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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2019

Conversion and the Rehabilitation of the Penal System: A Theological Rereading of Criminal Justice by Skotnicki, Andrew
Rape Narratives in Motion by
The People vs The Banks by Roddan, Michael
Thee Jerusalem Gangster by U. Deen, Emad
Our 50-State Border Crisis: How the Mexican Border Fuels the Drug Epidemic Across America by Buffett, Howard G.
Law and Life. Why Law? by Van Schilfgaarde, Peter
The Works Of Hubert Howe Bancroft: History Of California. 1884-90; Volume 2 by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
The Myth of the 'Crime Decline': Exploring Change and Continuity in Crime and Harm by Kotzé, Justin
Crime, Second Chances, and Human Services: Creating a Pathway to Ordinary Life for the Convicted by
#ZeroIntolerance by Turco, Giampiero
Speaking in Court: Developments in Court Advocacy from the Seventeenth to the Twenty-First Century by Watson, Andrew
Rebuilding Lives After Genocide: Migration, Adaptation and Acculturation by Asquith, Linda
Undoing Jane Doe: How I Put the Middle School Coach and Teacher Who Sexually Abused Me Behind Bars by Cunnane, Kristen Lewis
Fundamentals of Criminological and Criminal Justice Inquiry by Cochran, Joshua C., Mears, Daniel P.
Fundamentals of Criminological and Criminal Justice Inquiry by Mears, Daniel P., Cochran, Joshua C.
Shapeshifting for Correctional Facility CNT/HNT: Effective Scenario Training for Crisis/Hostage Negotiation Teams by Amdur, Ellis, Eddy, Lisabeth
Kidnap: Inside the Ransom Business by Shortland, Anja
Transitional Justice and a State's Response to Mass Atrocity: Reassessing the Obligations to Investigate and Prosecute by Roberti Di Sarsina, Jacopo
Bürgerwehren Und Ihre Bedeutung Im Öffentlichen Raum: Abweichendes Verhalten ALS Kriminologisch Relevantes Phänomen by Hoffmann, Anika
Uncertain Justice: Fixing the Problems with the Police, Prisons, Immigrants, Opioids, and the Divisions in America by Brakke, Paul
Uncertain Justice: Fixing the Problems with the Police, Prisons, Immigrants, Opioids, and the Divisions in America by Brakke, Paul
Die Rolle der Frau in der Organisierten Kriminalität: Ein Vergleich zwischen italienischer Mafia und chinesischen Triaden by Kauruff, Cornelia
Deviance in Social Media and Social Cyber Forensics: Uncovering Hidden Relations Using Open Source Information (Osinf) by Agarwal, Nitin, Al-Khateeb, Samer
A Threatened Rural Idyll? Informal social control, exclusion and the resistance to change in the English countryside by Kerrigan, Nathan Aaron
Murder by Milkshake: An Astonishing True Story of Adultery, Arsenic, and a Charismatic Killer by Lazarus, Eve
Border Policing and Security Technologies: Mobility and Proliferation of Borders in the Western Balkans by Milivojevic, Sanja
Governance Beyond the Law: The Immoral, the Illegal, the Criminal by
Analyzing Violence Against Women by
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Volume XXXVIII. Essays and Miscellany by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
Indigenous Courts, Culture and Partner Violence by Marchetti, Elena
The Prisoner At The Bar by Train, Arthur
The Rise and Fall of the Rehabilitative Ideal, 1895-1970 by Bailey, Victor
Theatrical Performance and the Forensic Turn by Frieze, James
Crime in Japan: A Psychological Perspective by Bui, Laura, Farrington, David P.
