Byron
Comparative Religion by Jevons, Frank Byron
Religion and the Specter of the West: Sikhism, India, Postcoloniality, and the Politics of Translation by Mandair, Arvind-Pal
Comparative View of Religions by Washburn, Francis T.
Words of My Teachers - A Companion to the IHS Audio Programs by Stavish M. a., Mark
God's Human Future: The Struggle to Define Theology Today by Galston, David
God's Human Future: The Struggle to Define Theology Today by Galston, David
Thinkers of the East by Shah, Idries
Thinkers of the East by Shah, Idries
Interpreting Scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam by
Realize the Unseen Instigators In 6 Major Religions by Sharifi, Khalilullah
Europa im Islam - Islam in Europa: Islamische Konzepte zur Vereinbarkeit von religioeser und buergerlicher Zugehoerigkeit by Neugebauer, Vivien
Konflikte zwischen Islam und UN-Menschenrechten. Ist die Menschenrechtecharta mit dem Koran kompatibel? by Kretschmer, Janek
La Biblia del ario by Katolik, Oleksander
Biblical iconography in new media I: Iconography of Protogenesis in movies by Mora, Fabio
Polifemo 2016 by Mora, Fabio
Joga Jezusa (The Yoga of Jesus) Polish by Yogananda, Paramahansa
A Deadly Misunderstanding: Quest to Bridge the Muslim/Christian Divide by Siljander, Mark D.
The Sevenfold Shaman by Lampman, S. R.
Mindscaping the Landscape of Tibet: Place, Memorability, Ecoaesthetics by Smyer Yü, Dan
Social Media and Religious Change by
Orthodoxy in Arabic Terms: A Study of Theodore Abu Qurrah's Theology in Its Islamic Context by Awad, Najib George
Jenseits der Tradition? by
Exploring Methods and Positions by Pye, Michael
Reflections on Religious Individuality: Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian Texts and Practices by
Exploring Religions in Motion by Pye, Michael
Why Study Religion?: Understanding Humanity's Pursuit of the Divine by
Polifemo XXI secolo 2016 by Mora, Fabio
Kekristenan Dari Perspektif Islam by Muljono, Anton, Neven, Klaus Habib
Histoire Et Théorie Du Symbolisme Religieux Avant Et Depuis Le Christianisme. Tome 4 by Auber, Charles-Auguste
Histoire Et Théorie Du Symbolisme Religieux Avant Et Depuis Le Christianisme. Tome 1 by Auber, Charles-Auguste
Histoire Et Théorie Du Symbolisme Religieux Avant Et Depuis Le Christianisme. Tome 2 by Auber, Charles-Auguste
Histoire Et Théorie Du Symbolisme Religieux Avant Et Depuis Le Christianisme. Tome 3 by Auber, Charles-Auguste
Twilight of the Saints: Everyday Religion in Ottoman Syria and Palestine by Grehan, James
Clearing Up Confusion about the Sequence of End Time Events: The Tribulation, Rapture, Two Resurrections, Millennium, Final Judgment, Life in Heaven a by Slayton, Charles N.
Contemplative Literature: A Comparative Sourcebook on Meditation and Contemplative Prayer by
Polifemo XXI secolo: 2016 by Mora, Fabio
Interfaith Leadership: A Primer by Patel, Eboo
Four Testaments: Tao Te Ching, Analects, Dhammapada, Bhagavad Gita: Sacred Scriptures of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Hinduism by
The Way by Servant, A. B.
Understanding and Freedom: Detailed Comparison Between Islam and Christianity by Shayesteh, Daniel
Postcolonial Practice of Ministry: Leadership, Liturgy, and Interfaith Engagement by
Jesus in Islam by Penney, Roger
Interreligious Comparisons in Religious Studies and Theology: Comparison Revisited by
Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Myth: Volume III by
Sufism and Taoism: A Comparative Study of Key Philosophical Concepts by Izutsu, Toshihiko
Bridges from the East: A novel about eastern religions by Saeker, C. D.
