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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 1995

Crime and Security: Managing the Risk to Safe Shopping by Beck, A., Willis, A.
Eskalation Durch Berichterstattung? by Brosius, Hans-Bernd, Esser, Frank
Gewaltdarstellungenglish in Denglish Medienglish by
Working with the Mentally Disordered Offender in the Community by Badger, Douglas, Vaughan, Phillip J.
Das Verbrechen II: Der Delinquent Im Griff Der Umweltkräfte by Von Hentig, Hans
Das Verbrechen: III Anlage-Komponenten Im Getriebe Des Delikts by Von Hentig, Hans
Dangerous Encounters: Meanings of Violence in a Brazilian City by Linger, Daniel Touro
Deviance: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach by Herman, Nancy J.
Limited Responsibilities: Social Movements and Criminal Justice by Pitch, Tamar
Limited Responsibilities: Social Movements and Criminal Justice by Pitch, Tamar
Lethal Passage: The Story of a Gun by Larson, Erik
Violence and the Prevention of Violence by
Law, Crime and Sexuality: Essays in Feminism by Smart, Carol
Criminal Justice in Israel: An Annotated Bibliography of English Language Publications, 1948-1993 by Friedmann, Robert R.
Social Dilemmas: Perspectives on Individuals and Groups by Schroeder, David a.
Family, Justice, and Delinquency by Geiger, Brenda, Fischer, Michael
Delinquency Research: An Appraisal of Analytic Methods by Selvin, Hanan C., Hirschi, Travis
Law, Crime and Sexuality: Essays in Feminism by Smart, Carol
The Social Organization of Juvenile Justice by Cicourel, Aaron
Issues in Maritime Crime: Mayhem at Sea by
What Works in Preventing Rural Violence by
Women, Crime, and the Courts in Early Modern England by
An Introduction to the Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency by Musick, David
State Police in the United States: A Socio-Historical Analysis by Bechtel, H. Kenneth
Drugs, Crime, and Other Deviant Adaptations: Longitudinal Studies by
The Opposite Mirrors: An Essay on the Conventionalist Theory of Institutions by Lagerspetz, E.
Young Blood by Dicks, Shirley
The Blooding: The Dramatic True Story of the First Murder Case Solved by Genetic "Fingerprinting" by Wambaugh, Joseph
Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk by Ferraro, Kenneth F.
Criminology for Social Work by Smith, David
Criminology for Social Work by Smith, David
Academic Politics and the History of Criminal Justice Education by Morn, Frank
Policework: The Need for a Noble Character by Lashley, Rickey D., Lashley, Richey
Just Boys Doing Business?: Men, Masculinities and Crime by
Crime and Justice, Volume 19: Strategic Approaches to Crime Prevention Volume 19 by
Sexual Abuse in Nine North American Cultures: Treatment and Prevention by
Understanding Disputes: The Politics of Argument by
Understanding Disputes: The Politics of Argument by
Long-Term Imprisonment: Policy, Science, and Corrrectional Practice by Flanagan, Timothy J.
Long-Term Imprisonment: Policy, Science, and Corrrectional Practice by Flanagan, Timothy J.
Theoretical Criminology from Modernity to Post-Modernism by Morrison, Wayne
Ideology and Popular Protest by Rudé, George
Sexual Abuse in Nine North American Cultures: Treatment and Prevention by
Schooling in a Total Institution: Critical Perspectives on Prison Education by Davidson, Howard
Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison by Foucault, Michel
Beccaria: 'on Crimes and Punishments' and Other Writings by Beccaria, Cesare
Mediation, Citizen Empowerment, and Transformational Politics by Schwerin, Edward
Schooling in a Total Institution: Critical Perspectives on Prison Education by
Complex Problem Solving: The European Perspective by
Three Strikes and You're Out: Estimated Benefits and Costs of California's New Mandatory-Sentencing Law by Greenwood, Peter W.
From Social Worker to Crimefighter: Women in United States Municipal Policing by Schulz, Dorothy
The Martinsville Seven: Race, Rape, and Capital Punishment by Rise, Eric W.
From Social Worker to Crimefighter: Women in United States Municipal Policing by Schulz, Dorothy M.
