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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2019

Deviant Leisure: Criminological Perspectives on Leisure and Harm by
Just a Girl: Growing Up Female and Ambitious by Jackson, Lucinda
Fiscal Sociology at the Centenary: UK Perspectives on Budgeting, Taxation and Austerity by Mumford, Ann
A Handbook of Food Crime: Immoral and Illegal Practices in the Food Industry and What to Do about Them by
Southern Green Criminology: A Science to End Ecological Discrimination by Goyes, David Rodríguez
The Coordinator: Managing High-Risk High-Consequence Social Interactions in an Unfamiliar Environment by Amdur, Ellis, Hubal, Robert
Black November: Writings on the Sikh Massacres of 1984 and the Aftermath by
Violence against Women of African Descent: Global Perspectives by
Transnational Human Rights Litigation: Challenging the Death Penalty and Criminalization of Homosexuality in the Commonwealth by Novak, Andrew
An Economic Roadmap to the Dark Side of Sport: Volume III: Economic Crime in Sport by Andreff, Wladimir
Paradoxes in American Criminal Justice by Tolbert, Tracy
Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators (Large Print Edition) by Farrow, Ronan
Life in Pain: Affective Economy and the Demand for Pain Relief by Fitzgerald, John L.
Amoral Communities: Collective Crimes in Time of War by Dragojevic, Mila
Normalization of Violence: Conceptual Analysis and Reflections from Asia by
The Development of Transnational Policing: Past, Present and Future by
Emerging Technologies for the Analysis of Forensic Traces by
The Dual Nature of Legitimacy in the Prison Environment: An Inquiry in Slovenian Prisons by Hacin, Rok, Mesko, Gorazd
American Violence: Survival, Healing, and the Failure of American Policy by Wright, Richard G.
Death of Michael Brown - The Fatal Shot Which Lit Up the Nationwide Riots & Protests: Complete Investigations of the Shooting and the Ferguson Policin by Justice, United States Department of
Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Farrow, Ronan
Lights, Camera, Execution!: Cinematic Portrayals of Capital Punishment by Altschuler, Bruce E., Knowles-Gardner, Helen J., Schildkraut, Jaclyn
Developments in Handwriting and Signature Identification in the Digital Age by Harralson, Heidi
Environmental Criminology: Evolution, Theory, and Practice by Andresen, Martin A.
Positive Growth and Redemption in Prison: Finding Light Behind Bars and Beyond by Kazemian, Lila
Safer Cities in the Global South: Engaging Social Theories of Urban Violence by
Crime and Corrections: Lessons Learned by a Career Corrections Practitioner by Toombs Phd, Thomas
Competing for Control: Gangs and the Social Order of Prisons by Pyrooz, David C., Decker, Scott H.
Police Innovation by
Competing for Control by Decker, Scott H., Pyrooz, David C.
Crimcomics Issue 7: Social Control Theories by Batista, Michael R., Gehring, Krista S.
Police Innovation by
Routledge Handbook on Offenders with Special Needs by
Transgressed: Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Lives by Guadalupe-Diaz, Xavier L.
Transgressed: Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Lives by Guadalupe-Diaz, Xavier L.
A Savage Order: How the World's Deadliest Countries Can Forge a Path to Security by Kleinfeld, Rachel
Adolescents and Constitutional Law: Regulating Social Contexts of Development by Levesque, Roger J. R.
Medical Misinformation and Social Harm in Non-Science Based Health Practices: A Multidisciplinary Perspective by
Social Media Strategy in Policing: From Cultural Intelligence to Community Policing by
Crimmigration in Australia: Law, Politics, and Society by
Does Immigration Increase Crime?: Migration Policy and the Creation of the Criminal Immigrant by Owens, Emily G., Fasani, Francesco, Mastrobuoni, Giovanni
Does Immigration Increase Crime?: Migration Policy and the Creation of the Criminal Immigrant by Fasani, Francesco, Mastrobuoni, Giovanni, Owens, Emily G.
Sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz. Wie effektiv sind Sanktionen? by Kramer, Bianka
Cryptomarkets: A Research Companion by Martin, James, Cunliffe, Jack, Munksgaard, Rasmus
Das Länderberichtsverfahren Der Interamerikanischen Kommission Für Menschenrechte: Die Behandlung Schwerer Und Systematischer Menschenrechtsverletzung by Carazo Ortiz, María Pía
Community Risk and Protective Factors for Probation and Parole Risk Assessment Tools: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Dorch, Edwina Louise
Handbook of Research on Mass Shootings and Multiple Victim Violence by
Also Serving Time: Canada's Provincial and Territorial Correctional Officers by Ricciardelli, Rosemary
Remapping Brazilian Film Culture in the Twenty-First Century by Dennison, Stephanie
The Human Factor of Cybercrime by
Die Verletzung der Menschenwürde durch sexuelle Gewalt. Physische, psychische und soziale Folgen für betroffene Frauen by Ochmann, Emily, Garbe, Henrike
Prisons, State and Violence by
Remapping Brazilian Film Culture in the Twenty-First Century by Dennison, Stephanie
Comics, Trauma, and the New Art of War by Earle, Harriet E. H.
International Perspectives on Social Work and Political Conflict by
Shattered: Behind Every Story Is A Shattered Life by Cantrell, Synova
Learning with Women in Jail: Creating Community-Based Participatory Research by McCracken, Jill
This Beautiful Village by Tierney-Keogh, Lisa
Criminology Skills by Fafinski, Stefan, Finch, Emily
Napper: Through a Glass Darkly by Jackaman, Alan
Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioner's Handbook by Cawood, James S., Corcoran, Michael H.
Betraying Dignity: The Toxic Seduction of Social Media, Shaming, and Radicalization by Kamir, Orit
Código Federal by Cáceres, Ana
Quand le temps s'arrête by Jevtovic, Natasa
Hutu Rebels: Exile Warriors in the Eastern Congo by Hedlund, Anna
Taking Juvenile Justice Seriously: Developmental Insights and System Challenges by Sullivan, Christopher J.
Modern Control Theory and the Limits of Criminal Justice by Gottfredson, Michael, Hirschi, Travis
Police & Society by Novak, Kenneth, Cordner, Gary, Smith, Bradley
Beyond Progress in the Prison Classroom: Options and Opportunities by Plemons, Anna
Of One-Eyed and Toothless Miscreants: Making the Punishment Fit the Crime? by
The Alchemy of Meth: A Decomposition by Pine, Jason
Major Misconduct: The Human Cost of Fighting in Hockey by Allingham, Jeremy
Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times: Performance Actions in the Americas by
The Fascination with Violence in Contemporary Society: When Crime Is Sublime by Binik, Oriana
I Am A Child, A Boy, And A Man: Stolen Innocence (A Search For Hope, The Need For Faith) by Hicks, Jerry
Serious Games for Enhancing Law Enforcement Agencies: From Virtual Reality to Augmented Reality by
Victim, Perpetrator, or What Else?: Generational and Gender Perspectives on Children, Youth, and Violence by
The Relationship between National Culture and Corruption. A mixed Methods Research by Anonymous
Women and Violence: Global Lives in Focus by
The Harms of Work: An Ultra-Realist Account of the Service Economy by Lloyd, Anthony
The Darknet and Smarter Crime: Methods for Investigating Criminal Entrepreneurs and the Illicit Drug Economy by Bancroft, Angus
Corruption in Commercial Enterprise: Law, Theory and Practice by
Terrorist Recruitment of U.S. Gangs: Global Criminal Alliances and Biological Weapons by Dones, D. Darell
New Architecture of Regional Security in Africa: Perspectives on Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Insurgency in the Lake Chad Basin by
Recht Und Rassismus: Das Menschenrechtliche Verbot Der Diskriminierung Aufgrund Der Rasse by Barskanmaz, Cengiz
Vengeance: The fight against injustice by Marongiu, Pietro, Newman, Graeme R.
Sexual violence in armed conflict and why it remains an issue by Grabitzer, Gerhild
Highway of Tears: A True Story of Racism, Indifference, and the Pursuit of Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls by McDiarmid, Jessica
The Routledge International Handbook of Perpetrator Studies by
Confronting Penal Excess: Retribution and the Politics of Penal Minimalism by Hayes, David
A Concise History of Revolution by Kamrava, Mehran
Political Cyberbullying: Perpetrators and Targets of a New Digital Aggression by Bauman, Sheri
Mettray: A History of France's Most Venerated Carceral Institution by Toth, Stephen A.
Compelling Criminal Justice Communications by Van Slyke, Shanna R.
