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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2004

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V13 #1 & 2 by
The Word of a Woman?: Police, Rape and Belief by Jordan, J.
Prison Discourse: Language as a Means of Control and Resistance by Mayr, A.
Japan as a Low-Crime Nation by Leonardsen, D.
Peace at Last?: The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on Northern Ireland by
Criminal Justice and Political Cultures by
Criminal Justice: Concepts and Issues: An Anthology by
Eighteenth-Century Criminal Transportation by Rushton, P., Morgan, G.
Understanding Crime in Jamaica by
Measuring Prison Performance: Government Privatization and Accountability by Gaes, Gerald G., Camp, Scott D., Nelson, Julianne B.
Prisoners' Deaths in Local Jails: Factors Influencing Inmate Suicide by Nealy, Lisa Nikol
National Identification Systems: Essays in Opposition by
From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation by
Women Who Offend by
Illegal Drugs, Economy, and Society in the Andes by Thoumi, Francisco E.
The Power of Reinforcement by Flora, Stephen Ray
Criminal Woman, the Prostitute, and the Normal Woman by Lombroso, Cesare
Rethinking Homicide by Miethe, Terance D., Regoeczi, Wendy C.
Cruel and Unusual: Punishment and US Culture by Jarvis, Brian
Crime's Power: Anthropologists and the Ethnography of Crime by
Crime's Power: Anthropologists and the Ethnography of Crime by
Somalia--The Untold Story: The War Through the Eyes of Somali Women by
Arresting Images: Crime and Policing in Front of the Television Camera by Doyle, Aaron
Framing the Victim: Domestic Violence, Media, and Social Problems by Berns, Nancy S.
Underground Codes: Race, Crime and Related Fires by Russell-Brown, Katheryn
Violence in Canada: Sociopolitical Perspectives by Ross, Jeffrey Ian
What Matters in Probation by
Underground Codes: Race, Crime, and Related Fires by Russell-Brown, Katheryn
Regarding the Pain of Others by Sontag, Susan
Organizing Crime in Chinatown: Race and Racketeering in New York City, 1890-1910 by McIllwain, Jeffrey Scott
Revolutionary Currents: Nation Building in the Transatlantic World by
Teaching World Civilization With Joy and Enthusiasm by Wren, Benjamin Lee
Genocide by Rubinstein, William D.
Correctional Boot Camps: Military Basic Training or a Model for Corrections? by
Total Confinement: Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison by Rhodes, Lorna A.
Correctional Boot Camps: Military Basic Training or a Model for Corrections? by MacKenzie, Doris L., Armstrong, Gaylene S.
The New Era of Terrorism: Selected Readings by Martin, Gus
The Gulag Survivor: Beyond the Soviet System by Adler, Nanci
Images of Incarceration: Representations of Prison in Film and Television Drama by O'Sullivan, Sean, Wilson, David
Pissing on Demand: Workplace Drug Testing and the Rise of the Detox Industry by Tunnell, Ken D.
The Information State in England: The Central Collection of Information on Citizens Since 1500 by Higgs, Edward
Inner Lives: Voices of African American Women in Prison by Johnson, Paula
Pissing on Demand: Workplace Drug Testing and the Rise of the Detox Industry by Tunnell, Ken D.
After Crime and Punishment by
After Crime and Punishment by
The Hillside Strangler: The Three Faces of America's Most Savage Rapist and Murderer and the Shocking Revelations from the Sensational Los Angeles Tri by Schwarz, Ted
The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation: Street Politics and the Transformation of a New York City Gang by Barrios, Luis, Brotherton, David C.
The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation: Street Politics and the Transformation of a New York City Gang by Barrios, Luis, Brotherton, David C.
Juvenile Justice in the Making by Tanenhaus, David Spinoza
The Influence of American Crime and Violence on Colleges, Universities and Schools by Bennett-Johnson, Earnestine
Essentials of Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology by Hagan, Frank E.
