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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2021

La Bibbia di Satana: storia del Maligno by Neumann, Esther
Notice Sur Le Prieuré de Sainte-Livrade, d'Après Un Manuscrit Inédit de la Bibliothèque Impériale by Tamizey de Larroque, Philippe
Géographie Historique Des Établissements de l'Ordre de Saint-François En Touraine by Lemaître, Henri
Consécration Du Commerce Et de l'Industrie Au Sacré-Coeur, Dans La Basilique Du Voeu National by Bouvier, Pierre
Manuel Des Frères Et Soeurs Du Tiers-Ordre de la Pénitence de Saint Dominique. 6e Édition by Jandel, Alexandre Vincent
L'Église Et La Paroisse Saint-Sernin de Daumazan by Blazy, Louis
Lettre À Tous Les Supérieurs Des Maisons de la Congrégation Des Pretres de la Doctrine Chretienne by Suret, Antoine
Keys to the Beyond: Frithjof Schuon's Cross-Traditional Language of Transcendence by Laude, Patrick
Navigating Deep River: New Perspectives on Shūsaku Endō's Final Novel by
Religious Identities and the Global South: Porous Borders and Novel Paths by Wilfred, Felix
Robert Eisler and the Magic of the Combinatory Mind: The Forgotten Life of a 20th-Century Austrian Polymath by Collins, Brian
Secrecy: Silence, Power, and Religion by Urban, Hugh B.
Secrecy: Silence, Power, and Religion by Urban, Hugh B.
The Religion of the Future by Unger
Priestess of the Morrigan: Prayers, Rituals & Devotional Work to the Great Queen by Woodfield, Stephanie
The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World by
Spirituality for Badasses: How to find inner peace and happiness without losing your cool by Dixon, J. Stewart
Dharma: The Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh Traditions of India by
Christian and Sikh: A Practical Theology of Multiple Religious Participation by Barnett, John
Adam's Dream: Is everything we think, feel and perceive real or is it all imaginary? by Vidwan, Datta
Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy?: Volume 2: Ecumenical and Practical Perspectives on the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue by
Sacred Sites and Sacred Stories Across Cultures: Transmission of Oral Tradition, Myth, and Religiosity by
Opening New Horizons: Seeds of a Theology of Religious Pluralism in Thomas Merton's Dialogue with D. T. Suzuki by Raab, Joseph Quinn
Opening New Horizons: Seeds of a Theology of Religious Pluralism in Thomas Merton's Dialogue with D. T. Suzuki by Raab, Joseph Quinn
Islam and Turks in Belgium: Communities and Associations by Orhan, Mehmet
Philosophy and Theology: The Rhythm of Being by Panikkar, Raimon
Enchanted Wisdom: Enduring Ideas of World Religions by Bronson, Eric
History, Metahistory, and Evil: Jewish Theological Responses to the Holocaust by Krawcowicz, Barbara
One God Many Names by K V Sundaravadanan
Living Between Science and Belief: The Modern Dilemma by Villa-Vicencio, Charles
Living Between Science and Belief: The Modern Dilemma by Villa-Vicencio, Charles
Jewish Church: A Catholic Approach to Messianic Judaism by Lévy, Antoine
Ceremonial Des Religieuses Reformees, de l'Ordre de Saincte Claire, a Verdun by Boulenger, Florent
Mindfulness as Sustainability: Lessons from the World's Religions by Jaoudi, Maria
Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy?: Volume 1: Historical and Theological Perspectives on the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue by
Lobola (Bridewealth) in Contemporary Southern Africa: Implications for Gender Equality by
Empty Churches: Non-Affiliation in America by
"Unless the Lord Builds the House. . .": A Bibilical and Practical Study of the Christian Home by Rutherford, Rod V., Rutherford, Brenda
The Smartest Religion by Ghounem, Mohamed M.
A World of Inequalities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
A World of Inequalities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
What Do They Believe? An Examination of 17 Major Religious Movements by Waldeck, Val
Introducing World Religions: A Christian Engagement by Farhadian, Charles E.
