• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Conducting in 2023

Basic Conducting Techniques by Matthews, Wendy, Labuta, Joseph A.
Sergei Rachmaninoff: 6 Moments Musicals Op.16 3 Bonus: Variations on a Theme of Chopin Op.22 Prelude by Rachmaninoff, Segei
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Sheet Music: Piano Sonatas Numbers: 21°Waldstein- 22° 23°Appassionata-24°-25°-26° ISBN-SKU: by Beethoven, Ludwig Van
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Sheet Music: Piano Sonatas Numbers: 1-2-3-4-5-6 by Beethoven, Ludwig Van
Joann Sebastian Bach - Sheet Music: 24 prelude and fugue by Bach, Joann Sebastian
Mozart Wolfang Amadeus - Piano Sonatas - Sheet Music - Volume 1: Numbers: 1°2°3°4°5°6°7°8°9° by Mozart, Wolfang Amadeus
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Sheet Music: Piano Sonatas: 7-8 Pathetique-9-10-11-12-13 by Beethoven, Ludwig Van
Chopin Frederic SHEET MUSIC Solo Piano Miscellaneous: Variations Brillantes in B flat major Bolero in A minor Tarantelle in A flat major Allegro de Co by Chopin, Frederic
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Sheet Music: Piano Sonatas 27°-28°-29°Hammerklavier - 30°-31°-32° by Beethoven, Ludwig Van
Sheet Music for Classical Piano: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Their Masterpieces A Journey Through the Works of the Three Giant and Most Celebrated Cla by Bach, Joann Sebastian, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Beethoven, Ludwig Van
Utopia, Innovation, Tradition: Bruno Maderna's Cosmos by
Beyond the Handsomeness: A Biography of Thomas Schippers by Spada, Nancy
Let's Play the Amazing Accordion by Bobbyalis, Aurora
The Technic of the Baton by Stoessel, Albert
The Technic of the Baton: A Handbook for Students of Conducting by 1894-, Stoessel Albert
The Community Orchestra; its Formation and Maintenance by Dickie, Perry
Der angehende Musikdirektor; oder die Kunst ein Orchester zu bilden, in Ordnung zu erhalten, und ueberhaupt allen Forderungen eines guten Musikdirekto by
The Handbell Choir by Watson, Doris
Caring for Your Choir by Plaag, Joel F.
Guitar Music Theory: An Essential Beginner's Guide To Learn The Realms Of Guitar Music Theory From A-Z by Hayes, Ethan