Loyal Soldiers in the Cocaine Kingdom: Tales of Drugs, Mules, and Gunmen by Molano, Alfred
A Suitable Amount of Crime by Christie, Nils
A Suitable Amount of Crime by Christie, Nils
Capital Punishment: Strategies for Abolition by
State Crime: Governments, Violence and Corruption by Green, Penny, Ward, Tony
The U.S. Federal Prison System by Bosworth, Mary F.
Revolutionary Currents: Nation Building in the Transatlantic World by
Martyrdom: The Psychology, Theology, and Politics of Self-Sacrifice by
Women in Belfast: How Violence Shapes Identity by McIntyre, Alice
Cyberstalking: Harassment in the Internet Age and How to Protect Your Family by Bocij, Paul
Girls and Aggression: Contributing Factors and Intervention Principles by
Revolutions in World History by Richards, Michael D.
Revolutions in World History by Richards, Michael D.
Design Out Crime by Colquhoun, Ian
Death Work: Police, Trauma, and the Psychology of Survival by Henry, Vincent E.
Controversies in Criminal Justice Research by Tewksbury, Richard, Ehrhardt Mustaine, Elizabeth
Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Criminological Perspectives by
Migrants and Militants: Fun and Urban Violence in Pakistan by Verkaaik, Oskar
The Rationale of Punishment by Bentham, Jeremy
Wolf "The Hammer": The Killing Force Behind Drug Enforcement Administration Dea-USA by Word, Elbert D.
Frauds Against the Elderly by Sharpe, Charles C.
Interrogations, Confessions, and Entrapment by
Global Financial Crime: Terrorism, Money Laundering and Offshore Centres by
"Crimes and Criminals": "The Adventures of T.V. JOE" by Metcalf, James W.
Twentieth-Century Cause Celebre: Sacco, Vanzetti, and the Press, 1920-1927 by Neville, John F.
Living in Prison: A History of the Correctional System with an Insider's View by Stanko, Stephen, Crews, Gordon a., Gillespie, Wayne
Legible Bodies: Race, Criminality and Colonialism in South Asia by Anderson, Clare
Legible Bodies: Race, Criminality and Colonialism in South Asia by Anderson, Clare
Working Therapeutically with M by Watson, Tessa, Jeffcote, Nikki
The Enemy Within: Hucksters, Racketeers, Deserters, and Civilians During the Second World War by Thomas, Donald
Hard Cop, Soft Cop by
Street Wars: Gangs and the Future of Violence by Hayden, Tom
Fighting for Your Life: The African-American Criminal Justice Survival Guide by Elmore, John V.
To Better Serve and Protect: Improving Police Practices by
To Better Serve and Protect: Improving Police Practices by
Marching Powder: A True Story of Friendship, Cocaine, and South America's Strangest Jail by McFadden, Thomas, Young, Rusty
Encyclopedia of Violence: Frequent, Commonplace, Unexpected by DiCanio, Margaret B.
When Prisoners Return by Nolan, Pat
Poke Probe Pry and Peek: Detecting the Detectable by Fulgaro, Lou
Poke Probe Pry and Peek: Detecting the Detectable by Fulgaro, Lou
Geographies of Commodity Chains by
Offenders with Developmental Disabilities by
Beyond Neutrality: Confronting the Crisis in Conflict Resolution by Mayer, Bernard S.
Gandhi and King: The Power of Nonviolent Resistance by Nojeim, Michael J.
The Corpus Delicti: A Manual of Argentine Fictions by Ludmer, Josefina
Unhappy Dialogue by Whitfield, James
Doing Prison Work by Crawley, Elaine M.
Global Perspectives on Social Issues: Juvenile Justice Systems by Zalkind, Paola, Simon, Rita J.