Aseos públicos seguros: Aplicaciones de la CPTED de nueva generación by Barrios Vallejo, Carlota
Paved with Good Intentions?: Human Trafficking and the Anti-Trafficking Movement in Singapore by Yea, Sallie
Penology: Theory, Policy and Practice by Harrison, Karen
Global Perspectives on Victimization Analysis and Prevention by
Exploring Police Integrity: Novel Approaches to Police Integrity Theory and Methodology by
Interviewing Elites, Experts and the Powerful in Criminology by Eski, Yarin, Petintseva, Olga, Faria, Rita
The Inside Out Prison: The Story of Beaver Creek Minimum Security Institution by Stickel, Charles
Guilt by Accusation: The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #Metoo by Dershowitz, Alan
Headstrong: Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury by Silver Jones, Joanne
Disability Hate Crime: Experiences of Everyday Hostility on Public Transport by Wilkin, David
Psychology and Crime: A Transdisciplinary Perspective by Webber, Craig
Psychology and Crime: A Transdisciplinary Perspective by Webber, Craig
The Victim's Voice in the Sexual Misconduct Crisis: Identity, Credibility, and Proof by Schuster, Mary L.
Penology: Theory, Policy and Practice by Harrison, Karen
Policing the World on Screen: American Mythologies and Hollywood's Rogue Crimefighters by Yaquinto, Marilyn
County Lines: Criminal Networks and Evolving Drug Markets in Britain by McLean, Robert, Robinson, Grace, Densley, James A.
Business Against Intimate Partner Violence: A Case of Participatory Action Research and Social Action by
The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking by
Criminological Ethnography: An Introduction by Treadwell, James
Criminological Ethnography: An Introduction by Treadwell, James
No Stone Unturned: The True Story of the World's Premier Forensic Investigators by Jackson, Steve
The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking by
Police Response to Riots: Case Studies from France, London, Ferguson, and Baltimore by Den Heyer, Garth
Violence in South Asia: Contemporary Perspectives by
The Mind of a Peacemaker: The Psychology of Mediation by Bryant Frank, Mary Lou
The Impact of Money Laundering on Organised Crime and Terrorism by Still, Mick
Assessment and Obligatory Treatment of Violent and Sexually Violent Offenders: Integrating Research and Practice by
The Candy Cards: The Shocking Story of Dean Corll by Brown, Robert
Beads: A Memoir about Falling Apart and Putting Yourself Back Together Again by Brooks, Rachael
Beads: A Memoir about Falling Apart and Putting Yourself Back Together Again by Brooks, Rachael
Napper: Through a Glass Darkly by Jackaman, Alan
By Any Means Necessary: Veterans Talk Torture in the War on Terror by Tsukayama, John
Personhood in the Age of Biolegality: Brave New Law by
Policing Compassion: Begging, Law and Power in Public Spaces by Hermer, Joe
Breaking the Cycle of Mass Atrocities: Criminological and Socio-Legal Approaches in International Criminal Law by
Cybercrime Prevention: Theory and Applications by de Vel-Palumbo, Melissa, Hutchings, Alice, Brewer, Russell
The Culture of Capital Punishment in Japan by Johnson, David T.
Strafrechtliche Sanktionen by Meier, Bernd-Dieter
Global Perspectives on Victimization Analysis and Prevention by
By Any Means Necessary: Veterans Talk Torture in the War on Terror by Tsukayama, John
Expanding the Edges of Narrative Inquiry: Research from the Mauro Institute by Thiessen, Chuck, Reimer, Laura E., Standish, Katerina
How to Deal with Narcissistic People: How to Neutralize a Narcissist and Make Yourself Unattractive to Them Set Clear Boundaries and Stop Giving Them by Sellena, K. P.
Human Trafficking: An Organized Crime? by Henriksen, Rune, Barry, Anne-Marie, Jesperson, Sasha
Sexual Crime, Religion and Spirituality by
Fear, Society, and the Police by June, Dale L.
Fear, Society, and the Police by June, Dale L.
