• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 1994

Underworlds by Egmond, Florike
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V5 #1 by
Overkill: Mass Murder and Serial Killing Exposed by Fox, James Alan, Levin, Jack
Drugs and Crime: Evaluating Public Policy Initiatives by
The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution: Preseverving Relationships at Work, at Home, and in the Community by Weeks, Dudley
Criminal Justice History: An International Annual; Volume 14, 1993 by Knafla, Louis a.
Manson in His Own Words by Manson, Charles
In the Sticks: Cultural Identity in a Rural Police Force by Young, Malcolm
On Criminalization: An Essay in the Philosophy of Criminal Law by Schonsheck, J.
The Rise and Fall of California's Radical Prison Movement by Cummins, Eric
Indians in Prison by Grobsmith, Elizabeth S.
The Rise and Fall of California's Radical Prison Movement by Cummins, Eric
Who Killed My Daughter?: The True Story of a Mother's Search for Her Daughter's Murderer by Duncan, Lois
Above the Law: Police and the Excessive Use of Force by Fyfe, Skolnick
Crime and Disrepute by Hagan, John
Interpreting the Field: Accounts of Ethnography by
Plato's Penal Code by Saunders, Trevor J.
Organizational Violence: Creating a Prescription for Change by
The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in America by Fried, Albert
Art Therapy with Offenders by
Drugs and Crime in Lifestyle Perspective by Walters, Glenn D., Walters
Drugs and Crime in Lifestyle Perspective by Walters, Glenn D.
Effective Probation Practice by Raynor, Peter, Smith, David, Vanstone, Maurice
Gringo Justice by Mirandé, Alfredo
Art Crime by Conklin, John
Violence Against the Press: Policing the Public Sphere in U.S. History by Nerone, John
The Police and Young People in Australia by
Contemporary Criminological Theory by Burton Jr, Velmer S., Cullen, Francis T.
The Challenge of Community Policing: Testing the Promises by
The Management of Sexuality in Residential Treatment by Northrup, Gordon
Inequality, Crime, And Social Control by Bridges, George S., Myers, Martha a.
Office & Office Building Security by Fennelly, Lawrence J., Luis, Edward, Tyska, Louis
The Violent Couple by Stacey, William a., Hazlewood, Lonnie R.
Citizen Espionage: Studies in Trust and Betrayal by Carney, Ralph, Sarbin, Theodore, Eoyang, Carson
Constructing White-Collar Crime by Savelsberg, Joachim J.
Gramsci: Pre-Prison Writings by Antonio, Gramsci, Gramsci, Antonio Fo
Conflict in Personal Relationships by
Working with Violence by
Dangerous Familiars by Dolan, Frances E.
Dangerous Familiars: Representations of Domestic Crime in England, 1550-1700 by Dolan, Frances E.
Crime, Society and the Law in Renaissance Italy by
Dead Man Walking: The Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty That Sparked a National Debate by Prejean, Helen
The Prosocial Gang: Implementing Aggression Replacement Training by Goldstein, Arnold P.
Black and Blue: Policing in South Africa by Brewer, John D.
American Political Prisoners: Prosecutions Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts by Kohn, Styephen M., Kohn, Stephen M.
American Skinheads: The Criminology and Control of Hate Crime by Hamm, Mark
Benevolent Repression: Social Control and the American Reformatory-Prison Movement by Pisciotta, Alexander W.
Crime and its Social Context: Toward an Integrated Theory of Offenders, Victims, and Situations by Miethe, Terance D., Meier, Robert F.
Deadly Encounters: True Crime Stories of Alberta by Smith, Barbara
Prisons in Context by
A History of Federal Crime Control Initiatives, 1960-1993 by Marion, Nancy E.
Punish and Critique: Towards a Feminist Analysis of Penality by Howe, Adrian
Punish and Critique: Towards a Feminist Analysis of Penality by Howe, Adrian
Women in the Criminal Justice System by Feinman, Clarice
Women in the Criminal Justice System: Third Edition by Feinman, Clarice
Moving Targets: Women, Murder, and Representation by
White-Collar Crime Reconsidered White-Collar Crime Reconsidered White-Collar Crime Reconsidered White-Collar Crime Reconsidered White-Collar Cri by
Some Trouble with Cows: Making Sense of Social Conflict by Roy, Beth
Some Trouble with Cows: Making Sense of Social Conflict by Roy, Beth
Reconstructing the Criminal: Culture, Law, and Policy in England, 1830 1914 by Wiener, Martin Joel, Weiner, Martin J.
Rethinking White-Collar Crime by Poveda, Tony G.
The Ecology of Aggression by Goldstein, Arnold P.
Deaths in Custody: International comparisons by
Crime at Work Vol 1: Studies in Security and Crime Prevention by
The Criminal Personality: The Drug User by Samenow, Stanton, Yochelson, Samuel
Why Kids Kill Parents: Child Abuse and Adolescent Homicide by Heide, Kathleen M.
Survival Psychology by Leach, J.
Discourse Power and Justice by Adler, Michael, Longhurst, Brian
State Punishment by Lacey, Nicola
Social Revolutions in the Modern World by Skocpol, Theda
Busting the Mob: The United States V. Cosa Nostra by Jacobs, James B.
Sex and Violence: The Psychology of Violence and Risk Assessment by
Days of Darkness: The Feuds of Eastern Kentucky by Pearce, John Ed
The Brothel Boy and Other Parables of the Law by Morris, Norval
Rethinking Sexual Harrassment by Too, Yun Lee
Black Male Deviance by Lemelle, Anthony J., Jr.
Applications in Criminal Analysis: A Sourcebook by Peterson, Marilyn
Harm in American Penology: Offenders, Victims, and Their Communities by Clear, Todd R.
Youth, Murder, Spectacle: The Cultural Politics Of ""Youth In Crisis"" by Acland, Charles R.
When Men Kill: Scenarios of Masculine Violence by Kenneth, Polk, Polk, Kenneth
When Men Kill: Scenarios of Masculine Violence by Polk, Kenneth
White-Collar Crime: Classic and Contemporary Views Third Edition by
Handbook of Organized Crime in the United States by Chin, Ko Lin, Schatzberg, Rufus, Kelly, Robert
Development in Conflict by Piza-Lopez, Eugenia, El Bushra, Judy
Dead Wrong: A Death Row Lawyer Speaks Out Against Capital Punishment by Mello, Michael A.