The Origins of Violence in Mexican Society by Johns, Christina J.
Personal Liberty and Community Safety:: Pretrial Release in the Criminal Court by Jones, Peter R., Goldkamp, John S., Gottfredson, Michael
Rape in America by Hall, Rob
Violent Children: A Reference Handbook by Kinnear, Karen
Explaining Northern Ireland: Broken Images by McGarry, John, O'Leary, Brendan
Crime and Inequality by
Crime by
The Youth Gang Problem: A Community Approach by Spergel, Irving A.
A Prescription for Murder: The Victorian Serial Killings of Dr. Thomas Neill Cream by McLaren, Angus
The Politics of Cruelty: An Essay on the Literature of Political Imprisonment by Millett, Kate
Strafvollzug in Den 90er Jahren: Perspektiven Und Herausforderungen by Walter, Michael, Müller-Dietz, Heinz
Drugs, Crime and Corruption: Thinking the Unthinkable by Clutterbuck, R.
Popular Justice and Community Regeneration: Pathways of Indigenous Reform by Hazlehurst, Kayleen M.
Minorities in Juvenile Justice by
Attitudes toward Rape: Feminist and Social Psychological Perspectives by Ward, Colleen A.
Blacks and Crime: A Function of Class by Chambers, James A.
The Politics of Sentencing Reform by
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V6 #2 by
The Cradle of Violence: Essays on Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Literature by Wilson, Stephen
Drugs, Crime, and Corruption: Thinking the Unthinkable by Clutterbuck, Richard
Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice by Howe, David
Grendon a Study of a Therapeutic Prison by Player, Elaine, Genders, Elaine
Supergrasses: A Study in Anti-Terrorist Law Enforcement in Northern Ireland by Greer, Steven
Alcohol and Homicide: A Deadly Combination of Two American Traditions by Parker, Robert Nash
Probation Round the World by
Probation Round the World by
Urbanization and Crime: Germany 1871 1914 by Johnson, Eric a.
Understanding Corporate Criminality by
Moral Education for Americans by Heslep, Robert D.
The Management of Conflict: Interpretations and Interests in Comparative Perspective by Ross, Marc Howard
Contemporary Masters in Criminology by
Debating Revolutions by
The Killing of Bonnie Garland: A Question of Justice by Gaylin, Willard
Western European Penal Systems: A Critical Anatomy by
Diversion and Informal Social Control by
Public Prosecutors and Discretion: A Comparative Study by Fionda, Julia
Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist by Maples, William R., Browning, Michael
Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders: A Sourcebook by Hawkins, J. David, Howell, James C.
A Is for Ox: The Collapse of Literacy and the Rise of Violence in an Electronic Age by Sanders, Barry
Confronting Abusive Beliefs: Group Treatment for Abusive Men by Russell, Mary Nomme
Control Balance: Toward A General Theory Of Deviance by Tittle, Charles R.
Criminal Classes: Offenders at School by Devlin, Angela
Preventing Violence in America by
Ikki by White, James W.
When Push Comes to Shove: A Practical Guide to Mediating Disputes by Slaikeu, Karl a.
Mastering Psychology by Houghton, Peter, Davies, Roger
Effects of Law Enforcement Accreditation: Officer Selection, Promotion, and Education by Baker, Stephen a.
Black Youths, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice by Joseph, Janice
Policing Gender, Class And Family In Britain, 1800-1945 by Mahood, Linda
The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach by Burrowes, Robert J.
The Macmillan Dictionary of Psychology by Sutherland, Stuart
European Drug Policies and Enforcement by
Choosing Correctional Options That Work: Defining the Demand and Evaluating the Supply by
Voices from Within: Women Who Have Broken the Law by Sommers, Evelyn
Statistical Handbook on Violence in America by Dobrin, Adam
Policing Places with Drug Problems by Mazerolle, Lorraine Green, Green, Lorraine
Imagining Crime by Young, Alison
Constitutive Criminology: Beyond Postmodernism by Henry, Stuart, Milovanovic, Dragan
Choosing Correctional Options That Work: Defining the Demand and Evaluating the Supply by
Policing Places With Drug Problems by Green, Lorraine A.
Bad Business: Professional Crime in Modern Britain by Hobbs, Dick