• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Crafts General in 2011

Acheter son bien immobilier by de Particulier À Particulier
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Decorative Fusion Knots: A Step-By-Step Illustrated Guide to New and Unusual Ornamental Knots by Lenzen, J. D.
HOW TO Create A Factory Guitar Finish With Just A Couple Of Spray Cans! by Gleneicki, John
Portails et clôtures by Capdefer, A.
Water Paper Paint: Exploring Creativity with Watercolor and Mixed Media by Jones, Heather
Three Times the Charm! by Me and My Sister Designs
How to Weave Authentic Hawaiian Lauhala Bracelets: A Step-By-Step Guide by Jim Widess
Jeanine's Stuff, Volume 6, More Simple, But Impressive Stuff (2008 Class Notes) by Von Essen, Jeanine
Inwieweit ist Quellenarbeit in der Grundschule sinnvoll und erfolgsversprechend? by Hock, Olga
Exhibitions and Exhibiting - With Chapters on Staging Flowers and Exhibiting Vegetables by Cobb, Arthur J.
Die politikwissenschaftliche und politikdidaktische Bedeutung der Beschäftigung mit Politikerbiographien und den Biographien von "Namenlosen" by Partetzke, Marc
Plumbing Soldering and Brazing for Amateurs - Including a Section on Gas Repairs - The Do It Yourself Series by Gardner, F.
The Brassfounder's Manual - Instructions for Modelling, Pattern-Making, Moulding, Alloying Turning, Filling, Burnishing, Bronzing by Graham, Walter
How to Paint Abstract Sunsets: Step by Step by De Gorna, Gina
Bricklaying and Simple Building for Amateurs - The Do It Yourself Series by Gardner, F.
The Teacher of Casting, Modeling, Sculpture, Carving and Pottery by Campana, D. M.
All about Upholstering by Bergen, John
Auction Prices Realized for Pcgs-Graded German Coins - Second Edition, January 2011 by Guth, Ron
Schiller im 21. Jahrhundert - Die Schillerfeiern 2005 und 2009 by Martin, Katrin
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Lambeth Palace by James, Montague Rhodes, Jenkins, Claude
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Lambeth Palace - Volume 1 by James, Montague Rhodes, Jenkins, Claude
Rope and Harness Work on the Farm - With Information on Rope Construction and Various Knots Used on the Farm by Various Authors
The Genealogy Research Vacation Planning Guide by Preston, Gregory
Gestaltung einer Powerpoint-Präsentation mit dem elektrotechnischen Thema "Spannung" unter Einbindung von Verknüpfungen by Bußmann, Trinus
Die NPD in Berlin: Geschichte und Gegenwart eines Landesverbandes der rechtsextremen Partei by Brunner, Frank
Politisches Wissen von Schüler/ -innen in der 9. Klasse Realschule: Vergleich von deutschen Schüler/ -innen und Schüler/ -innen mit Migrationshintergr by Schollbach, Alexander
A tutta birra by Cassani, Emanuele
Das zweisprachige Schulwesen in Kärnten im Spiegel der gesellschaftspolitischen Entwicklung by Innerwinkler, Dietmar
Die Erziehung des NS-Regimes mit Schwerpunkt auf den Jugendorganisationen (Hitlerjugend): Didaktische Analyse, Stundenentwurf und Materialien; Klassen by Kurzke, Erik
New England Quilt Museum Quilts by Gilbert, Jennifer
Psyche: With Other Poems. by Tighe, Mary
Golden Gifts: An Australian Tale. by Franc, Maud Jeanne
Along the Nez Perce Trail: A Coloring and Activity Book by Atherley, Louanne
Virtual Radar - Using the SBS-1er and Basestation Software by Anderson Msc, Lionel K.
