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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2012

Police by Dempsey, John S., Forst, Linda S.
Shopping and Crime by Bamfield, J.
Prisons, Punishment and the Pursuit of Security by Drake, D.
Witnesses to Terror: Understanding the Meanings and Consequences of Terrorism by Howie, L.
The International Crime Drop: New Directions in Research by
Constructing Crime: Discourse and Cultural Representations of Crime and 'deviance' by
Organized Crime, Political Transitions and State Formation in Post-Soviet Eurasia by Kupatadze, A.
Public Security in the Negotiated State: Policing in Latin America and Beyond by Müller, Markus-Michael
Terrorism: A Philosophical Enquiry by Schwenkenbecher, A.
Transgressive Imaginations: Crime, Deviance and Culture by Seal, L., O'Neill, M.
Children, Morality and Society by Frankel, S.
Murder, Gender and the Media: Narratives of Dangerous Love by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Global Media Apocalypse: Pleasure, Violence and the Cultural Imaginings of Doom by Lewis, Jeff
Borders and Crime: Pre-Crime, Mobility and Serious Harm in an Age of Globalization by
A Political Ecology of Youth and Crime by Bottrell, D., France, A., Armstrong, D.
Globalization, Police Reform and Development: Doing It the Western Way? by Ellison, G., Pino, N.
White-Collar Crime: Accounts of Offending Behaviour by Goldstraw-White, J.
Race, Ethnicity, Crime and Criminal Justice in the Americas by
Terrorist's Creed: Fanatical Violence and the Human Need for Meaning by Griffin, R.
Politics, Judicial Review, and the Russian Constitutional Court by Thorson, s.
Raw Deal by McKay, Wayne
Aussie Prison Breaks by Tog, Joe
Racial Disparities in Capital Sentencing: Prejudice and Discrimination in the Jury Room by Flexon, Jamie L.
Police Ethics: A Matter of Character by Perez, Douglas, Moore, J.
The Global Victimization of Children: Problems and Solutions by Priyadarsini, S., Hartjen, Clayton A.
Gunfire-Graffiti: Overlooked Gun Crime in the UK by Seiber, Seiber, Matthew
The Problem of Pleasure: Leisure, Tourism and Crime by
The Aesthetics of Violence in Contemporary Media by Symonds, Gwyn
Cleansing Honor with Blood: Masculinity, Violence, and Power in the Backlands of Northeast Brazil, 1845a 1889 by Santos, Martha
Crime and Law Enforcement in the Colony of New York, 1691-1776 by Greenberg, Douglas S.
Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa: What Implications for Democratic Consolidation? by Omotola, J. Shola
The Challenge of Sub-Regional Security in West Africa: The Case of the 2006 Ecowas Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons by Darkwa, Linda
Resozialisierungsmaßnahmen im Strafvollzug by Tluczikont, Agnes
The Femicide Machine by Gonzalez Rodriguez, Sergia
What Virtue There Is in Fire: Cultural Memory and the Lynching of Sam Hose by Arnold, Edwin T.
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Alexander, Michelle
Teaching Contested Narratives by Zembylas, Michalinos, Bekerman, Zvi
Life Without Bullying: A Practical Guide by Bevan, Lynda
Moderne Italienische Strafrechtsdenker by
Amok - Ausdruck der Verzweiflung by Dang, David
Murder Stories: Ideological Narratives in Capital Punishment by Kaplan, Paul
Sex, Crime and Morality by Dwyer, Angela, Hayes, Sharon, Carpenter, Belinda
Love Always Wins: Hope for Healing the Epidemic of Violence by Hazen, David M.
Media and Terrorism by
Eyes Everywhere: The Global Growth of Camera Surveillance by
Organized Crime, Political Transitions and State Formation in Post-Soviet Eurasia by Kupatadze, A.
Race, Ethnicity, Crime and Criminal Justice in the Americas by
Sex, Crime and Morality by Dwyer, Angela, Hayes, Sharon, Carpenter, Belinda
Girls, Women, and Crime: Selected Readings by
Queering Conflict: Examining Lesbian and Gay Experiences of Homophobia in Northern Ireland by Duggan, Marian
Policing at the Top: The Roles, Values and Attitudes of Chief Police Officers by Caless, Bryn
Policing at the Top: The Roles, Values and Attitudes of Chief Police Officers by Caless, Bryn
Doing Time in the Depression: Everyday Life in Texas and California Prisons by Blue, Ethan
Battleground New York City: Countering Spies, Saboteurs, and Terrorists Since 1861 by Reppetto, Thomas A.
