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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Computer Security in 2005

Public Key Cryptography - Pkc 2005: 8th International Workshop on Theory and Practice in Public Key Cryptography by
Security in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks: First European Workshop, Esas 2004, Heidelberg, Germany, August 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Topics in Cryptology -- Ct-Rsa 2005: The Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2005, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, February 14-18, 2005, Proceedings by
Aspectj Cookbook by Miles, Russ
Theory of Cryptography: Second Theory of Cryptography Conference, Tcc 2005, Cambridge, Ma, Usa, February 10-12. 2005, Proceedings by
Hardening Linux by Turnbull, James
Network Security: A Practical Approach by Harrington, Jan L.
Intrusion Prevention and Active Response: Deploying Network and Host IPS by Orebaugh, Angela D., Pinkard, Becky, Rash, Michael
Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit by Giuseppini, Gabriele, Burnett, Mark
Black Hat Physical Device Security: Exploiting Hardware and Software by Miller, Drew
Security in Communication Networks: 4th International Conference, Scn 2004, Amalfi, Italy, September 8-10, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Information Security Applications: 5th International Workshop, Wisa 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 23-25, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Honeypots for Windows by Grimes, Roger A.
Brute Force: Cracking the Data Encryption Standard by Curtin, Matt
Buffer Overflow Attacks by Deckard, Jason
Digital Watermarking: Third International Workshop, Iwdw 2004, Seoul, Korea, October 30 - November 1, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Linux Server Security by Bauer, Michael D.
Datenschutz Durch Technik: Rechtliche Förderungsmöglichkeiten Von Privacy Enhancing Technologies Am Beispiel Der Videoüberwachung by Stechow, Constantin
Risk Management for Computer Security: Protecting Your Network & Information Assets by Jones, Andy, Ashenden, Debi
Communications and Multimedia Security: 8th Ifip Tc-6 Tc-11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, Sept. 15-18, 2004, Windermere, the L by
The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers by Simon, William L., Mitnick, Kevin D.
Protecting Critical Infrastructures Against Cyber-Attack by Lukasik, Stephen
Windows XP in a Nutshell by Karp, David A., Mott, Troy, O'Reilly, Tim
Preventing Identity Theft in Your Business: How to Protect Your Business, Customers, and Employees by Collins, Judith M.
Security in Pervasive Computing: Second International Conference, Spc 2005, Boppard, Germany, April 6-8, 2005, Proceedings by
The German Enigma Cipher Machine by Deavours, Cipher a., Kruh, Louis, Winkel, Brian J.
Aggressive Network Self-Defense by Archibald, Neil, Wyler, Neil R., Fogie, Seth
Managerial Guide for Handling Cyber-Terrorism and Information Warfare by Janczewski
Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks by Zalewski, Michal
Information Security Practice and Experience: First International Conference, Ispec 2005, Singapore, April 11-14, 2005, Proceedings by
Coding for Data and Computer Communications by Salomon, David
Certification and Security in Inter-Organizational E-Services: Ifip 18th World Computer Congress, August 22-27, 2004, Toulouse, France by
Sockets, Shellcode, Porting, & Coding: Reverse Engineering Exploits and Tool Coding for Security Professionals by Foster, James C.
Principles and Practices for a Federal Statistical Agency: Third Edition by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Committee on National Statistics, National Research Council
Unix, Solaris and Linux: A Practical Security Cookbook: Securing Unix Operating System Without Third-Party Applications by Loza, Boris
Advances in Elliptic Curve Cryptography by
802.11 Wlans and IP Networking by Prasad, Neeli, Prasad, Anand
Deploying Citrix Metaframe Presentation Server 3.0 with Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services by Craft, Melissa
Cisco PIX Firewalls by Khan
Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security by Hope, Paco, Potter, Bruce, Korff, Yanek
Snort Cookbook by Orebaugh, Angela, Biles, Simon, Babbin, Jacob
Network Security Tools by Clarke, Justin, Dhanjani, Nitesh
The Lottery Industry: : Cases, Problems & Preventable Incidents by Delehanty, Herb
Codes: The Guide to Secrecy from Ancient to Modern Times by Mollin, Richard A.
