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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2008

Culture in Chaos: An Anthropology of the Social Condition in War by Lubkemann, Stephen C.
An Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice by Crowther-Dowey, Chris
War Torture Terror by
Revolution in the Making of the Modern World: Social Identities, Globalization and Modernity by
Doing Security: Critical Reflections and an Agenda for Change by Button, M.
Community, Conflict and the State: Rethinking Notions of 'safety', 'cohesion' and 'wellbeing' by Cooper, C.
Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict: Understanding Group Violence in Multiethnic Societies by
Feminism and Criminal Justice: A Historical Perspective by Logan, Anne
Marxism and Criminological Theory: A Critique and a Toolkit by Cowling, Mark
Gender and Interpersonal Violence: Language, Action and Representation by
Punishment and Control in Historical Perspective by
Sex, Violence and the Body: The Erotics of Wounding by
Exile to Siberia, 1590-1822 by Gentes, A.
Male Rape: The Emergence of a Social and Legal Issue by Abdullah-Khan, N.
Intelligence, Security and Policing Post-9/11: The Uk's Response to the 'War on Terror' by Phythian, Mark
Ordinary People as Mass Murderers: Perpetrators in Comparative Perspectives by
Multi-Choice Policing in Africa by Baker, Bruce
Managing Personality Disordered Offenders in the Community: A Psychological Approach by Dowsett, John, Craissati, Jackie
Defending the Undefendable (Large Print Edition): The Pimp, Prostitute, Scab, Slumlord, Libeler, Moneylender, and Other Scapegoats in the Rogue's Gall (Large Print Edition) by Hayek, Frederich a., Block, Walter
Handbook of Restorative Justice: A Global Perspective by
Good Punishment?: Christian Moral Practice and U.S. Imprisonment by Logan, James Samuel
The World of Crime: Breaking the Silence on Problems of Security, Justice, and Development Across the World by Van Dijk, Jan
Federal Prison & Federal Prison Camp a Beginner's Guidebook for First Time Inmates by Vincent, Steve
All God's Children: The Bosket Family and the American Tradition of Violence by Butterfield, Fox
King's Cutters and Smugglers: 1700-1855 by Chatterton, E. Keble
King's Cutters and Smugglers: 1700-1855 by Chatterton, E. Keble
The Theatre of Genocide: Four Plays about Mass Murder in Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Armenia by
Modern Theories Of Criminality (1911) by De Quiros, Constancio Bernaldo
The Culture of Vengeance and the Fate of American Justice by Aladjem, Terry K.
The Culture of Vengeance and the Fate of American Justice by Aladjem, Terry K.
Amok. Amokläufe Jugendlicher an Bildungseinrichtungen: Erklärungsansätze mit Hilfe soziologischer Theorien by Brumme, Robert
Legal Minds: Detecting Rogue Police Officers and Other Important Law Enforcement Issues by Davis, Robert L.
Is the Death Penalty Dying?: Special Issue by
The Temper of Our Time by Hoffer, Eric
A Deafening Silence: Hidden Violence Against Women and Children by Romito, Patrizia
Landscape of Terror by Severino, Catalina Cortez
Hooligans: Fußballfans, missverstandene Jugendliche, Gewalttäter? by Birnbach, Marius
Essays of a Penitentiary Philosopher by Torsrud, Phillip
Guys and Guns Amok: Domestic Terrorism and School Shootings from the Oklahoma City Bombing to the Virginia Tech Massacre by Kellner, Douglas
Die Polizeistaatlichkeit im Preußen des 19. Jahrhunderts by Mertens, Karsten
The Legend of St Yves: Law, Justice and Mediation (Colour Edition) by Gibson, Bryan
Sexual Offending and Mental Health: Multidisciplinary Management in the Community by
Political Violence and the Construction of National Identity in Latin America by Lambert, Peter
Paying for Pleasure: Men Who Buy Sex by Sanders, Teela
Artificial Crime Analysis Systems: Using Computer Simulations and Geographic Information Systems by
Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms by Wright, James D.
Texas Death Row: Executions in the Modern Era by
Violence and Serious Theft: Development and Prediction from Childhood to Adulthood by
David Berkowitz - Son of Sam (Biography) by Biographiq
Myth of the Hanging Tree: Stories of Crime and Punishment in Territorial New Mexico by Tórrez, Robert J.
