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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2018

Histoire de la prostitution. T 6 (Éd.1851-1853) by LaCroix P
Le Désordre by Balandier-G
Politique du rebelle by Onfray-M
Des Jeunes y entrent, des fauves en sortent by Gilbert-G
La volonté de punir by Salas-D
L'amour à la lumière du crime by Rauch-A
Cain The Future Of Crime by Godwin, George
The Complete Works of Henry Fielding, esq., With an Essay on the Life, Genius and Achievement of the Author: 13 by Henley, William Ernest, Fielding, Henry
The Short Guide to Criminal Justice by Grace, Sharon, O'Malley, Lisa
The Police and International Human Rights Law by
Governance, Social Control and Legal Reform in China: Community Sanctions and Measures by Chen, Qi
Hazing: Destroying Young Lives by
Experiences in Researching Conflict and Violence: Fieldwork Interrupted by
Stress is Relative: Memoir of an Air Traffic Controller by Kern, Rose M.
Hazing: Destroying Young Lives by
Delinquenz-Verläufe Im Jugendalter: Auswirkung Von Labeling Und Exklusion by Serafin, Marc
New Perspectives on Prison Masculinities by
A Return to Social Justice: Youth Justice, Ideology and Philosophy by Urwin, Jessica
Guantanamo Bay and Human Rights. The Legal Status of Guantanamo Bay Detainees by Bailey, Susan
Der Ku-Klux-Klan als Beispiel einer rechtsradikalen Terrororganisation by Schmid, Isabella
Die mittelbare Täterschaft kraft organisatorischer Machtapparate zur Verfolgung von "Schreibtischtätern" by Abramova, Inga
Punishment and Welfare: A History of Penal Strategies by Garland, David
killAR-15: How Our Culture Creates Killer 15-Year-Olds by Ferraioli M. D., Anthony
Rehabilitating Criminal Sexual Psychopaths: Legislative Mandates, Clinical Quandaries by Pallone, Nathaniel J.
Shame of the Farley hills Stalker by Petalwhite, Cordelia Eudora
Carceral Space, Prisoners and Animals by Morin, Karen M.
Russlanddeutsche Aussiedler gegen Ausländergewalt by Pachmann, Lina
Start Here: A Road Map to Reducing Mass Incarceration by Berman, Greg, Adler, Julian
Dark City. the Real Los Angeles Noir by Heimann, Jim
We Matter: Athletes and Activism by Thomas, Etan
We Matter: Athletes and Activism by Thomas, Etan
Bekämpfung von Jugendkriminalität. Das Projekt "Kurve kriegen" by Engelkenmeier, Jorina
Memory and Punishment: Historical Denialism, Free Speech and the Limits of Criminal Law by Fronza, Emanuela
Killing Time: Life Imprisonment and Parole in Ireland by Griffin, Diarmuid
Media, Crime and Racism by
Crime and Justice: Learning through Cases by Boyes-Watson, Carolyn
Crime and Justice: Learning through Cases by Boyes-Watson, Carolyn
Resisting Violence: Emotional Communities in Latin America by
Boats, Borders, and Bases: Race, the Cold War, and the Rise of Migration Detention in the United States by Loyd, Jenna M., Mountz, Alison
Illegal Drugs, Drug Trafficking and Violence in Latin America by Bergman, Marcelo
The Victim in the Irish Criminal Process by Leahy, Susan, Walsh, Kathleen Moore, Kilcommins, Shane
Boats, Borders, and Bases: Race, the Cold War, and the Rise of Migration Detention in the United States by Loyd, Jenna M., Mountz, Alison
Children, Young People and the Press in a Transitioning Society: Representations, Reactions and Criminalisation by Gordon, Faith
The Roots of Resistance by Sun, Rivera
The Roots of Resistance by Sun, Rivera
Lurking Doubt: Notes on Incarceration by Cheney, Glenn Alan
Confessions of an Undercover Agent: Adventures, Close Calls, and the Toll of a Double Life by Spillers, Charlie
Encyclopedia of Adolescence by
Encyclopedia of Adolescence by
Drugs and Crime: A Complex Relationship. Third Revised and Expanded Edition by Brunelle, Natacha, Plourde, Chantal, Brochu, Serge
Civil Disobedience by Thoreau, Henry David
Class, Race, Gender, and Crime: The Social Realities of Justice in America by Barak, Gregg, Leighton, Paul, Cotton, Allison
Why Terrorists Quit: The Disengagement of Indonesian Jihadists by Chernov Hwang, Julie
Class, Race, Gender, and Crime: The Social Realities of Justice in America by Leighton, Paul, Cotton, Allison, Barak, Gregg
Living with Hacktivism: From Conflict to Symbiosis by Karagiannopoulos, Vasileios
Das Gefängnis Auf Dem Prüfstand: Zustand Und Zukunft Des Strafvollzugs by
Gangs in America′s Communities by Howell, James C., Griffiths, Elizabeth A.
