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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2017

Ideologien 19. Jahrhundert. Beziehungen zwischen der katholischen Kirche und den Freimaurern by Schillings, Pia-Sophie
Viewing Islam: From Text to Context: Occasional Papers in the Study of Islam and Other Faiths Nos. 1 & 2 (2009 & 2010) by
Pilgrim to Unholy Places: Christians and Jews re-visit the Holocaust by
Images of 2016 by Mora, Fabio
Nathartukum elay Al-Thawarti vol. 5: Fitrah=Natural Human Disposition by Swift, Sayyar Isma'il
What Christians Need to Know about the Quran and Islam by Isaias, John J.
Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence by Selengut, Charles
Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence by Selengut, Charles
Die Sakramente aus katholischer und evangelischer Perspektive by Meier, Rebecca
Beiträge zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte: der Gott Israels und die Götter der Heiden by Baethgen, Friedrich
Islam: the Religion of the Veda Prophets, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad by Ibn-Stanford, Antar
Why I left the Jewish religion to follow Jesus by Levine, Bernard
Classical Approaches to the Study of Religion: Aims, Methods, and Theories of Research. Introduction and Anthology by Waardenburg, Jacques
The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood by
The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood by
Four Wise Men: The Lives and Teachings of Confucius, the Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad by Muesse, Mark W.
Four Wise Men: The Lives and Teachings of Confucius, the Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad by Muesse, Mark W.
The New Generation Witches: Teenage Witchcraft in Contemporary Culture by Aloi, Peg
Same God, Other God: Judaism, Hinduism, and the Problem of Idolatry by Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
The Interfaith Imperative by Thompson, Ross
The Interfaith Imperative: Religion, Dialogue, and Reality by Thompson, Ross
Finding God Among Our Neighbors, Volume 2: An Interfaith Systematic Theology by Largen, Kristin Johnston
Land of the Shaman: Rituals and Lore of Siberia: Rituals and Lore of Siberia by Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam
The Jew as Legitimation: Jewish-Gentile Relations Beyond Antisemitism and Philosemitism by
The FBI and Religion: Faith and National Security Before and After 9/11 by
The FBI and Religion: Faith and National Security Before and After 9/11 by
The Ba'al Theory of Christianity: Exploring the Impact of Human Sacrifice on Western Religion by Young, Glenn
Comparative Theology: The Top Ten Most Infamous Religions by Clarke, James Freeman
The Secular Landscape: The Decline of Religion in America by McCaffree, Kevin
Jewish Messiahs in a Christian Empire: A History of the Book of Zerubbabel by Himmelfarb, Martha
The World Wisdom Bible: A New Testament for a Global Spirituality by
Inviting Muslims To Christ: Including Quotations and Commentary from the Bible and Quran by Ireland, Randall L.
Religions de l'Antiquité Considérées Principalement Dans Leurs Formes Symboliques Tome 3. Partie 1: Et Mythologiques. by Creuzer, Friedrich
Religions de l'Antiquité Considérées Principalement Dans Leurs Formes Symboliques Tome 3-2: Et Mythologiques. by Creuzer, Friedrich
Religions de l'Antiquité Considérées Principalement Dans Leurs Formes Symboliques Tome 4. Partie 2: Et Mythologiques. by Creuzer, Friedrich
Religions de l'Antiquité Considérées Principalement Dans Leurs Formes Symboliques Tome 3. Partie 2: Et Mythologiques. by Creuzer, Friedrich
Religions de l'Antiquité Considérées Principalement Dans Leurs Formes Symboliques Tome 2. Partie 1: Et Mythologiques. by Creuzer, Friedrich
Religions de l'Antiquité Considérées Principalement Dans Leurs Formes Symboliques Tome 4. Partie 1: Et Mythologiques. by Creuzer, Friedrich
Religions de l'Antiquité Considérées Principalement Dans Leurs Formes Symboliques Tome 1. Partie 2: Et Mythologiques. by Creuzer, Friedrich
Religions de l'Antiquité Considérées Principalement Dans Leurs Formes Symboliques Tome 2. Partie 2: Et Mythologiques. by Creuzer, Friedrich
Religion and Popular Culture in America by
Religion and Popular Culture in America by
Shamanism: Soviet Studies of Traditional Religion in Siberia and Central Asia by Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam
Allah Weeps: A Christian Perspective of Modern Radical Islam by Fleming, S. F.