Quilt Blocks: Patterns for Stained Glass by McHutchison, Diane
Quilt Blocks 2: More Stained Glass Patterns by McHutchison, Diane
Scrap Kins Build-it Book Volume 1 by Yanish, Brian
Contact Juggling by Ernest, James
Anwendung einer Szenario-Analyse zum Thema "Tourismus im Schwarzwald" by Willner, Carola
Die deutsche auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik in Israel: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vermittlung eines realitätsnahen und differenzier by Schwärzl, Sebastian
Basic Leathercrafting: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started by Letcavage, Elizabeth
Deliberative Demokratie - Ein Weg aus der Politikverdrossenheit? by Schaffer, Florian
"Contacto"... El Despertar... (II) by Morilla Massieu, Tomás
WET PAINT a beginners book for priming and painting your homes interior by Johnston, Stacey
Nationaldemokratische Wahlkampfführung: Eine Analyse der NPD-Wahlkampfführung im Bundestagswahlkampf 2009 by Schlich, Daniel
Il primo libro di canzone, sinfonie, fantasie etc. - complete edition by Falconieri, Andrea
Flower Origami by Thomas, Daron
Die Rolle von Gesprächen im Unterricht: Am Beispiel der Pro-Contra-Debatte als Methode der politischen Bildung by Jugel, David
Del enfoque comunicativo y la integración de la literatura en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras by Vázquez Calvo, Boris
Psyche: With Other Poems. the Fourth Edition by Tighe, Mary
Camille Corot - Meister der Stimmungslandschaft in der französischen Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts by Spiller, Monika
Salvador Dali - Die Beständigkeit der Erinnerung by Näder, Laura
Analyse, Entstehungsgeschichte und Interpretationsansätze zu Claude Monets "Le Déjeuner sur l´herbe" by Näder, Laura
Pandolfi Mealli, Sonate per violino op. 3 & op. 4 by Pandolfi Mealli, Giovanni Antonio
Cuentos del abuelo by El Nieto de Don Quijote
Making toys and models in the home workshop by Phillips, Andrew R.
Albrecht Dürer: "Selbstbildnis um 1500" by Koller, Jacqueline
"Schindlers Liste" - Ein Film für den Geschichtsunterricht?: Der Einsatz popkultureller Medien im Geschichtsunterricht by Baier, Charlotte
The Bargain Hunter's eBay Guide by Maturo, Lawrence
The Little Book of Civil War Reenacting: An introduction for those who want to try it out by Watson, William J., Scanlan-Teller, Audrey, Anders, Chris
An Irish Slogan for Success!: An Irishman's Slogan Winners, for Avid Compers and Eager Beginners! by Wilmot, Paul
Die Vereinbarkeit von politischer und ökonomischer Bildung by Staufenbiel, Christoph
Kroatische Literatur und Krieg: Krieg und Kriegsfolgen in Kroatien im Spiegel ausgewählter Literatur by Wagenhofer, Gertraud
Vogue(r) Knitting Knitopedia(tm): The Ultimate A to Z for Knitters by
Take-Along Afghans (Leisure Arts #4963) by Rena Stevens
Keeping Fit by States Public Health Service, United
Early 20th Century Embroidery Techniques by Marsh, Gail
Globalisierung versus Regionalisierung: Lebensmittel zwischen Regionalisierung und Globalisiserung by Wagenhofer, Gertraud
Still Life: Adventures in Taxidermy by Milgrom, Melissa
Scraptherapy(r) Cut the Scraps!: 7 Steps to Quilting Your Way Through Your Stash by Ford, Joan
Tourismus und Terrorismus: Krisenmanagement - Einflussfaktor auf den Tourismus in Zeiten des Terrorismus by Daumiller, Béatrice Caroline
Let's Make a Lot of Things - Crafts for Home, School and Camp by Zarchy, Harry
Camp Craft and Woodlore by Anon
Hausarbeit ist weiblich: Geschlechterspezifische Unterschiede bei Einstellungen zu und Anteil an der Hausarbeit by Wagenhofer, Gertraud
Your Own Book of Campcraft - Prepared Under the Auspices of the American Camping Association by Hammett, Catherine T.
