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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2023

The Sacred Books of The East; Volume XLV by Muller, F. Max
Hebrew Theism: The Common Basis of Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammedism by Newman, Francis William
Christian Science and the Catholic Faith: Including a Brief Account of New Thought and Other Modern by Bellwald, Augustin Matthias
Christianity and Buddhism Compared by Hardy, Robert Spence
A Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri; or, The Great Gods of Phenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy, and Crete; Being an Attempt to by Faber, George Stanley 1773-1854
Recherches sur la Religion Première de la Race Indo-Iranienne by Schoebel, Charles
Quae Feruntur Fragmenta De Cosmogonia Et Theologia Phoenicum, Graece Versa A Philone Byblio ... by
Histoire Générale Des Cérémonies, Moeurs Et Coutumes Religieuses De Tous Les Peuples Du Monde by Anonymous
Les Civilisations De L'inde: Ouvrage Illustré De 352 Héliogravures D'après Les Photographies, Plans Et Documents De L'auteur... by Bon, Gustave Le
A Handbook of Comparative Religion by Kellogg, S. H.
The Book of the Mainyô-I-Khard: The Pazand and Sansk. Texts, As Arranged by Neriosengh Dhaval, With an Engl. Tr., a Glossary [&c.] by E.W. West by Mainyô-I-Khard
Calvinism and Arminianism Compared in Their Principles and Tendency: or, The Doctrines of General Redemption, as Held by the Members of the Church of by Nichols, James, Womock, Laurence
Non-Biblical Systems of Religion: A Symposium by Muir, William, Anderson, Rasmus B., Johnson, Edwin
Historia De Las Variaciones De Las Iglesias Protestantes, Y Exposicion De La Doctrina De La Iglesia Catolica Sobre Los Puntos De Controversia: Obras C by Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne
Compendio Del Orígen De Todos Los Cultos, Volume 2... by
Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Our own Religion in Ancient Persia, Being Lectures Delivered in Oxford Presenting the Zend Avesta as, With a by Mills, Lawrence Heyworth
The Sacred Anthology; A Book of Ethnical Scriptures by Conway, Moncure Daniel
An Amicable Controversy With a Jewish Rabbi, on the Messiah's Coming by Park, John Ranicar
The New Jerusalem and the Old Jerusalem: The Place and Service of the Jewish Church Among the Aeons by John Garth Wilkinson, James
Histoire des Origines du Christianisme: Index Général by Renan, Ernest
Ancient Masters and Jesus by Hartzog, William Benjamin
Great Inspirers by Zahm, John Augustine
Comparative Religion, a Survey of its Recent Literature, by Louis Henry Jordan by Jordan, Louis Henry
A Key to Universalism by Francis Rollin Shehane, Charles
El Protestantismo Comparado Con El Catolicismo En Sus Relaciones Con La Civilizacion Europea; Volume 2 by Balmes, Jaime Luciano
The Orogin of Pagan Idolatary by Faber, George Stanley
The War of Ormuzd and Ahriman in the Nineteenth Century by Davis, Henry Winter
Brotherhood: The Fatherhood of God, The Brotherhood of Man by Jones, Masten Warren
Thoughts on Salvation by Ragg, Thomas
Religions of Primitive Peoples by Brinton, Daniel Garrison
The Unity of Religions: A Popular Discussion of Ancient and Modern Beliefs by Randall, John Herman
Sixteen Saviours or One? The Gospels Not Brahmanic by Perry, John T.
The Nonentity of Romish Saints and The Inanity of Romish Ordinances by Hook, Walter Farquhar
The Religions of Eastern Asia by Underwood, Horace Grant
Tradicions Religiosas de Catalunya by Valldaura, Anna De
Religion and Historic Faiths by Pfleiderer, Otto
Christianity and Islam, Translated H.J. Chaytor by Heinrich, Becker Carl
Comparative Religion by Henry, Jordan Louis
Essays zur Allgemeinen Religionswissenschaft by Von Strauss Und Torney, Victor
Christus: Das Evangelium und Seine Weltgeschichtliche Bedeutung by Schell, Herman
Mutual Influence: A Re-View of Religion by Younghusband, Francis Edward
Love in Creation and Redemption: A Study in the Teachings of Jesus Compared With Modern Thought by Goddard, Dwight
Christ And Other Masters by Hardwick, Charles
De Mythographi Vaticani Primi Fontibus by Schulz, Richard
A Hymn Of Zoroaster: Yasna 31 by Anonymous
Religious Denominations, Their History And Creeds by Munroe, William H.
