• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Dance in 2014

Indian Modern Dance, Feminism and Transnationalism by Purkayastha, Prarthana
Dancing Genius: The Stardom of Vaslav Nijinsky by Järvinen, Hanna
Choreographic Dwellings: Practising Place by
Dance Ethnography and Global Perspectives: Identity, Embodiment and Culture by
Mapping South Asia Through Contemporary Theatre: Essays on the Theatres of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka by
The Best Dance Quotes by Sabuda, Jackie
The Dance Experience: Insights Into History, Culture, and Creativity by Nadel, Myron Howard, Strauss, Marc Raymond
The Belly Dance Handbook: A Companion For The Serious Dancer by Gehman, Pleasant, Hughes, Christina Maharet
Stargazing through a Mirror: : The Misaligned Stars of Dance in Reality Television by Kraus-Har, Melia
Illicit Worlds of Indian Dance: Cultures of Exclusion by Morcom, Anna
Illicit Worlds of Indian Dance: Cultures of Exclusion by Morcom, Anna
A Summer in Flamenco by Cornwall, Jackie, Ureba, Adrian Brenes
The First 60 Years the History of Afro-American Musical Theater and Entertainment 1865-1930 by Stevens, Ronald Smokey
The Place of Dance: A Somatic Guide to Dancing and Dance Making by Olsen, Andrea
Dance: What the Audience Wants: (not what the judges want ...what the AUDIENCE wants) by Li, Zhang, Kelly, Susan
Learning Senegalese Sabar: Dancers and Embodiment in New York and Dakar by Bizas, Eleni
Dance Ethnography and Global Perspectives: Identity, Embodiment and Culture by
Tango Lessons: Movement, Sound, Image, and Text in Contemporary Practice by
Tango Lessons: Movement, Sound, Image, and Text in Contemporary Practice by
Marie Taglioni by Levinson, Andre
Down Under Contra by Wood, Keith
Ballerina: Sex, Scandal, and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection by Kelly, Deirdre
Teaching Belly Dance by Shrapnell, Sara
50 Dance Quotes: for the Dancer and the Dance by Swan, Olive
Martha Graham in Love and War: The Life in the Work by Franko, Mark
Jazz Dance: A History of the Roots and Branches by
Looking at Dances: A Choreological Perspective on Choreography. by Preston-Dunlop, Valerie
Dancing with Cats: From the Creators of the International Best Seller Why Cats Paint (Cat Books, Crazy Cat Lady Gifts, Gifts for Cat Love by Silver, Burton, Busch, Heather
The Lively Arts of the London Stage, 1675�1725 by
Nordic Dance Spaces: Practicing and Imagining a Region. Edited by Karen Vedel and Petri Hoppu by Hoppu, Petri
Mixed Methods Research in the Movement Sciences: Case Studies in Sport, Physical Education and Dance by
A Treatise on the Art of Dancing by Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea
Aesthetic Dancing by Rath, Emil
A History of Dancing from the Earliest Ages to Our Own Times by Vuillier, Gaston
Moving Oceans: Celebrating Dance in the South Pacific by
Great Choreographers-Interviews by Hassiotis, Natasha
The Struggle of the Magicians: Scenario of the Ballet by Gurdjieff, G. I.
The History of Harlequin by Beaumont, Cyril W.
Life Dances Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater - Poetry Remembering the Company's Second Decade by Riley, Robértu Ras
Ballroom!: Obsession and Passion Inside the World of Competitive Dance by Savoy, Sharon
Femininity and Dance in Egypt: Embodiment and Meaning in Al-Raqs Al-Baladi: Cairo Papers Vol. 32, No. 3 by Roushdy, Noha
Dancers! Assume the Position: The What, the Why, and the Impact of the Dancer's Ministry by Hill, Marlita
Hiking the Horizontal: Field Notes from a Choreographer by Lerman, Liz
Black Performance Theory by
Black Performance Theory by
European Dance since 1989: Communitas and the Other by
Ward Hall - King of the Sideshow! by O'Brien, Tim
European Dance since 1989: Communitas and the Other by
Leotard. The Story of Jazz Ballet Rodney by Faverot De Kerbrech, Sally, Ross, Mary
Dancing Genius: The Stardom of Vaslav Nijinsky by Järvinen, Hanna
D is for Dance: A Tropical Island Ballet Adventure by Romei, Sayuri, Bailey, Susan B.
Carmel Impresarios: A cultural biography of Dene Denny and Hazel Watrous by Gordon, David J.
Dancing Jewish: Jewish Identity in American Modern and Postmodern Dance by Rossen, Rebecca
Solkattu Manual: An Introduction to the Rhythmic Language of South Indian Music by Nelson, David P.
Adult Ballet: From Beginners to Intermediate by Tanaya, Seira
Encore Performance: How One Woman's Passion Helped a Town Tap Into Happiness by Riordan, Vicki G., Riordan, Brian
The Mechanics of Waltz by Watts, Jeanette
On Stage Alone: Soloists and the Modern Dance Canon by
Dramatic Dance: An Actor's Approach to Dance as a Dramatic Art by Royston, Darren
Dancing from Past to Present: Nation, Culture, Identities by
The Science of Dance & Ballet: An Anthology of 28 Graphs for Kids, Teens, & Curious Adults by Schottenbauer, M.
