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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 1998

Sensible Justice: Alternatives to Prison by Anderson, David C.
War on Crime: Bandits, G-Men, and the Politics of Mass Culture by Potter, Claire Bond
Criminology and Criminal Justice: Comparing, Contrasting, and Intertwining Disciplines by Dantzker, M. L., Dantzker, Mark L., Dantzger
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V9 #1 by
Twilight on the Line: Underworlds and Politics at the Mexican Border by Rotella, Sebastian
Looking Into the Eyes of a Killer: A Psychiatrist's Journey Through the Murderer's World by Ross, Drew
Contemporary Perspectives on Serial Murder by
Crime Victims in Context by Kennedy, Leslie W., Sacco, Vincent F.
Policing Perspectives: An Anthology by
Latin America and the Multinational Drug Trade by
Crime Human Nature: The Definitive Study of the Causes of Crime by Wilson, James Q., Herrnstein, Richard J.
Cause Lawyering: Political Commitments and Professional Responsibilities by
Sentencing Matters by Tonry, Michael H.
Heroin in the Age of Crack-Cocaine by
Heroin in the Age of Crack-Cocaine by
The Language of Confession, Interrogation, and Deception by Shuy, Roger W.
The New Criminology Revisited by
Serial Killers: Death and Life in America's Wound Culture by Seltzer, Mark
Drugs in America: Sociology, Economics, and Politics: Sociology, Economics, and Politics by Hamid, Ansley
The New Criminology Revisited by
In the Mix: Struggle and Survival in a Women's Prison by Owen, Barbara
Fixing Broken Windows: Restoring Order and Reducing Crime in Our Communities by Kelling, George L., Coles, Catherine M.
8 Ball Chicks: A Year in the Violent World of Girl Gangs by Sikes, Gini
Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past by
Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past by
Insights from Film Into Violence and Oppression: Shattered Dreams of the Good Life by
Youth, Crime and Policework by Lee, M.
Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders: Risk Factors and Successful Interventions by
The Changing Career of the Correctional Officer: Policy Implications for the 21st Century by Josi, Don A., Sechrest, Dale K.
Wolves within the Fold: Religious Leadership and Abuses of Power by
Criminology Theory: Selected Classic Readings by Williams III, Frank, McShane, Marilyn
Psychosis in the Inner City by
Violin Fraud: Deception, Forgery, Theft, and Lawsuits in England and America by Harvey, Brian W., Shapreau, Carla J.
Criminology at the Crossroads: Feminist Readings in Crime and Justice by
Crime Control and Women: Feminist Implications of Criminal Justice Policy by
Crime Control and Women: Feminist Implications of Criminal Justice Policy by
Counseling Women in Prison by Pollock, Joycelyn M.
The State of Terror by Oliverio, Annamarie
The Abuses of Punishment by Adams, R.
The Abuses of Punishment by Adams, R.
The Abuses of Punishment by Adams, R.
Placing Blame: A General Theory of the Criminal Law by Moore, Michael
Murder Most Rare: The Female Serial Killer by Kelleher, Michael D., Kelleher, C. L.
Crime at Work Vol 2: Increasing the Risk for Offenders by
Prison Theatre: Practices and Perspectives by
War and Peace in Southern Africa: Crime, Drugs, Armies, Trade by
Athletes and Acquaintance Rape by Benedict, Jeffrey R.
Athletes and Acquaintance Rape by Benedict, Jeffrey R.
The Abuses of Punishment by Adams, R.
Twisting in the Wind: The Murderess and the English Press by Knelman, Judith
Contemporary Perspectives on Serial Murder by
Incarcerating Criminals: Prisons and Jails in Social and Organizational Context by
Changing Police Culture: Policing in a Multicultural Society by Chan, Janet B. L.