El Protestantismo Comparado Con El Catolicismo En Sus Relaciones Con La Civilizacion Europea by Balmes, Jaime Luciano
The History of Oracles, and the Cheats of the Pagan Priests by Behn, Aphra, Van Dale, Antonius
Die Weisheit Der Brahmanen Und Das Christentum: Darstellung Und Kritik Der Vedânta-Philosophie by Kreyher, Johannes
Igdrasil: The Tree of Existence by Challen, James
Selections From the World's Devotional Classics; Volume 6 by Gilmore, George William, Scott, Robert
Koran Und Bibel, Ein Komparativer Versuch by Jaspis, Johannes Sigmund
Der Proselyt oder Versuche über die wichtigsten Glaubenslehren rer römischkatholischen Kirche, der Welt zur gründlichen Beurtheilung vorgelegt, Erster by Fidler, Ferdinand Ambrosius
Anagomkin: Secret of the Hidden God by Chua, Ronnel D.
World Soul: Healing Ourselves and the Earth Through Pagan Theology by Carr, Catherine
Sztuczna inteligencja o Bogu, wierze i Biblii: Rozmowy z chatbotem by Jankowski, Jaroslaw
The Concept of Soul in Judaism, Christianity and Islam by
The Religions of China: Confucianism and Taoism described and compared with Christianity by Legge, James
The Protestant Predicament by Gresham, Joe W.
The Gospel of Nicodemus by Hone, William
The Gospel of Nicodemus by Hone, William
Womanspirit Rising: A Feminist Reader in Religion by Christ, Carol P.
The Gods of Business by Albertson, Hallqvist Todd Gerald
Human Rights and the Separation of State and Religion: International Case Studies by
Unmasking the Modern-day "Egyptians": Overcoming Intimidation and Exploitation by F, Jordan F.
Morir, el último tabú by Sánchez, Toni
Monastic Perspectives on Temporality: Time Is a Mirage by Hujanen, Riitta
Spinning Wyrd: A Journey Through the Nordic Mysteries by Smith, Ryan
Interconnectivity, Subversion, and Healing in World Christianity: Essays in Honor of Joel Carpenter by
Humanitarian Islam: Reflecting on an Islamic Concept by
The Indestructible Jews by Dimont, Max I.
The Indestructible Jews by Dimont, Max I.
Heartland of the Middle East: Discovering the Impact of Buddhism, Islam & Christianity, A Travel Journal by Turner, B. L.
Èṣù is Not Satan: Exploring the Indigenous Yorùbá Worldview by Ayanwuyi, Israel
Anthology of World Religions: Sacred Texts and Contemporary Perspectives by Vaughn, Lewis
Religion, Women's Health Rights, and Sustainable Development in Zimbabwe: Volume 1 by
Religion, Women's Health Rights, and Sustainable Development in Zimbabwe: Volume 2 by
Universal Faith: Conversations with 15 Religious Leaders in Southern California by Wang, Jenny
Unsafe Sects: Understanding Religious Cults by Olson, Roger E.
Unsafe Sects: Understanding Religious Cults by Olson, Roger E.
Legacy: Wisdom of African Traditions and the Bible by Morehouse, Chris
Pathways to Darkness: Exposing the Dangers of Contemporary Spiritualities by Philpott, Kent A., Philpott, Katie L. C.
The Muslim Brotherhood in Kuwait: 1941-1991 by Alkandari, Ali A.
Evidence for the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Examined through Islamic Law by Madanat, Suheil
Zwischen Todesangst Und Lebensmut: Eine Systematisch-Theologische Studie Zur Protestantischen Thanatologie Im Anschluss an Martin Heidegger by Sacher, Konstantin
God Is a Woman: The Path to Singlediversity by Huskovic, Edin
Intelligent Infinity: The Law of One and the Evolution of Consciousness by Galke, Matthias
Religious Pluralism: Toward a Comparative Metaphysics of Religion by Lopresti, Matthew S.
Discovering the Parables: An Inspirational Guide for Everyday Life by Covert, Henry G.
Cold-Case Christianity (Updated & Expanded Edition): A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by Wallace, J. Warner
World Religions in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic by Groothuis, Douglas
The Birth / Growth / Decline of the Human Soul: An Encyclopedic Approach by Balestreri, Theodore
Kimbanguism 100 Years on: Interdisciplinary Essays on a Socio-Cultural Movement by
Nondualism: An Interreligious Exploration by
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Comparative Theology: A Festschrift in Honor of Francis X. Clooney, Sj by
Between Jabal ʿamil, Karbala and Jerusalem: The Lebanese Shi'a and the Struggle for Palestine by Windecker, Gidon
Ecocide by Wilson, John
Caste in Everyday Life: Experience and Affect in Indian Society by
Uncovering the Truth of Jesus and His Mission: Uncovering the Truth of Jesus and His Mission by Clarke, John R.
