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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2003

Cctv by
C. Wright Mills and the Ending of Violence by Brewer, J.
The Role of Memory in Ethnic Conflict by Roe, M., Cairns, E.
Drugs, Prisons and Policy-Making by Duke, K.
Anti-Drugs Policies of the European Union: Transnational Decision-Making and the Politics of Expertise by Elvins, M.
Peace at Last?: The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on Northern Ireland by
Crime at Work Vol 3: Managing Security by
Security Risk Assessment and Control by Burns-Howell, T., Cordier, P., Eriksson, T.
Controversies in Critical Criminology by
Violence on Television: Distribution, Form, Context, and Themes by Wykes, Maggie, Harrison, Jackie, Gunter, Barrie
Gender, Justice and Welfare in Britain,1900-1950: Bad Girls in Britain, 1900-1950 by Cox, P.
Criminology, Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice by
Cctv by
Riot on Greenwood: The Total Destruction of Black Wall Street by Gates, Eddie Faye
Violence on Television: Distribution, Form, Context, and Themes by Gunter, Barrie, Harrison, Jackie, Wykes, Maggie
Blood Evidence: How DNA Is Revolutionizing the Way We Solve Crimes by Tirnady, Frank, Lee, Henry C.
Riot on Greenwood: The Total Destruction of Black Wall Street by Gates, Eddie Faye
Little Book of Conflict Transformation: Clear Articulation of the Guiding Principles by a Pioneer in the Field by Lederach, John
Victimisation: Theory, Research and Policy by
Critical Issues In Crime and Justice by Roberts, Albert R.
Victimisation: Theory, Research and Policy by
Don't Kill in Our Names: Families of Murder Victims Speak Out Against the Death Penalty by King, Rachel
Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms by
The Psychology of Interrogations and Confessions: A Handbook by Gudjonsson, Gisli H.
Kriminalität, Ökonomie Und Europäischer Sozialstaat by
At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America by Dray, Philip
Prison Nation: The Warehousing of America's Poor by
Gang Delinquency Develop Perspectve by Lizotte, Alan J., Thornberry, Terence P., Krohn, Marvin D.
The Way of Freedom: An Eon Book by Throne, Paul
The Beast Within: Why Men Are Violent by Boyd, Neil
Reinventing Justice: The American Drug Court Movement by Nolan, James L.
Punishment and Social Structure by
Death in a Texas Desert: And Other True Crime Stories from The Dallas Observer by Stowers, Carlton
Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England by Gaskill, Malcolm, Malcolm, Gaskill
Psychological Impact of War Trauma on Civilians: An International Perspective by McIntyre, Teresa M., Krippner, Stanley
Violence by Stewart, Pamela J., Strathern, Andrew
Adversarial Versus Inquisitorial Justice: Psychological Perspectives on Criminal Justice Systems by
Crime and the Supernatural by Woodhall, Edwin T.
Bandits & Bibles: Convict Literature in Nineteenth-Century America by
Public Rape: Representing Violation in Fiction and Film by Horeck, Tanya
Violence and Nonviolence: Pathways to Understanding by Barak, Gregg
Made Men: The True Rise-And-Fall Story of a New Jersey Mob Family by Smith, Greg B.
Repair or Revenge: Victims and Restorative Justice by Strang, Heather
Rape and the Legal Process by Temkin, Jennifer
Sex Offender Treatment: Accomplishments, Challenges and Future Directions by Coleman, Edmond J., Miner, Michael
The Culture of Conflict in Modern Cuba by Robins, Nicholas A.
The Piggy Bank Murder by Walsh, Tom
Child Pornography: An Internet Crime by Quayle, Ethel, Taylor, Max
Cop the Truth Behind the Badge by Robinson, Ric
Disability, Self, and Society by Titchkosky, Tanya
Violent Crime: Assessing Race and Ethnic Differences by
Financing Terrorism by
Violence and Nonviolence: Pathways to Understanding by Barak, Gregg
Youth Offending and Restorative Justice by Crawford, Adam, Newburn, Tim
Rethinking Corporate Crime by Punch, Maurice, Gobert, James
Restorative Justice in Context by
Restorative Justice in Context by
Youth Offending and Restorative Justice by Newburn, Tim, Crawford, Adam
History of Torture Throughout the Ages by Scott, George Ryley
Guard Force Management, Updated Edition by Canton, Lucien
The Floating Brothel: The Extraordinary True Story of an Eighteenth-Century Ship and Its Cargo of Female Convicts by Rees, Sian
When Women Kill: Questions of Agency and Subjectivity by Morrissey, Belinda
The Politics of Collective Violence by Tilly, Charles
The Politics of Collective Violence by Tilly, Charles, Tilly
Living Next Door to the Death House by Owens, David Clinton, Owens, Virginia Stem
Crossing the Green Line Between the West Bank and Israel by Bornstein, Avram S.
Women in Prison: A Reference Handbook by Banks, Cyndi
Police Mission: Challenges and Responses by Verma, Arvind, Das, Dilip K.
Religion, the Community, and the Rehabilitation of Criminal Offenders by O'Connor, Thomas P.