Violence against Women by
Contrasting Prisoners' Rights: A Comparative Examination of Germany and England by Lazarus, Liora
Managing High Risk Sex Offenders in the Community: A Psychological Approach by Craissati, Jackie
Student Handbook of Criminal Justice and Criminology by Wilson, David, Muncie, John
Inside Colombia: Drugs, Democracy, and War by Livingstone, Grace
Ironies of Imprisonment by Welch, Michael
Crime: Its Cause And Treatment by Darrow, Clarence
The Positive School of Criminology by Ferri, Enrico
Penitentiaries And Reformatories by Skene, Felicia
Female Suffrage by Cooper, Susan Fenimore
Scenes From A Silent World by Skene, Felicia
Pathological Lying, Accusation And Swindling by Healy, William
A Book Of Remarkable Criminals by Irving, H. B.
Criminal Sociology by Ferri, Enrico
American Negro Slavery by Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell
Domestic Violence and Maternal and Child Health: New Patterns of Trauma, Treatment, and Criminal Justice Responses by Morewitz, Stephen J.
Ironies of Imprisonment by Welch, Michael
Hacktivism and Cyberwars: Rebels with a Cause? by Jordan, Tim, Taylor, Paul
Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones by
Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict: The Berghof Handbook by
Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member by Shakur, Sanyika
Rethinking Sentencing: A Contribution to the Debate by
Studies in Law, Politics and Society by
The Global Underworld: Transnational Crime and the United States by Liddick, Donald
Halting the Sexual Predators Among Us: Preventing Attack, Rape, and Lust Homicide by Ph D., Duane L. Dobbert
The Handbook of Clinical Intervention with Young People Who Sexually Abuse by
Mystery, Violence, and Popular Culture by Cawelti, John G.
Where the Money Is: True Tales from the Bank Robbery Capital of the World by Dillow, Gordon, Rehder, William J.
Conflict Prevention from Rhetoric to Reality: Organizations and Institutions by
Conflict Prevention from Rhetoric to Reality: Opportunities and Innovations by
Social Problems, Law, and Society by
Votes and Violence: Electoral Competition and Ethnic Riots in India by Wilkinson, Steven I.
Enduring Change: The Experience of the Community Links Social Enterprise Zone: Lessons Learnt and Next Steps by Smerdon, Matthew, Robinson, David
Determinants of the Death Penalty: A Comparative Study of the World by Anckar, Carsten
Victimizing Vulnerable Groups: Images of Uniquely High-Risk Crime Targets by Coston, Charisse
Black Demons: The Media's Depiction of the African American Male Criminal Stereotype by Rome, Dennis
All Is Clouded by Desire: Global Banking, Money Laundering, and International Organized Crime by Block, Alan A., Weaver, Constance A.
Social Control in Europe: Volume 1, 1500-1800 by Roodenburg, Herman
Social Control in Europe, 1800-2000 by Emsley, Clive
Voices from Prison: An Ethnographic Study of Black Male Prisoners by Owens, Angela, Murty, Komanduri, Vyas, Ashwin
Shattered: Reclaiming a Life Torn Apart by Violence by Sharp, Debra Puglisi
City Limits: Crime, Consumer Culture and the Urban Experience by Hayward, Keith
Theory, Justice, and Social Change: Theoretical Integrations and Critical Applications by Arrigo, Bruce A., Williams, Christopher R.
Conflict Prevention from Rhetoric to Reality: Organizations and Institutions by
Prisons and Their Moral Performance: A Study of Values, Quality, and Prison Life by Liebling, Alison
Drug Treatment: What Works? by
Drug Treatment: What Works? by
A War of Words: Political Violence and Public Debate in Israel by Cromer, Gerald
Understanding Police Use of Force: Officers, Suspects, and Reciprocity by Dunham, Roger G., Alpert, Geoffrey P.