Gabustle Make My Body Hustle: And Assorted Silliness for Natural Born Movers by Move It Media
Fanny Elssler by Guest, Ivor
Landscape of the Now: A Topography of Movement Improvisation by De Spain, Kent
The Dangerous Lives of Public Performers: Dancing, Sex, and Entertainment in the Islamic World by Shay, A.
The Dangerous Lives of Public Performers: Dancing, Sex, and Entertainment in the Islamic World by Shay, A.
Ballet Music: A Handbook by Naughtin, Matthew
Arise!: A Biblical Study of Dance by Williams, Cheryl
Release Your Glory: The Revival of Modern Day Dance Movement by Kimbrew Tucker, Ruth
Oxford Handbook of Dance and the Popular Screen by
Tales of a Tiller Girl by Holland, Irene
Dancing Bodies of Devotion: Fluid Gestures in Bharata Natyam by Zubko, Katherine C.
Torah in Motion: Creating Dance Midrash by Freeman, Susan, Tucker, Joanne
Watching Weimar Dance by Elswit, Kate
Dancing With Two Left Feet: Dw2lf by Pechi, Lou
Choreographic Dwellings: Practising Place by
Dance Education Essentials: 55 Objects and Ideas for New Preschool-12th Grade Teaching Artists by Gutwirth, Valerie, Randall, Jill Homan
India's Kathak Dance in Historical Perspective by Walker, Margaret E.
Story/Time: The Life of an Idea by Jones, Bill T.
Hybrid Lives of Teaching Artists in Dance and Theatre Arts: A Critical Reader by
Preserving Dance Across Time and Space by
Are You Ready to Teach Belly Dance?: Paving the Way to Success by Taaj
Mapping South Asia Through Contemporary Theatre: Essays on the Theatres of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka by
On Wings of Joy: The Story of Ballet from the 16th Century to Today by Garfunkel, Trudy
Sacré 101: An Anthology on the Rite of Spring by
Rebel on Pointe: A Memoir of Ballet & Broadway by Wilson, Lee
The Soul of Belly Dance in Color: History and Culture by Bliss, Mezdulene, Elliot, Shira, Varga Dinicu, Morocco Carolina
Earth in Flower - The Divine Mystery of the Cambodian Dance Drama by Cravath, Paul
Nutcracker Coloring & Craft Book by Salgado, Vanessa
ABCs of Classical Ballet by Salgado, Vanessa
Sherman Dances by Goble, Douglas D.
A Look At Ballet In 50 Years / Volume 1 by Ahonen, Leo
Dance Floor Democracy: The Social Geography of Memory at the Hollywood Canteen by Tucker, Sherrie
Creativity: POWER OF COMMITMENT - Find Your Stride: Creative Thoughts/Build Your Belly Dance Business by Assaf, Morwenna
Creativity: POWER OF COMMITMENT Establish Visibility: Creative Thoughts/Build Your Belly Dance Business by Assaf, Morwenna
Another Telepathic Thing by Big Dance Theater
Dance Floor Democracy: The Social Geography of Memory at the Hollywood Canteen by Tucker, Sherrie
Cuban Women and Salsa: To the Beat of Their Own Drum by Poey, D.
Dance, Consumerism, and Spirituality by Walter, C.
Cuban Women and Salsa: To the Beat of Their Own Drum by Poey, D.
Dance, Consumerism, and Spirituality by Walter, C.
Studying Disability Arts and Culture: An Introduction by Kuppers, Petra
Studying Disability Arts and Culture: An Introduction by Kuppers, Petra
Indian Modern Dance, Feminism and Transnationalism by Purkayastha, Prarthana
Tim Draper: From Eastman Theatre's Muses to the Founding of Rochester City Ballet by Wicks, Wendy Roxin
Life Dances: Stories from the Indianapolis JCC and the Arthur and Sara Reuben Senior and Community Resource Center by
Before They Were Belly Dancers: European Accounts of Female Entertainers in Egypt, 1760-1870 by Fraser, Kathleen W.
American-Soviet Cultural Diplomacy: The Bolshoi Ballet's American Premiere by McDaniel, Cadra Peterson
Afro Latin Rhythm Romance Dance by Sowell, Gary
Dancing for Fun: Group Dancing for All Ages by Greathouse, Helena, L, Mark
Stripperens lille håndbog: Et frisk pust til dit parforhold by Mundi, Lars Rex
Tap Dancing America: A Cultural History by Hill, Constance Valis
A Book of Dances: Selected Performances 1992-2014 by Franck, Andrew
Little Miss Dancey Pants by Mason, Kourtni R.
Jazz Dance Today Essentials: The $6 Dance Series by Person-Kriegel, Lorraine, Chandler-Vaccaro, Kimberly
Two by Two: Tango, Two-Step, and the L.A. Night by Babitz, Eve
Jareeda Jewels Best of Costuming: For Belly Dance by Bliss, Mezdulene
Jazz Dance Today Essentials by Person-Kriegel, Lorraine, Chandler-Vaccaro, Kimberly
Global Movements: Dance, Place, and Hybridity by
Don't Act, Just Dance: The Metapolitics of Cold War Culture by Kodat, Catherine Gunther
Don't Act, Just Dance: The Metapolitics of Cold War Culture by Kodat, Catherine Gunther
Embodied Lives: Reflections on the Influence of Suprapto Suryodarmo and Amerta Movement by