• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 1990

Der Wohlfahrtsstaat Und Seine Politik Des Strafens by
The Anthropology of War by
Japanese Models Of Conflict Resolution by Eisenstadt, S. N., Ben-Ari, Eyal
"Getting Paid": Youth Crime and Work in the Inner City by Sullivan, Mercer L.
Probation by May, Tim, May, Matt
Behavior, Society, and Nuclear War by
The Cocaine Kids: The Inside Story of a Teenage Drug Ring by Williams, Terry Tempest
Delinquency and Drift by Matza, David
Partial Justice: Women, Prisons and Social Control by Rafter, Nicole
Minorities and Criminality by Brown, Ethel, Flowers, R. Barri
The Problem of Order in Changing Societies: Essays on Crime and Policing in Argentina and Uruguay by
A General Theory of Crime by Gottfredson, Michael R., Hirschi, Travis
A General Theory of Crime by Hirschi, Travis, Gottfredson, Michael R.
Beyond Punishment: A New View on the Rehabilitation of Criminal Offenders by Rotman, Edgardo
Taking Charge: Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice by Romano, Anne
Corporate Corruption: The Abuse of Power by Clinard, Marshall Barron
Kulturbegründer Und Weltzerstörer: Der Mensch Im Zwiespalt Seiner Möglichkeiten by Thurn, Hans Peter
Villains - Foster by Foster, Janet
Serial Murder: An Elusive Phenomenon by
Women at the Wall: A Study of Prisoners' Wives Doing Time on the Outside by Fishman, Laura T.
Evaluating Police Management Development Programs by Simerson, Byron K., Markham, William T., Simerson, B. Keith
Chinese Subculture and Criminality: Non-Traditional Crime Groups in America by Chin, Ko-Lin
Revolution and Counter Revolution by Calvert, Peter, Calvert, Patricia
Governing Prisons: A Comparative Study of Correctional Management by Diiulio, John J.
Murder and Penal Policy by Mitchell, Barry
Legal Discourse: Studies in Linguistics, Rhetoric and Legal Analysis by Goodrich, Peter
Vigilantism: Political History of Private Power in America by Culberson, William C.
Police Pursuit Driving: Controlling Responses to Emergency Situations by Dunham, Roger G., Alpert, Geoffrey P.
Disentangling: Conflict Discourse in Pacific Societies by
Cultures, Politics, and Research Programs: An International Assessment of Practical Problems in Field Research by
The Criminal Lifestyle: Patterns of Serious Criminal Conduct by Walters, Glenn D.
The Pursuit of Loneliness: America's Discontent and the Search for a New Democratic Ideal by Slater, Philip
The Theory of Contestable Markets: Applications to Regulatory and Antitrust Problems in the Rail Industry by Tye, W. B., Tye, William B.
Private Prisons: Cons and Pros by Logan, Charles H.
The Anthropology of War by
Measurement Issues in Criminology by
Essential Papers on Transference by
Order and Violence: Hedley Bull and International Relations by
Courts, Corrections, and the Constitution: The Impact of Judicial Intervention on Prisons and Jails by
Delinquency in Puerto Rico: The 1970 Birth Cohort Study by Wolfgang, Marvin E., Tracy, Paul E., Nevares-Muuniz, Dora
Handbook of Drug Control in the United States by
Biology and Violence: From Birth to Adulthood by Denno, Deborah W.
Seductions of Crime: Moral and Sensual Attractions in Doing Evil by Katz, Jack
Crime in Biological, Social, and Moral Contexts by
Language in the Judicial Process by
Measurement Issues in Criminology by
The Drug Legalization Debate by
The Predatory Society: Deception in the American Marketplace by Blumberg, Paul
Treating the Sexual Offender by Maletzky, Barry, McGovern, Kevin B.
Japanese Criminal Justice by Castberg, A. Didrick
Perspectives on Organizing Crime: Essays in Opposition by Block, A.