After Rape by Porter, Holly
El Derecho Penal Estudiado En Principios Y En La Legislación Vigente En España... by Silvela, Luis
Verhältnismäßigkeit Und Kontrolldichte: Eine Analyse Der Rechtsprechung Des Eugh Zu Den Grundrechten Und Grundfreiheiten by Oreschnik, Bernhard
The Worlds Most Dangerous Drugs And Poisons Edition 02 by Mbati, Alfred
The World Most Dangerous Drugs And Poisons Edition 01 by Mbati, Alfred
When Violence Works: Postconflict Violence and Peace in Indonesia by Barron, Patrick
Private Policing by Button, Mark
Shadows of Doubt: Stereotypes, Crime, and the Pursuit of Justice by Sethi, Rajiv, O'Flaherty, Brendan
Oxford Handbook of Organized Crime by
The Clinical Treatment of the Criminal Offender in Outpatient Mental Health Settings: New and Emerging Perspectives by Pallone, Letitia C.
Private Policing by Button, Mark
The Rise and Fall of the Rehabilitative Ideal, 1895-1970 by Bailey, Victor
Policing Life and Death: Race, Violence, and Resistance in Puerto Rico by Lebrón, Marisol
Adult Corrections in Canada, Second Edition by
Writings from a Greek Prison: 32 Steps, or Correspondence from the House of the Dead by Theofilou, Tasos
Policing Life and Death: Race, Violence, and Resistance in Puerto Rico by Lebrón, Marisol
Whatever Gets You Through: Twelve Survivors on Life After Sexual Assault by Sookfong Lee, Jen
The Prison of Democracy: Race, Leavenworth, and the Culture of Law by Benson, Sara M.
Wise Guy by Pileggi, Nicholas
Mental Health Social Work Reimagined by Cummins, Ian
Lectures on Topics Connected with Medical Jurisprudence: Delivered before the Medical Department of the University of Vermont by Phelps, Edward John
Cybercrime and Society by Yar, Majid, Steinmetz, Kevin F.
Straftäter und ihre Opfer: Restorative Justice im Gefängnis by Hagenmaier, Martin
Life Imprisonment and Human Rights by
Interne Erhebungen in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen Mit Auslandsbezug: Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Fälle Vw, Dfb Und Fifa by Jedynak, Oliver
Man with Gun by Milne, Tony
The Death Penalty on the Ballot by Sarat, Austin
Dance for Me When I Die by Alarcón, Cristian
Police Brutality + Crime + Welfare = Birth Control by Franklin M. a., Carolyn
Los nuevos rostros de la violencia: Empobrecimiento y letalidad policial by Perdomo, Gloria, Briceno-Leon, Roberto, Camardiel, Alberto
Beyond Punishment?: A Normative Account of the Collateral Legal Consequences of Conviction by Hoskins, Zachary
Dis/consent: Perspectives on Sexual Consent and Sexual Violence by
Il mio nome è Valentina by Lopez, Filomena
Chasing Cosby: The Downfall of America's Dad by Weisensee Egan, Nicole
Ted Bundy's Murderous Mysteries: The Many Victims Of America's Most Infamous Serial Killer by Sullivan, Kevin
State Crime and Civil Activism: On the Dialectics of Repression and Resistance by Ward, Tony, Green, Penny
International organisierte Kriminalität und ihre strafrechtliche Verfolgung by Gashi, Leona
Human Trafficking and Security in Southern Africa: The South African and Mozambican Experience by Iroanya, Richard Obinna
Routledge Revivals: Case for the Prosecution (1991): Police Suspects and the Construction of Criminality by McConville, Mike, Sanders, Andrew, Leng, Roger
A Grip of Time: When Prison Is Your Life by Kessler, Lauren
Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East by
Living with Violence: An Anthropology of Events and Everyday Life by Chatterji, Roma, Mehta, Deepak
Judging International Human Rights: Courts of General Jurisdiction as Human Rights Courts by
Desisting Sisters: Gender, Power and Desistance in the Criminal (In)Justice System by Barr, Úna
Ethnography as Risky Business: Field Research in Violent and Sensitive Contexts by
Human Trafficking Finances: Evidence from Three European Countries by Antonopoulos, Georgios a., Di Nicola, Andrea, Rusev, Atanas
The Illicit Economy in Turkey: How Criminals, Terrorists, and the Syrian Conflict Fuel Underground Markets by Roth, Mitchel P., Cengiz, Mahmut
The Yellow Rose: Racial Stratification in a Mexican American Community by
The Yellow Rose: Racial Stratification in a Mexican American Community (hc) by
Rights and Wrongs: Rethinking the Foundations of Criminal Justice by Heffernan, William C.
