• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Dance in 2009

The Complete Folkdance Notebook by Byrom, Franklin
The Complete Folkdance Notebook by Byrom, Franklin
1000 Novelty & Fad Dances by Nelson, Tom L.
Dance and the Music of J. S. Bach by Little, Meredith, Jenne, Natalie
Electric Salome: Loie Fuller's Performance of Modernism by Garelick, Rhonda K.
The Dance - Its Place in Art and Life by Kinney, Troy West
Grammar of the Art of Dancing - Theoretical and Practical - Lessons in the Arts of Dancing and Dance Writing (Choreography) by Zorn, Frederich Albert
The Dancer's Survival Manual: Everything You Need to Know from the First Class to Career Change by Horosko, Marian, Kupersmith, Judith F.
Advanced Principles in Teaching Classical Ballet by White, John
Lincoln Kirstein: Program Notes by
Instructive Costume Design (1922) by Hartman, Emil Alvin
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme: Comedie-Ballet (1884) by Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
Eight Ballets And Madrigals, 1598 (1895) by Weelkes, Thomas
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme: Comedie-Ballet (1884) by Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
Foundation: B-Boys, B-Girls and Hip-Hop Culture in New York by Schloss, Joseph Glenn
Foundation: B-Boys, B-Girls, and Hip-Hop Culture in New York by Schloss, Joseph G.
Dance Degree Programs by Klein, Kathleen E.
Dance Degree Programs by Klein, Kathleen E.
Sitting at the Feet of Gurus by Burton, Deena
Sitting at the Feet of Gurus by Burton, Deena
Matachines Dance (Revised) by Rodrguez, Sylvia, Rodriguez, Sylvia
Behind the Scenes at Boston Ballet by Temin, Christine
La Jeunesse De Moliere: Suivie Du Ballet Des Incompatibles (1859) by Jacob, P. L.
Sylvia, Or The Nymph Of Diana: Ballet In Two Acts And Four Tableaux (1886) by Merante, Barbier, Jules
La Danse Grecque: Antique D'Apres Les Monuments Figures (1896) by Emmanuel, Maurice
La Jeunesse De Moliere: Suivie Du Ballet Des Incompatibles (1859) by Jacob, P. L.
Flamenco: Conflicting Histories of the Dance by Hayes, Michelle Heffner
The Wicked Waltz and Other Scandalous Dances: Outrage at Couple Dancing in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries by Knowles, Mark
Why Music Moves Us by Bicknell, J.
The Matachines Dance: A Ritual Dance of the Indian Pueblos and Mexicano/Hispano Communities by Rodriguez, Sylvia
The Little Ballet Girl: Founded On Fact (1875) by Bewsher, M. E.
The Ponca Sun Dance (1905) by Dorsey, George Amos
Tango: A History of Obsession by Gift, Virginia
Writing Dancing Together by Briginshaw, V., Burt, Ramsay
Writing Dancing Together by Burt, Ramsay, Briginshaw, V.
South of Noon by Lamb, Glory
The Dancer In Yellow (1896) by Norris, William Edward
The Art Of Dancing: Explained By Reading And Figures (1735) by Tomlinson, Kellom
The Dance Of Dinwiddie (1912) by Moreton, Marshall
(Syn)Aesthetics: Redefining Visceral Performance by Machon, J.
(Syn)Aesthetics: Redefining Visceral Performance by Machon, J.
Eurythmy Forms for Tone Eurythmy by Steiner, Rudolf
Anna Halprin: Experience as Dance by Ross, Janice
Sylvia Or The Nymph Of Diana: Ballet In Two Acts And Four Tableaux (1886) by Merante, Louis, Delibes, Leo, Barbier, Jules
Tribal Dancing by Hambly, W. D.
I KNOW WHO I AM WHEN I BELLY DANCE! A Handbook for Reclaiming Your True Feminine Self by Morad Ma, Deleela
Musical Theatre Training: The Broadway Theatre Project Handbook by McWaters, Debra
Worlding Dance by
Worlding Dance by
The Ballet Combination Book: Over 250 Combination for the Ballet Class by Jerger, Janet
The Rhythmic Dance Book (1921) by Einert, Margaret
Performing Femininity; Dance and Literature in German Modernism by Kolb, Alexandra
Russian Ballet Master: The Memoirs of Marius Petipa by Petipa, Marius
Ballerina Betsy & Ballerina Bristina by Lowell-Dansby, Victoria A.