The Ruins: Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires by Volney, Constantin-François
The Witness of Religion in an Age of Fear by Kinnamon, Michael
The Holy Satanic Bible: voulume 2 by Stull, Christopher Stanley
World religions From a Zimbabwean perspective: A cross cutting approach to understanding the religious phenomena by Mhlanga, Michael P. M.
Judging Faith, Punishing Sin: Inquisitions and Consistories in the Early Modern World by
History of the Cross: The Pagan Origin, and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship, of the Image by Ward, Henry Dana
God Loves Diversity and Justice: Progressive Scholars Speak about Faith, Politics, and the World by
Mecca the Blessed, Medina the Radiant: The Holiest Cities of Islam by Nasr, Seyyed Hossein
Catholics and Protestants: What Can We Learn from Each Other? by Kreeft, Peter
The World Wisdom Bible: A New Testament for a Global Spirituality by
Terror in the Mind of God, Fourth Edition: The Global Rise of Religious Violence Volume 13 by Juergensmeyer, Mark
Competing Fundamentalisms by Clarke, Sathianathan
Translating Religion: What Is Lost and Gained? by
Religion and the Morality of the Market by
The Moment of Truth & the Arrival of the Stupor of Death by Christian, Sam
The Moment of Truth & the Arrival of the Stupor of Death by Christian, Sam
Holiness and Transgression: Mothers of the Messiah in the Jewish Myth by Kara-Ivanov Kaniel, Ruth
Le Brahmanisme: Appendice Sommaire de la Philosophie Moniste de Çamkara d'Après M. P. Deussen by de la Vallée Poussin, Louis
Lettres de Quelques Juifs Portugais, Allemands Et Polonais À M. de Voltaire. Tome 2, Edition 10: , Avec Un Petit Commentaire Extrait d'Un Plus Grand. by Guénée, Antoine
Magie Et Religion Dans l'Afrique Du Nord by Doutté, Edmond
Ethical Exploration in a Multifaith Society by Shelley, Catherine
Religious Diversity and American Religious History: Studies in Traditions and Cultures by
Sharing Abraham?: Narrative Worldview, Biblical and Qur'anic Interpretation & Comparative Theology in Turkey by Bristow, George
Lectures on the Origin and Growth of the Conception of God: As Illustrated by Anthropology and History by D'Alviella, Goblet
The Reference Is by God by Mebane, Carl
The Religious Thought of the Greeks From Homer to the Triumph of Christianity by Moore, Clifford Herschel
Christ's Sovereignty by Mitanidis, Philip
Moses: The Sacred Stories in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by Davidson, Allen S.
A Mirror of Light: A Comparative Anthology of Major World Religions by
Ancient Egyptian religion: How Christianity stole from its mother by Austin, Andre
Der Dialog der Kirche mit den Religionen: Der dynamische Aufbruch in der Erklärung "Nostra aetate" by Bekmann, Maximilian
Jewish Conscience of the Church: Jules Isaac and the Second Vatican Council by Tobias, Norman C.
Jewish-Christian Difference and Modern Jewish Identity: Seven Twentieth-Century Converts by Goldman, Shalom
Global Secularisms in a Post-Secular Age by
Why I Left the Jewish Religion to Follow Jesus by Levine, Bernard
Christian and Islamic Theology of Religions: A Critical Appraisal by Akay Dag, Esra
The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism: History, Spirituality, Identity by Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
Calvinism in Light of Scripture by Archer, Jeff
Taize: A Community and Worship: Ecumenical Reconciliation or an Interfaith Delusion? by Lawson, Chris
The British: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices 1800-1986 by
Primitive Symbolism,: as illustrated in phallic worship or the reproductive principle by Westropp, Hodder Michael
Introduction to the Science of Religion by Müller, F. Max (Friedrich Max)
Teaching for a Multifaith World by
Teaching for a Multifaith World by
The Concept of Self in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity and Its Implication for Interfaith Relations by Shin, Kiseong
The Concept of Self in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity and Its Implication for Interfaith Relations by Shin, Kiseong
The Path of Paganism: An Experience-Based Guide to Modern Pagan Practice by Beckett, John
Religious Pluralism, Heritage and Social Development in Africa by
Christ and Other Masters: An historical inquiry into some of the chief parallelisms and contrasts between Christianity and the religious systems by Hardwick, Charles
The Search For Truth in a World of Deception by Shoemaker, Derek
Religious Hypocrisy and Fanaticism in Nigeria. The Apex Problem of a Religious Nation: The Contemporary Religions and Religious Issues by Besong, Eric Ndoma, Robert, Odey Simon
Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Socrates: The True Religion of Love 2nd Edition by Shapir, Hadar
Buddhism for Busy People: Finding Happiness in a Hurried World by Michie, David
The Philosophy of Religion on the Basis of its History: Vol. IV by Pfleiderer, Otto
La ciudad de Dios, Tomo I by San Agustín
La ciudad de Dios, Tomo II by San Agustín
Mistérios da Lua: Uma fábula bíblica escrita nas estrelas by Farjani, Antonio
The Past, Present, and Future of Theologies of Interreligious Dialogue by
The Genesis and Growth of Religion: The L. P. Stone lectures for 1892, at Princeton Theological Seminary by Kellogg, Samuel H.