Roland in Moonlight by Hart, David Bentley
Roland in Moonlight by Hart, David Bentley
Talking Dialogue: Eleven Episodes in the History of the Modern Interreligious Dialogue Movement by
Religious Responses to Modernity by
Anthropological Aspects in the Christian-Muslim Dialogues of the Vatican by Sperber, Jutta
Understanding Religion: Theories and Methods for Studying Religiously Diverse Societies by Hedges, Paul Michael
Understanding Religion: Theories and Methods for Studying Religiously Diverse Societies by Hedges, Paul Michael
Essential Asatru: A Modern Guide to Norse Paganism by Paxson, Diana L.
Como o ser humano criou Deus by de Paula, Carlos
Der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben: Das Problem des religioesen Pluralismus by Park, Thomas
Asian and Asian American Women in Theology and Religion: Embodying Knowledge by
The Making of the Global Yijing in the Modern World: Cross-Cultural Interpretations and Interactions by
Scientific Healing Affirmations by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Esoteric Transfers and Constructions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by
Buddhism and Human Flourishing: A Modern Western Perspective by Segall, Seth Zuihō
Pentecostalism and Cultism in South Africa by Kgatle, Mookgo Solomon
The Universal God: The Search for God in the Twenty-First Century Volume 1 by Davies, R. William
Paganism for Beginners: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Applying the Practice of Nature-Based Spirituality by Press, Barton
A Prophet Has Appeared: The Rise of Islam Through Christian and Jewish Eyes, a Sourcebook by Shoemaker, Stephen J.
A Prophet Has Appeared: The Rise of Islam Through Christian and Jewish Eyes, a Sourcebook by Shoemaker, Stephen J.
The Enigma of the Resurrection of Jesus: Solved in light of Black spiritual tradition by Luyaluka, Kiatezua Lubanzadio
L'Enigme de la Résurrection de Jesus: Résolu grâce à la tradition spirituelle négro-africaine by Luyaluka, Kiatezua Lubanzadio
Humanitarian Islam, Evangelical Christianity, and the Clash of Civilizations by Johnson, Thomas K.
Humanitarian Islam, Evangelical Christianity, and the Clash of Civilizations by Johnson, Thomas K.
Love is the Meaning of Life: GOD's Love by Foster, Bryan W.
Love is the Meaning of Life: GOD's Love by Foster, Bryan W.
Heresy and Borders in the Twentieth Century by
Rudolf Otto im Kontext seiner Zeit: Dargestellt an der Frage nach der Auferstehung Jesu by Kranz, Isabella
Handbook of UFO Religions by
Global Phenomenologies of Religion: An Oral History in Interviews by
Global Phenomenologies of Religion: An Oral History in Interviews by Engler, Steven
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape by Damick, Andrew S.
Know the Faith: A Handbook for Orthodox Christians and Inquirers by Shanbour, Michael
The Laws of Steel by Okawa, Ryuho
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? by Bannister, Andy
That You May Know the Truth, for Your Salvation by Adebayo, F. O.
A Logical Approach to Spirituality: Shattering the Religious Paradigm and Finding Your Inner Truth by Kleinman, Randy
A Logical Approach to Spirituality: Shattering the Religious Paradigm and Finding Your Inner Truth by Kleinman, Randy
Religions, Cultures and Politics by Sofroniou, Andreas
Signs of Salvation: A Festschrift for Peter Ochs by
Signs of Salvation: A Festschrift for Peter Ochs by
Reimagining God and Resacralisation by Blonner, Alexa
In Dialogue with Classical Indian Traditions: Encounter, Transformation and Interpretation by
The Fourth Secularisation: Autonomy of Individual Lifestyles by Berzano, Luigi
Religious Truth and Identity in an Age of Plurality by
Prières, À l'Usage de la Communauté Des Filles de la Charité by Collectif
Examen de Quatre Actes Publiez de la Part Des Jesuites És Années 1610, 1612 Et 1626: Contenants La Declaration de Leur Doctrine Touchant Le Temporel D by Hermant, Godefroi
Gods and Humans in Medieval Scandinavia by Wellendorf, Jonas
Becoming Orthodox: A Journey to the Ancient Christian Faith by Gillquist, Peter E.
Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College by Kruger, Michael J.
777 by Crowley, Aleister
Catholic Seminarian turned Christian Rapper turned Muslim Fundamentalist by Heary, Gregory
Abraham, what happened: A Quick Read in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Religious Literacy by Trimboli, Dennis
Understanding Religious Change in Africa and Europe: Crossing Latitudes: The Christianization of Jukun of Nigeria and Celtic Irish in Early Medieval E by Elawa, Nathan Irmiya
Multilateral Theology: A 21st Century Theological Methodology by Lim, Timothy T. N.
