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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2018

Oxford Handbook of Religion and the Arts by
Witch: For Those Who Are by De Angeles, Ly
Witch: For Those Who Are by De Angeles, Ly
Objects of Worship in South Asian Religions: Forms, Practices and Meanings by
إن شاء الله by Philpott, Kent A.
Schopenhauer on Self, World and Morality: Vedantic and Non-Vedantic Perspectives by
Early Asceticism in India: Ājīvikism and Jainism by Balcerowicz, Piotr
Miracles: A Very Short Introduction by Nagasawa, Yujin
Worldviews in Collision: The Reasons for One Man's Journey From Skepticism to Christ by Hroziencik, Randall
Religious Evolution and the Axial Age: From Shamans to Priests to Prophets by Sanderson, Stephen K.
Interreligious Comparisons in Religious Studies and Theology: Comparison Revisited by
Finding Freedom in Confinement: The Role of Religion in Prison Life by
The Rise of Mystery Babylon - The Tower of Babel (Part 2): Discovering Parallels Between Early Genesis and Today (Volume 2) by Thomas, Brett Lee
Jesus: The Path to Human Flourishing: The Gospel for the Cultural Chinese by Thomas, I'ching
Jesus of Arabia: Christ through Middle Eastern Eyes by Thompson, Andrew
Probleme der Begriffsbildung "Religion". Unterschiedliche Terminologien im Hinduismus, Buddhismus, Judentum und Islam by Warmuth, Britta
The Telengits of Southern Siberia: Landscape, Religion and Knowledge in Motion by Halemba, Agnieszka
Meaning and Controversy Within Chinese Ancestor Religion by Batairwa Kubuya, Paulin
If Allah Wills by Philpott, Kent A.
Morals Not Knowledge: Recasting the Contemporary U.S. Conflict Between Religion and Science by Evans, John H.
The Seductions of Pilgrimage: Sacred Journeys Afar and Astray in the Western Religious Tradition by
Religion Italian Style: Continuities and Changes in a Catholic Country by Garelli, Franco
Minority Religions and Fraud: In Good Faith by
East and West: Comparative Studies in Pursuit of Tradition by Evola, Julius
Spiritual Symbols: With their Meanings by Pantovic, Natasa Nuit
River of God: Where Religion Began and Why Grace and Love Will Triumph by Boehme, Ron
The Beauty and the Horror: Searching for God in a Suffering World by Harries, Richard
The Study of Religion in an Age of Global Dialogue by Mojzes, Paul, Swidler, Leonard
Jesus: from India to Japan: I was not sent but unto the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel; Matthew 15/24 by Youssef, Abdelbaset
The Qur'An by the Light of the Gospel by John, Patrick
The Qur'An by the Light of the Gospel by John, Patrick
Religion; a Brief History: Controversies and Challenges by Alexander, Robert H.
Restoring the Chain of Memory: T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Knowledge by Cox, James L.
The Unique and Universal Christ by Nazir-Ali, Michael
Exposition de la foi musulmane traduite du turc (Éd.1822) by Birgivi M
L'Alcoran de Mahomet, Translaté d'Arabe En Français (Éd.1647) by Sans Auteur
Montagnes sacrées Montagnes mythiques by Roux-J P.
La Communication prophétique by Drai-R
Chinese Religion Throuch Hindu Eyes by Sarkar, Benoy Kumar
Jesus in Muslim-Christian Conversation by Beaumont, Mark
Considering the Other Side: The Case for Interfaith Diplomacy in Nigeria by Ebuziem, Cajetan
Jesus in Muslim-Christian Conversation by Beaumont, Mark
Faith on the Avenue: Religion on a City Street by Day, Katie
Truth about the True Religion by Hossain Fca, M. Mahtab
East and West: Comparative Studies in Pursuit of Tradition by Evola, Julius
Myths and Dreams by Clodd, Edward
Jesus and Muhammad: Their Messages, Side-by-Side by St Michael, Louis
Religious Systems of the World - A Contribution to the Study of Comparative Religion by Morfill, W. R.
Calvinism: None Dare Call It Heresy by Kirkland D. D., Bob
Seeker After Truth by Shah, Idries
Seeker After Truth by Shah, Idries
Whispering in the Daylight: The Children of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries and Their Journey to Freedom by Schriver, Debby
Catholicism and Buddhism: The Contrasting Lives and Teachings of Jesus and Buddha by Clark, Anthony E.
