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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Computer Security in 2013

Topics in Cryptology - Ct- Rsa 2013: The Cryptographer`s Track at Rsa Conference 2013, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, February 25- March 1, 2013, Proceedings by
Locally Decodable Codes and Private Information Retrieval Schemes by Yekhanin, Sergey
Practical Signcryption by
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 19th International Conference, Sac 2012, Windsor, Canada, August 15-16, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
PRAGMATIC Security Metrics: Applying Metametrics to Information Security by Brotby, W. Krag, Hinson, Gary
Transactions on Computational Science XVII by
Data Privacy Management and Autonomous Spontaneous Security: 7th International Workshop, Dpm 2012, and 5th International Workshop, Setop 2012, Pisa, I by
Security Protocols XVII: 17th International Workshop, Cambridge, Uk, April 1-3, 2009. Revised Selected Papers by
Effective Monitoring and Alerting: For Web Operations by Ligus, Slawek
Comp Arch Security C by Ledley, Robert S., Wang, Shuangbao Paul
Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: Ifip Tc8 / Wg8.8 Fourth Working Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications September 2 by
Public-Key Cryptography -- Pkc 2013: 16th International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography, Nara, Japan, Feburary 26 -- Marc by
Juniper Networks Warrior by Southwick, Peter
Windows 8 Hacks: Tips & Tools for Unlocking the Power of Tablets and Desktops by Gralla, Preston
Wireless Network Securities by Weiser, Eugene
Communications and Multimedia Security Issues of the New Century: Ifip Tc6 / Tc11 Fifth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Secu by
Arquitectura de Seguridad Informática: Un manual para gerentes, directores y consultores by Castro Reynoso, Sergio
Darknet: A Beginner's Guide to Staying Anonymous Online by Henderson, Lance
Passive and Active Measurement: 14th International Conference, Pam 2013, Hong Kong, China, March 18-19, 2013, Proceedings by
Theory of Cryptography: 10th Theory of Cryptography Conference, Tcc 2013, Tokyo, Japan, March 3-6, 2013. Proceedings by
Wireless Networks and Security: Issues, Challenges and Research Trends by
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility 2-1 by
C(I)SO - And Now What?: How to Successfully Build Security by Design by Oberlaender, Michael S.
Principles, Methodologies, and Service-Oriented Approaches for Cloud Computing by
Microsoft Forefront Uag Mobile Configuration Starter by Volpe, Fabrizio
When Gadgets Betray Us: The Dark Side of Our Infatuation with New Technologies by Vamosi, Robert
Pairing-Based Cryptography -- Pairing 2012: 5th International Conference, Cologne, Germany, May 16-18, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Comp Cryptography C by Yan, Song Y.
Cybersecurity by Office, Government Accountability
Cybresecurity: Selected Legal Issues by Ruane, Kathleen Ann, Dolan, Alissa M., Stevens, Gina
Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 8th International Icst Conference, Securecomm 2012, Padua, Italy, September 3-5, 2012. Revised Selecte by
Enterprise Security: A Data-Centric Approach to Securing the Enterprise by Woody, Aaron
Securing Cloud and Mobility: A Practitioner's Guide by Coolidge, E. Coleen, Hourani, Paul, Lim, Ian
WordPress Security: Protection from Hackers by Klein, Lambert
Physical Layer Approaches for Securing Wireless Communication Systems by Wen, Hong
Cloud Computing Protected: Security Assessment Handbook by Rhoton, John
The Basics of Digital Privacy: Simple Tools to Protect Your Personal Information and Your Identity Online by Cherry, Denny
The Little Book of Cloud Computing SECURITY, 2013 Edition by Nielsen, Lars
Principles of Security and Trust: Second International Conference, Post 2013, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of by
Information and Communication Technology: International Conference, Ict-Eurasia 2013, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, March 25-29, 2013, Proceedings by
Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security: Ifip Tc6 / Tc11 Sixth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security September 26 by
Community Policing in Indigenous Communities by
The Pretext Playbook: Instruction Manual for Intentional Misleading Fabrication by O'Reilly, James
Mobile Access Safety: Beyond Byod by Calé, Stéphane, Assing, Dominique
The Next Frontier: Managing Data Confidentiality and Integrity in the Cloud by Correia, Miguel, Rocha, Francisco, Abreu, Salvador
Governance and Internal Controls for Cutting Edge It by Worstell, Karen F.