The Killing Season: A Summer Inside an LAPD Homicide Division by Corwin, Miles
Invisible Women: What's Wrong With Women's Prisons by Devlin, Angela
Race, Crime, and the Law by Kennedy, Randall
Warriors and Peacemakers: How Third Parties Shape Violence by
Warriors and Peacemakers: How Third Parties Shape Violence by
Inventing the Savage: The Social Construction of Native American Criminality by Ross, Luana
National Television Violence Study by National Television Violence Study
Ethnography at the Edge by
African American Criminologists, 1970-1996: An Annotated Bibliography by Ross, Lee
Crime in the Digital Age: Controlling Telecommunications and Cyberspace Illegalities by Smith, Russell
The Death Penalty in Russia by Mikhlin, S. G.
Betrayal of Due Process: A Comparative Assessment of Plea Bargaining in the United States and Canada by Nasheri, Hedieh
Beyond the Pale of Pity: Key Episodes of Elite Violence in Brazil to 1930 by Rose, R. S.
Issues in Intimate Violence by
Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics by Jacobs, James B., Potter, Kimberly
Death at Midnight: The Confession of an Executioner by Cabana, Donald A.
Evaluating Criminology and Criminal Justice by Wright, Richard a., Cohn, Ellen G., Farrington, David P.
The Death Penalty in America: Current Controversies by
Drug Hate and the Corruption of American Justice by Baggins, David Sadofsky
Zero Tolerance Policing by
A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court by Ayers, William
The New War: The Web of Crime That Threatens America's Security by Kerry, John
Neighborhoods and Crime: The Dimensions of Effective Community Control by Bursik, Robert J., Grasmick, Harold G.
Private Security and Public Policing by Jones, Trevor, Newburn, Tim
Thinking About Criminology by
Fernstudium Im Strafvollzug: Eine Empirische Untersuchung by Schuemer, Rudolf, Ommerborn, Rainer
Crime and Social Exclusion by
Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance, Volume 1 by
Beyond the Mafia: Organized Crime in the Americas by O′neil, Katherine
Deciphering Violence: The Cognitive Structure of Right and Wrong by Cerulo, Karen a.
Religion in Prison: Equal Rites' in a Multi-Faith Society by Gilliat, Sophie, Beckford, James A.
Judicial Policy Making and the Modern State: How the Courts Reformed America's Prisons by Feeley, Malcolm, Malcolm M., Feeley, Rubin, Edward L.
Judgment at Gallatin: The Trial of Frank James by Petrone, Gerard S.
The Corner: A Year in the Life of an Inner-City Neighborhood by Burns, Edward, Simon, David
Law, Power and Justice in England and Wales by
Psychology for Health Care: Key Terms and Concepts by Adams, Bridget, Bromley, Barbara
Psychology for Health Care: Key Terms and Concepts by Adams, Bridget, Bromley, Barbara
African-American Males and the Law: Cases and Material by Weatherspoon, Floyd D.
The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990 by Sorensen, Jonathan R., Ekland-Olson, Sheldon, Marquart, James W.
Young Killers: The Challenge of Juvenile Homicide by Heide, Kathleen M.
Ending the War on Drugs: A Solution for America by Eldredge, Dirk Chase
The Politics of Prison Expansion: Winning Elections by Waging War on Crime by Davey, Joseph
Politics, Punishment, and Populism by Windlesham, Windlesham, David James George He, Windlesham, Lord
To Serve and Protect: Privatization and Community in Criminal Justice by Benson, Bruce L.
Gangsters: 50 Years of Madness, Drugs, and Death on the Streets of America by Yablonsky, Lewis
How To Recognize Good Policing: Problems and Issues by
How to Recognize Good Policing: Problems and Issues by
May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime and Punishment by Tucker, John C.
Thinking about Criminology by
A New Criminal Type in Jakarta: Counter-Revolution Today by Siegel, James T.
Justice for All?: Jews and Arabs in the Israeli Criminal Justice System by Fishman, Gideon, Rattner, Arye
The New European Criminology: Crime and Social Order in Europe by
The New European Criminology: Crime and Social Order in Europe by
American Prisons: An Annotated Bibliography by McConnell, Elizabeth Huffmaster, Moriarty, Laura
'Terror to Evil-Doers': Prisons and Punishments in Nineteenth-Century Ontario by Oliver, Peter
The Violences of Men: How Men Talk about and How Agencies Respond to Men′s Violence to Women by Hearn, Jeff R.