Drift: Illicit Mobility and Uncertain Knowledge by Ferrell, Jeff
Drift: Illicit Mobility and Uncertain Knowledge by Ferrell, Jeff
Race, Criminal Justice, and Migration Control: Enforcing the Boundaries of Belonging by Bosworth, Mary
The 'Contextual Elements' of the Crime of Genocide by Koursami, Nasour
Transnational Organized Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean: From Evolving Threats and Responses to Integrated, Adaptive Solutions by Ellis, R. Evan
Sex, Crime, Drugs, and Just Plain Stupid Behaviors: The New Face of Young Adulthood in America by Salvatore, Christopher
The Bloody Code in England and Wales, 1760-1830 by Walliss, John
In a Day's Work: The Fight to End Sexual Violence Against America's Most Vulnerable Workers by Yeung, Bernice
Reflejo de la violencia escolar en la Juventud Universitaria: Un estudio de corte humanista con visión retrospectiva y propuesta en perspectiva by Melendrez Quezada, Jorge Rene
Written on the Body: Letters from Trans and Non-Binary Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence by
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture: 3-Volume Set by
What's Happening To Our Children?: What Happened To The America I Grew Up In? Being Destroyed From Within by McKay, Ann Marie
Murdering Animals: Writings on Theriocide, Homicide and Nonspeciesist Criminology by Beirne, Piers
Emotions and Mass Atrocity: Philosophical and Theoretical Explorations by
Discretionary Police Powers to Punish: A Case Study of Victoria's Banning Notice Provisions by Farmer, Clare
Revisiting India's Partition: New Essays on Memory, Culture, and Politics by
Healing from Hate: How Young Men Get Into--And Out Of--Violent Extremism by Kimmel, Michael
After Prisons?: Freedom, Decarceration, and Justice Disinvestment by
The History of Street Gangs in the United States: Their Origins and Transformations by Howell, James C.
You Can't Make This Sh#t Up: Policing Through Stories by Ward, Randy
From The Shepherd's Staff -The Remix: Words of Impact, Empowerment and Witness for a Challenging World by Hutchinson, Noel G. L.
Serial Killers and the Aftermath by Erickson, Rosemary J.
Evidenzorientierte Kriminalprävention in Deutschland: Ein Leitfaden Für Politik Und PRAXIS by
Domestic Homicide: Patterns and Dynamics by Liem, Marieke, Koenraadt, Frans
The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row (Oprah's Book Club Selection) by Hardin, Lara Love, Hinton, Anthony Ray
The Path of Tenderness for a Child's Sake by Shar, Marthaline D.
Key Challenges in Criminal Investigation by O'Neill, Martin
Key Challenges in Criminal Investigation by O'Neill, Martin
Butterfly Rising in My Soul: A Transformational Journey from Fear to Freedom by Hamilton, D. Renée
The Me Too Movement: Men's Guide on How to Behave with Women by Jones, Alice
Humanitarian Intervention and the Au-Ecowas Intervention Treaties Under International Law: Towards a Theory of Regional Responsibility to Protect by Iyi, John-Mark
Drones and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Legal and Social Implications for Security and Surveillance by
Expert Evidence and International Criminal Justice by Appazov, Artur
Violence in Capitalism: Devaluing Life in an Age of Responsibility by Tyner, James A.