Cryptography in C and C++ by Welschenbach, Michael
Sequences and Their Applications - Seta 2004: Third International Conference, Seoul, Korea, October 24-28, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Steganography by Curran, Kevin, Bailey, Karen
Ssh, the Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide by Barrett, Daniel J., Silverman, Richard E., Byrnes, Robert G.
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: Second International Conference, Dimva 2005, Vienna, Austria, July 7-8, 2005, Proce by
Infosec Career Hacking: Sell Your Skillz, Not Your Soul by Bayles, Aaron W., Long, Johnny, Hurley, Chris
Digitaler Personalausweis: Eine Machbarkeitsstudie by
Optical and Digital Techniques for Information Security by
Im Instant Messaging Security by Ransome, James F., Rittinghouse, John
Implementing Database Security and Auditing by Ben-Natan, Ron
Database Hacker's Handbook w/WS by Litchfield, David, Anley, Chris, Heasman, John
Swing Hacks: Tips and Tools for Killer GUIs by Marinacci, Joshua, Adamson, Chris
Security in E-Learning by Weippl, Edgar R.
Signal Design for Good Correlation by Golomb, Solomon W., Gong, Guang
Extreme Exploits: Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore Hacks (Hacking Exposed) by Oppleman, Victor, Friedrichs, Oliver, Watson, Brett
Mapping Hacks: Tips & Tools for Electronic Cartography by Erle, Schuyler, Gibson, Rich, Walsh, Jo
Contemporary Cryptology by Damgard, Ivan, Catalano, Dario, Cramer, Ronald
Data and Applications Security XIX: 19th Annual Ifip Wg 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security, Storrs, Ct, Usa, August 7-10, 2005, by
Impacts and Risk Assessment of Technology for Internet Security: Enabled Information Small-Medium Enterprises (Teismes) by Shoniregun, Charles A.
Codici Cifrati: Arne Beurling E La Crittografia Nella II Guerra Mondiale by Beckman, Bengt
Network Security Evaluation Using the Nsa Iem by Miles, Greg, Rogers, Russ, Fuller, Ed
Software Piracy Exposed by Honick, Ron
Stealing the Network: How to Own an Identity by Beale, Jay, Riley, Peter A., Russell, Ryan
Configuring Vmware Esx Server 2.5 by Muller, Al, Wilson, Seburn
Beginning Cryptography with Java by Hook, David
The Ciso Handbook: A Practical Guide to Securing Your Company by August, Thomas D., Gentile, Michael, Collette, Ron
Secure Data Management: Second Vldb Workshop, Sdm 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 30-September 2, 2005, Proceedings by
Security in Wireless LANs and Mans by Hardjono, Thomas
Computer Security - Esorics 2005: 10th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Milan, Italy, September 12-14, 2005, Proceedings by
Security Protocols: 11th International Workshop, Cambridge, Uk, April 2-4, 2003, Revised Selected Papers by
Digital Identity: Unmasking Identity Management Architecture (Ima) by Windley, Phillip
Communications and Multimedia Security: 9th Ifip Tc-6 Tc-11 International Conference, CMS 2005, Salzburg, Austria, September 19-21, 2005, Proceedings by
Computer Security: 20 Things Every Employee Should Know by Rothke, Ben
Pro PHP Security by Snyder, Chris, Southwell, Michael
Computer Network Security: Third International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-Acn by
Foundations of Security Analysis and Design III: FOSAD 2004/2005 Tutorial Lectures by
Information Security: 8th International Conference, Isc 2005, Singapore, September 20-23, 2005, Proceedings by
Multimedia-Assistenten Im Betrieb: Datenschutzrechtliche Anforderungen, Rechtliche Regelungs- Und Technische Gestaltungsvorschläge Für Mobile Agentens by Steidle, Roland
Proceedings of Defining the State of the Art in Software Security Tools Workshop by Fong, Elizabeth, Black, Paul E., U. S. Department of Commerce
AAA and Network Security for Mobile Access: Radius, Diameter, Eap, Pki and IP Mobility by Nakhjiri, Madjid, Nakhjiri, Mahsa
Phishing Exposed by James, Lance
Security and Usability: Designing Secure Systems That People Can Use by Cranor, Lorrie Faith, Garfinkel, Simson
Computer Insecurity: Risking the System by Furnell, Steven M.
