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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2015

Refugees, Prisoners and Camps: A Functional Analysis of the Phenomenon of Encampment by Moller, B.
Crime and the Imaginary of Disaster: Post-Apocalyptic Fictions and the Crisis of Social Order by Yar, M.
The Criminal ACT: The Role and Influence of Routine Activity Theory by
The Politics of Leverage in International Relations: Name, Shame, and Sanction by
Radical Environmentalism: Nature, Identity and More-Than-Human Agency by Cianchi, J.
Human Rights Film Festivals: Activism in Context by Tascón, Sonia M.
Criminal Capital: How the Finance Industry Facilitates Crime by Platt, S.
The Fascination of Film Violence by Bacon, Henry
Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour by Hopkins Burke, Roger, Long, Matt
International Students and Crime by McCulloch, J., Forbes-Mewett, H., Nyland, C.
Female Criminality: Infanticide, Moral Panics and the Female Body by Cossins, A.
Media, Myth and Terrorism: A Discourse-Mythological Analysis of the 'Blitz Spirit' in British Newspaper Responses to the July 7th Bombings by Kelsey, D.
Exploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales by
Young Offenders: Crime, Prison and Struggles for Desistance by Deegan, S., Halsey, M.
Human Rights in Prisons: Comparing Institutional Encounters in Kosovo, Sierra Leone and the Philippines by Gaborit, L., Jefferson, A.
Offending Women in Contemporary China: Gender and Pathways Into Crime by Shen, A.
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement by Hess Orthmann, Christine, Hess, Kären, Ladue, Shaun
The Gordon Riots by
Gangster States: Organized Crime, Kleptocracy and Political Collapse by Hirschfeld, K.
Crook Frightfulness by Victim, A.
Key Concepts in Crime and Society by Donnermeyer, Joseph F., Coomber, Ross, McElrath, Karen
Ferguson: Criminal Justice, Media And Race: CRIMSOC Report 2 by Leonard, Liam
The Magnificent Miracle by Klein, Jarrett Nathan
The Last Gun: How Changes in the Gun Industry Are Killing Americans and What It Will Take to Stop It by Diaz, Tom
U.S. Army Human Intelligence Collector Field Manual by Department of the Army
Carceral Geography: Spaces and Practices of Incarceration by Moran, Dominique
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Child Sexual Abuse by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquen, U. S. Department of Justice
Household Poverty and Nonfatal Violent Victimization, 2008 - 2012 by U. S. Department of Justice
Data Mining and Predictive Analysis: Intelligence Gathering and Crime Analysis by McCue, Colleen
Challenging Neoliberalism at Turkey's Gezi Park: From Private Discontent to Collective Class Action by Peker, E., Gürcan, E.
Violence as Good for Those Who Commit It: A Reader by Gilgun Phd, Jane F.
Community Criminology: Fundamentals of Spatial and Temporal Scaling, Ecological Indicators, and Selectivity Bias by Taylor, Ralph B.
Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice: 2013 Recommendations to the President, Congress, and OJJDP Administrator by U. S. Department of Justice, Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile J.
Criminal Capital: How the Finance Industry Facilitates Crime by Platt, S.
Human Rights Film Festivals: Activism in Context by Tascón, Sonia M.
Virtuous Violence by Fiske, Alan Page, Rai, Tage Shakti
Atwood Hall: An inside guide to life At the Women's Federal Prison Camp in Lexington, Kentucky by Sanity, Faith
Sexual Abuse: Impacts and Approaches by
The Illegal Business of Human Trafficking by
Juvenile Arrests 2010 by U. S. Depar Tment of Justice
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2010: Selected Findings by U. S. Department of Justice
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2006: Selected Findings by U. S. Department of Justice
Secure the Soul: Christian Piety and Gang Prevention in Guatemala by O'Neill, Kevin Lewis
Secure the Soul: Christian Piety and Gang Prevention in Guatemala by O'Neill, Kevin Lewis
The Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy Trial and Its Legacy by Hatch, Frederick
Investigating Child Fatalities by U. S. Department of Justice
Die Entwicklung Der Gewaltkriminalität in Deutschland: Theoretische Erklärungsansätze Im Empirischen Vergleich by Birkel, Christoph
Honor Killings in the Twenty-First Century by Pope, N.
The Concept of the Civilian: Legal Recognition, Adjudication and the Trials of International Criminal Justice by Garbett, Claire
Youth Gang Programs and Strategies by U. S. Department of Justice
Youth Gang Programs and Strategies by U. S. Department of Justice
Youth Gangs: An Overview by U. S. Department of Justice
Youth Gangs: An Overview by U. S. Department of Justice
The Conflict Paradox: Seven Dilemmas at the Core of Disputes by Mayer, Bernard S.
Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs by Hari, Johann
Letters to a Lifer: The Boy 'Never to be Released' by Sanford, Cindy
Female Criminality: Infanticide, Moral Panics and the Female Body by Cossins, A.
Perverse Identities: Identities in Conflict by
The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective by Fbi Academy
Meltdown in Haditha: The Killing of 24 Iraqi Civilians by U.S. Marines and the Failure of Military Justice by Englade, Kenneth F.
Epidemiological Criminology: Theory to Practice by
Policing Cities: Urban Securitization and Regulation in a 21st Century World by
The Weight of Violence: Religion, Language, Politics by
Body Dump: Kendall Francois, the Poughkeepsie Serial Killer by Rosen, Fred
Social Media as Surveillance: Rethinking Visibility in a Converging World by Trottier, Daniel
Handbook of Computational Approaches to Counterterrorism by
School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies, and Concepts for Prevention by
From Police to Security Professional: A Guide to a Successful Career Transition by D'Angelo, Michael S.
Policing Across Borders: Law Enforcement Networks and the Challenges of Crime Control by
Gangs in the Caribbean: Responses of State and Society by
Returning to Revolution: Deleuze, Guattari and Zapatismo by Nail, Thomas
The Executioner's Men: Los Zetas, Rogue Soldiers, Criminal Entrepreneurs, and the Shadow State They Created by
How To Leave Prison Early: Florida Clemency, Parole and Work Release by Garcia, Reggie
The Subterranean Brotherhood by Hawthorne, Julian
Globalisation, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice: Theoretical, Comparative and Transnational Perspectives by
Criminology and War: Transgressing the Borders by
Transitional Justice and Legacies of State Violence by White, Lisa
Environmental Harm: An Eco-Justice Perspective by White, Rob
A Companion to Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Risk by
A Companion to Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Risk by
Inside Crown Court: Personal Experiences and Questions of Legitimacy by Jacobson, Jessica, Hunter, Gillian, Kirby, Amy
Capital Punishment in the U.S. States: Executing Social Inequality by Archibald, Sarah I.
Positive Criminology by
The Wicked Mr Hall - The Memoirs of the Butler Who Loved to Kill by Archibald Hall, Roy
Peace and War and Peace: The Heart in Transformation by Ginsberg, Mitchell D.
Jugendkriminalität in Deutschland: Delinquenz verstehen by Teichmann, Barbara
Collective Efficacy Theory and Perceptions of Crime: Documenting Neighborhood Context Effects by Battin, Joshua R.
Unlucky Number: The Murder of Lottery Winner Abraham Shakespeare by Smith, Gregory Todd, Mathis, Deborah
Mama Koko and the Hundred Gunmen: An Ordinary Family's Extraordinary Tale of Love, Loss, and Survival in Congo by Shannon, Lisa J.
Creativity and Humour in Occupy Movements: Intellectual Disobedience in Turkey and Beyond by
Criminal Law by Russell, Katheryn K., Davis, Angela J.
American Murder Houses: A Coast-To-Coast Tour of the Most Notorious Houses of Homicide by Lehto, Steve
Irregular Army: How the Us Military Recruited Neo-Nazis, Gang Members, and Criminals to Fight the War on Terror by Kennard, Matt
Criminological Theory in Context by Chamberlain, John Martyn
Cheap on Crime: Recession-Era Politics and the Transformation of American Punishment by Aviram, Hadar
Gangster States: Organized Crime, Kleptocracy and Political Collapse by Hirschfeld, K.
Cheap on Crime: Recession-Era Politics and the Transformation of American Punishment by Aviram, Hadar
Decoding Albanian Organized Crime: Culture, Politics, and Globalization by Arsovska, Jana
Decoding Albanian Organized Crime: Culture, Politics, and Globalization by Arsovska, Jana
Tennessee Convicts: Early Records of the State Penitentiary 1831-1850. Volume 1 by Sherrill, Tomye M., Sherrill, Charles A.
Serial Murderers and Their Victims by Hickey, Eric W.
The State, Identity and Violence: Political Disintegration in the Post-Cold War World by
National and International Conflicts, 1945-1995: New Empirical and Theoretical Approaches by Pfetsch, Frank R., Rohloff, Christoph
101 pactos de seguridad: Desarrolla la capacidad de tus hijos a enfrentar los peligros de hoy by Ben-Nun, Guy
Eternal Criminal Record by Jacobs, James B.
