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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2007

Sports Fan Violence in North America by Lewis, Jerry M.
Women's Prison: Sex and Social Structure by
Hooligans: Episodale Schicksalsgemeinschaft by Beer, David, Müller, Andreas
Erklärungsansätze für rechtsextremistische Orientierungen bei Jugendlichen by Benedikt, Gavin
Bekämpfung rechtsradikaler Tendenzen by Albrecht, Ralph
Deine Rechte, deine Spielräume: Kennen Kinder und Jugendliche ihre Rechte? by Klatt, Sabine
Sin and Status: A Tale of Anglo-American Criminal Justice by Pain, J. H.
Criminology And Penology V2 by Gillin, John Lewis
The Punishment and Prevention of Crime by Du Cane, Edmund F.
A Treatise On The Limitations Of Police Power In The United States: Considered From Both A Civil And Criminal Standpoint by Tiedeman, Christopher G.
Celebrated Criminal Cases Of America by Duke, Thomas S.
A Digest Of The Law Of Evidence by Stephen, James Fitzjames
The Prisoner at the Bar: Sidelights on the Administration of Criminal Justice by Train, Arthur
The Man Hunters by Post, Melville Davisson
Criminology and Penology V1 by Gillin, John Lewis
The Criminal Prosecution And Capital Punishment Of Animals by Evans, E. P.
A Collection And Abridgment Of Celebrated Criminal Trials In Scotland: From A.D. 1536 To 1784 by Arnot, Hugo
Crime: Its Causes And Remedies by Lombroso, Cesare
The Criminal and His Allies by Kavanagh, Marcus
Psychological Disorder and Crime by Neustatter, W. Lindesay
The Criminal by Ellis, Havelock
Delinquenz und Sanktion am Beispiel des Raubkopierens von Musik und Filmen by Placzeck, Eric
Ethnic Conflict: A Global Perspective by Wolff, Stefan
Umgang mit Jugendkriminalität. Der Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich als Alternative zum Jugendgerichtsverfahren by Brück, Jasmin
StaatsRache - Justizkritische Beiträge gegen die Dummheit im deutschen Recht(ssystem) by Albrecht, Richard
Offenders in Transition: Just Trying to Do Good: An Assessment of Health Risks and Concerns by Streetman, Lee G.
Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse by Clear, Todd R.
Somalia at the Crossroads: Challenges and Perspectives in Reconstituting a Failed State (Hb) by
Somalia at the Crossroads: Challenges and Perspectives in Reconstituting a Failed State by
The Language of Sexual Crime by
All Alone in the World: Children of the Incarcerated by Bernstein, Nell
Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: All Roads Lead to America by Zhang, Sheldon X.
Policing Public Disorder by Waddington, David
Understanding Conflict and Violence: Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Approaches by Jacoby, Tim
Technology and Law Enforcement: From Gumshoe to Gamma Rays by Snow, Robert
Date Rape by
On The Game: Women And Sex Work by Day, Sophie
Understanding Conflict and Violence: Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Approaches by Jacoby, Tim
Public Executions: The Death Penalty and the Media by Kudlac, Christopher
Domestic Violence in Asian-American Communities: A Cultural Overview by
Salt in the Sand: Memory, Violence, and the Nation-State in Chile, 1890 to the Present by Frazier, Lessie Jo
Reflections on Fanon: The Violences of Colonialism and Racism, Inner and Global--Conversations with Frantz Fanon on the Meaning of Human Ema by
Gender Violence, 2nd Edition: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Gender Violence, 2nd Edition: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Female Serial Killers: How and Why Women Become Monsters by Vronsky, Peter
The Gulag Archipelago: The Authorized Abridgement by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I.
The Gulag Archipelago [Volume 2]: An Experiment in Literary Investigation by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I.
The Gulag Archipelago [Volume 1]: An Experiment in Literary Investigation by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I.
Preventing Crime: What Works for Children, Offenders, Victims and Places by
Eastern State Penitentiary by Dolan, Francis X.