A Discourse of Matters Pertaining to Religion by Parker, Theodore
Tantric Visual Culture: A Cognitive Approach by Timalsina, Sthaneshwar
In the Name of Salvation: Three Theological Treatises by Angelidis, James Thomas
Re-enchanting the Academy by
From Antisemitism to Anti-Zionism: The Past & Present of a Lethal Ideology by
Making Sense of the Secular: Critical Perspectives from Europe to Asia by
The Eternal Present of Sport: Rethinking Sport and Religion by Grano, Daniel A.
Jesus, Religion & Spirituality: A Challenging Observation of Established Religions and Alternative Beliefs. by Leslie, Phillippa
Buddhism and Christianity: A Parallel and a Contrast by Scott, Archibald
The Soul of a Liberal Village by Holmes, Tom
Scripturalectics: The Management of Meaning by Wimbush, Vincent L.
The Genesis and Growth of Religion by Kellogg, Samuel H.
Allah and Elohim by Oldham, Michael J.
Ten Great Religions by Clarke, James Freeman
Views of Religion: Third Edition by Parker, Theodore
A Study of the Canonization of the Unification Movement(japanese Version) by Kim, Jongsuk
Schöpfung und Evolution als widersprüchliche Konzepte? Wege zu einem harmonischen Verhältnis by Bekmann, Maximilian
Monoteismo monotrinitario: cristianesimo, islam, induismo by Bulai B., Cristian Virgil
The Origins of Shamanism, Spirit Beliefs, and Religiosity: A Cognitive Anthropological Perspective by Sidky, H.
Churches: Evengelical or Liberal by Whelan Oam, Graham J.
Women and Asian Religions by Kassam, Zayn
Jamboroo by Wolfe, Jimbo
The Philosophy of Religion on the Basis of its History: Vol. III by Menzies, Allan, Pfleiderer, Otto
The God Model: All From One and One From All by Shirvington, Phillip
God and Creation: An Ecumenical Symposium by
Karma and Rebirth: The Karmic Law of Cause and Effect by Humphreys, Christmas
Spiritual Grammar: Genre and the Saintly Subject in Islam and Christianity by Longo, F. Dominic
Who Is Allah?: The Hindu Connection by White, Lew
The Dharma: The religion of enlightenment - an exposition of Buddhism. Third Edition by Carus, Paul
The Trident, the Crescent and the Cross: A View of the religious history of India during the Hindu, Buddhist, Mohammedan and Christian periods by Vaughan, James
Buddhism and Christianity: A parallel and a contrast by Scott, Archibald
Asiatic Studies: Religious And Social. Second Series by Lyall, Alfred Comyn
Islam: A Challenge to the Christian Church by Murrell, Stanford E.
Die Unnachahlichkeit des Koran und der literarische I'dschāz by Anonymous
Intolerance: Political Animals and Their Prey by
Religious Genius: Appreciating Inspiring Individuals Across Traditions by Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
Between One Faith and Another: Engaging Conversations on the World's Great Religions by Kreeft, Peter
Intolerance: Political Animals and Their Prey by
The Ruins: Or, a survey of the revolutions of empires by Volney, Constantin-Francois
The Religions of the World: An Outline of the Great Religious Systems by Burrell, David James
Islamic Apocalypse: Winning the War against Islamism by Solomon, Abel &.