Miscarriages of Justice: Causes, Consequences and Remedies by Milne, Rebecca, Poyser, Sam, Nurse, Angus
S.O. The New Scarlet Letters: Sex Offenders, Their Treatment and Our Challenge by Buckley, Tim, Callahan, Marilyn
The Devil's Defender: My Odyssey Through American Criminal Justice from Ted Bundy to the Kandahar Massacre by Browne, John Henry
Roots of Modern Psychology and Law: A Narrative History by
Most of 14th Street Is Gone: The Washington, DC Riots of 1968 by Walker, J. Samuel
Violence and Justice in Bologna: 1250-1700 by
Social Work Practice with Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation by
Illegal Markets, Violence, and Inequality: Evidence from a Brazilian Metropolis by Daudelin, Jean, Ratton, José Luiz
Clipped Wings: Hear the soaring voices set free by Gilmour, Jennifer
Pathology of Lying, Accusation, and Swindling by Healy, William
The Hoods: Crime and Punishment in Belfast by Hamill, Heather
Social Work Practice with Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation by
Narrative Warfare by Maan, Ajit
Organized Crime and Illicit Trade: How to Respond to This Strategic Challenge in Old and New Domains by
Mafia Life: Love, Death, and Money at the Heart of Organized Crime by Varese, Federico
Loss, Dying and Bereavement in the Criminal Justice System by
Market Criminology: State-Corporate Crime in the Petroleum Extraction Industry by Ezeonu, Ifeanyi
White-Collar Crime in the Shadow Economy: Lack of Detection, Investigation and Conviction Compared to Social Security Fraud by Gunnesdal, Lars, Gottschalk, Petter
Rape Trials in England and Wales: Observing Justice and Rethinking Rape Myths by Smith, Olivia
Oxford Handbook of Prisons and Imprisonment by Wooldredge, John D.
Immigration Detention, Risk and Human Rights: Studies on Immigration and Crime by
Tennessee Convicts: Early Records of the State Penitentiary 1850-1870. Volume 2 by Sherrill, Charles
The Use of Force in Criminal Justice by Hough, Richard M.
Sexual Offending: A Criminological Perspective by
Safe City: From Law Enforcement to Neighborhood Watches by Hessel, Robert
Police Abuse in Contemporary Democracies by
Water, Crime and Security in the Twenty-First Century: Too Dirty, Too Little, Too Much by McClanahan, Bill, South, Nigel, Brisman, Avi
Perspectives on Elderly Crime and Victimization by
The Politics of Controlling Organized Crime in Greater China by Lo, Sonny Shiu-Hing
Cyber Weaponry: Issues and Implications of Digital Arms by
Digital Piracy: A Global, Multidisciplinary Account by
Snow Job: The War Against International Cocaine Trafficking by Riley, Kevin Jack
Violence in the Americas by
Sexual Offending: A Criminological Perspective by
The Grim Sleeper: The Lost Women of South Central by Pelisek, Christine
The Black Hand: The Epic War Between a Brilliant Detective and the Deadliest Secret Society in American History by Talty, Stephan
Crimcomics Issue 5: Anomie and Strain Theories by Gehring, Krista S., Batista, Michael R.
The Woman Who Fooled the World: The True Story of Fake Wellness Guru Belle Gibson by Donelly, Beau, Toscano, Nick
Die Bekämpfung Des Verbrechers ALS Sicherung Des Volkes: Die "Monatsschrift Für Kriminalpsychologie Und Strafrechtsreform" Im Dritten Reich by Berg, Florian
Geldwäscheprävention Im Markt: Funktionen, Chancen Und Defizite by Bussmann, Kai-D
Salafismus. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Prävention by Bliß, Thorsten
The Anthropology of Police by
Military Interventions, War Crimes, and Protecting Civilians by Siver, Christi
Deterrence, Choice, and Crime, Volume 23: Contemporary Perspectives by
Gun Violence Prevention?: The Politics Behind Policy Responses to School Shootings in the United States by E. M. Kerr, Selina
Einbruchsprävention und Krisenmanagement. Einbruch in einer Zahnarztpraxis by Höner, Thomas
Managing Transitional Justice: Expectations of International Criminal Trials by Neikirk, Alice, Nickson, Ray
Torture: An Expert's Confrontation with an Everyday Evil by Nowak, Manfred
Corruption in Commercial Enterprise: Law, Theory and Practice by
Resisting Occupation in Kashmir by
Journeys: Resilience and Growth for Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse Volume 5 by Miller, Susan L.
Journeys: Resilience and Growth for Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse Volume 5 by Miller, Susan L.
Topology of Violence by Han, Byung-Chul
Juvenile Delinquency and Disability by Morris, Richard J., Thompson, Kristin C.
