• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Conceptual Art in 2008

John Bock: Maltreated Frigate by
Sk-Interfaces by Hauser, Jens
Concept Design 2: Works from Seven Los Angeles Entertainment Designers and Seventeen Guest Artists by Belker, Harald, Burg, Steve
Hans Schabus: Deserted Conquest by
Erik Steinbrecher: Superfundi by
Tobias Rehberger: On Otto [With On Otto] by
Julião Sarmento: What Makes a Writer Great by
Atelier Goldstein Artists by
Katerina Seda: 1977 [With Katerina Seda What's That For?] by
Sean Snyder: Optics. Compression. Propaganda. by
Darren Almond: Terminus by
Thomas Demand: Processo Grottesco / Yellowcake by
Conversation with Peter Downsbrough by
Try Again by Alvarez Reyes, Juan Antonio
Counterweight: The Art and Concepts of Rick O'Brien by
Ensemble [With CD] by
Ant Farm: Living Archive 7 by Scott, Felicity
Drawings on Writing by
John Isaacs: In Advance of the Institution by
Tim Lee: Capp Street Project: Steve Martin Let's Get Small 1977- Neil Young Rust Never Sleeps 1979 by
Land Art in the U.S.: A Complete Guide to Landscape, Environmental, Earthworks, Nature, Sculpture and Installation Art in the United States by Malpas, William
Eduardo Sarabia: The Gift: 1-866-865-0879 by
Animal Collective by
Addresses Delivered To The Students Of The Royal Academy (1897) by Leighton, Frederic
Melanie Smith: Parres by
Fiona Tan: Disassembling the Archive by
Gabriel Kuri: And Thanks in Advance by
Peter Fischli & David Weiss: Sonne, Mond Und Sterne by
Carmela Garc�a: Constelaci�n by
A Visual Palette: A Philosophy of the Natural Principles of Painting by Weckbach, Kevin
Evelyn's Sculptura: With The Unpublished Second Part (1906) by
Art Forms in Nature: The Prints of Ernst Haeckel by
Floss+art by
Michael Sailstorfer: 10000 Stones by
Dan Perjovschi & Nedko Solakov: Walls and Floor: (Without the Ceiling) by
Andrew Dadson: Visible Heavens from 1850-2008 by
The Way Things Are: Works from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection by
Shoot an Iraqi: Art, Life and Resistance Under the Gun by Bilal, Wafaa
Katerina Seda: For Every Dog a Different Master by
Of Tonezharl' by Nikonova, Rea
Art: The Language of the Gods by Rednick, Herman
Crcncl by Porter, Bern
Practical Hints For Draftsmen (1888) by Maccord, Charles William
Proportional Form: Further Studies In The Science Of Beauty, Being Supplemental To Those Set Forth In Nature's Harmonic Unity (1920) by Coan, Clarence Arthur, Colman, Samuel
Original Unpublished Papers Illustrative Of The Life Of Sir Peter Paul Rubens: As An Artist And A Diplomatist (1859) by Sainsbury, William Noel
Peggy Preheim by
Come Paint With Me: Colors, Textures, Moods, And Memories by Nelson, Richard Owen
La Tecnica Della Pittura (1905) by Previati, Gaetano
The Artists Of America: A Series Of Biographical Sketches Of American Artists, With Portraits And Designs On Steel (1846) by Lester, Charles Edwards
Jake Chapman: The Marriage of Reason & Squalor by Fuel
Pietro Roccasalva by Schwabsky, Barry
Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers by Koren, Leonard
Abstraktion Und Einfühlung by Everett, Percival