Hinduism and Buddhism by Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
Pastoral Interventions During the Pandemic: Pentecostal Perspectives on Christian Ministry in South Africa by
"When on High the Heavens...": Mesopotamian Religion and Spirituality with Reference to the Biblical World by Buccellati, Giorgio
DAO Companion to the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi by
"When on High the Heavens...": Mesopotamian Religion and Spirituality with Reference to the Biblical World by Buccellati, Giorgio
Religion, Discourse, and Society: Towards a Discursive Sociology of Religion by Moberg, Marcus
The Transformative Philosophical Dialogue: From Classical Dialogues to Jiddu Krishnamurti's Method by Tubali, Shai
Introducing Islam Set by Ibrahim, Ayman S.
Concise Guide to Islam by Ibrahim, Ayman S.
A Concise Guide to Islam: Defining Key Concepts and Terms by Ibrahim, Ayman S.
Hellenisme Et Prophetie: Les Oracles Sibyllins Juifs Et Chretiens by LaFontaine, Xavier
Principles of Prayer: 31 Days of Morning Meditation For A Deeper Call to Prayer by Fall, Fatimata
Evil: A Critical Primer by Mackendrick, Kenneth G.
Once and Future Christ: Where East Meets West by McGilloway, Hriman
The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World by Jordan, Larry
Mormonen - die heiligen der letzten Zeit? by Trobisch, David
The Cross of Christ in African American Christian Religious Experience: Piety, Politics, and Protest by Williams, Demetrius K.
Islam by Smith, Huston
Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Travel Experiences: 3rd Century Bce - 8th Century CE by
Between Jerusalem and Mecca: Sanctity and Redemption in the Qurʾān and the Islamic Tradition by Rubin (Zl), Uri
Is the Quran Supersessionist?: Toward Identifying the Quran's Theological Framework of Engagement with Earlier Abrahamic Traditions by Mahdavi Mehr, Vahid
Makarios - Ein Ostlicher Kirchenvater Im Spiegel Des Deutschen Protestantismus by Illert, Martin
Cracking The Christ Code: Exposing The Ancient Egyptian Origins Of Jesus by Martin, Reginald
Cracking The Christ Code: Exposing The Ancient Egyptian Origins of Jesus by Martin, Reginald
New Daoism: A Fresh Look at Laozi by Sit, Kwan-Yuk Claire
Why Muslims Love Jesus: An Untold Story by Haque, Ekram
The Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State Volume I: Theoretical Perspectives by
Approaching Pilgrimage: Methodological Issues Involved in Researching Routes, Sites, and Practices by
Eastern Practices and Nordic Bodies: Lived Religion, Spirituality and Healing in the Nordic Countries by
Receptions of Simon Magus as an Archetype of the Heretic by Nissan, Ephraim, Ferreiro, Alberto
What Is the Good Life?: Perspectives from Religion, Philosophy, and Psychology by
Research on Islamic Business Concepts: Proceedings of the 13th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, October 2022 by
A Sentry Guide to Somerset Maugham's The Razor's Edge by Mason, R. H.
Israel and the Nations: The Bible, the Rabbis, and Jewish-Gentile Relations by Korn, Eugene
The Slavic Myths by Slapsak, Svetlana, Charney, Noah
The Palgrave Handbook of Religion, Peacebuilding, and Development in Africa by
Asian Spiritualities and Social Transformation by
Christianity and New Religious Movements: An Introduction to the World's Newest Faiths by Cooper, Derek
Confucian Timely Mean and Christian Discernment: Confucian-Christian Dialogue for Spirituality of Discernment and Applied Ethics by Kim, Sung-Hae
Scientology and the Illuminati: Cult or Fiction, You Decide; What Every Person Should Know About These Dangerous Cults by Nightingdale, Constantine I.
The Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State Volume II: Global Perspectives by
How to Recognize Cults & Witchcraft in the Modern World: And these other traps...WICCA, Satanism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism & More by Nightingdale, Constantine I.