Crime, Justice and Discretion in England 1740-1820 by King, Peter
Evolutionary Psychology and Violence: A Primer for Policymakers and Public Policy Advocates by Magone, Jose M.
The Death Penalty: An American History by Banner, Stuart
The Death Game: Capital Punishment and the Luck of the Draw by Gray, Mike
Inner Lives: Voices of African American Women in Prison by Johnson, Paula
Witsec Inside the Federal Witness Protection Program by Earley, Pete
Lethal Shadow: The Chilling True-Crime Story of a Sadistic Sex Slayer by Michaud, Stephen G.
Investigating Murder: Detective Work and the Police Response to Criminal Homicide by Innes, Martin
Maggots, Murder, and Men by Erzinalioglu, Zakaria, Erzin Lioglu, Zakaria, Erzinclioglu, Zakaria
Treating the Chemically Dependent Criminal Personality by Pitts, Eugene Isaac
Leadership and Change in Human Services: Selected Readings from Wolf Wolfensberger by
Illicit Drugs: Use and Control by Barton, Adrian
Leadership and Change in Human Services: Selected Readings from Wolf Wolfensberger by
Dilemmas of Reconciliation: Cases and Concepts by
Crime, Punishment, and Reform in Europe by Nichols, Mary
Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity After Violent Ethnic Conflict by
Gangs and Society: Alternative Perspectives by
Illicit Drugs: Use and Control by Barton, Adrian
Exercising Discretion by
Gangs and Society: Alternative Perspectives by
The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment by Zimring, Franklin E.
Restorative Justice: Critical Issues by
The Many Faces of Judge Lynch: Extralegal Violence and Punishment in America by Waldrep, C.
The Many Faces of Judge Lynch: Extralegal Violence and Punishment in America by Waldrep, C.
Home Bound: Filipino American Lives Across Cultures, Communities, and Countries by Espiritu, Yen Le
Homicide: A Sociological Explanation by Beeghley, Leonard
Homicide: A Sociological Explanation by Beeghley, Leonard
Linking Sexuality and Gender: Naming Violence Against Women in the United Church of Canada by Trothen, Tracy J.
The Wars Within by Williams, Robin M.
Accountability in Restorative Justice by Roche, Declan
Incarceration Nation: Investigative Prison Poems of Hope and Terror by Hartnett, Stephen John
Will I Be Killed?: (For Writing the Following Contents...) by Ahamkaari
Positive Verpflichtungen Der Staaten in Der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention: Positive Obligations of States Under the European Convention on Hum by Dröge, Cordula
Burying the Past: Making Peace and Doing Justice After Civil Conflict by
Profiles in Injustice: Why Racial Profiling Cannot Work by Harris, David A.
Violence and the Body: Race, Gender, and the State by
Bouncers: Violence and Governance in the Night-Time Economy by Hobbs, Dick, Hadfield, Philip, Lister, Stuart
Landscaping the Human Garden: Twentieth-Century Population Management in a Comparative Framework by Weiner, Amir
Heijin: Organized Crime, Business, and Politics in Taiwan by Chin, Ko-Lin
Ausgegrenzt, Eingesperrt Und Abgeschoben: Migration Und Jugendkriminalität by Jünschke, Klaus, Spindler, Susanne, Bukow, Wolf-Dietrich
Blades Business Crew: The Shocking Diary of a Soccer Hooligan Top Boy by Cowens, Steve
Car Crime by Corbett, Claire
Restorative Justice: Critical Issues by
Building Time at Brushy by Lane, Stonney Ray
Lone Star Justice: The First Century of the Texas Rangers by Utley, Robert M.
History of Organized Felony and Folly by Anonymous
Opium Monopoly by La Motte, Ellen N.
Who Moved My Soap?: The CEO's Guide to Surviving Prison: The Bernie Madoff Edition by Borowitz, Andy
Landscaping the Human Garden: Twentieth-Century Population Management in a Comparative Framework by Weiner, Amir
Transnational Organised Crime: Perspectives on Global Security by
Crime, Injustice and Christ by Chatmon, Timothy
Early Prevention of Adult Antisocial Behaviour by
History of Prison and Confinement in Africa by Hanzlick, Randy, Bernault, Florence
Counter-Colonial Criminology: A Critique Of Imperialist Reason by Agozino, Biko
Russian Prison Tattoos: Codes of Authority, Domination, and Struggle by Lambert, Alix
Sartre on Violence: Curiously Ambivalent by Santoni, Ronald E.
Images of Terror: What We Can and Can't Know about Terrorism by Bruckberger, R. L.
Emergency Vehicle Operations: A Line Officer's Guide, Second Edtion by Beach, Raymond W., Jr., Morris, Earl R., Smith, William C.
Religion and Terrorism: An Interfaith Perspective by Al-Khattar, Aref M.