My Life Dancing With The Stars by Nelson, Miriam
My Life Dancing With The Stars by Nelson, Miriam
Dance and Stillness; A danced inquiry to the experience of stillness by de Leon, Jennifer
Dances Of Italy by Galanti, Bianca M.
The Evolution of Aesthetic and Expressive Dance in Boston by Weber, Jody
Lettres Sur La Danse Et Sur Les Ballets (1760) by Noverre, Jean Georges
The Lure Of The Dance (1916) by Faulkner, Thomas A.
The Melodrama In France From The Revolution To The Beginning Of Romantic Drama, 1791-1830 (1912) by Mason, James Frederick
Lettres Sur La Danse Et Sur Les Ballets (1760) by Noverre, Jean Georges
Manual Of Dancing Steps (1922) by Pohl, Elsa
Vampire Legends in Contemporary American Culture: What Becomes a Legend Most by Day, William Patrick
Rhythmical Gymnastics: Vocal And Physical (1892) by Thompson, Mary Sophia
Ballet by Chujoy, Anatole
Bravura!: Lucia Chase and the American Ballet Theatre by Ewing, Alex C.
For the Further Improvement of Dancing by Feuillet, Raoul Auger
Religious Dances by Backman, E. Louis
A Little Thing Great: Or The Dance And Dancing School (1859) by Brooke, John T.
Dancing At Home And Abroad (1878) by Cleveland, C. H., Jr.
Dance--The Sacred Art: The Joy of Movement as a Spiritual Practice by Winton-Henry, Cynthia
Agency and Embodiment: Performing Gestures/Producing Culture by Noland, Carrie
Conditioning for Dancers by Welsh, Tom
Dance--The Sacred Art: The Joy of Movement as a Spiritual Practice by Winton-Henry, Cynthia
When Men Dance: Choreogrpahing Masculinities Across Borders by
When Men Dance: Choreographing Masculinities Across Borders by
Dancers In The Dark (1922) by Speare, Dorothy
Dances Of Today: An Expert's Full Directions, With Illustrations And Diagrams (1914) by Newman, Albert W.
Le Triomphe de L'Amour: Ballet En Un Acte Et En Vingt Entrees (1786) by de Marivaux, Pierre Carlet
L'Europe Galante, Ballet En Musique (1705) by Campra, Andre
Dances Of Today: An Expert's Full Directions, With Illustrations And Diagrams (1914) by Newman, Albert W.
Catarina Ou La Fille Du Bandit: A Ballet, In Five Tableaux (1846) by Perrot, Jules
Broadcast (1863) by Adams, Nehemiah
Technomad: Global Raving Countercultures by St John, Graham
Technomad: Global Raving Countercultures by St John, Graham
Turning the Tune: Traditional Music, Tourism, and Social Change in an Irish Village by Kaul, Adam
Le Violon Du Diable (1849) by Pugni, Cesare, Saint-Leon, Arthur Michel
Interrogating America Through Theatre and Performance by
Folk Dances Of Czecho Slovakia (1922) by
Esthetic Dancing (1922) by Rath, Emil
The Ballet Dancer's Husband (1880) by Feydeau, Ernest
The Dance Of Modern Society (1884) by Wilkinson, William Cleaver
Anatomy, Dance Technique and Injury Prevention by Howse, Justin, McCormack, Moira
Recueil de Nouvelles Contredances (II) by Dezais, Sr.
Traite Sur L'Art de La Danse by Malpied, N.
The Art of Dancing Explained by Reading and Figures and Six Dances by Tomlinson, Kellom
Trattato del Ballo Nobile by Dufort, Giambatista
Beyond the Apsara: Celebrating Dance in Cambodia by
Dance Matters: Performing India by
The Ballet Dancer's Husband (1880) by Feydeau, Ernest
The Clog Dance Book (1921) by Frost, Helen
The Emigrants' Party: An Entertainment Introducing Folk Songs And Dances (1914) by Kelley, Jessie A.