Eastern State Penitentiary by Dolan, Francis X.
Die Kriminalität der Nichtdeutschen in Brandenburg und Überprüfung der Diskriminierungsthese by Engelmann, René
The Best System Money Can Buy: Corruption in the European Union by Warner, Carolyn
Framing Social Change Management in three Movements by Apprey, Maurice
Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide by Semelin, Jacques
Mercy on Trial: What It Means to Stop an Execution by Sarat, Austin
Beaten Into Violence: Anger, Masculinities, Alcohol, Narcotics by Whittington, Dean
Problematik der Terrorismusdefinition(en) by Siegl, Robert
Der internationale Terrorismus. Politische Folgen für die zivilisierte Welt und Erklärungsansätze für die Motivation der Terroristen: Am Beispiel der by Fuhl, Alexander
The Harris-Ingram Experiment by Bolton, Charles E.
The Harris-Ingram Experiment by Bolton, Charles E.
Female Sex Trafficking in Asia: The Resilience of Patriarchy in a Changing World by Samarasinghe, Vidyamali
Crime, Police, and Penal Policy: European Experiences 1750-1940 by Emsley, Clive
Inside the Minds of Healthcare Serial Killers: Why They Kill by Ramsland, Katherine M.
Beyond Bad Girls: Gender, Violence and Hype by Irwin, Katherine, Chesney-Lind, Meda
Fish: A Memoir of a Boy in a Man's Prison by Parsell, T. J.
That the World May Know: Bearing Witness to Atrocity by Dawes, James
Scottish Hard Bastards by Richards, Stephen, Holland, Jimmy
Developments in Social Work with Offenders by Raynor, Peter
Cities in a Time of Terror: Space, Territory, and Local Resilience: Space, Territory, and Local Resilience by Savitch, H. V.
Safety Crimes by Tombs, Steve, Whyte, Dave
Practical Skills for Police Community Support Officers by Madsen, Sue
Support for Victims of Crime in Asia by
Prison Voices by
Crime, Punishment, and Policing in China by
North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence by
Standing on an Isthmus: Islamic Narratives on Peace and War in Palestinian Territories by Kadayifci-Orellana, Ayse S.
Chatter Beyond the Fringe by Ing, Robert
Chatter Beyond the Fringe by Ing, Robert
Support for Victims of Crime in Asia by
Bringing Down the Mob: The War Against the American Mafia by Reppetto, Thomas
Rethinking Miscarriages of Justice: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg by Naughton, M.
Gewalt unter Jugendlichen. Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit unter Schülern by Kauth, Val
Rethinking Miscarriages of Justice: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg by Naughton, M.
Rethinking Miscarriages of Justice: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg by Naughton, M.
Beyond Bad Girls: Gender, Violence and Hype by Chesney-Lind, Meda, Irwin, Katherine
Courts, Criminals And The Camorra by Train, Arthur
The Judicial Murder Of Mary E. Surratt by DeWitt, David Miller
A View Of The Life, Travels And Philanthropic Labors Of The Late John Howard, Esquire by Aikin, John
Media Violence and Aggression: Science and Ideology by Bergen, Lori A., Anderson, James A.
The Judicial Murder Of Mary E. Surratt by DeWitt, David Miller
A View Of The Life, Travels And Philanthropic Labors Of The Late John Howard, Esquire by Aikin, John
Crime: Readings by
Missions in Context of Violence by
Law and Order: An Honest Citizen's Guide to Crime and Control by Reiner, Robert
Violence in the City of Women: Police and Batterers in Bahia, Brazil by Hautzinger, Sarah
Cybercrime: The Transformation of Crime in the Information Age by Wall, David S.
Linking Animal Cruelty and Family Violence by Zilney, Lisa Anne
Why Do They Kill?: Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners by Adams, David
Why Do They Kill?: Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners by Adams, David
The Archaeology of Institutional Confinement by Casella, Eleanor Conlin
Biology and Violence: From Birth to Adulthood by Denno, Deborah W.