Ein Unterrichtsentwurf zum Thema: Einführung von Mindestlöhnen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Ja oder Nein?: Eine zehnstündige Unterrichtsreihe f by Cenicola, Laura
Side and Screw - Being Notes on the Theory and Practice of the Game of Billiards by Locock, Charles Dealtry, Locock, C. D.
The Quilter's Bible: The Indispensable Guide to Patchwork, Quilting and Applique by Clements, Linda
Making garden furniture in the home work shop by A.R.Phillips by Phillips, Andrew
Washington, Canberra, Lingang - Am Reißbrett geplante Städte: Stadtplanungskonzepte im Vergleich by Brand, Moritz
Barsanti, Sonate a Flauto o Violino Solo con Basso by Barsanti, Francesco
TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers and Children by Crowley, Terry Cleveland
Illustrated Guide to Famous American Quilts and How to Draft their Patterns by Ickis, Marguerite
The Story of Quilt Making - Historical Information about the Craft by Ickis, Marguerite
A Photographic Guide to Burial Dolls and Figurines with Information on Funeral Rites and Cults of the Dead by Boehn, Max Von
A Photographic Guide to Marionettes in the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century by Boehn, Max Von
Jiffy Amusements - Quick and Easy Games for Bored Children to Play by Pelton, B.
An Illustrated Guide to the Art of Doll Making by Mills, Winifred
An Illustrated Guide to the Quilt Making Process by Ickis, Marguerite
Original Uses for Quilts and Unusual Designs by Ickis, Marguerite
The Illustrated Guide to Making Toys to Delight Your Children by Wakeland, Arthur
Antique and Modern Quilts - Photographic Reproductions of Patchwork Quilts in America by Various
Illustrated Guide to Making and Using Patterns When Quilt Making by Ickis, Marguerite
Computereinsatz im Geschichtsunterricht - Die "digitale Revolution" in den Klassenzimmern? by Tewes, Simon
Politische Parteien nach 1945 by Kaeber, Joachim
Domestic United States Military Facilities of the First World War 1917-1919 by Swanson, Robert
Una Nueva Asignatura: Titeres by Rus, Esther S.
Albrecht Dürer als Maler. Ausgewählte Werke by Fürst, Roswitha
Chancen und Risiken des Internets für klassische und virtuelle Reisebüros by Kranz, Andreas
Das Verschwinden des Subjekts in der Diskurstheorie von Michel Foucault? by Von Bassewitz, Erika
Francisco de Goya: Die Giganten by Strüwing, Yvonne
Einsamkeit im Bild. Das Isolationsmotiv in "Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer" von Caspar David Friedrich und "Nighthawks" von Edward Hopper by Knitter, Lisa Marie
A Photographic Guide to the History of the Shadow Theatre in the Orient by Boehn, Max Von
A Photographic Guide to Toy Dolls in the Nineteenth Century by Boehn, Max Von
Courses of Exercises for Young Children in Sorting, Ravelling, Paper Tearing and Laying, Paper Folding, Reed Threading and Paper Cutting Skills by Grant, Clara
An Illustrated History of Table Decorations and the Christmas Crib by Boehn, Max Von
A Photographic Guide to Dolls from 1900 to 1930 by Boehn, Max Von
A Photographic Guide to Materials Used in Quilt Making by Fitzrandolph, Mavis
The Beginnings of Quilting and Patchwork in Antiquity - Two Articles on the History of the Craft by Various Authors
Psychologie von Risikoverhalten und Sport by Wiesner, Johannes
An Illustrated Guide to Making Magic Lanterns and Telescopes by Various
An Illustrated Guide to the Doll as Used in Fashion by Boehn, Max Von
A Photographic Guide to Marionettes in the Nineteenth Century by Boehn, Max Von
A Photographic Guide to How Quilts are Made - Including Information on Setting up, Frames, Sewing, Patterns, Templates and Fillings by Fitzrandolph, Mavis
The Art of Quilting and Designs in America by Kretsinger, Rose G.