Violent Victorians: Popular Entertainment in Nineteenth-Century London by Crone, Rosalind
The Different Systems of Penal Codes in Europe; Also a Report on the Administrative Changes in France, Since the Revolution of 1848. by Sanford, Henry Shelton
Child Pornography: Law and Policy by Gillespie, Alisdair A.
Gender Violence at the U.S.-Mexico Border: Media Representation and Public Response by
Remarkable Trials of All Countries; Particularly of the United States, Great Britain, Ireland and France: With Notes and Speeches of Counsel by Dunphy, Thomas
No Colors: 100 Ways to Stop Gangs from Taking Away Our Communities by Kipper, Bobby, Ramey, Bud
Remarkable Trials of All Countries; Particularly of the United States, Great Britain, Ireland and France: With Notes and Speeches of Counsel by Dunphy, Thomas
Remarkable Trials of All Countries; Particularly of the United States, Great Britain, Ireland and France. with Notes and Speeches of Counsel by Dunphy, Thomas
Violent Victorians: Popular Entertainment in Nineteenth-Century London by Crone, Rosalind
Getting Out & Staying Out: A Black Man's Guide to Success After Prison by Boothe, Demico
Confronting Genocide by
Seminararbeit zum Thema Jugendkriminalität by Baumann, Thekla, Heidschuster, Tina
Media, Social Mobilisation and Mass Protests in Post-colonial Hong Kong: The Power of a Critical Event by Chan, Joseph M., Lee, Francis L. F.
Politics, Judicial Review, and the Russian Constitutional Court by Thorson, s.
Yardbird USA: How the United States Became the World's Leading Jailer (Musings of a Trial Lawyer) by Cline, Jack
Mad or Bad?: A Few Thumbnail Sketches by Wakely, James
Reoffending: A Practitioner's Guide to Working with Offenders and Offending Behaviour in the Criminal Justice System by Hussey, Jonathan
Models of Massive Parallelism: Analysis of Cellular Automata and Neural Networks by Garzon, Max
Legends, Monsters, or Serial Murderers? The Real Story Behind an Ancient Crime by Gibson, Dirk
Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act: Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Report by Fain, Terry
Crimes Against Criminals by Ingersoll, Robert G.
The Judicial Murder of Mary E. Surratt by DeWitt, David Miller
Why Did You Do It?: Explanations for Offending by Young Offenders in Their Own Words by Worrall, Jackie
Illegality of the Trial of John W. Webster by Spooner, Lysander
The Loeb-Leopold Case by Sellers, Alvin V.
Eyes Everywhere: The Global Growth of Camera Surveillance by
Defining Danger: American Assassins and the New Domestic Terrorists by Clarke, James W.
A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis by Colquhoun, Patrick
Remarkable Trials of All Countries; With the Evidence and Speeches of Counsel, Court Scenes, Incidents, &C. Compiled from Official Sources by Dunphy, Thomas
The Ethics of Capital Punishment: A Philosophical Investigation of Evil and Its Consequences by Kramer, Matthew H.
Trial of Allen C. Laros at Easton, Pennsylvania, August, 1876, for the Murder of His Father, Martin Laros, by Poison, and His Defence, Based Upon the by Edgar, F. W.
The Little Book of Prison: A Beginners Guide by Owens, Frankie
States of Delinquency: Race and Science in the Making of California's Juvenile Justice System Volume 35 by Chavez-Garcia, Miroslava
International Conflict in the Asia-Pacific: Patterns, Consequences and Management by Oishi, Mikio, Bercovitch, Jacob
States of Delinquency: Race and Science in the Making of California's Juvenile Justice System Volume 35 by Chavez-Garcia, Miroslava
Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society by
Recueil Des Débats Des Assemblées Législatives De La France: Sur La Question De La Peine De Mort, Avec Une Introduction Et Des Annotations ...... by Lucas, Charles
Physique Sociale Ou Essai Sur Le Développement Des Facultés de l'Homme, Volume 2... by Quetelet, Adolphe
The Neurobiology of Criminal Behavior: Gene-Brain-Culture Interaction by Bolen, Jonathan D., Walsh, Anthony
Teaching Justice: Solving Social Justice Problems through University Education by Holsinger, Kristi
Blind Vengeance: The Roy Moody Mail Bomb Murders by Jenkins, Ray
Less Than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others by Smith, David Livingstone
Constructing Crime: Discourse and Cultural Representations of Crime and 'deviance' by
Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology by
Gender Violence and Hiv/AIDS in Post-Conflict West Africa: Issues and Responses by Ahonsi, Babatunde A.
