• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Conservation & Preservation in 2022

Historical Wood: Structure, Properties and Conservation by
Histories of Conservation and Art History in Modern Europe by
Clyfford Still: The Artist's Materials by Ramsay, Barbara A., Lake, Susan F.
Aux Champs du Moulin: l'histoire d'une rénovation by Muller, Alex
Intellectual and Cultural Property: Between Market and Community by MacMillan, Fiona
Conservation of Easel Paintings by
Living Matter: The Preservation of Biological Materials in Contemporary Art: An International Conference Held in Mexico City, June 3-5, 2019 by
The Venice Arsenal: Between History, Heritage, and Re-Use by
Take Heart: Encouragement for Earth's Weary Lovers by Moore, Kathleen Dean
Art Markets, Agents and Collectors: Collecting Strategies in Europe and the United States, 1550-1950 by
Object--Event-- Performance: Art, Materiality, and Continuity Since the 1960s by
Die Kreuzigung Petri Von P. P. Rubens in St. Petri Zu Köln: The Crucifixion of Saint Peter by Rubens by
Cultural Heritage Microbiology: Recent Developments by
Heritage, World Heritage, and the Future: Perspectives on Scale, Conservation, and Dialogue by
Franz Kline: The Artist's Materials by Rogge, Corina E.
Properties of Plastics: A Guide for Conservators by Van Oosten, Thea B.
Andrea Sacchi and Cardinal del Monte: The Rediscovered Frescoes in the Palazzo Di Ripetta in Rome by Fidanza, Giovan Battista
Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities by
Save Venice Inc.: American Philanthropy and Art Conservation in Italy, 1966-2021 by Carlsmith, Christopher
Auschwitz. Bild Und Hinterbild: Fotografien by Mougenot, Frédéric
Early Painting in the Northern Netherlands: Style and Technique by Wallert, Arie
Posters for the Planet: Tear, Paste, Protest: 50 Reusable and Recyclable Posters by Princeton Architectural Press
Mumbai: A City Through Objects - 101 Stories from the Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum by Tasneem Zakaria Mehta
Transforming Image, 2nd Ed.: Painted Arts of Northwest Coast First Nations by McLennan, Bill
Hand-Book for the Preservation of Pictures by Mogford, Henry
Hand-Book for the Preservation of Pictures by Mogford, Henry
Conservation of Time-Based Media Art by
Climatic and Environmental Threats to Cultural Heritage by Sloggett, Robyn, Scott, Marcelle
Climatic and Environmental Threats to Cultural Heritage by Sloggett, Robyn, Scott, Marcelle
Preservation and Restoration Techniques for Ancient Egyptian Textiles by
[Dehio - Handbuch Der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler / Bayern, Band 1-5] by
Practical Approaches to Collections Care by Forsko, Samantha
Practical Approaches to Collections Care by Forsko, Samantha
Art in Early-Modern Law: Evolving Procedures for Heritage Protection in 15th- To 18th-Century Europe by Mannoni, Chiara
Preservation and Restoration Techniques for Ancient Egyptian Textiles by