Electronic Monitoring: Tagging Offenders in a Culture of Surveillance by Daems, Tom
Solitary Confinement: Effects, Practices, and Pathways Toward Reform by
Die Zusammenhänge zwischen Psychoanalyse und Kriminologie: Inwieweit kann die Psychoanalyse Kriminalität erklären? by Anonymous
The Body and Consent in Psychology, Psychiatry, and Medicine: A Therapeutic Rape Culture by Tosh, Jemma
Corruption, Mafia Power and Italian Soccer by Testa, Alberto, Sergi, Anna
The Extreme Gone Mainstream: Commercialization and Far Right Youth Culture in Germany by Miller-Idriss, Cynthia
Hiking My Feelings: Stepping Into the Healing Power of Nature by Williams, Sydney
Solitary: A Biography (National Book Award Finalist; Pulitzer Prize Finalist) by Woodfox, Albert
Behind the Razor Ribbon: A Correctional Officer's Perspective by Bliss, Pat
Collective Political Violence: An Introduction to the Theories and Cases of Violent Conflicts by Conteh-Morgan, Earl
Behind the Razor Ribbon: A Correctional Officer's Perspective by Bliss, Pat
The Politics of Drugs: Perceptions, Power and Policies by MacGregor, Susanne
Violence Across the Lifespan by
'Crossover' Children in the Youth Justice and Child Protection Systems by Baidawi, Susan, Sheehan, Rosemary
The Cameo Conspiracy: A Shocking True Story of Murder and Injustice by Skelly, George
The Professional Protection Officer: Practical Security Strategies and Emerging Trends by
Violence Across the Lifespan by
Victims No More!: Fighting Back Against An Active Shooter by Acosta, Dave
Gewaltprävention in Erziehung, Schule Und Verein by
Neurointerventions, Crime, and Punishment: Ethical Considerations by Ryberg, Jesper
Due Process Protections for Youth: Defense Counsel Policies and Disparity in the Juvenile Justice System by Pelletier, Emily K.
Definitionsmacht, Renitenz Und Abolitionismus: Texte Rund Um Das Strafvollzugsarchiv by Feest, Johannes
The Fight Against Human Trafficking: Drivers and Spoilers by Ravlik, Maria
Victims, Atrocity and International Criminal Justice: Lessons from Cambodia by Killean, Rachel
Konstruktionsprobleme Einer Verbandsgeldstrafe by Görden, Christoph
I Say Publish the Pirate Way: Pirate Publishing in the Era of the Information Dealer by Brown, David Mark
The Nonprofessional Property Offender by Meisenhelder, Thomas
The Nonprofessional Property Offender by Meisenhelder, Thomas
Let Me Prey Upon You: Breaking Free from a Minister's Sexual Abuse by Kirkham, Sandy Phillips
Loss, Dying and Bereavement in the Criminal Justice System by
International Humanitarian Law and Non-State Actors: Debates, Law and Practice by
Crime and the Construction of Forensic Objectivity from 1850 by
Understanding and Reducing Prison Violence: An Integrated Social Control-Opportunity Perspective by Steiner, Benjamin, Wooldredge, John
Blood, Threats and Fears: The Hidden Worlds of Hate Crime Victims by Chakraborti, Neil, Hardy, Stevie-Jade
Feminist War Games?: Mechanisms of War, Feminist Values, and Interventional Games by
Stress Inside Police Departments by Shane, Jon M.
Decolonising Criminology: Imagining Justice in a Postcolonial World by Blagg, Harry, Anthony, Thalia
Injustice for All: How Financial Incentives Corrupted and Can Fix the US Criminal Justice System by Surprenant, Chris W., Brennan, Jason
Urbanization, Policing, and Security: Global Perspectives by
Injustice for All: How Financial Incentives Corrupted and Can Fix the US Criminal Justice System by Brennan, Jason, Surprenant, Chris W.
Practical Handbook for Professional Investigators by McMahon CLI Cfe, Rory J.
Global Issues in Contemporary Policing by
Policing in Israel: Studying Crime Control, Community, and Counterterrorism by
Trends in the Judiciary: Interviews with Judges Across the Globe, Volume Three by
Trends in Policing: Interviews with Police Leaders Across the Globe, Volume Four by
Policing White-Collar Crime: Characteristics of White-Collar Criminals by Gottschalk, Petter
Representations of War, Migration, and Refugeehood: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Economic Development, Crime, and Policing: Global Perspectives by
Understanding the Modern Russian Police by Semukhina, Olga B., Reynolds, Kenneth Michael
Criminal Abuse of Women and Children: An International Perspective by
Rethinking Punishment in the Era of Mass Incarceration by
Global Trafficking in Women and Children by
Community Policing: International Patterns and Comparative Perspectives by
Collaborative Policing: Police, Academics, Professionals, and Communities Working Together for Education, Training, and Program Implementation by
Modeling Sociocultural Influences on Decision Making: Understanding Conflict, Enabling Stability by
Global Community Policing: Problems and Challenges by
Police Integrity Management in Australia: Global Lessons for Combating Police Misconduct by Porter, Louise, Prenzler, Tim
Policing in Hong Kong: History and Reform by Wong, Kam C.
Crime Linkage: Theory, Research, and Practice by
Change and Reform in Law Enforcement: Old and New Efforts from Across the Globe by
See More