The Criminal ACT: The Role and Influence of Routine Activity Theory by
Art on Trial: Art Therapy in Capital Murder Cases by Gussak, David
Making Things Right: Activities that Teach Restorative Justice, Conflict Resolution, Mediation, and Discipline That Restores Includes 32 De by Claassen, Roxanne Harvin, Claassen, Ron
Lynchings in Kansas, 1850s-1932 by Frazier, Harriet C.
The Machinery of Criminal Justice by Bibas, Stephanos
City Crime Rankings 2015 by
Gun Trafficking in America by Weisser, Michael R.
Criminal Evidence: Principles and Cases by Gardner, Thomas, Anderson, Terry
Child Delinquency: Early Intervention and Prevention - Scholar's Choice Edition by
The Compassion Switch by Semmelroth Phd, Carl
What Is Criminology About?: Philosophical Reflections by
Radical Feminism: Feminist Activism in Movement by MacKay, F.
Curious Punishments of Bygone Days by Earle, Alice Morse
Behandlung Von Straftätern: Sozialtherapie, Maßregelvollzug, Sicherungsverwahrung by
Stockholmed: 11 years surviving domestic violence by Larson, David W.
Rough Justice: Citizens' Experiences of Mistreatment and Injustice in the Early Stages of Law Enforcement by Williams, Roger
Manson, Sinatra and Me: A Hollywood Party Girl's Memoir and How She Helped Vincent Bugliosi with the Helter Skelter Case by Graham, Virginia
Coexistence in Wartime Lebanon: Decline of a State and Rise of a Nation by Hanf, Theodor
The Concise Dictionary of Crime and Justice by Davis, Mark S.
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V23 #2 by
Criminal Justice Theory: Explaining the Nature and Behavior of Criminal Justice by
The Sequential Intercept Model and Criminal Justice: Promoting Community Alternatives for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness by
Locked Up for Life: America's Most Powerful Gangs Behind Prison Bars by Rizer, A. K. a.
Documenting Gendered Violence: Representations, Collaborations, and Movements by
The Culture of Urban Control: Jail Overcrowding in the Crime Control Era by Walsh, John P.
Terror Crime Prevention with Communities by Spalek, Basia
Crime in England 1815-1880: Experiencing the criminal justice system by Johnston, Helen
Exploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales by
The Big House: Image and Reality of the American Prison by Cox, Stephen
Loneliness Misery: Zaval-e Tanhaei by Lindberg, Unni Wenche
Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow: an organizing guide by Hunter, Daniel
Human on the Inside: Unlocking the Truth about Canada's Prisons by Garrison, Gary
Environmental Crime and Social Conflict: Contemporary and Emerging Issues by
Preventing Human Trafficking: Education and NGOs in Thailand by Spires, Robert W.
Combating Violence and Discrimination Against Women: A Global Call to Action by Subcommittee on International Operations
Juvenile Justice: Youth and Crime in Australia by Richards, Kelly, Cunneen, Chris, White, Rob
The Politics of Protection Rackets in Post-New Order Indonesia: Coercive Capital, Authority and Street Politics by Wilson, Ian Douglas
Why Men Buy Sex: Examining sex worker clients by Birch, Philip
In the World of the Outcasts: Notes of a Former Penal Laborer, Volume I by Filippovich Iakubovich, Pëtr
In the World of the Outcasts: Notes of a Former Penal Laborer, Volume II by Filippovich Iakubovich, Pëtr
An Introduction to Critical Criminology by Ugwudike, Pamela
An Introduction to Critical Criminology by Ugwudike, Pamela
The Spectacle of the False-Flag: Parapolitics from JFK to Watergate by Wilson, Eric
Urban Violence in the Middle East: Changing Cityscapes in the Transformation from Empire to Nation State by
A Home for Wayward Boys: The Early History of the Alabama Boys' Industrial School by Armor, Jerry C.
Blamestorming, Blamemongers and Scapegoats: Allocating Blame in the Criminal Justice Process by Hillier, Tim, Dingwall, Gavin
Land of White Gloves?: A history of crime and punishment in Wales by Ireland, Richard
Children Behind Bars: Why the Abuse of Child Imprisonment Must End by Willow, Carolyne
Australian Criminal Justice by Odgers, Stephen, Yeo, Stanley, Findlay, Mark
TASERs and Arrest-Related Deaths by Williams, Howard E.