Catholicism and Buddhism: The Contrasting Lives and Teachings of Jesus and Buddha by Clark, Anthony E.
Street Children Forgiving by Hinton, Samuel
The Oxford Handbook of Abrahamic Religions by
Engaging the Spirits: Traditional Chinese vs Christian Encounters with the Unseen Realm by Conkling, Timothy Garner
Imaginations of Death and the Beyond in India and Europe by
Harvests, Feasts, and Graves: Postcultural Consciousness in Contemporary Papua New Guinea by Schram, Ryan
Harvests, Feasts, and Graves: Postcultural Consciousness in Contemporary Papua New Guinea by Schram, Ryan
Espiritismo, Variantes Cubanas by Millet Batista, Jose
Receptor-Oriented Communication for Hui Muslims in China: With Special Reference to Church Planting by Kim, Enoch Jinsik
Receptor-Oriented Communication for Hui Muslims in China: With Special Reference to Church Planting by Kim, Enoch Jinsik
Religion: Material Dynamics by Chidester, David
Religion: Material Dynamics by Chidester, David
Alphanome: The True Path to God by Kiwanuka, Wasajja J.
How God Will Save the World by Dixon, Todd
Contemporary Pagan and Native Faith Movements in Europe: Colonialist and Nationalist Impulses by
Dicionario Enciclop by Millet, Joseph James, Millet Batista, Jos
Taizé: Una comunidad y una adoración: ¿Reconciliación ecuménica o engaño inter-credo? by Lawson, Chris
Easing into Druidry by Beyer Ma, Kimberly
Ecologies of Participation: Agents, Shamans, Mystics, and Diviners by Cabot, Zayin
Introduction to World Religions: Third Edition by
The Tree of World Religions, Second Edition by Bellaimey, John
A Short Introduction to World Religions by
The Tree of World Religions, Second Edition (hardcover) by Bellaimey, John
The Dhammapada: A Translation of the Buddhist Classic with Annotations by Fronsdal, Gil
Christianity in Ceylon by Tennent, James Emerson
Religious Epiphanies Across Traditions and Cultures by Kellenberger, James
Religious Genius: Appreciating Inspiring Individuals Across Traditions by Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions by
Religion, Law and Security in Africa by
Enlightenment Town: Finding Spiritual Awakening in a Most Improbable Place by Paine, Jeffery
The Nine Doors of Midgard: A Curriculum of Rune-work by Thorsson, Edred
The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam by Peters, Francis Edward
Gods and Humans in Medieval Scandinavia: Retying the Bonds by Wellendorf, Jonas
The Occult in Modernist Art, Literature, and Cinema by
Learning from Other Religious Traditions: Leaving Room for Holy Envy by
Poverty and Wealth in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by
Martyrdom, Self-Sacrifice, and Self-Immolation: Religious Perspectives on Suicide by
Monotheism and Its Complexities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
Monotheism and Its Complexities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
The Moribund Portal: Spectral Resonance and the Numen of the Gallows by Gavin, Richard
Building Bridges: Understanding the Religions of Others by Fernando, Antony
Sharing the Good News with Mormons: Practical Strategies for Getting the Conversation Started by Johnson, Eric, McDowell, Sean
The Qur'an and the Bible: Text and Commentary by Reynolds, Gabriel Said
Mormonism Revisited by Stewart D. D., Al
Conflict Transformation and Religion: Essays on Faith, Power, and Relationship by
Theological Issues in Christian-Muslim Dialogue by
Die Geschichte der Todesstrafe und der andauernde Streit um das "legale" Töten by Hasen, Udo
Theological Issues in Christian-Muslim Dialogue by
The Anunnaki Bible: The Sumerian Text's Origin of the Judeo Christian Bibles by Blackwell, Donald M.
