• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Dance in 2006

The Encyclopaedia of Dancing by D'Albert, Chas
Exhausting Dance: Performance and the Politics of Movement by Lepecki, Andre
Kaiso!: Writings by and about Katherine Dunham by
Performing Nature: Explorations in Ecology and the Arts by
Dancing Revelations: Alvin Ailey's Embodiment of African American Culture by Defrantz, Thomas
Salsa and Its Transnational Moves by Pietrobruno, Sheenagh
Nietzsche's Dancers: Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and the Revaluation of Christian Values by Lamothe, K.
Nietzsche's Dancers: Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and the Revaluation of Christian Values by Lamothe, K.
Salsa and Its Transnational Moves by Pietrobruno, Sheenagh
Suki Schorer on Balanchine Technique by Schorer, Suki
Teaching Dance as Art in Education by McCutchen, Brenda Pugh
Yes? No! Maybe...: Seductive Ambiguity in Dance by Claid, Emilyn
Stripped: Inside the Lives of Exotic Dancers by Barton, Bernadette
Stripped: Inside the Lives of Exotic Dancers by Barton, Bernadette
Theory and Technique of Ballroom Dancing by Silvester, Victor
Russian Festivals And Costumes For Pageant And Dance by Chalif, Louis H.
Western Square Dances by McNair, Ralph J.
Dance Movement Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice by
Dancing in Your School: A Guide for Preschool and Elementary School Teachers by Dunkin, Anne
Old Square Dances of America by Dunlavy, Tressie M., Boyd, Neva L.
Shagging in the Carolinas by Hook, 'fessa John
Dancing in All Ages - The History of Dance by Scott, Edward
Contact Improvisation: An Introduction to a Vitalizing Dance Form by Pallant, Cheryl
Dancing for Health: Conquering and Preventing Stress by Hanna, Judith Lynne
Seize the Dance: Baaka Musical Life and the Ethnography of Performance by Kisliuk, Michelle
Judson Dance Theater: Performative Traces by Burt, Ramsay
Judson Dance Theater: Performative Traces by Burt, Ramsay
A Queer History of the Ballet by Stoneley, Peter
On the Line: The Creation of A Chorus Line by Viagas, Robert
Untitled by Swaminathan, Viji
Canepa School of Dance by Canepa, Jane E.
Choreographing Identities: Folk Dance, Ethnicity and Festival in the United States and Canada by Shay, Anthony
The Fashionable Dancer's Casket or the Ball-Room Instructor - A New and Splendid Work on Dancing, Etiquette, Deportment and the Toilet by Durang, Charles
Modern Dance, Negro Dance: Race in Motion by Manning, Susan
Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th by Bracke, Peter M.
Physical Culture, Power, and the Body by
Kabuki Drama by Miyake
Performance and Technology: Practices of Virtual Embodiment and Interactivity by
Physical Culture, Power, and the Body by
The Secret Language of Belly Dancing by Strova, Maria
Cosmic Dances of the Planets by Paul, Lacquanna, Powell, Robert
Lincoln Center: A Promise Realized, 1979-2006 by Stamas, Stephen
A Queer History of the Ballet by Stoneley, Peter
The Winston Effect: The Art & History of Stan Winston Studio by Duncan, Jody
Dancing Communities: Performance, Difference, and Connection in the Global City by Hamera, J.
Dancing Communities: Performance, Difference and Connection in the Global City by Hamera, J.
Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac by Powell, Robert, Paul, Lacquanna
Ballroom Dancing by Moore, Alex
Belly Dance Wisdom: For Fitness, Pregnancy and a Divine Sexuality by Morad, Daleela
Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved: A Collection of Essays - Volume Two by
Tango: The Art History of Love (With a Foreword by David Byrne) by Thompson, Robert Farris
Pirouettes and Passions by Nadasi, Mia, Nadasi, Myrtill
It Takes Place When It Doesn't: On Dance and Performance Since 1989 by Kruschkova, Krassimira, Schollhammer, Georg, Hochmuth, Martina