A Popular Dictionary of Shinto by Bocking, Brian
Chronicum Holocenum: Holocene Current Events for Primates by Martin, Raymond Robert
Stupidism: An irreverent look at some of the world's wacky ideas about religion by Ellsworth, David
Welcoming Other Religions: A New Dimension of the Christian Faith by de Béthune, Pierre-François
Poverty and Wealth in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by
India's Spiritual Heritage I: A simple guide to understand India and her religion by Krishnaswami, Sabharatnam, Swami, Skandananda
Calling in Today's World: Voices from Eight Faith Perspectives by
Brahman: A Comparative Theology by Myers, Michael
Illuminati - A New American Religion: How Belief in the Illuminati is Becoming a New Faith in America by Stanley, Matthew James
Reincarnation, Oblivion or Heaven?: A Christian Exploration by Bose, Bobby
Reincarnation, Oblivion or Heaven?: A Christian Exploration by Bose, Bobby
Bushido and Christianity by Sasamori, Takemi
If God Wills: Bringing the Crescent to the Cross by Philpott, Kent A.
Disability and World Religions: An Introduction by
Finding Peace Through Spiritual Practice: The Interfaith Amigos' Guide to Personal, Social and Environmental Healing by Falcon, Ted, MacKenzie, Don, Rahman, Jamal
The Wizard of Oz as a Parable by Adams, Steve
Wittgenstein and Interreligious Disagreement: A Philosophical and Theological Perspective by Andrejč, Gorazd
Images of 2015 by Mora, Fabio
Bird Magic: Wisdom of the Ancient Goddess for Pagans & Wiccans by Kynes, Sandra
The Golden Rules of Buddhism by Olcott, Henry Steel
No God But One: Allah or Jesus?: A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam and Christianity by Qureshi, Nabeel
No God But One: Allah or Jesus?: A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam and Christianity by Qureshi, Nabeel
The Conflict Qur'an Vs. Bible: A Subject Comparison of Surah and Scripture by Reilly, J. C.
Chasing Immortality in World Religions by Coulter-Harris, Deborah M.
Finding Peace Through Spiritual Practice: The Interfaith Amigos' Guide to Personal, Social and Environmental Healing by Falcon, Ted, Rahman, Jamal, MacKenzie, Don
Das Ahlaq-Verständnis im Kalam by Dilekoglu, Süveybe
Trajectories: Excursions with the Anthropology of E. Douglas Lewis by
The Voice of the Silence by Blavatsky, H. P.
The Future of Religious Leadership: World Religions in Conversation by
Faithful Neighbors: Christian-Muslim Vision and Practice by Haymes, Claire, Heaney, Robert S., Sayilgan, Zeyneb
Reading the Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature by
Religious Pluralism in Christian and Islamic Philosophy: The Thought of John Hick and Seyyed Hossein Nasr by Aslan, Adnan
God Explained: Leaders from Thirty Different Religions Interpret God by Barnett, Miles
12 Major World Religions: The Beliefs, Rituals, and Traditions of Humanity's Most Influential Faiths by Boyett, Jason
Comparing Faithfully: Insights for Systematic Theological Reflection by
Comparing Faithfully: Insights for Systematic Theological Reflection by
How Do You Know That? by Potter, Ellis
Nicht mache dir Fetische!: Zu alttestamentlichem Bilderverbot und Marx'scher Wertkritik. Kuno Füssel zum 75. Geburtstag. by Hilke, Arne
Violence, Religion, Peacemaking by
The Order of the Solar Temple: The Temple of Death by
Hostile Witnesses: How the His by Michuta, Gary
The Qur'an in Context: A Christian Exploration by Anderson, Mark Robert
Who Is God's Mother?: An Incomplete Devotional by a Man Who Bought the Farm by Bland, Paul R.
Interfaith Dialogue: Global Perspectives by
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