• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 1989

Interpol: Issues in World Crime and International Criminal Justice by Fooner, Michael
Public Opinion and National Security in Western Europe: Consensus Lost? by Eichenberg, Richard C.
Verfahren Zur Sicherheitsanalyse: Eine Prospektive Methode Zur Analyse Und Bewertung Von Gefährdungen by Nohl, Jörg
The Plight of Crime Victims in Modern Society by
From Insurrection to Revolution in Mexico: Social Bases of Agrarian Violence, 1750-1940 by Tutino, John
Warehousing Violence by Fleisher, Mark E.
Crime and Society by Heidensohn, Frances
Burnout in Probation and Corrections by Whitehead, John T.
UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies 1987 by UNESCO, United Nations Educational Scientific an
Capital Punishment and the American Agenda by Franklin E., Zimring, Zimring, Franklin E., Gordon, Hawkins
The Causes and Cures of Criminality by
Crimewarps: The Future of Crime in America by
Reform & Regret: The Story of Federal Judicial Involvement in the Alabama Prison System by Yackle, Larry W.
Crime, Shame and Reintegration by Braithwaite, John
Credibility Assessment by
An Appeal to Justice: Litigated Reform of Texas Prisons by Crouch, Ben M., Marquart, James W.
States of Siege: U.S. Prison Riots, 1971-1986 by Useem, Bert
Violence in America: The History of Crime by
Violence in America: Protest, Rebellion, Reform by
Crime and Victimization of the Elderly by Fattah, Ezzat A., Sacco, Vincent F.
Perfect Victim by McGuire, Christine, Norton, Carla
Serial Killers by Norris, Joel
The Morality of Terrorism: Religious and Secular Justifications by
Studies in Contemporary Jewry: Volume V: Israel: State and Society, 1948-1988 by
A Summons to Life:: Mediating Structures and the Prevention of Youth Crime by Woodson, Robert L.
Revolution in the World-System by
Methods of Criminological Research by Jupp, Victor R.
Cross-National Research in Self-Reported Crime and Delinquency by
The Plight of Crime Victims in Modern Society by
Without Locks and Bars: Reforming Our Reform Schools by Grissom, Grant, Dubnov, William
Sanctioned Violence in Early China by Lewis, Mark Edward
Interpol: Issues in World Crime and International Justice by Fooner, Michael
Social Control in the People's Republic of China by
Criminal Activity in the Deep South, 1700-1930: An Annotated Bibliography by Wright, A. J.
Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in Law Enforcement by Jacoby, Joan E., Ratledge, Edward C.
Murders and Madness: Medicine, Law, and Society in the Fin de Siecle by Harris, Ruth
Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth Century England by McLynn, Frank
Praying for Justice: Faith, Order, and Community in an American Town by Greenhouse, Carol J.
Doing Time in American Prisons: A Study of Modern Novels by Massey, Dennis
The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines: Implications for Criminal Justice by
Perspectives on Nonviolence by
Statistical Applications in Criminal Justice by Latessa, Edward J., Vito, Gennaro F.
Privatizing Criminal Justice by
Statistical Applications in Criminal Justice by Vito, Gennaro F., Latessa, Edward J.
Undercover: Police Surveillance in America by Marx, Gary T.
Demographics and Criminality: The Characteristics of Crime in America by Flowers, R. Barri
Offending Women: Female Lawbreakers and the Criminal Justice System by Worrall, Anne
Corruption, Development and Underdevelopment by Theobald, Robin
Imagining the Penitentiary: Fiction and the Architecture of Mind in Eighteenth-Century England by Bender, John
Getting Paid: Youth Crime and Work in the Inner City by Sullivan, Mercer L.