Dynamische Arrangements Städtischer Sicherheit: Akteure, Kulturen, Bilder by
Flawed Convictions: "Shaken Baby Syndrome" and the Inertia of Injustice by Tuerkheimer, Deborah
Criminal Justice Ethics: Cultivating the moral imagination by Hayes, Sharon
Criminal Justice Ethics: Cultivating the moral imagination by Hayes, Sharon
Criminal Justice Theory: Explaining the Nature and Behavior of Criminal Justice by
A Sliver of Light: Three Americans Imprisoned in Iran by Shourd, Sarah, Bauer, Shane, Fattal, Joshua
Crime in England 1815-1880: Experiencing the criminal justice system by Johnston, Helen
Young Offenders: Crime, Prison and Struggles for Desistance by Halsey, M., Deegan, S.
Popular Justice: A History of Lynching in America by Berg, Manfred
Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Russia by Kollmann, Nancy
Das Jugendstrafrecht in Deutschland: Eine Betrachtung Der Angemessenheit Bestehender Und Der Notwendigkeit Neuer Reaktionsweise Auf Straffälliges Verh by Meyer, Anja Sophie
Gewalt Und Ehre: Ehrbezogene Gewalt Aus Der Täterperspektive by Erben, Sayime
Ökonomische Prinzipien Im Argentinischen Bundesstrafprozess by Röber, Steffen
Korruption Durch Bonuszuwendungen: Strafbarkeit Der (Media-)Agentur ALS Beauftragte Im Sinne Von § 299 Abs. 1 StGB by Schmid, David
Applied Issues in Investigative Interviewing, Eyewitness Memory, and Credibility Assessment by
Black Violence: Political Impact of the 1960s Riots by Button, James W.
Black Bone by Kelly, Alexa Marie
History of Trial by Jury by Forsyth, William
Exploring Green Crime: Introducing the Legal, Social and Criminological Contexts of Environmental Harm by Hall, Matthew
Exploring Green Crime: Introducing the Legal, Social and Criminological Contexts of Environmental Harm by Hall, Matthew
Psychologische Kriminalprognose: Wege Zu Einer Integrativen Methodik Für Die Beurteilung Der Rückfallwahrscheinlichkeit Bei Strafgefangenen by Dahle, Klaus P.
Think Like a Spy: 12 Basic Facts You Must Know about Espionage by Keyleader, Bryan
Listening to Killers: Lessons Learned from My Twenty Years as a Psychological Expert Witness in Murder Cases by Garbarino, James
Evolutionary Criminology: Towards a Comprehensive Explanation of Crime by Durrant, Russil, Ward, Tony
Understanding Hate Crimes: Acts, Motives, Offenders, Victims, and Justice by Turpin-Petrosino, Carolyn
Understanding Hate Crimes: Acts, Motives, Offenders, Victims, and Justice by Turpin-Petrosino, Carolyn
Media and Crime by Jewkes, Yvonne
Media and Crime by Jewkes, Yvonne
Legal Executions in North Carolina and South Carolina: A Comprehensive Registry, 1866-1962 by Hearn, Daniel Allen
World Report 2015: Events of 2014 by Rights Watch, Human
Nonviolent Resistance: A Philosophical Introduction by May, Todd
White-Collar Offenders and Desistance from Crime: Future selves and the constancy of change by Hunter, Ben
No Matter How Loud I Shout: A Year in the Life of Juvenile Court by Humes, Edward
Law, Language and Translation: From Concepts to Conflicts by Masiola, Rosanna, Tomei, Renato
Ruffians, Yakuza, Nationalists: The Violent Politics of Modern Japan, 1860-1960 by Siniawer, Eiko Maruko
Luces y sombras en Criminología: Un libro sobre iluminación y criminalidad by Barrios Vallejo, Carlota
How Corrupt is Britain? by
Chicago Based Gangs: Beyond Folks & People by Sparks, Joe, Morales, Gabe
The Killing Consensus: Police, Organized Crime, and the Regulation of Life and Death in Urban Brazil by Willis, Graham Denyer
The Killing Consensus: Police, Organized Crime, and the Regulation of Life and Death in Urban Brazil by Willis, Graham Denyer
Applications and Critical Analysis by Merchant, Keisha
The Contemporary Conflict Resolution Reader by Woodhouse, Tom, Ramsbotham, Oliver, Miall, Hugh
Mi Rincóncito en el Cielo by Barron-McKeagney, Theresa
Die Unterminierung von Resilienz in Young Offender Institutes in Großbritannien: Die Begrenzung von Lösungsansätzen durch den gesellschaftlichen Resil by Trampert, Katharina
Prison Tattoos: A Study of Russian Inmates in Israel by Shoham, Efrat
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