Inequality and Identity: Causes of War? by Holmqvist, G. Ran, Holmqvist, Goran
Criminal Justice Report Writing by Reynolds, Jean
India'S World by Appadurai, Arjun
Keeping Faith with the Party: Communist Believers Return from the Gulag by Adler, Nanci
Buried Lives: Incarcerated in Early America by
Buried Lives: Incarcerated in Early America by
Remembering Violence: Anthropological Perspectives on Intergenerational Transmission by
The Female Offender: Girls, Women, and Crime by Pasko, Lisa Z., Chesney-Lind, Meda
In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong by Maalouf, Amin
Prison Guide: Prison Survival Secrets Revealed by Pisano, A.
Prosecution Complex: America's Race to Convict and Its Impact on the Innocent by Medwed, Daniel S.
American Homicide by Roth, Randolph
Ladykiller: Ladykiller: The True Story of a Texas Cop and Wife-Killer--and the Unbelievable Perversions of Justice That Almost Set by Fielder, Donna
State Violence, Collusion and the Troubles: Counter Insurgency, Government Deviance and Northern Ireland by Punch, Maurice
Murder Made in Italy: Homicide, Media, and Contemporary Italian Culture by Nerenberg, Ellen
Gender, Heterosexuality, and Youth Violence: The Struggle for Recognition by Messerschmidt, James W.
Victims of Crime and Punishment: Interviews with Victims, Convicts, Their Families, and Support Groups by Dicks, Shirley
Do the Crime, Do the Time: Juvenile Criminals and Adult Justice in the American Court System by Ruddell, Rick, Mays, G. Larry
The Elements of Peace: How Nonviolence Works by Arment, J. Frederick
Physique Sociale Ou Essai Sur Le Développement Des Facultés De L'homme, Volume 2... by Quetelet, Adolphe
Stopping Relationship Violence - One Cop's Experience: Notes from the Desk of an Unexpected Chief by Rinehart, Larry
Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention by
Making of Captains of Lives, The: Prison Reform in Singapore: 1999 to 2007 by Chua, Chin Kiat
Shopping and Crime by Bamfield, J.
Shopping and Crime by Bamfield, J.
Crime in Canada by Crocker, Diane
The Role of the Security Officer: Security Training for the Security Professional by Jaquish, Michael James
Gender, Heterosexuality, and Youth Violence: The Struggle for Recognition by Messerschmidt, James W.
Pädosexuelle Täterstrategien im Internet by Sitter, Christopher
Violence: Analysis, Intervention, and Prevention Volume 13 by Byrne, Sean
Antiterrorist Initiatives by Wolf, John B.
The American Prison: Issues in Research and Policy by
The Trial Process by
Sexualität und Gewalt: Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern by Kurz, Heike
Mental Health and Crime by Peay, Jill
Dirty Dancing: An Ethnography of Lap Dancing by Colosi, Rachela
Punishment, Places and Perpetrators by
Situational Prevention of Organised Crimes by
The Dynamics of Desistance: Charting Pathways Through Change by Healy, Deirdre
A Certain Share of Low Cunning: A History of the Bow Street Runners, 1792-1839 by Cox, David J.
Glorious Art of Peace C by Gittings
Family Life and Youth Offending: Home is Where the Hurt is by Arthur, Raymond
Sold Into Extinction: The Global Trade in Endangered Species by Schneider, Jacqueline L.
Traditional Organized Crime in the Modern World: Responses to Socioeconomic Change by
Nevada State Prison by Loyd, Sena M., Branham, Stacy L., Riddle, Jennifer E.
Bad Man or Good Friend: The Life Story of Cliff Ragan, Outlaw by Brierly, A. A., Pearce, Robert a.
Bad Man or Good Friend: The Life Story of Cliff Ragan, Outlaw by Pearce, Robert A.
The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town by Grisham, John
The Dynamics of Conflict by Mayer, Bernard S.