Liberty's Prisoners: Carceral Culture in Early America by Manion, Jen
The War Against Civilians: Victims of the "War on Terror" in Afghanistan and Pakistan by Badalič, Vasja
50 Facts Everyone Should Know about Crime and Punishment in Britain by
The Official History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales: Volume I: The 'Liberal Hour' by Rock, Paul
The Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology by
Sheep No More Workbook #1: Threat Assessment by Gilliam, Jonathan T.
Howard Vincent's Police Code, 1889 by Bell, Neil
A Forensic Forum by Odell, Robin
The Annotated I Caught Crippen by Connell, Nicholas
A Forensic Forum by Odell, Robin
Os efeitos extrapenais "deletum sociali" na Era da Inteligência Digital: Novas vertentes ao Direito Penal by Lhais Silva Baia, Gabriel Carvalho Dos S.
Inside an Honor Killing: A Father and a Daughter Tell Their Story by Wold, Lene
We Believe You, Christine: Raising Our Voices to Honor Dr. Ford by
Grey Area: Regulating Amsterdam's Coffeeshops by Jacques, Scott
Oxford Handbook of the History of Crime and Criminal Justice by
Seen & Heard: 100 Poems by Parents & Children Affected by Imprisonment by
Oxford Handbook of White-Collar Crime by
Oxford Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Crime by
Safe Behind Bars: Communication, Control, and De-escalation of Mentally Ill & Aggressive Inmates: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Correcti by Amdur, Ellis, de Villeneuve, Chris, Blake, Michael
Vengeful Citizens, Violent States: A Theory of War and Revenge by Stein, Rachel M.
Vengeful Citizens, Violent States: A Theory of War and Revenge by Stein, Rachel M.
Empire of Hell by Carey, Hilary M.
Engaging Evil: A Moral Anthropology by
Do Exclusionary Rules Ensure a Fair Trial?: A Comparative Perspective on Evidentiary Rules by
Safety At Work: Skills to Calm and De-escalate Aggressive & Mentally Ill Individuals: For All Involved in Threat Assessment & Threat Management by Amdur, Ellis, Cooper, William
Police Technologies for Place-Based Crime Prevention: Integrating Risk Terrain Modeling for Actionable Intel by Piza, Eric L.
Online Othering: Exploring Digital Violence and Discrimination on the Web by
Assessing Judicial Reforms in Developing Countries: Trust in Law and Criminal Procedure Reform in Chile by Oyanedel, Juan Carlos
Die Kunst, Mit Gesetzen Umzugehen: Eine Reise an Die Grenzen Des Rechts by Theurer, Jochen
From Chaos to Compliance: Communication, Control, and De-escalation of Mentally Ill & Aggressive Offenders: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Parole by Pelton, Alan, Amdur, Ellis
Too Soon, Too Late: How a Family Turned Its Own Tragedies Into a Remarkable Crusade to Keep All Our Children Safe by Kelly, Ralph, Kelly, Kathy
March For Our Lives: You're Either With Us or Against Us by Griffin, Elliott Lew
Herausforderungen und Grenzen des Täter-Opfer-Ausgleichs bei schwerwiegenden Straftaten by Ursuleack, Christopher
Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis by Diamond, Jared
Great Pretenders: Pursuits And Careers Of Persistent Thieves by Shover, Neal
Sexual Consent by Popova, Milena
Essential Criminology by Lanier, Mark M.