National religions and universal religions: lectures delivered at Oxford and in London, in April and May, 1882 by Kuenen, Abraham
Physical Religion: The Gifford lectures - delivered before the university of Glasgow in 1890 by Müller, Friedrich Max
Breaking the New Atheist Spell in the Light of Perennial Wisdom by Polit, Gustavo
The Religions of China: Confucianism and Tâoism described and compared with Christianity by Legge, James
Charity in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions by
African Spirituality Before European Religion by Moss Ph. D., Michael Muata
The ruins: A survey of the revolutions of empires. Second Edition by Volney, Constantin-Francois
Religious and Social Perspectives of Contemporary Ethical Issues: The Implications for the Educationists by Kayindu, Vincent
Brahman and Atman: A pictorial history and narrative of the soul by Swan, Francis John
Dialectic of Separation: Judaism and Philosophy in the Work of Salomon Munk by Adorisio, Chiara
Nature worship: An account of phallic faiths and practices: Ancient and modern by Jennings, Hargrave
World Religions in Practice by Gwynne, Paul
Dharma: The Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh Traditions of India by
American Misfits and the Making of Middle-Class Respectability by Wuthnow, Robert
Your Neighbor's Religion: Major World Religions from a Christian Perspective by
Religious Epiphanies Across Traditions and Cultures by Kellenberger, James
The Gospel of Herod: Edition II by Maro, Nijo
Marooned on Molokai: Coconuts, Dreams and Death by Kalei, Kalikiano
God and Man in the Bible and the Qu'ran: A Comparative Study of Islam and Christianity by Dumdei, Mark a.
Leiden und Erlösung. Ein christlich-buddhistischer Vergleich by Eiden, Vera
The Clash of Civilizations and the Muslim World by Zikria, Ghulam
Asiatic Studies, Religious and Social by Lyall, Alfred Comyn
Dios Habla Con Arjuna: El Bhagavad Guita, Vol. 2: La Ciencia Suprema de la Union Con Dios: La Ciencia Suprema de la Union Con Dios by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Teaching Interreligious Encounters by
Shared Identities: Medieval and Modern Imaginings of Judeo-Islam by Hughes, Aaron W.
Coexist: Interfaith Myths and Misinformation by Wolf, Dan
Odin: Ecstasy, Runes, & Norse Magic by Paxson, Diana L.
Significant Others: Understanding Our Non-Christian Neighbors by Cox, Monte
Dios Habla Con Arjuna: El Bhagavad Guita, Vol. 1: La Ciencia Suprema de La Unin Con Dios by Yogananda, Paramahansa
My Controversial Client by Peters, Johan
Law, Religion and Love: Seeking Ecumenical Justice for the Other by
Religion and Film: Cinema and the Re-Creation of the World by Plate, S. Brent
A Little History of Religion by Holloway, Richard
Religion and Film: Cinema and the Re-Creation of the World by Plate, S. Brent
Race, Gender, and Religion in the Vietnamese Diaspora: The New Chosen People by Ninh, Thien-Huong T.
Dawn of the Apocalypse: Are We There Yet?: A Comparative Exploration of the Eschatological Mind by Hollancid, Cleran
A Little Bit of Wicca: An Introduction to Witchcraft by Eason, Cassandra
Beyond the Threshold: Afterlife Beliefs and Experiences in World Religions by Moreman, Christopher M.
God's Creativity and Human Action: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
God's Creativity and Human Action: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
Politics and Culture in International History: From the Ancient Near East to the Opening of the Modern Age by Bozeman, Adda B.
Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Socrates: The True Religion of Love by Shapir, Hadar
Ministering to Muslims: Islam Undone by the Word of God by Solomon, Abel &.
Modern Esoteric: Beyond Our Senses by Olsen, Brad
Sacrifice in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by Weddle, David L.
Sacrifice in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by Weddle, David L.
Beyond the Threshold: Afterlife Beliefs and Experiences in World Religions by Moreman, Christopher M.
Heidegger and the Death of God: Between Plato and Nietzsche by Armitage, Duane
Development of Welfare States in Europe and America by Flora, Peter
In Search of the Truth by Camm, Jeffry David
Religion of the Semites: The Fundamental Institutions by Segal, Robert a.
Hope in the Ecumenical Future by
Faith, Hope and Love by Gaston, Ray
God Has No Favourites: The New Testament on First Century Religions by Scott, Basil
Memory, Grief, and Agency: A Political Theological Account of Wrongs and Rites by Boopalan, Sunder John
The Opened Walk: Blending Science With Our Spiritual Quests by Tracer, Bill M.
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