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa by Stearns, Jason
Violent Protest, Contentious Politics, and the Neoliberal State by
Un Coin de la colonisation pénale: Bourail en Nouvelle-Calédonie, 1883-1885, (Éd.1886) by Nicomède, Gaston
Capital Punishment in America: Race and the Death Penalty Over Time by Urbina, Martin G.
Race, Crime and Resistance by Patel, Tina G., Tyrer, David
Theatres of Violence: Massacre, Mass Killing and Atrocity Throughout History by
Angel Eyes: A Collective Memoir of Child Sexual Abuse by Jackson, Katandra Shanel
Force Decisions: A Citizen's Guide to Understanding How Police Determine Appropriate Use of Force by Miller, Rory
The Risk of War: Everyday Sociality in the Republic of Macedonia by Neofotistos, Vasiliki P.
Conflict Resolution and Peace Education: Transformations Across Disciplines by
Criminological and Legal Consequences of Climate Change by
Mojo and Other Plays by Butterworth, Jez
The Central Park Five: The Untold Story Behind One of New York City's Most Infamous Crimes by Burns, Sarah
Understanding and Preventing Online Sexual Exploitation of Children by
Understanding and Preventing Online Sexual Exploitation of Children by
The African American Criminal Justice Guide: Staying Alive and Out of Jail -The #1 Criminaljustice Guidein America by Elmore, John V.
The Harms of Crime Media: Essays on the Perpetuation of Racism, Sexism and Class Stereotypes by
Policing and Security in Practice: Challenges and Achievements by
Policing and Security in Practice: Challenges and Achievements by
Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections by
Police Integrity Management in Australia: Global Lessons for Combating Police Misconduct by Prenzler, Tim, Porter, Louise
Pogrom in Gujarat: Hindu Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Violence in India by Ghassem-Fachandi, Parvis
The Gordon Riots by
Responding to the Threat of Violent Extremism: Failing to Prevent by Thomas, Paul
Civil Society, Conflict and Violence by List, Regina A., Dörner, Wolfgang
A Criminal History of France / Une histoire criminelle de la France by Soullez, Christophe, Bauer, Alain
Unfinished Tales From A Russian Prison by Harrison, Marguerite E.
The Sparking Discipline of Criminology: John Braithwaite and the Construction of Critical Social Science and Social Justice by
Urban Environmental Policy Analysis by Campbell, Heather E., Corley, Elizabeth A.
Why Peace Fails: The Causes and Prevention of Civil War Recurrence by Call, Charles T.
The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire by Akçam, Taner
Escape Routes: Contemporary Perspectives on Life after Punishment by
Children, Morality and Society by Frankel, S.
Genetic Justice: DNA Data Banks, Criminal Investigations, and Civil Liberties by Simoncelli, Tania, Krimsky, Sheldon
Powerful Win Win Solutions: A Practical Toolkit for Resolving Conflict in the Workplace by Lacey, Hoda
The New Bullying-How social media, social exclusion, laws and suicide have changed our definition of bullying, and what to do about it by Msu School of Journalism
Media Representations of Gender and Torture Post-9/11 by Gronnvoll, Marita
The Matrix of Derivative Criminal Liability by Hallevy, Gabriel
Varrio Warfare: Violence in the Latino Community by Morales, Gabriel C.
Stop Street Harassment: Making Public Places Safe and Welcoming for Women by Kearl, Holly
Intimate Migrations: Gender, Family, and Illegality Among Transnational Mexicans by Boehm, Deborah A.
Pathological Lying, Accusation, and Swindling: A Study in Forensic Psychology by Healy, Mary Tenney, Healy, William
Forming a Culture of Peace: Reframing Narratives of Intergroup Relations, Equity, and Justice by
Crime and Transition in Central and Eastern Europe by
The Mafia at Apalachin, 1957 by Newton, Michael
Forming a Culture of Peace: Reframing Narratives of Intergroup Relations, Equity, and Justice by
City, Street and Citizen: The Measure of the Ordinary by Hall, Suzanne
Encyclopedia of Transnational Crime & Justice by Beare, Margaret E.
Within Prison Walls by Osborne, Thomas Mott
The Role of Community-Mindedness in the Self-Regulation of Drug Cultures: A Case Study from the Shetland Islands by Stallwitz, Anke
Doing Harder Time?: The Experiences of an Ageing Male Prison Population in England and Wales by Mann, Natalie
Protecting Civilians During Violent Conflict: Theoretical and Practical Issues for the 21st Century by Primoratz, Igor
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