Drug-Crime Connections by Bennett, Trevor, Holloway, Katy
Young People and 'Risk' by
Der Einfluß sozialökologischer Kontexteffekte auf jugendliche Gewaltdelinquenz: Am Beispiel der Pariser Banlieue by Buschmann, Mirja
Capital Punishment by
Jury Rigging in the Court of Public Opinion by Murphy, John
The Proscenium Cage: Critical Case Studies in U.S. Prison Theatre Programs by Tocci, Laurence
Saving Lives: The S.A.F.E. Model for Resolving Hostage and Crisis Incidents by Hammer, Mitchell
Bribery and Extortion: Undermining Business, Governments, and Security by Wrage, Alexandra Addison
Elemente mafiosen Handelns - Der Schutz in der Praxis by Hollstein, Ronny
Taking the Stand: Rape Survivors and the Prosecution of Rapists by Konradi, Amanda
Psychology and Crime by Winstone, Jane, Pakes, Francis
The Guantanamo Files: The Stories Of The 774 Detainees In America's Illegal Prison by Worthington, Andy
Child Pornography: Crime, Computers and Society by O'Donnell, Ian, Milner, Claire
Women and the Contested State: Religion, Violence, and Agency in South and Southeast Asia by
Women and the Contested State: Religion, Violence, and Agency in South and Southeast Asia by
Psychology and Crime by Pakes, Francis, Winstone, Jane
The Myth of the Out of Character Crime by Samenow, Stanton
Drug-Crime Connections by Bennett, Trevor
Limits to Pain: The Role of Punishment in Penal Policy by Christie, Nils
The Crime of Punishment by Menninger M. D., Karl
Women Behind Bars: The Crisis of Women in the U.S. Prison System by Talvi, Silja J. a.
Ruling Russia: Law, Crime, and Justice in a Changing Society by
The Extraordinary Life And Trial Of Madame Rachel At The Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London, 1868 (1868) by Ballantine, Serjeant, Seymour, W. Digby
Up One Level by Suits, Craig Underhill
Teaching the Violent Past: History Education and Reconciliation by
Gendered Peace: Women's Struggles for Post-War Justice and Reconciliation by
Political Violence and Trauma in Argentina by Robben, Antonius C. G. M.
Crime and Human Rights by
Psychosocial Criminology by Gadd, David, Jefferson, Tony
Sharing Our Stories of Survival: Native Women Surviving Violence by
Sharing Our Stories of Survival: Native Women Surviving Violence by
Brothels, Bordellos, and Bad Girls: Prostitution in Colorado, 1860-1930 by Mackell, Jan
The Silent South: Together With The Freedman's Case In Equity And The Convict Lease System (1885) by Cable, George W.
American Criminal Trials V1 (1844) by Chandler, Peleg W.
Francis Lieber: His Life And Political Philosophy (1899) by Harley, Lewis R.
Violence Against Women: An International Perspective by Ollus, Natalia, Nevala, Sami, Johnson, Holly
Criminal Records: A Database for the Criminal Justice System and Beyond by Thomas, T.
Public Health Behind Bars: From Prisons to Communities by
The Use and Impact of Dispersal Orders: Sticking Plasters and Wake-Up Calls by Crawford, Adam, Lister, Stuart
Power, Conflict and Criminalisation by Scraton, Phil
Does Capital Punishment Deter Crime? by
Violence and Social Justice by Bufacchi, V.
Violence and Social Justice by Bufacchi, V.
Doing Research on Crime and Justice by
Violent Femmes: Women as Spies in Popular Culture by White, Rosie
Gambling, Freedom and Democracy by Adams, Peter J.
Forensic Entomology: New Trends and Technologies: Insects and Death by
Conflict and Resource Development in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea by
The Top Ten Death Penalty Myths: The Politics of Crime Control by Johnson, John, Gerber, Rudolph
Encyclopedia of Gangs by
Pockets of Crime: Broken Windows, Collective Efficacy, and the Criminal Point of View by St Jean, Peter K. B.
Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity, and the Commerce of Sex by Bernstein, Elizabeth
Historic Photos of Chicago Crime: The Capone Era by
Understanding Prison Staff by
Informal Reckonings: Conflict Resolution in Mediation, Restorative Justice, and Reparations by Woolford, Andrew, Ratner, R. S.
Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment - The Provider′s Guide: Strategies for Self-Improvement and Change; Pathways to Responsible Livin by Wanberg, Kenneth W., Milkman, Harvey B.
Die Theorie der differentiellen Assoziation / Verstärkung: Ein Erklärungsversuch des Rechtsextremismus by Schönfelder, Steffen
Papers Relating To The Garrison Mob (1870) by Lyman, Theodore
Criminal Responsibility And Social Constraint (1912) by McConnell, Ray Madding
Exploration of Remorse as a Transformative Experience for Young Adults - Restorative Justice and Homeless Youth by Callaizakis-Higgins, Georgane
Personality Development of the Serial Murderer by De Wet, Jackie
Assessing the Use and Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders by Matthews, Roger, Easton, Helen, Briggs, Daniel
Signature Killers by Keppel, Robert
The Long View of Crime: A Synthesis of Longitudinal Research by
Trauma Transformed: An Empowerment Response by
Trauma Transformed: An Empowerment Response by
Crafting Transnational Policing: Police Capacity-Building and Global Policing Reform by
Crafting Transnational Policing: Police Capacity-Building and Global Policing Reform by
Communicating Rights: The Language of Arrest and Detention by Rock, F.
Sex Offenders and Public Policy by
The Modern Social Conflict: The Politics of Liberty by
Cities in a Time of Terror: Space, Territory, and Local Resilience: Space, Territory, and Local Resilience by Savitch, H. V.
Organized Crime: Culture, Markets and Policies by
Institutional Racism: A Primer on Theory and Strategies for Social Change by Better, Shirley
The Politics of Antisocial Behaviour: Amoral Panics by Waiton, Stuart
Blessed with Evil: A Story of the Hell's Angels and the Evil Spirits Motorcycle Clubs by Senia, Parco
New World Orders: Violence, Sanction, and Authority in the Colonial Americas by
The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town by Grisham, John
"Kill one, frighten thousand." - Eine Inhaltsanalyse der massenmedialen Thematisierung des Linksterrorismus zwischen 1970 und 1990 by Schomaker, Christine
Communities, Identities and Crime by Spalek, Basia
Communities, Identities and Crime by Spalek, Basia
Addressing Violence, Abuse and Oppression: Debates and Challenges by
Zero Tolerance Policing by Punch, Maurice
From Soldiers to Citizens: Demilitarization of Conflict and Society by Porto, João Gomes, Alden, Chris
A Selection of Leading Cases in the Criminal Law by Shirley, Walter S.
Addressing Violence, Abuse and Oppression: Debates and Challenges by
Poverty, Policy and the State: The Changing Face of Social Security by O'Brien, Mike
A Life Sentence by Gardner, Kenneth Whitey
The Innocence Commission: Preventing Wrongful Convictions and Restoring the Criminal Justice System by Gould, Jon B.
Terrorism, Rights and the Rule of Law by Vaughan, Barry, Kilcommins, Shane
Conflict: 2nd Edition by Fast, Larissa, Druckman, Daniel
Decolonizing Conservation: Caring for Maori Meeting Houses outside New Zealand by
Power, Conflict and Criminalisation by Scraton, Phil
Police Administration in Africa: Toward Theory and Practice in the English-Speaking Countries by Delete
The 'Million Dollar Inmate': The Financial and Social Burden of Nonviolent Offenders by Ahn-Redding, Heather
Experiments in Criminology and Law: A Research Revolution by
Experiments in Criminology and Law: A Research Revolution by
On Violence: A Reader by
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