Studying and Preventing Homicide: Issues and Challenges by
Mean Streets: Youth Crime and Homelessness by McCarthy, Bill, Hagan, John
Driven by Growth: Political Change in the Asia-Pacific Region by Morley, James William
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct: Theory, Research and Practice by Blackburn, Ronald
Basic Concepts of Criminal Law by Fletcher, George P.
Psychology and Criminal Justice: International Review of Theory and Practice. a Publication of the European Association of Psychology and Law by
Studying and Preventing Homicide: Issues and Challenges by
The Geography Of Illegal Drugs by Rengert, George
Rethinking Violence Against Women by
Sledgehammer: Women's Imprisonment at the Millennium by Carlen, P.
Dead End Kids: Gang Girls and the Boys They Know by Fleisher, Mark S.
Applications in Criminal Analysis: A Sourcebook by Peterson, Marilyn
Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith by Billington, James
Race Labor Punishment in New South by Myers, Martha a.
Crimes of Outrage by D'Cruze, Shani
Transnational Criminal Organizations, Cybercrime, and Money Laundering by Richards, James R.
Crimes of Outrage by D'Cruze, Shani
The Serial Killer Letters: A Penetrating Look Inside the Minds of Murderers by
Pros and Cons: The Criminals Who Play in the NFL by Benedict, Jeff, Yaeger, Don
To Sleep with the Angels: The Story of a Fire by Cowan, David, Kuenster, John
Guns, Girls, Gambling, Ganja: Thailand's Illegal Economy and Public Policy by Piriyarangsan, Sungsidh, Treerat, Nualnoi, Phongpaichit, Pasuk
Antisocial Behavior by Young People: A Major New Review by Hagell, Ann, Rutter, Michael J., Giller, Henri
Why We Watch: The Attractions of Violent Entertainment by
Why We Watch: The Attractions of Violent Entertainment by
Contemporary Studies in Sociology: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Youth, Radicalism and Violence Vol 18 by
Homicide: A Sourcebook of Social Research by
Cutting the Edge: Current Perspectives in Radical/Critical Criminology and Criminal Justice by Ross, Jeffrey
Community Education and Crime Prevention: Confronting Foreground and Background Causes of Criminal Behavior by Unknown, Ward, Carolyn Siemens
Prisons, Peace and Terrorism: Penal Policy in the Reduction of Political Violence in Northern Ireland, Italy and the Spanish Basque Country, 1968-97 by Page, M.
Diseases of the Will by Valverde, Mariana
Masculinities, Crime and Criminology by Collier, Richard
Principled Policing: Protecting the Public with Integrity by Alderson, John, Alderson, J. C., Alderson
New Ghosts, Old Ghosts: Prisons and Labor Reform Camps in China: Prisons and Labor Reform Camps in China by Seymour, James D., Anderson, Michael R.
Imagining Criminology: An Alternative Paradigm by Williams 3rd, Frank P.
Crime in Early Modern England 1550-1750 by Sharpe, James A.
Young People and Youth Justice by Haines, Kevin, Drakeford, Mark
Counselling and Psychotherapy in Primary Health Care: A Psychodynamic Approach by Wiener, Jan, Sher, Mannie
When Good Kids Kill by Kelleher, Michael
Bounty Hunters, Marshals, and Sheriffs: Forward to the Past by Pope, Jacqueline
Crime Unlimited?: Questions for the Twenty-First Century by
Living Inside Prison Walls: Adjustment Behavior by Derosia, Victoria
Crime, Policing and Punishment in England, 1750-1914 by Taylor, David
Crime, Policing and Punishment in England, 1750-1914 by Taylor, David
Crime and Punishment in England: A Sourcebook by
Crime and Punishment in England: A Sourcebook by
Policing Citizens: Police, Power and the State by Waddington, P. a. J.
American Youth Violence by Zimring, Franklin E.
Crime Science: Methods of Forensic Detection by Fischer, John F., Nickell, Joe
Punishment and Political Theory by
And the Con Goes on by Starski, Lauren
Cruelty, Violence and Murder by Williams, Arthur Hyatt