The Imam of the Christians: The World of Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, C. 750-850 by Wood, Philip
Lead, Kindly Light: Gandhi on Christianity by
99 Names of God by Steindl-Rast, David
Religion in Los Angeles: Religious Activism, Innovation, and Diversity in the Global City by
Religion in Los Angeles: Religious Activism, Innovation, and Diversity in the Global City by
A History of the Goddess: From the Ice Age to the Bible by Dodge, Edward
Possibility of Interreligious Dialogue by Mitias, Michael H.
The Middle East Bedside Book by
Evil in World Religions by Vicchio, Stephen J.
Religious Hair Display and Its Meanings by Innes Jr, William C.
Why Don't The Jews Accept Jesus As Their Messiah? by Levine, Bernard
Visits with Catholicism by Peate, Robert
Ecumenical Perspectives Five Hundred Years After Luther's Reformation by
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve by Ouseley, G. J.
The Uniqueness of Christianity: Presenting Jesus to non-Christians in Africa by Afolabi, Ebenezer
Innovation in Esotericism from the Renaissance to the Present by
The Lost Light: An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures by Boyd Kuhn, Alvin
The Nine Ways of Bon: Excerpts from Gzi-Brjid, by Snellgrove, David
The Nation of Islam by Tsoukalas, Steven
The Nation of Islam by Tsoukalas, Steven
Latin American Perspectives on Law and Religion by
World Religions: A Beginner's Guide: Questions and Answers for Humanity's 7 Oldest and Largest Faiths by Carroll, Jill
Islamophobia: What Christians Should Know (and Do) about Anti-Muslim Discrimination by Duffner, Jordan Denari
Wandering Through the Spiritual Wilderness: My Sixty-Year Journey to Spirit by Freck, Robert
Who is this King of Glory? by Boyd Kuhn, Alvin
Calling on the Prophets:: In Christian Witness to Muslims by Bearup, Colin
The Yoga of Jesus (French) by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Cosmologies of Pure Realms and the Rhetoric of Pollution by Yoo, Yohan, Watts, James W.
Voodoo and African Traditional Religion by Dorsey, Lilith
Threads of Understanding: The Journey Home by Ernst, Alan
Threads of Understanding: The Journey Home by Ernst, Alan
Hammīra: Chapters in Imagination, Time, History by Malik, Aditya
The Horned God of the Witches by Mankey, Jason
God is One. Humanity is One: Christianity and Islam: Where Do They Meet and Where Do They Part Ways? by Morsi, H. A.
Living with Concepts: Anthropology in the Grip of Reality by
Living with Concepts: Anthropology in the Grip of Reality by
World Religions Today by Fasching, Darrell J., Lewis, Todd T., Esposito, John
Al di là della sottomissione: Una risposta teologica all'Islam by Kutschera, Rudolf
Our Troth: Heathen Gods by
The Secrets of Humankind by Divine Design, the Gateway to Mindfulness and Self-Awareness, Origin of Soul by Michael, Eleazar Ben
Our Troth: Heathen Gods by
Powers of Protection: The Buddhist Tradition of Spells in the Dhāraṇīsaṃgraha Collections by Hidas, Gergely
A Logical Approach to Spirituality: Shattering the Religious Paradigm and Finding Your Inner Truth by Kleinman, Randy
A Logical Approach to Spirituality: Shattering the Religious Paradigm and Finding Your Inner Truth by Kleinman, Randy
Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan by
Mysticism and Intellect in Medieval Christianity and Buddhism: Ascent and Awakening in Bonaventure and Chinul by Lee, Yongho Francis
The Ancient Dialect: Thomas Carlyle and Comparative Religion by Aproberts, Ruth
The Ancient Dialect: Thomas Carlyle and Comparative Religion by Aproberts, Ruth
God and the Prophets In The Bible and the Quran by Tabatabaie, Mostafa
Inviting christians to monotheism: Under the teachings of the Gospels and the Quran by Tabatabaie, Mostafa
Theology Without Walls: The Transreligious Imperative by
Salvation in Indian Philosophy: Perfection and Simplicity for Vaiśeṣika by Moise, Ionut
Transformational Embodiment in Asian Religions: Subtle Bodies, Spatial Bodies by
Indigenous Symbols and Practices in the Catholic Church: Visual Culture, Missionization and Appropriation by
Église paroissiale de Longué, dite Notre-Dame de la Légion d'honneur by Bourassé, Jean-Jacques
Remarques sur les inovations introduites en la congregation de Sainct Maur depuis quinze ans by de Chalus, Claude Faron
Toast porté aux noces d'or de M. l'abbé Lemaire, curé de Metz-en-Couture, 19 juillet 1897 by Bridoux, Désiré
Sur le monastère de Saint-Médard de Piégros, aujourd'hui Piégros-la-Clastre, Drôme by Brun-Durand, Justin, Blain, Pierre-Augustin
Sur l'église Saint-Bernard de Romans, notice by Épailly, Hippolyte
Église de Saint-Nicolas-de-Port en Lorraine by Cayon, Jean
Notice historique et archéologique sur l'église de Neuvy-Saint-Sépulcre, Indre by Caillaud, Jean-François-Xavier
Contribution à l'histoire de l'abbaye de Port-Royal-des-Champs by Bruel, François-Louis
Le Prieuré de Heymonrupt by Lefebvre, Henri
Restauration de la crypte de Saint-Pothin à l'église Saint-Nizier de Lyon by Collectif
Constellated Ministry: A Guide for Those Serving Today's Pagans by Emore, Holli S.