Certification and Security in E-Services: From E-Government to E-Business by
Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto 82 by
Instant Citrix Security How-to by Jacob, Carmel
Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard: Using Digital Forensics and Investigative Techniques to Identify Cybercrime Suspects by Shavers, Brett
What's My Password? by Speciale, Corbett
Network Interdiction and Stochastic Integer Programming by
Computational Number Theory by Das, Abhijit
Applied Cyber Security and the Smart Grid: Implementing Security Controls Into the Modern Power Infrastructure by Knapp, Eric D., Samani, Raj
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 9th International Conference, Dimva 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, July 26-27, 201 by
Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 11th International Conference, Cardis 2012, Graz, Austria, November 28-30, 2012, Revised Selected Paper by
Network Control and Engineering for Qos, Security and Mobility: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.2 & Wg6.7 Conference on Network Control and Engineering for Qos, Securi by
Network Control and Engineering for Qos, Security and Mobility II: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.2 & Wg6.7 Second International Conference on Network Control and Eng by
Information Security Management & Small Systems Security: Ifip Tc11 Wg11.1/Wg11.2 Seventh Annual Working Conference on Information Security Management by
Radio Frequency Identification: Security and Privacy Issues: 8th International Workshop, Rfidsec 2012, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, July 2-3, 2012, Revi by
Enterprise Identity Management: Towards an Investment Decision Support Approach by Royer, Denis
Information Security Policy Development for Compliance: Iso/Iec 27001, Nist Sp 800-53, Hipaa Standard, PCI Dss V2.0, and Aup V5.0 by Williams, Barry L.
Data and Applications Security XVII: Status and Prospects by
Smartdata: Privacy Meets Evolutionary Robotics by
Security Education and Critical Infrastructures: Ifip Tc11 / Wg11.8 Third Annual World Conference on Information Security Education (Wise3) June 26-28 by
Instant Apple Configurator How-to by Stephen Edge, Charles, Jr., D. Houston, Timothy, Jr.
Secret History: The Story of Cryptology by Bauer, Craig P.
Security for Wireless Implantable Medical Devices by Hei, Xiali, Du, Xiaojiang
Linux Malware Incident Response: A Practitioner's Guide to Forensic Collection and Examination of Volatile Data: An Excerpt from Malware Forensic Fiel by Aquilina, James M., Malin, Cameron H., Casey, Eoghan
The Practical Guide to Hipaa Privacy and Security Compliance by Beaver, Kevin, Herold, Rebecca
Network Security Traceback Attack and React in the United States Department of Defense Network by Machie, Edmond K.
Network Security Traceback Attack and React in the United States Department of Defense Network by Machie, Edmond K.
Crisis Management at the Speed of the Internet: Trend Report by Hayes, Bob, Kotwica, Kathleen
From One Winning Career to the Next: Transitioning Public Sector Leadership and Security Expertise to the Business Bottom Line by Quilter, J. David
Nine Practices of the Successful Security Leader: Research Report by Kotwica, Kathleen, Hayes, Bob
Advanced Dpa Theory and Practice: Towards the Security Limits of Secure Embedded Circuits by Peeters, Eric
Ethical Governance of Emerging Technologies Development by
Human Behavior Recognition Technologies: Intelligent Applications for Monitoring and Security by
Fundamentals of Cryptology: A Professional Reference and Interactive Tutorial by Van Tilborg, Henk C. a.