Jugendkriminalität in Deutschland. Wie gelingt die Resozialisierung von Intensivtätern? by Kurz, Tamara Yvonne
Representing the Experience of War and Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Explorations in Visual Criminology by
Recidivism in the Caribbean: Improving the Reintegration of Jamaican Ex-Prisoners by Leslie, Dacia L.
Science and Secrets of Ending Violent Crime by Waller, Irvin
¿Construir con-vivencias en escuelas para transformar violencias?: caja de herramientas de 15 investigadores latinoamericanos by Dome, Carolina, Galinanes Arias, Ailin, Corvera, Gustavo
Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (Fasd): Foundational Issues by
Risikobewertung Extremistischer Gewalt: Verfahren - Instrumente - Kritik by Logvinov, Michail
Words of Power: A Guide for Ordinary People to Calm and De-Escalate Aggressive Individuals: Special Edition by Amdur, Ellis
Drink Spiking and Predatory Drugging: A Modern History by Donovan, Pamela
Higher Education and Police: An International View by
Effectiveness of oxidizing reagents in removal of blood stains by Bharadia, Ishita
Suicide and Self-Harm in Prisons and Jails by Tartaro, Christine
Prepared Not Scared: Your Go-To Guide for Staying Safe in an Unsafe World by Stanton, Bill
Last Chance for Life: Clemency in Southeast Asian Death Penalty by Pascoe, Daniel
Career Defense 101: How to Stop Sexual Harassment Without Quitting Your Job by Holley, Meredith, Weathersby Ball, Chrissy
Career Defense 101: How to Stop Sexual Harassment Without Quitting Your Job by Holley, Meredith
Wrongs and Crimes by Tadros, Victor
Making Spaces Safer: A Guide to Giving Harassment the Boot Wherever You Work, Play, and Gather by Potter, Shawna
Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York by Horn, Stacy
Amores que matan: El flagelo de la violencia contra la mujer. Octava edición corregida y aumentada by Núñez, Miguel Ángel
Thinking Seriously about Gangs: Towards a Critical Realist Approach by Andell, Paul
Transnational Drug Trafficking Across the Vietnam-Laos Border by Luong, Hai Thanh
An Evaluation of the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety by Briscombe, Brian, Mayberry, Paul W., Kilambi, Vikram
Criminal Justice and Corruption: State Power, Privatization and Legitimacy by Brooks, Graham
Sri Lanka, Human Rights and the United Nations: A Scrutiny Into the International Human Rights Engagement with a Third World State by Ananthavinayagan, Thamil Venthan
The Dedicated Ex-Prisoner's Guide for Getting Through the Halfway House: 10 Things to Do to Make Your Rehabilitative Stay Short, Productive, & Profita by Bovan, Richard
The Security Society: History, Patriarchy, Protection by Dodsworth, Francis
Enough!: Solving America's Gun Violence Crisis by Gabor, Thomas
The Death Penalty on the Ballot: American Democracy and the Fate of Capital Punishment by Sarat, Austin
Mental Health Social Work Reimagined by Cummins, Ian
Pain as a Child by Ruth, Charlotte
Criminal Investigation: A Method for Reconstructing the Past by Osterburg, James W., Ward, Richard H., Miller, Larry S.
Jugendkriminalität in Luxemburg. Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten der Implementierung bewährter Modelle by Schmit, Carmen
Cyberdanger: Understanding and Guarding Against Cybercrime by Willems, Eddy
Die chinesischen Triaden als "gelbe Mafia"? Untersuchung des Mafia-Begriffes und dessen Übertragbarkeit auf die Triaden by Kauruff, Cornelia
The New Terrorism: Actors, Strategies and Tactics by Goertz, Stefan, Streitparth, Alexander E.