Violence, Religion, Peacemaking by
Standing for Truth: An Introduction to Apologetics by Ministries, Crossings
Islam for Dimwits by Klaver, Timothy
Sectarianism in Qumran by Regev, Eyal
Das Kastensystem im Hinduismus. Fluch oder Segen? by Böttcher, Rebecca
Zen for Christians: A Beginner's Guide by Boykin, Kim
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Essence of Hebrew - Christian Faith: But Not For Dummies by Vella, Charles
Mapping the Differentiated Consensus of the Joint Declaration by Rinderknecht, Jakob Karl
The Garden of Reality: Transreligious Relativity in a World of Becoming by Faber, Roland
The Islamic Inversion: Exposing the Contrary and Ironic Aspects of Islamic Theology. by Sievers, Robert
The Islamic Inversion: Exposing the Contrary and Ironic Aspects of Islamic Theology. by Sievers, Robert
A Christology of Religions by O'Collins, Gerald
On Doing Fieldwork in Palestine: Advice, Fieldnotes, and Other Thoughts by Rothenberg, Celia E.
New Directions for Catholic Social and Political Research: Humanity vs. Hyper-Modernity by
Laicidad and Religious Diversity in Latin America by
Evangelical Pilgrims from the East: Faith Fundamentals of Korean American Protestant Diasporas by Yang, Sunggu
Church, Cosmovision and the Environment: Religion and Social Conflict in Contemporary Latin America by
Dharma of the Dead: Zombies, Mortality and Buddhist Philosophy by Moreman, Christopher M.
The Cloud of Nothingness: The Negative Way in Nagarjuna and John of the Cross by Sebastian, C. D.
That All May Flourish: Comparative Religious Environmental Ethics by
Les Religions Orientales Dans Le Paganisme Romain. Conférences Faites Au Collège de France by Cumont, Franz
Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation by Hearn, Lafcadio
Thank You for the Book of Mormon: A Christian Friend's Response by George, Carl L.
A Secular Age beyond the West by
Understanding Jonestown and Peoples Temple by Moore, Rebecca
Traditional Wicca: A Seeker's Guide by Mooney, Thorn
Interreligous Pedagogy: Reflections and Applications in Honor of Judith A. Berling by
The Virtue Ethics of Levi Gersonides by Green, Alexander
Lost Ecstasy: Its Decline and Transformation in Religion by McDaniel, June
Descubriendo El Mundo del Islam by
Studies in Late Medieval Wall Paintings, Manuscript Illuminations, and Texts by Davidson, Clifford
Jesus' Crucifixion Beatings and the Book of Proverbs by Wenkel, David H.
The Secular Landscape: The Decline of Religion in America by McCaffree, Kevin
The Jew as Legitimation: Jewish-Gentile Relations Beyond Antisemitism and Philosemitism by
God for Smart and Funny People Only by Coleman Ph. D., R. G.
Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism by
Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism by
Cosmic Theogony: The Personalization of Nature by Dalela, Ashish
Ethical Exploration in a Multifaith Society by Shelley, Catherine
The Veiled Pulse of Time: An Introduction to Biographical Cycles and Destiny by Bryant, William A.
Jewish Conscience of the Church: Jules Isaac and the Second Vatican Council by Tobias, Norman C.
Reichtum Begraben: Aushandlungsprozesse Kostspieliger Bestattungspraxis in China Zwischen Religionspolitik Und Religionsökonomie by Hetmanczyk, Philipp
Essai Sur L'origine Des Principaux Peuples Anciens, (Prodrome D'éthnographie) Contenant L'histoire Neuve Et Détaillée Du Jouddhisme Et Du Brahmanisme, by Maupied, François-Louis-Michel
Histoire Du Droit Des Gens Et Des Relations Internationales; Volume 10 by Laurent, François
The Varieties of Religious Experience: a Study in Human Nature by James, William
The Voice of the Silence: Being Chosen Fragments from the "Book of the Golden Precepts." (Hardcover) by Blavatsky, H. P.
The Voice of the Silence: Being Chosen Fragments from the "Book of the Golden Precepts." by Blavatsky, H. P.
Le Mystère chrétien et les mystères antiques by Steiner, Rudolf
Essai Sur Mani Et Sa Doctrine by Rochat, Ernest
Histoire Des Origines Du Christianisme; Volume 7 by Renan, Ernest
Die Altpersische Religion Und Das Judentum: Unterschiede, Übereinstimmungen Und Gegenseitige Beeinflussungen by Scheftelowitz, Isidor
Ibsen. Björnson. Nietzsche: Individualismus Und Christentum by Weinel, Heinrich
share your wine: kissy nacha nalez by Dobrin, Adam Marshall
Inventing Afterlives: The Stories We Tell Ourselves about Life After Death by Janes, Regina M.