Outlaws & Desperados: A New Mexico Federal Writers' Project Book by
The Gambino Crime Family - A Mafia Family Revealed (Biography) by Biographiq
The History Of Conspiracy And Abuse Of Legal Procedure (1921) by Winfield, Percy Henry
August Spies, Plaintiffs Vs. The People Of The State Of Illinois, Defendant V1: Error To The Criminal Court Of Cook County, Abstract Of Record (1887) by Salomon and Zeisler, Swett, Leonard, Black, W. P.
Crime, Social Control and Human Rights: From Moral Panics to States of Denial, Essays in Honour of Stanley Cohen by
Torn Velvet by Zammit, Mary-Anne
Punishment and Culture by Smith, Philip
Making Good: Prisons, Punishment and Beyond (Second Edition) by Wright, Martin, Wright
Neverending Wars: The International Community, Weak States, and the Perpetuation of Civil War by Hironaka, Ann
Handbook of Forensic Mental Health by
Handbook of Forensic Mental Health by
Young Warriors: Youth Politics, Identity and Violence in South Africa by Marks, Monique
Getting Played: African American Girls, Urban Inequality, and Gendered Violence by Miller, Jody
The Technology of Policing: Crime Mapping, Information Technology, and the Rationality of Crime Control by Manning, Peter K.
Conflict Management and African Politics: Ripeness, Bargaining, and Mediation by
Cultural Warfare and Trust: Fighting the Mafia in Palermo by Gunnarson, Carina
Introduction to Criminology: A Text/Reader by Hemmens, Craig, Walsh, Anthony
Death by a Thousand Cuts by Blue, Gregory, Brook, Timothy, Bourgon, Jérôme
Unsettling Accounts: Neither Truth nor Reconciliation in Confessions of State Violence by Payne, Leigh A.
The Daughters of Juarez: A True Story of Serial Murder South of the Border by Rodriguez, Teresa, Montané, Diana
Getting Played: African American Girls, Urban Inequality, and Gendered Violence by Miller, Jody
Bygone Punishments by Andrews, William
The Crisis of Imprisonment: Protest, Politics, and the Making of the American Penal State, 1776 1941 by McLennan, Rebecca M.
The Crisis of Imprisonment by McLennan, Rebecca M.
Blood On the Table: The Greatest Cases of New York City's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner by Evans, Colin
Corporate Crime: A Reference Handbook by Hartley, Richard D.
Chinese Human Smuggling Organizations: Families, Social Networks, and Cultural Imperatives by Zhang, Sheldon X.
Social Psychology of Intergroup Reconciliation: From Violent Conflict to Peaceful Co-Existence by
Prison State by Useem, Bert, Morrison Piehl, Anne
Prison State: The Challenge of Mass Incarceration by Piehl, Anne Morrison, Useem, Bert
Chasing Justice: My Story of Freeing Myself After Two Decades on Death Row for a Crime I Didn't Commit by Cook, Kerry Max
Juvenile Justice: A Text/Reader by Lawrence, Richard A., Hemmens, Craig T.
From Rebellion to Riots: Collective Violence on Indonesian Borneo by Davidson, Jamie S.
Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition by Deflem, Mathieu
Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition by Deflem, Mathieu
Scumbag Sewer Rats by Smethers, John E.
Silent Victim Running Free: A True Story About One Woman's Struggle To Survive The Abuse, Deception, And Cruel Acts Of One Man And His Family, And by Mayer, Lisa Brassard
Mommy Didn't Know by Bishop, January
Conflict, Violence, and Displacement in Indonesia by
Conflict, Violence, and Displacement in Indonesia by
Pirates and Privateers from the Low Countries, C.1500-C.1810 by Ritsema, Alex
Savage Constructions: The Myth of African Savagery by Hamblet, Wendy C.
The Handbook of Community Safety Gender and Violence Prevention: Practical Planning Tools by Whitzman, Carolyn
Savage Constructions: The Myth of African Savagery by Hamblet, Wendy C.