Heritage and Identity in the Turkic World: Contemporary Scholarship in Memory of Ilse Laude-Cirtautas (1926-2019) by
Acts of Interpretation: Ancient Religious Semiotic Ideologies and Their Modern Echoes by Janowitz, Naomi
Arabischsprachig und evangelikal in Israel by Kirchner, Anna
Hammīra: Chapters in Imagination, Time, History by Malik, Aditya
The Dhammapada: A Translation of the Buddhist Classic with Annotations by Fronsdal, Gil
Tabernacle and The Body of God by Victor, Tony
Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue by
Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue by
Beyond Borders: Indo-Sasanian Trade and Its Central Indian Connections (Circa CE 300-700) by Kumar, Ashish
Religion Realistisch: Sechs Religionsphilosophische Essays by Deuser, Hermann
Wonder in South Asia: Histories, Aesthetics, Ethics by
Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism by
Multiple Übersetzung Der Religion: Eine Theoretisch-Empirische Analyse Zu Formen Und Formaten Alevitischer Religiosität by Yıldızlı, Elif
Naming God: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
Naming God: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by
Les Syriaques Orthodoxes d'Istanbul: L'Identité d'Une Minorité Chrétienne Au Xxie Siècle by Erol, Su
Musicology of Religion: Theories, Methods, and Directions by Beck, Guy L.
Miracles: An Exercise in Comparative Philosophy of Religion by
Modern Egyptian Women, Fashion and Faith: Discourses and Representations by Abdelrazek-Alsiefy, Amany
The Concept of Person in Judaism, Christianity and Islam by
Säkularismus und religiöser Wandel by Tanner, Pascal
Essais sur le régime des castes by Bouglé, Célestin
The Conquest of Illusion by Van Der Leeuw, J. J.
Rhetoric and Religion in the Twenty-First Century: Pluralism in a Postsecular Age by
Protestantische Kirchenkampfdeutungen: Eine Vergleichende Untersuchung Zu Karl Barth, Walter Kunneth Und Emanuel Hirsch by Burkart, Torben
Living Faith: An Orthodox Christian Conversation with Evangelicals by Farley, Lawrence R.
American Muslim Perspectives on Radicalization by Kabir, Nahid Afrose
Strange Bedfellows by Rowles, Michael J.
Do We Still Need Inspiration?: Scriptures and Theology by
Entering the Circle by Kharitidi, Olga
Forgotten Truth by Smith, Huston
Legitimacy, the Chinese Communist Party and Confucius by Ng, Wai Kong
Al-Makīn Ǧirǧis Ibn Al-ʿamīd: Universal History: The Vulgate Recension. from Adam to the End of the Achaemenids by Diez, Martino
Commercialisation of Religion in South Africa: A Pentecostal Approach by
The Buddha, the Prophet and the Christ by Hilliard, F. H.
The Thought of the Prophets by Mattuck, Israel I.
God and Man: In the Old Testament by Roth, Leon
The Poetry and Career of Li Po: 701-762 by Waley, Arthur
The Teachings of the Magi: A Compendium of Zoroastrian Beliefs by Zaehner, R. C.
Traditions to Transcend: Ceremonies, Rituals and Prayers by Sophia M Johnson
Philosophical Enactment and Bodily Cultivation in Early Daoism: In the Matrix of the Daodejing by Michael, Thomas
Lived Islam in Africa and Its Missiological Implications for Pentecostals by Nuekpe, Dieudonne Komla
The Voodoo Encyclopedia: Magic, Ritual, and Religion by
Bible Mary: The Mother of Jesus in the Word of God by Waiss, John
Digital Humanities and Religions in Asia: An Introduction by
The Evolution of Religion and Morality: Volume I by
Divine Perspectives: Exploring the Contrasts and Convergence of Polytheism and Monotheism: Exploring the Contrasts and Convergence of Polyt by Ruscsak, M. L.
African Pentecostal Theology: Modality, Disciplinarity, and Decoloniality by Kgatle, Mookgo Solomon
Sekretny ogień by Worms, Bernardo de
The Mind of the Qur'ān: Chapters in Reflection by Cragg, Kenneth
The Theology of Unity by 'Abduh, Muhammad
Decolonial Horizons: Reshaping Synodality, Mission, and Social Justice by
Confucianism and Its Rivals by Giles, Herbert A.
Obstacles to Stillness: Thoughts, Hindrances, and Self-Surrender in Evagrius and the Buddha by Geiman, Shodhin K.
Life's Ultimate Questions: Exploring the Stories that Shape Our Everyday by Wiens, Jake
Life's Ultimate Questions: Exploring the Stories that Shape Our Everyday by Wiens, Jake
The Netherworld in Ancient Egypt and China: An Imagined Paradise by Poo, Mu-Chou
Regime, Religion and the Consolidation of Zanu-Pfism in Zimbabwe: When Religion Becomes a Threat to Democracy by
A Asaakta Method for Comparative Theology: Upside Down, Inside Out by Rodrigues, Pravina
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