The Quest to Cyber Superiority: Cybersecurity Regulations, Frameworks, and Strategies of Major Economies by Kshetri, Nir
Organized Crime: A Very Short Introduction by Antonopoulos, Georgios A., Papanicolaou, Georgios
Criminological Skills and Research for Beginners: A Student's Guide by Caulfield, Laura, Hill, Jane
Social Theories of Urban Violence in the Global South: Towards Safe and Inclusive Cities by
Me, Too!: Child and Adult Sexual Abuse and Prevention by Bierker, Susan Sophie
ABC of Criminology by Bauer, Alain
Dei delitti e delle pene edizione rivista, corretta, e disposta secondo l'ordine della traduzione francese approuato dall'autore coll'aggiunta del com by Beccaria, Cesare
Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability by Robben, Antonius C. G. M.
Compromising justice by enhancing disclosure. The dilemma of those who have a non-conviction police record who choose to work with the vulnerable by Anonymous
Criminal Justice and Mental Health: An Overview for Students by Hector, Jada, Khey, David
The True Story of Canadian Human Trafficking by Boge, Paul H.
Cyber Security: Proceedings of Csi 2015 by
Mutual Recognition of Judicial Decisions in European Criminal Law by Klimek, Libor
Crime, Networks and Power: Transformation of Sicilian Cosa Nostra by Scalia, Vincenzo
Great Debates in Gender and Law by
Stolen by
Forged Through Fire: Developing Preparedness for the Perilous Encounter by Burns, G. R.
Criminal Justice and Regulation Revisited: Essays in Honour of Peter Grabosky by
Labour Exploitation and Work-Based Harm by Scott, Sam
A Handbook of Food Crime: Immoral and Illegal Practices in the Food Industry and What to Do about Them by
Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst by Sapolsky, Robert M.
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture by Gay, Roxane
Inhumanity in the Name of Jesus: Volume II: Clergy Sex Abuse, The Indifference of the Last Six Popes by Pafumi, G. R.
Law and the Visual: Representations, Technologies, Critique by Manderson, Desmond
Women, Law and Culture: Conformity, Contradiction and Conflict by
An Introduction to Criminological Theory and the Problem of Causation by Warr, Jason
Criminal Justice Research in an Era of Mass Mobility by
Community-Oriented Policing and Technological Innovations by
Theories of Civil Violence by Rule, James B.
Threats by Brooks, Rodney D.
Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs and Street Gangs: Scheming Legality, Resisting Criminalization by
Societal Implications of Community-Oriented Policing and Technology by
Pathways in Crime: An Introduction to Behaviour Sequence Analysis by Keatley, David
The New Security: Individual, Community and Cultural Experiences by Forbes-Mewett, Helen
The Sex Offender Housing Dilemma: Community Activism, Safety, and Social Justice by Williams, Monica
Policing Encounters with Vulnerability by
The Sex Offender Housing Dilemma: Community Activism, Safety, and Social Justice by Williams, Monica
Asian/Americans, Education, and Crime: The Model Minority as Victim and Perpetrator by
Ownership, Narrative, Things by Wallace, Alison, Cowan, Dave, Carr, Helen
She Goes to War: Women Militants of India by Saksena, Rashmi
Land of July: A Real Life Scandal of Sex & Social Media at a Connecticut High School by Marchese, Robert M.
Enough!: Why An Unlikely Coalition of The Youth, Corporate Leaders, and The NRA is a Potentially-Potent Vanguard Against Gun Violence in America by Fashola, Yemo
Environmental Crime in Transnational Context: Global Issues in Green Enforcement and Criminology by
Fake Goods, Real Money: The Counterfeiting Business and Its Financial Management by Large, Joanna, Antonopoulos, Georgios A., Hall, Alexandra
Come educare il minore: incertezze, paure, libertà Pedofilia, bullismo e comportamenti a rischio in età evolutiva by Salomoni, Donata
Truffe e Raggiri: Una guida per difenderti dai truffatori by Salomoni, Donata
Social Issues Surrounding Harassment and Assault: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, VOL 1 by
Social Issues Surrounding Harassment and Assault: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, VOL 2 by
Railroaded: The Homophobic Prosecution of Brandon Woodruff for His Parents' Murders by Crawford, Phillip, Jr.
Criminology of Homicidal Poisoning: Offenders, Victims and Detection by Farrell, Michael
Social Censure and Critical Criminology: After Sumner by
Homophobic Violence in Armed Conflict and Political Transition by Serrano-Amaya, José Fernando
Racial Profiling and the NYPD: The Who, What, When, and Why of Stop and Frisk by Newberry, Jay L.
The Politics of Palm Oil Harm: A Green Criminological Perspective by Mol, Hanneke
See More