Mädchengangs in Deutschland und den USA: Ein Vergleich by Grebing, Melanie, Grebing, Katrin
Researching Criminology by Semmens, Natasha, Crow, Iain
Understanding Modernisation in Criminal Justice by Senior, Paul, Crowther-Dowey, Chris
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: Evidence, Policy and Practice by Marshall, William L., Wortley, Richard, Smallbone, Stephen
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: Evidence, Policy and Practice by Marshall, William L., Wortley, Richard, Smallbone, Stephen
Prepared Not Paranoid: Lessons from Law Enforcement for Living Every Day Safely by Graves, Doug, Kemp, Jana
Women and Capital Punishment in America, 1840-1899: Death Sentences and Executions in the United States and Canada by Segrave, Kerry
International Criminology: A Critical Introduction by Bessant, Judith, Hil, Richard, Watts, Rob
Comparative Deviance: Perception and Law in Six Cultures by Newman, Graeme R., Wolfgang, Marvin E.
Releasing Prisoners, Redeeming Communities: Reentry, Race, and Politics by Thompson, Anthony C.
Conflict: Violence and Nonviolence by Fisher, Margaret
Children as Victims by
International Criminology: A Critical Introduction by Hil, Richard, Bessant, Judith, Watts, Rob
Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty by Wilson, Eric
Liar by McManus, Barry L.
Researching Theories of Crime and Deviance by Krohn, Marvin D., Kubrin, Charis E., Stucky, Thomas D.
Surveillance and Governance: Crime Control and Beyond by
The Accidental Warden: My Unexpected Year as Warden of the California Women's Prison by Carey, Brook
The Accidental Warden: My Unexpected Year as Warden of the California Women's Prison by Carey, Brook
Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis by Jeong, Ho-Won
Faith and Impiety in Revolutionary Mexico by
Societal Breakdown and the Rise of the Early Modern State in Europe: Memory of the Future by Shlapentokh, D.
Faith and Impiety in Revolutionary Mexico by
U.S. Penitentiary Leavenworth by Lamaster, Kenneth M.
Korruption und der Ausweg - Analysen zum Korruptionsproblem und mögliche Lösungsstrategien by Dolata, Uwe, Kreitel, Rolf
Gewalt an Schulen, Jugendkriminalität und Sozialstruktur: Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorien abweichenden und kriminellen Verhaltens by Kerscher, Karl-Heinz Ignatz
Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy by Manza, Jeff, Uggen, Christopher
Maras, Pandillas Y Desviacion Social by Sanchez Velasquez, Hector Gustavo
The Body in the Reservoir: Murder and Sensationalism in the South by Trotti, Michael Ayers
The Problem of Punishment by Boonin, David
The Problem of Punishment by Boonin, David
Punishing Persistent Offenders: Exploring Community and Offender Perspectives by Roberts, Julian V.
Sexual Assault and the Justice Gap: A Question of Attitude by Temkin, Jennifer, Krahé, Barbara
Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System by Phillips, Daniel W., III
Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System by Phillips, Daniel W., III
Colonial Systems of Control: Criminal Justice in Nigeria by
Applied Criminology by
Tales from Spandau by Goda, Norman J. W.
Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict: Understanding Group Violence in Multiethnic Societies by
Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict: Understanding Group Violence in Multiethnic Societies by
Community Education and Crime Prevention by Ward, Carolyn Siemens
Victims' Rights, Human Rights and Criminal Justice: Reconceiving the Role of Third Parties by Doak, Jonathan
Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime Control in International Relations by Nadelmann, Ethan, Andreas, Peter
Art, Violence, and Social Change by Herman, Karen
Last Chance in Texas: The Redemption of Criminal Youth by Hubner, John
Exile to Siberia, 1590-1822 by Gentes, A.
Art of Darkness: Ingenious Performances by Undercover Operators, Con Men, and Others by Schneider, Sara K.
Art of Darkness: Ingenious Performances by Undercover Operators, Con Men, and Others by Schneider, Sara K.
Understanding and Preventing Campus Violence by
Organised Crime and the Challenge to Democracy by
Assessing Risk in Sex Offenders: A Practitioner's Guide by Browne, Kevin D., Beech, Anthony R., Craig, Leam A.
Criminal Justice Issues and the African-American Community by Murty, Komanduri S.
Integrated Developmental and Life-course Theories of Offending by Farrington, David P.