Machine Learning and Data Mining for Computer Security: Methods and Applications by
Configuring Check Point Ngx Vpn-1/Firewall-1 by Stiefel, Barry J., Desmeules, Simon
Sicherheit Und Datenschutz ALS Notwendige Eigenschaften Von Computergestützten Informationssystemen: Ein Integrierender Gestaltungsansatz Für Vertraue by Lange, Jörg Andreas
Essential SNMP: Help for System and Network Administrators by Schmidt, Kevin, Mauro, Douglas
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: Coopis, Doa, and Odbase: Otm Confederated International Conferences, Coopis, Doa, and Odbase 2005, Ag by
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: Coopis, Doa, and Odbase: Otm Confederated International Conferences, Coopis, Doa, and Odbase 2005, Ag by
Web and Information Security by Ferrari, Elena
Hardening Windows by Hassell, Jonathan
Trusted Computing by
Advances in Digital Forensics: Ifip International Conference on Digital Forensics, National Center for Forensic Science, Orlando, Florida, February 1 by
Enterprise Security Architecture: A Business-Driven Approach by Sherwood, Nicholas
Internet Forensics: Using Digital Evidence to Solve Computer Crime by Jones, Robert
Computer Security and Telerobotics for Everyone by Doherty Ph. D., Eamon P.
Multimedia Encryption and Watermarking by Socek, Daniel, Furht, Borko, Muharemagic, Edin
Essential PHP Security by Shiflett, Chris
The Law and Economics of Cybersecurity by
Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling: Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology by Nusbaum, Joseph, Kent, Karen, U. S. Department of Commerce
Creating a Patch and Vulnerability Management Program: Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) by Bergeron, Tiffany, Henning, David, U. S. Department of Commerce
Cryptology and Network Security: 4th International Conference, Cans 2005, Xiamen, China, December 14-16, 2005, Proceedings by
Information and Communications Security: 7th International Conference, Icics 2005, Beijing, China, December 10-13, 2005, Proceedings by
Securing Im and P2P Applications for the Enterprise by Piccard, Paul, Baskin, Brian, Sachs, Marcus
Perfect Password: Selection, Protection, Authentication by Burnett, Mark
Information Security and Cryptology: First Sklois Conference, CISC 2005, Beijing, China, December 15-17, 2005, Proceedings by
Information Systems Security: First International Conference, Iciss 2005, Kolkata, India, December 19-21, 2005, Proceedings by
Access Control Systems: Security, Identity Management and Trust Models by Benantar, Messaoud
Security and Privacy in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks: Second European Workshop, Esas 2005, Visegrad, Hungary, July 13-14, 2005. Revised Selected Papers by
Information Hiding: 7th International Workshop, Ih 2005, Barcelona, Spain, June 6-8, 2005, Revised Selected Papers by
Trustworthy Global Computing: International Symposium, Tgc 2005, Edinburgh, Uk, April 7-9, 2005. Revised Selected Papers by
Foundations of Computer Security by Salomon, David
SAP Security: SAP Security Essentials by Stewart, Jim
Guide to IPsec VPNs: NiST SP 800-77 by National Institute of Standards and Tech
Guide to IPsec VPNs: Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology by Lewkowski, Ryan, Orebaugh, Angela D., Kent, Karen