Advances in Cyber Security: Technology, Operations, and Experiences by Marinucci, Dorothy, Hsu, D. Frank
Advances in Cyber Security: Technology, Operations, and Experiences by Hsu, D. Frank, Marinucci, Dorothy
Foundations and Practice of Security: 5th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security, Fps 2012, Montreal, Qc, Canada, October 25- by
Business Continuity: Playbook by Hayes, Bob, Kotwica, Kathleen
Darknet Ecosystems: Surfacing Underground Economies by Pritchard, Michael J.
Android Security: Attacks and Defenses by Misra, Anmol, Dubey, Abhishek
Cyber Security Culture: Counteracting Cyber Threats through Organizational Learning and Training by Trim, Peter, Upton, David
Spam-Filter - Mechanismen und Algorithmen, Chancen und Gefahren: Einführung Spambekämpfung by Mösinger, Alexander
Critical Infrastructure System Security and Resiliency by Vugrin, Eric, Warren, Drake, Biringer, Betty
Computer Forensics InfoSec Pro Guide by Cowen, David
Smart Grid Security: First International Workshop, Smartgridsec 2012, Berlin, Germany, December 3, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Research Directions in Data and Applications Security XVIII: Ifip Tc11 / Wg11.3 Eighteenth Annual Conference on Data and Applications Security July 25 by
Information Security and Cryptology -- Icisc 2012: 15th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 28-30, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Windows 2012 Server Network Security: Securing Your Windows Network Systems and Infrastructure by Rountree, Derrick
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility 2-2 by
Instant Traffic Analysis with Tshark How-to by Merino, Borja
Solarwinds Orion Network Performance Monitor by Dissmeyer, Joseph
Security and Trust Management: 8th International Workshop, STM 2012, Pisa, Italy, September 13-14, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Dynamic Mixed Models for Familial Longitudinal Data by Sutradhar, Brajendra C.
Information Security Practice and Experience: 9th International Conference, Ispec 2013, Lanzhou, China, May 12-14, 2013, Proceedings by
Information Security Theory and Practice. Security of Mobile and Cyber-Physical Systems: 7th Ifip Wg 11.2 International Workshop, Wist 2013, Heraklion by
Expert Oracle Application Express Security by Spendolini, Scott
Simple Steps to Data Encryption: A Practical Guide to Secure Computing by Loshin, Peter
Assessing Vendors: A Hands-On Guide to Assessing Infosec and It Vendors by More, Josh
Intrusion Detection in Distributed Systems: An Abstraction-Based Approach by Wang, Xiaoyang Sean, Peng Ning, Jajodia, Sushil
America is Under Cyber Attack: Why Urgent Action is Needed by Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigation
Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems: Ifip 18th World Computer Congress Tc11 19th International Information Security Conference 2 by
Quantum Attacks on Public-Key Cryptosystems by Yan, Song Y.
Privacy for Location-Based Services by Ghinita, Gabriel
Security, Design, and Architecture for Broadband and Wireless Network Technologies by
Social Network Engineering for Secure Web Data and Services by
Policies and Research in Identity Management: Third Ifip Wg 11.6 Working Conference, Idman 2013, London, Uk, April 8-9, 2013, Proceedings by
Windows Server 2012 Security from End to Edge and Beyond: Architecting, Designing, Planning, and Deploying Windows Server 2012 Security Solutions by Shinder, Thomas W., Diogenes, Yuri, Littlejohn Shinder, Debra
Optical Coding Theory with Prime by Yang, Guu-Chang, Kwong, Wing C.