Police in the Age of Improvement: Police Development and the Civic Tradition in Scotland, 1775-1865 by Barrie, David
Religion, Terror and Violence: Religious Studies Perspectives by
Dying City by Shinn, Christopher
Religion, Terror and Violence: Religious Studies Perspectives by
Fascism and Democracy in the Human Mind: A Bridge Between Mind and Society by Charny, Israel W.
Doing Time Together: Love and Family in the Shadow of the Prison by Comfort, Megan
American Furies: Crime, Punishment, and Vengeance in the Age of Mass Imprisonment by Abramsky, Sasha
Beyond Papillon: The French Overseas Penal Colonies, 1854-1952 by Toth, Stephen A.
In an Abusive State: How Neoliberalism Appropriated the Feminist Movement against Sexual Violence by Bumiller, Kristin
Crucible of Conflict: Tamil and Muslim Society on the East Coast of Sri Lanka by McGilvray, Dennis B.
Working Hard, Drinking Hard: On Violence and Survival in Honduras by Pine, Adrienne
Youth Justice and the New Street Urchins in Canada by Powelson, Kathy
Humour and Social Protest by
Dehumanization Is Not An Option: An Inquiry Into The Exercise Of Authority Against Perceived Wrongdoers by Sherrer, Hans
Mexican American Girls and Gang Violence: Beyond Risk by Valdez, A.
The Criminal Justice System: An Introduction by Gibson, Gibson, Bryan, Cavadino, Paul
Criminals in the Making: Criminality Across the Life Course by Wright, John Paul, Tibbetts, Stephen G., Daigle, Leah E.
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V16 #2 by
Restorative Justice: From Theory to Practice by
Gender and Genocide in Burundi: The Search for Spaces of Peace in the Great Lakes Region by Daley, Patricia O.
Out of Control: Assessing the General Theory of Crime by
Out of Control: Assessing the General Theory of Crime by
Risk Perception, Awareness and Prevention Measures to Reduce Underage Drinking and the Illegal Purchase of Alcohol in Malta by Borg Ellul, Duncan Aaron
Jugendgewalt und Jugendkonflikte by Ohliger, Annika
The Irish War on Drugs: The Seductive Folly of Prohibition by O'Mahony, Paul
Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty by
Crime and Circumstance: Investigating the History of Forensic Science by Bell, Suzanne
Lizzie Borden Took an Axe, or Did She? a Rhetorical Inquiry by Holba, Annette M.
The Punishment Response by Newman, Graeme R.
Crimes Against Nature: Environmental Criminology and Ecological Justice by White, Rob
When Mothers Kill: Interviews from Prison by Oberman, Michelle, Meyer, Cheryl L.
Understanding Terrorism: Building on the Sociological Imagination by Phillips, Bernard S.
Crimes Against Nature: Environmental Criminology and Ecological Justice by White, Rob
Peacebuilding in Traumatized Societies by
The Insanity Defense the World Over by Ahn-Redding, Heather, Simon, Rita J.
Sex Crimes: Patterns and Behavior by Holmes, Ronald M., Holmes, Stephen T.
Conflict and Conflict Management by Himes, Joseph S.
The Irish War on Drugs: The Seductive Folly of Prohibition by O'Mahony, Paul
Mafia Brotherhoods: Organized Crime, Italian Style by Paoli, Letizia
The Trauma of Psychological Torture by
A Typology of Domestic Violence: Intimate Terrorism, Violent Resistance, and Situational Couple Violence by Johnson, Michael P.
Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence by Miller, Rory
Restorative Justice, Self-Interest and Responsible Citizenship by Walgrave, Lode
Restorative Justice, Self-Interest and Responsible Citizenship by Walgrave, Lode
The Trinitarian Self by Bellinger, Charles K.
The Silent South: Together with the Freedman's Case in Equity and the Convict Lease System (1885) by Cable, George Washington
American Criminal Trials V1 (1844) by Chandler, Peleg W.
Criminal Responsibility And Social Constraint (1912) by McConnell, Ray Madding
The History Of Conspiracy And Abuse Of Legal Procedure (1921) by Winfield, Percy Henry
The Extraordinary Life And Trial Of Madame Rachel At The Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London, 1868 (1868) by Ballantine, Serjeant, Seymour, W. Digby
Criminology (1914) by Garofalo, Raffaele
When Children Kill Children: Penal Populism and Political Culture by Green, David A.
Renovating Russia by Beer, Daniel
See More