Wounded Innocents and Fallen Angels: Child Abuse and Child Aggression by Moffatt, Gregory
Crime Control and Social Justice: The Delicate Balance by
Profiles from Prison: Adjusting to Life Behind Bars by Liebovich, Louis W., Santos, Michael
Papua New Guinea's Last Place: Experiences of Constraint in a Postcolonial Prison by Reed, Adam
The New Politics of Crime and Punishment by
Beyond Tolerance: Child Pornography on the Internet by Jenkins, Philip
The Female Offender: Girls, Women and Crime by Chesney-Lind, Meda, Pasko, Lisa
The New Politics of Crime and Punishment by
Conflict in Medieval Europe: Changing Perspectives on Society and Culture by
Crime, Gender and Social Order in Early Modern England by Walker, Garthine
War and Genocide: Organized Killing in Modern Society by Shaw, Martin
Rebel Without a Cause: The Story of A Criminal Psychopath by Lindner, Robert M.
Crime in Literature: Sociology of Deviance and Fiction by Ruggiero, Vincenzo
C. Wright Mills and the Ending of Violence by Brewer, J.
Social Movements in France: Towards a New Citizenship by Waters, S.
Organised Crime and the Challenge to Democracy by
Policing within the Law: A Case Study of the New York City Police Department by Eterno, John
Philadelphia's Black Mafia: A Social and Political History by Griffin, S. P.
Regulation and Compliance in the Atlantic Fisheries: State/Society Relations in the Management of Natural Resources by Gezelius, Stig S.
Philadelphia's Black Mafia: A Social and Political History by Griffin, S. P.
Punishment and Social Control: Essays in Honor of Sheldon L. Messinger by
At Work in the Iron Cage: The Prison as Gendered Organization by Britton, Dana M.
At Work in the Iron Cage: The Prison as Gendered Organization by Britton, Dana M.
Restorative Justice for Juveniles: Conferencing, Mediation and Circles by
From the Inside: A Prison Memoir by Berger, Robert L.
Hope Rising by Meeder, Kim
Are Prisons Obsolete? by Davis, Angela Y.
Anti-Drugs Policies of the European Union: Transnational Decision-Making and the Politics of Expertise by Elvins, M.
Under Siege: Poverty and Crime in a Public Housing Community by Schwartz, Martin D., Alvi, Shahid, Dekeseredy, Walter S.
Conflict by
Conflict by
Sartre on Violence: Curiously Ambivalent by Santoni, Ronald E.
Under Siege: Poverty and Crime in a Public Housing Community by Alvi, Shahid, Schwartz, Martin D., Dekeseredy, Walter S.
Mercy and Authority in the Tudor State by Kesselring, K. J.
Judging Nonviolence: The Dispute Between Realists and Idealists by Steger, Manfred B.
Judging Nonviolence: The Dispute Between Realists and Idealists by Steger, Manfred B.
The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations: The Grisly Business Unit by Keppel, Robert D., Birnes, William J.
Hate and Bias Crime: A Reader by
Hate and Bias Crime: A Reader by
History of Penal Methods: Criminals, Witches, Lunatics by Ives, George
Talking Terrorism: A Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence by Herbst, Philip
The Prosecution of International Crimes: A Critical Study of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia by Sann, Madeleine
Become a Problem-Solving Crime Analyst by Eck, John E., Clarke, Ronald
Deviant Knowledge by Walters, Reece
Comparative Histories of Crime by
Confronting Crime: Crime control policy under new labour by
Comparative Histories of Crime by
Deviant Knowledge by Walters, Reece
Selling Security by Wakefield, Alison
Crime Reduction and Problem-oriented Policing by
Youth on Trial: A Developmental Perspective on Juvenile Justice by
Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment by
Crimes of Hate: Selected Readings by
Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence by Juergensmeyer, Mark
Criminology, Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice by
Policing and the Condition of England: Memory, Politics and Culture by Mulcahy, Aogan, Loader, Ian
Creciendo Libre: Manual para Sobrevivientes de la Violencia Doméstica by Quinche, Christell, Hertica, Michael, Deaton, Wendy
America's Culture of Terrorism: Violence, Capitalism, and the Written Word by Clymer, Jeffory a.
Gleichheit Und Nichtdiskriminierung Im Nationalen Und Internationalen Menschenrechtsschutz by
Teaching Peace: Nonviolence and the Liberal Arts by Biesecker-Mast, Gerald, Weaver, Denny J.
Take the Bully by the Horns: Stop Unethical, Uncooperative, or Unpleasant People from Running and Ruining Your Life by Horn, Sam
Maconochie's Gentlemen: The Story of Norfolk Island and the Roots of Modern Prison Reform by Morris, Norval
A Matter of Security: The Application of Attachment Theory to Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy by
Crimes of Hate: Selected Readings by Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B.
Refractions of Violence by Jay, Martin
Counseling Criminal Justice Offenders by Masters, Ruth E.
Counseling Criminal Justice Offenders by Masters, Ruth E.
The Criminal Body: Lombroso and the Anatomy of Deviance by Horn, David
The Criminal Body: Lombroso and the Anatomy of Deviance by Horn, David
The Contours of Police Integrity by Haberfeld, M. R., Ivkovic, Sanja Kutnjak, Klockars, Carl B.
The Contours of Police Integrity by Haberfeld, M. R., Klockars, Carl B., Ivkovic, Sanja Kutnjak
Racial Issues in Criminal Justice: The Case of African Americans by Million, Joelle D.
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