Constellated Ministry: A Guide for Those Serving Today's Pagans by Emore, Holli S.
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings by
Invitation to World Religions by Brodd, Jeffrey, Little, Layne, Nystrom, Bradley
Ten Theories of Religion by Pals, Daniel
The Other Rāma: Matricide and Genocide in the Mythology of Paraśurāma by Collins, Brian
Material Acts in Everyday Hindu Worlds by Flueckiger, Joyce Burkhalter
Human Becomings: Theorizing Persons for Confucian Role Ethics by Ames, Roger T.
Mindfulness as Sustainability: Lessons from the World's Religions by Jaoudi, Maria
Världens Religioner by Harding, Douglas
Theologies from the Pacific by
The Good Christian Ruler in the First Millennium: Views from the Wider Mediterranean World in Conversation by
The Idea of Semitic Monotheism: The Rise and Fall of a Scholarly Myth by Stroumsa, Guy G.
Basic Guide to Eastern Orthodox Theology by Tibbs, Eve
A Basic Guide to Eastern Orthodox Theology: Introducing Beliefs and Practices by Tibbs, Eve
Världens Religioner by Harding, Douglas
The Modern Testament: Book I - Reconciliation by From, Transcribed
The Modern Testament: Book I - Reconciliation by From, Transcribed
The Oxford Handbook of Divine Revelation by
Pillars of Truth: What is Truth by Ogidi Paul, Moses
The Dual Truth, Volumes I & II: Studies on Nineteenth-Century Modern Religious Thought and Its Influence on Twentieth-Century Jewish Philosophy by Chamiel, Ephraim
The Dual Truth, Volumes I & II: Studies on Nineteenth-Century Modern Religious Thought and Its Influence on Twentieth-Century Jewish Philosophy by Chamiel, Ephraim
Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865-1904 by Mirsky, Yehudah
Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865-1904 by Mirsky, Yehudah
"The Learning of the Jews": What Latter-day Saints Can Learn from Jewish Religious Experience by
Nelson's Illustrated Guide to Religions: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Religions of the World by Beverley, James A.
Rational Religion by Vijay, Sujith
The Palgrave Handbook of Anthropological Ritual Studies by
DAO Companion to Zhu XI's Philosophy by
Food, Faith and Gender in South Asia: The Cultural Politics of Women's Food Practices by
International Empirical Studies on Religion and Socioeconomic Human Rights by
The Maya Apocalypse and Its Western Roots by Solari, Amara, Restall, Matthew
The Maya Apocalypse and Its Western Roots by Restall, Matthew, Solari, Amara
Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry Hardcover by Finney, C. G.
A Natural History of the Soul: Who are we anyway? What is our future? by Lund, Arnold M.
The Axiological Status of Theism and Other Worldviews by Lougheed, Kirk
Journeys to New Life, Identity, and Community: Empowering Jesus Followers and Jamaats in Bangladesh by Yun, Peter Kwang-Hee
Notice sur le sanctuaire de Subiaco et de la médaille ou croix de Saint Benoît, abbé by Pallard, Louis
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