Oracle Weblogic Server 12c Advanced Administration Cookbook by Iwazaki, Dalton
Guide to the De-Identification of Personal Health Information by El Emam, Khaled
Iris Biometric Model for Secured Network Access by Khoury, Franjieh El
Information Security and Cryptology: 8th International Conference, Inscrypt 2012, Beijing, China, November 28-30, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
The Zealots Guide To Computer Security 2013 by Taylor, Brian
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2013: 32nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Athens, Gree by
Untangling the Web: The Nsa's Guide to Gathering Information on Google by
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems VIII: Special Issue on Advances in Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery by
Progress in Cryptology -- Africacrypt 2013: 6th International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, Cairo, Egypt, June 22-24, 2013, Proceedings by
Network and System Security: 7th International Conference, Nss 2013, Madrid, Spain, June 3-4, 2013, Proceedings by
Wired/Wireless Internet Communication: 11th International Conference, Wwic 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 5-7, 2013. Proceedings by
The Wireshark Field Guide: Analyzing and Troubleshooting Network Traffic by Shimonski, Robert
Automatic Defense Against Zero-day Polymorphic Worms in Communication Networks by Mohammed, Mohssen, Pathan, Al-Sakib Khan
It-Sicherheitsmanagement Nach ISO 27001 Und Grundschutz: Der Weg Zur Zertifizierung by Reuter, Jürgen, Kersten, Heinrich
Post-Quantum Cryptography: 5th International Workshop, Pqcrypto 2013, Limoges, France, June 4-7, 2013, Proceedings by
Backtrack - Testing Wireless Network Security by Cardwell, Kevin
Web-Age Information Management: 14th International Conference, Waim 2013, Beidaihe, China, June 14-16, 2013. Proceedings by
Privacy and Identity Management for Life: 6th Ifip Wg 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6/Primelife International Summer School, Helsingborg, Sweden, August 2-6 by
Information Security Management, Education and Privacy: Ifip 18th World Computer Congress Tc11 19th International Information Security Workshops 22-27 by
NISTIR 7298 r2 Glossary of Key Information Security Terms: NISTIR 7298 r2 by National Institute of Standards and Tech
Theory and Practice of Cryptography Solutions for Secure Information Systems by
Defending an Open, Global, Secure, and Resilient Internet by Negroponte, John D., Palmisano, Samuel J., Segal, Adam
A Fierce Domain: Conflict in Cyberspace, 1986 to 2012 by
A Fierce Domain: Conflict in Cyberspace, 1986 to 2012 by
Cloud Computing: Methods and Practical Approaches by
You've Been Hacked: 15 Hackers You Hope Your Computer Never Meets by Webb, William
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 11th International Conference, Acns 2013, Banff, Ab, Canada, June 25-28, 2013. Proceedings by
Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet: 7th Ifip Wg 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Securit by
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: 6th International Conference, Trust 2013, London, Uk, June 17-19, 2013, Proceedings by
Computer Networks: 20th International Conference, Cn 2013, Lwowek Slaski, Poland, June 17-21, 2013. Proceedings by
Discrete Dynamical Systems and Chaotic Machines: Theory and Applications by Guyeux, Christophe, Bahi, Jacques
Advances in Network and Distributed Systems Security: Ifip Tc11 Wg11.4 First Annual Working Conference on Network Security November 26-27, 2001, Leuve by
The Benefits and Security Risks of Web-Based Applications for Business: Trend Report by Kotwica, Kathleen
Effective Surveillance for Homeland Security: Balancing Technology and Social Issues by
The Four Pillars of Endpoint Security: Safeguarding Your Network in the Age of Cloud Computing and the Bring-Your-Own-Device Trend by Griffin, Dan
Trust Management VII: 7th Ifip Wg 11.11 International Conference, Ifiptm 2013, Malaga, Spain, June 3-7, 2013, Proceedings by
Using Security Patterns in Web-Application by Alam, Shahnawaz
Potential for Data Loss from Security Protected Smartphones: Investigate how to use protective security measures from the PC world to secure Smartphon by Rajole, Vikas
Cyber Crime Protection for Beginners: The Battle Against Cyber Crime in the 21st Century by Taiwo, Felix
Android Malware by Jiang, Xuxian, Zhou, Yajin
Network Science and Cybersecurity by
Linguistic Identity Matching by Lisbach, Bertrand, Meyer, Victoria
Data Governance: Creating Value from Information Assets by
Network Anomaly Detection: A Machine Learning Perspective by Bhattacharyya, Dhruba Kumar, Kalita, Jugal Kumar
Android Application Security Essentials by Rai, Pragati
Cyber Crime & Warfare: All That Matters by Warren, Peter
Security for Cloud Storage Systems by Yang, Kan, Jia, Xiaohua
Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems by
Stop Cyber Crime from Ruining Your Life!: Sixty Secrets to Keep You Safe by James, Cynthia
Handbook of Communications Security by Garzia, F.