Indian and Camp Handicraft by Hunt, W. Ben
Carlo Maria Mariani - Alles Déjà-Vu? by Mahendrarajah, Thusinta
Die "besten" Griechen: Götter und Helden: Eine Unterrichtsstunde in der Klassenstufe 6 by Haberland, Marie-Christin
The Smelting of Copper in the Swansea District, from the Time of Elizabeth to the Present Day. by Francis, George Grant
Prepare to Fly Rc Airplanes: Overview of the Rc Aiplane Hobby by Jacobus, Thomas
Craft Wisdom & Know-How: Everything You Need to Stitch, Sculpt, Bead and Build by Editors of Lark Books
Everyday Eden: 100+ Fun, Green Garden Projects for the Whole Family to Enjoy by Gillespie, John, Symons, Christina
Malende Superfrauen: Sofonisba Anguissola - Frida Kahlo - Angelika Kauffmann - Paula Modersohn-Becker - Séraphine Louis - Marianne von Werefkin by Probst, Ernst
Brush Your Teeth! and other simple ways to stay young and healthy by Ostreicher, David
Psyche: With Other Poems. the Third Edition. by Tighe, Mary
Africa Interweave: Textile Diasporas by
Advanced Gunsmithing: A Manual Of Instruction In The Manufacture, Alteration And Repair Of Firearms by Vickery, W. F.
Angelika Kauffmann - Die Schweizer Porträtmalerin by Probst, Ernst
Die Olympischen Spiele damals und heute: Geschichte, Klasse 6 by Schenk, Toralf
Mediale Aspekte von Grammatik und Variation: Die computervermittelte Kommunikation in der Romania (CMO/CMC) by Tauscher, Martina
The Ultimate Flower Arrangement Book: Kathrine Thor Stratton by Thor Stratton, Kathrine
Leather and wood crafts by Carpenter, Paul
Das eigene Gesicht als Auslöser für emotional verfremdete Masken: Ein Unterrichtsvorhaben in einem 3. Schuljahr by Kinast, Stefanie
Laubsägearbeiten in der Grundschule - Gestaltung von Dekorationsartikeln: Die Laubsäge - Einführung in die Werkstoffbearbeitung mit der Laubsäge by Kinast, Stefanie
Paula Modersohn-Becker - Die Pionierin des Expressionismus by Probst, Ernst
Old-Time Country Wisdom & Lore: 1000s of Traditional Skills for Simple Living by Johnson, Jerry
Catalogo del papel moneda de puerto rico by Rodriguez Vázquez, Luis Antonio
Home Dressmaking - Every Woman's Practical Guide to the Art of Making Smart Clothes by Miall, Agnes M.
Embroidery in Wools by Couch, Osma Palmer
Teach Yourself Embroidery by Thomas, Mary
Tricot Fabric Design by Johnson, Thomas H.
Making Smart Clothes - Modern Methods in Cutting, Fitting and Finishing by Dimelow, Grace C.
An Introduction to Textile Bleaching by Marsh, J. T.
Colour Pattern for Embroidery by Brandon-Jones, Anne
White Sewing Course by Anon
Teaching Fabric Printing in Schools by Wooller, H.
A Manual of Lace by Pethebridge, Jeanette E.
Pattern and Design by Cannon, N. I.
Elementary Textile Design and Fabric Structure by Read, John
The Godey Lady Doll by Eldridge, Charlotte
Faience Beads of the British Bronze Age by Beck, H. C.
The Totem Board - Simple Jewelry Making by Anon
Counted-Thread Embroidery on Linens and Canvas by Norbury, James
Easy Ways of Weaving - Including Seagrass Seating and Bead-Weaving by Miall, Agnes M.