Inventing Afterlives: The Stories We Tell Ourselves about Life After Death by Janes, Regina M.
Wicca for One: The Path of Solitary Witchcraft by Buckland, Raymond
Die Hellenistisch-Römische Kultur in Ihren Beziehungen Zu Judentum Und Christentum; Die Urchristlichen Literaturformen by Wendland, Paul
Histoire des origines du Christianisme; Volume 8 by Renan, Ernest
Cultes, mythes et religions: 3 by Reinach, Salomon
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: Third Edition with Bonus Content, New Reflections by Qureshi, Nabeel
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: Third Edition with Bonus Content, New Reflections by Qureshi, Nabeel
The Crucifix on Mecca's Front Porch: A Christian's Companion for the Study of Islam by Pinault, David
Hairetischer Protest: Reformatorische Bewegungen im Buddhismus und Christentum by Matsudo, Yukio
Histoire des origines du Christianisme; Volume 8 by Renan, Ernest
Études Sur Les Pénitentiels, Volumes 2-3 by Fournier, Paul
From Antisemitism to Anti-Zionism: The Past & Present of a Lethal Ideology by
The Satanic Bible: 50th Anniversary ReVision by Aquino, Michael A., Lavey, Stanton Zaharoff
The Satanic Bible: 50th Anniversary ReVision by Aquino, Michael A.
Being Viking: Heathenism in Contemporary America by Calico, Jefferson F.
Being Viking: Heathenism in Contemporary America by Calico, Jefferson F.
Origine De Tous Les Cultes Ou Religion Universelle, Volume 1... by Dupuis, Charles François
Oeuvres Complètes De Edgar Quinet ...: Promèthie. Napoleon, Les Esclaves... by Quinet, Edgar
Origine De Tous Les Cultes, Volume 1... by Dupuis, Charles-François
Origine De Tous Les Cultes, Volume 7... by Dupuis, Charles-François
Origine De Tous Les Cultes, Volume 5... by Dupuis, Charles-François
Christianity and the Art of Wheelchair Maintenance: A Dialectical Inquiry at the End of the World by Faller, Stephen
Christianity and the Art of Wheelchair Maintenance: A Dialectical Inquiry at the End of the World by Faller, Stephen
Memory and Hope: Forgiveness, Healing, and Interfaith Relations by
Sharing Wisdom: Benefits and Boundaries of Interreligious Learning by
The Crisis of the Holy: Challenges and Transformations in World Religions by
The Future of Religious Leadership: World Religions in Conversation by
The Religious Other: Hostility, Hospitality, and the Hope of Human Flourishing by
Friendship Across Religions: Theological Perspectives on Interreligious Friendship by
What Every Seventh-Day Adventist Should Know About the Shepherd'S Rod: Volume 1 by Augustus, Garrick D.
What Every Seventh-Day Adventist Should Know About the Shepherd'S Rod: Volume 1 by Augustus, Garrick D.
Les Religions Des Peuples Non-civilisés, Volume 1, Part 1... by Réville, Albert
Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, zweiundsiebzigster Band by Laach, Abtei Maria
Katholizismus und Protestantismus in Geschichte, Religion, Politik, Kultur. by Sell, Karl
Race, Gender, and Religion in the Vietnamese Diaspora: The New Chosen People by Ninh, Thien-Huong T.
Memory, Grief, and Agency: A Political Theological Account of Wrongs and Rites by Boopalan, Sunder John
Modern Muslim Theology: Engaging God and the World with Faith and Imagination by Nguyen, Martin
Modern Muslim Theology: Engaging God and the World with Faith and Imagination by Nguyen, Martin
Hope in the Ecumenical Future by
Dawn of the Gods: The untold timeline of Genesis by Lupi Speranza Msc, Marco
Christian Martyrs Under Islam: Religious Violence and the Making of the Muslim World by Sahner, Christian C.
Understanding World Religions: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Hexham, Irving
Enjoying Religion: Pleasure and Fun in Established and New Religious Movements by
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