Cryptography in C and C++ by Welschenbach, Michael
Access Control, Authentication, and Public Key Infrastructure: Print Bundle by Chapple, Mike, Ballad, Bill, Ballad, Tricia
Sicherheit in SIP-basierten VoIP-Netzen by Sauer, Michael
Botnets by Tiirmaa-Klaar, Heli, Gassen, Jan, Gerhards-Padilla, Elmar
Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust: First International Conference, Has 2013, Held as Part of Hci International 2013, Las Vegas, by
Security and Privacy in Biometrics by
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2013: 33rd Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa, August 18-22, 2013. Proceedings, Part I by
Read Me First: Password Protection and Identity Theft Prevention (2nd Edition) by Lee, Newton
Ten Successful Ways to Keep Windows Secure: The Windows Maintenance Guide by Maluth, John Monyjok
Automated Biometrics: Technologies and Systems by Zhang, David D.
Intelligence and Security Informatics: Pacific Asia Workshop, Paisi 2013, Beijing, China, August 3, 2013. Proceedings by
Vmware View Security Essentials by Langenhan, Daniel
Dissecting the Ethical Hacker: A guide for the Wine'n Cheese Crowd (a.k.a. Suits & Technology Executives) by Willburn, Michael
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2013: 33rd Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa, August 18-22, 2013. Proceedings, Part II by
Speech Spectrum Analysis by Fulop, Sean A.
Information Assurance and Security Education and Training: 8th Ifip Wg 11.8 World Conference on Information Security Education, Wise 8, Auckland, New by
Future Challenges in Security and Privacy for Academia and Industry: 26th Ifip Tc 11 International Information Security Conference, SEC 2011, Lucerne, by
Active Directory Cookbook: Solutions for Administrators & Developers by Allen, Robbie, Svidergol, Brian
Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems: 28th Ifip Tc 11 International Conference, SEC 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, July 8-1 by
Sicherheit in Kommunikationsnetzen by Gruschka, Nils, Sorge, Christoph, Lo Iacono, Luigi
Theory and Practice of Cryptography and Network Security Protocols and Technologies by
E-Voting and Identity: 4th International Conference, Vote-Id 2013, Guildford, Uk, July 17-19, 2013, Proceedings by
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 10th International Conference, Dimva 2013, Berlin, Germany, July 18-19, 2013. Proce by
Privacy Enhancing Technologies: 13th International Symposium, Pets 2013, Bloomington, In, Usa, July 10-12, 2013, Proceedings by
Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXVII: 27th Annual Ifip Wg 11.3 Conference, Dbsec 2013, Newark, Nj, Usa, July 15-17, 2013, Proceedings by
Hackers and Hacking: A Reference Handbook by Schell, Bernadette H., Holt, Thomas J.
Practical Paranoia: OS X Security Essentials for Home and Business: The easy step-by-step guide to hardening your OS X security by Mintz, Marc L.
The Basics of Web Hacking: Tools and Techniques to Attack the Web by Pauli, Josh
Security and Privacy in Smart Grids by
Conflict and Cooperation in Cyberspace: The Challenge to National Security by
Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design: 4th International Workshop, Cosade 2013, Paris, France, March 6-8, 2013, Revised Selected Papers by
Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Networks: 9th International Confernce, Qshine 2013, Greader Noida, India, January 11-12 by
Practical Anonymity: Hiding in Plain Sight Online by Loshin, Peter
Instant Ossec Host-Based Intrusion Detection System by Lhotsky, Brad
Android Security Cookbook by Makan, Keith
Hacking Exposed Mobile: Security Secrets & Solutions by Stanfield, Mike, Rouse, Jason, Bergman, Neil
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems IX by
See More