Why Do Criminals Offend?: A General Theory of Crime and Delinquency by Agnew, Robert
Stress, Culture, and Aggression by Linsky, Arnold S., Bachman, Ronet, Straus, Murray
Families, Delinquency, and Crime: Linking Society's Most Basic Institution to Antisocial Behavior by Simons, Leslie Gordon, Wallace, Lora Ebert, Simons, Ronald L.
Creating Deviance: An Interactionist Approach by Dotter, Daniel L.
Understanding Police Use of Force by Dunham, Roger G., Alpert, Geoffrey P.
The Great Wall of Confinement: The Chinese Prison Camp Through Contemporary Fiction and Reportage by Williams, Philip F., Wu, Yenna
The Safety Utopia: Contemporary Discontent and Desire as to Crime and Punishment by Boutellier, Hans
Breaking Blue by Egan, Timothy
Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill by Stern, Jessica
Twisted Truth by Schmid-Eastwood, Wendy
The Word of a Woman?: Police, Rape and Belief by Jordan, J.
Japan as a Low-Crime Nation by Leonardsen, D.
Encyclopedia of Rape by
Routine Activity and Rational Choice: Volume 5 by
Mackerels in the Moonlight: Four Corrupt American Mayors by Leinwand, Gerald
Developmental Theories of Crime and Delinquency by
Judgment Ridge: The True Story Behind the Dartmouth Murders by Lehr, Dick, Zuckoff, Mitchell
Disorderly People: Law and the Politics of Exclusion in Ontario by
Understanding Psychology and Crime: Perspectives on Theory and Action by McGuire, James
A Book of Remarkable Criminals by Irving, H. B.
Reclaiming the Streets by Coleman, Roy
A War of Words: Political Violence and Public Debate in Israel by Cromer, Gerald
American Nonviolence: The History of an Idea by Chernus, Ira
Women in the Trees: U.S. Women's Short Stories about Battering and Resistance, 1839-1994 by
Papua New Guinea's Last Place: Experiences of Constraint in a Postcolonial Prison by Reed, Adam
Hatred: The Psychological Descent Into Violence by Gaylin, Willard
Borstal Boy by Behan, Brendan
Homicide Special: A Year with the LAPD's Elite Detective Unit by Corwin, Miles
Montana Justice: Power, Punishment, and the Penitentiary by Edgerton, Keith
Late-Medieval Prison Writing and the Politics of Autobiography by Summers, Joanna
Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance 2003 by Björk, Tomas, Bielecki, Tomasz R.
Juvenile Justice: Redeeming Our Children by Krisberg, Barry A.
The Copycat Effect: How the Media and Popular Culture Trigger the Mayhem in Tomorrow's Headlines by Coleman, Loren
Managing Sex Offender Risk by
Cultural Shaping of Violence: International Perspectives by Anderson, Myrdene
Current Controversies on Family Violence by Gelles, Richard J., Cavanaugh, Mary M., Loseke, Donileen R.
Criminal Justice by Zedner, Lucia
Beyond Criminology: Taking Harm Seriously by
Crime Prevention: Facts, Fallacies and the Future by Shaftoe, Henry
Juvenile Justice: Redeeming Our Children by Krisberg, Barry A.
Rethinking Aggression and Violence in Sport by Kerr, John H.
Rethinking Aggression and Violence in Sport by Kerr, John H.
Fleecing Grandma and Grandpa: Protecting Against Scams, Cons, and Frauds by Alt, Betty
The Milltown Boys Revisited by Williamson, Howard
Armed Actors: Organized Violence and State Failure in Latin America by
New Visions of Crime Victims by
Ethical and Social Perspectives on Situational Crime Prevention by
State, Sovereignty, War: Civil Violence in Emerging Global Realities by
Managing High Risk Sex Offenders in the Community: A Psychological Approach by Craissati, Jackie
Armed Actors: Organized Violence and State Failure in Latin America by
International Perspectives on Violence by
Security: An Inside Look at the Tactics of the NYPD by Safir, Howard, Whitman, Ellis
See More