Hand Made Jewelry - A Manual of Techniques by Wiener, Louis
Complete Home Knitting Illustrated - Easy to Understand Instructions for Making Garments for the Family - How to Combine Knitting with Fabric - How to by Murray, Margaret
How to make a cardboard lamp by Lysens, Pierre
The Workbench Design Book: The Art & Philosophy of Building Better Benches by Schwarz, Christopher
Threads Sewing Guide: A Complete Reference from Americas Best-Loved Sewing Magazine by Editors of Threads
A Complete Guide to Drawn Fabric by Lofthouse, Kate S.
Simple Embroidery Design by Cox, Hebe
Simple Craft Jewellery by Geoffroy-Dechaume, Claude
Plastic and Bead Jewellery Crafts by Stoddard, H. W.
The Dyeing of Textile Fibres by Horsfall, R. S.
Fabric Printing - Hours of Leisure with Patterns and Dyes by Adeney, W. B.
Let's Do Some Embroidery by Page, Katherine
Beads on a Silver Cord by Magee, Harriet Keeler
Lace Making - The Home Craft of All Ages by Page, Eleanor
Concise Manual of Sewing by White, A. V.
Fine Crochet by Agutter, Margaret
Simple Embroidery by Randell, Marguerite
A Manual of Plain Needlework by Griffith, E.
Leather Work - Including Glove Making by Crampton, Albert H.
Interdisziplinäre Projekte im Informatikunterricht by Tintel, Martin
Embroidery Stitch by Stitch by Begg, Anne I. G.
Textile Painting - Silk, Velvet, Satin, Cotton, Linen and All Cloths by Campan, D. M.
Hand Knits - Socks for Men, Women and Children by Beehive
Hand Knits by Beehive - Mittens, Gloves and Socks by Anon
Cabochon Jewelry Making by Sanger, Arthur
Crochet Designs by Anon
The Cider Makers' Hand Book - A Complete Guide for Making and Keeping Pure Cider by Trowbridge, J. M.
Tatting - A Fascinating Book of Delicate Lace Designs by Anon
Musealisierung des städtischen Raumes als kulturelle Gedächtnisleistung by Schröder, Tim
I Am a Penny: Anthony Wright by Wright, Thelma Lucene
Gold Panning Equipment, Build Your Own by Waite, Mitchell
Essential DIY Projects: Flash by Doctor, Diy
Das Thema "Liebe" bei Sprichwörtern: Eine kontrastive Untersuchung des Deutschen und Spanischen by Blick, Ida
Harvesting Color: How to Find Plants and Make Natural Dyes by Burgess, Rebecca
How to Make Melt & Pour Soap Base from Scratch: A Beginner's Guide to Melt & Pour Soap Base Manufacturing by Badcock, Alex W.
Surface Treatment Workshop: Explore 45 Mixed-Media Techniques by Duran-Wilson, Sandra, McElroy, Darlene Olivia
Palliser's Model Homes. Showing a Variety of Designs for Model Dwellings - Also, Farm-Barn and Hennery, Stable and Carriage House, School House, Mason by Palliser
"Nachhaltigkeit" - Die Menschheitsaufgabe für dieses Jahrhundert by Herzer, Silke
Rechtsextremismus. Eine Einführung in den Forschungsstand by Borstel, Dierk
The Artwork of Luis Carlos Vel Squez by Velasquez, Luis Carlos
Pieter Bruegel der Ältere - Landschaft mit Sturz des Ikarus: Eine Analyse der verschiedenen Bildinhalte by Deutscher, Nadine
An Encyclopedia Of Textiles: From The Earliest Times To The Beginning Of The Nineteenth Century by
The Hidden Language Of Symbols In Oriental Rugs by Raphaelian, Harry M.
The Principles of Rock Climbing - A Collection of Historical Articles on Climbing Techniques and Rope Work by Various
Das Motiv der Übersetzerin/Dolmetscherin in erzählter Literatur als Gleichnis für die Rolle der Frau und ihre Emanzipation by Dahms, Franco
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