Sexual Violence in a Digital Age by Powell, Anastasia, Henry, Nicola
Mein Leben im Frauenhaus by De Luca, Filomena
Security and Privacy Trends in the Industrial Internet of Things by
Digital Image Forensics: Theory and Implementation by Dixit, Rahul, Naskar, Ruchira, Roy, Aniket
Scandinavian Penal History, Culture and Prison Practice: Embraced by the Welfare State? by
Global Governance and Local Peace by Campbell, Susanna P.
Appearance Bias and Crime by
Appearance Bias and Crime by
Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean by
Popular Myths about Memory: Media Representations versus Scientific Evidence by Bornstein, Brian H.
Transforming Justice, Transforming Lives: Women's Pathways to Desistance from Crime by Bernard, April
Rethinking America's Correctional Policies: Commonsense Choices from Uncommon Voices by Douds, Anne S., Ahlin, Eileen M.
Executive Sexism: How Men Treat Women at the Highest Levels, Why Law Does Not Protect Them, and What Should Change by Nicholson, Rebecca
Use and Misuse of New Technologies: Contemporary Challenges in International and European Law by
Good Trouble: How Deviants, Criminals, Heretics, and Outsiders Have Changed the World for the Better by Wolf, Brian
White Witch in a Black Robe: A True Story about Criminal Mind Control by Hoffman, Wendy
Sicherheitsmentalitäten Im Ländlichen Raum by
Solving Cold Cases Vol. 6: True Crime Stories that Took Years to Crack by Clark, Andrew J.
Caging Borders and Carceral States: Incarcerations, Immigration Detentions, and Resistance by
Caging Borders and Carceral States: Incarcerations, Immigration Detentions, and Resistance by
Inwieweit erlauben deontologische und teleologische Ethiken die Todesstrafe? by Duff, Tobias
Getting Tough: Welfare and Imprisonment in 1970s America by Kohler-Hausmann, Julilly
The Vory: Russia's Super Mafia by Galeotti, Mark
Are We Done Fighting?: Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division by Legge, Matthew
Inside Private Prisons: An American Dilemma in the Age of Mass Incarceration by Eisen, Lauren-Brooke
Compliments of Chicagohoodz: Chicago Street Gang Art & Culture by O'Connor, James Jinx, Corrado, Damen Mr C.
I Was the Girl by Lampley, Steven David
Schädliche Traditionelle Und Kulturelle Praktiken Im Internationalen Und Regionalen Menschenrechtsschutz by Klimke, Romy
Harassed: Gender, Bodies, and Ethnographic Research by Hanson, Rebecca, Richards, Patricia
Harassed: Gender, Bodies, and Ethnographic Research by Hanson, Rebecca, Richards, Patricia
Trust in International Police and Justice Cooperation by
Isis and the Pornography of Violence by Cottee, Simon
Practicing Forensic Criminology by Kennedy, Daniel Bruce, Fox Gotham, Kevin
Isis and the Pornography of Violence by Cottee, Simon
The Sage Dictionary of Criminology by
Consequences of Child Abuse for an Early Onset of Juvenile Delinquency: A Prospective Cohort Study by Kakar, Suman
Consequences of Child Abuse for an Early Onset of Juvenile Delinquency: A Prospective Cohort Study by Kakar, Suman
Familial Influences on the Moral Reasoning of Adolescent First-time Offenders by Giunta, Stephen
Familial Influences on the Moral Reasoning of Adolescent First-time Offenders by Giunta, Stephen
Mechanistic Criminology by Proctor, K. Ryan, Niemeyer, Richard E.
Meat, Murder, Malfeasance, Medicine and Martyrdom: Smithfield Stories: Wat Tyler, Anne Askew, Sweeney Todd, Jack the Ripper, Heinrich Himmler & more . by Holderness, Graham
Incarcerated Women: A History of Struggles, Oppression, and Resistance in American Prisons by
The Evolution of the Juvenile Court: Race, Politics, and the Criminalizing of Juvenile Justice by Feld, Barry C.
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