• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Dance in 2015

The Dancer's World, 1920 - 1945: Modern Dancers and Their Practices Reconsidered by Huxley, M.
Multiplicity, Embodiment and the Contemporary Dancer: Moving Identities by Roche, J.
Dancing Tango: Passionate Encounters in a Globalizing World by Davis, Kathy
Dancing Tango: Passionate Encounters in a Globalizing World by Davis, Kathy
Like a Bomb Going Off: Leonid Yakobson and Ballet as Resistance in Soviet Russia by Ross, Janice
Third Swan from the Left: The Stories, Musings, and Random Thoughts of a Wandering Artist by Wilson, Debbie
Third Swan from the Left: The Stories, Musings, and Random Thoughts of a Wandering Artist by Wilson, Debbie
Performing Brazil: Essays on Culture, Identity, and the Performing Arts by
Hip Hop on Film: Performance Culture, Urban Space, and Genre Transformation in the 1980s by Monteyne, Kimberley
Dancing monkeys under a monkey tree by Rosenthal, J. D.
Paul Taylor Dance Company: Diamond Anniversary Tribute by Taylor, Paul
I Balletti Russi by Terry, Ellen
Wooden Leg 1 by Wood, Keith
The Great Salt Lake Mime Saga and Amsterdam's Festival of Fools by Evans, Michael R.
Dancing Through It: My Journey in the Ballet by Ringer, Jenifer
Global Tangos: Travels in the Transnational Imaginary by Fitch, Melissa a.
TANZ - ein bewegtes und bewegendes Medium für die Schule: Kommunikation mit Tanz fördern und unterstützen by Gillinger, Doris
Creative Dance for All Ages by Gilbert, Anne Green
Dancers as Diplomats: American Choreography in Cultural Exchange by Croft, Clare
How to Run a Preschool Dance Studio: The 7 Step System to Create, Grow and Expand Your Preschool Dance Classes by Franklin Bell, Emma
A Ballerina For Our Time: Olga Pavlova by McDonough, Karen
Dancing for Fun: Group Dancing for All Ages Book Two by L, Mark, Greathouse, Helena
Belly Dance Transformations by Bliss, Mezdulene
The Hippest Trip in America by George, Nelson
Global Free Dance for Radiant Health: Meditation, Music and Motion by Desouza, Eddie
Multiplicity, Embodiment and the Contemporary Dancer: Moving Identities by Roche, J.
KINDERTANZ - beweg dich ganz! 24 Kindertänze fürs ganze Jahr: Das Liederbuch mit allen Texten, Noten und Gitarrengriffen zum Mitsingen und Mitspielen by Janetzko, Stephen
Poetics of Dance: Body, Image, and Space in the Historical Avant-Gardes by Brandstetter, Gabriele
Dance Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Dance Education around the World: Perspectives on dance, young people and change by
Jazz Dance: A History of the Roots and Branches by
On Technique by Speer, Dean
Dance for Strong Leaders: Authentico TANGO Argentino by Pankey, Elena
The Leonard Reed Story: Brains as Well as Feet (hardback) by Reed, Bill
Attending to Movement: Somatic Perspectives on Living in this World by
The Dancer's World, 1920 - 1945: Modern Dancers and Their Practices Reconsidered by Huxley, M.
Everything I Learned about Life, I Learned in Dance Class by Miller, Abby Lee
Akram Khan: Dancing New Interculturalism by Mitra, Royona
Akram Khan: Dancing New Interculturalism by Mitra, Royona
Ballet Body Narratives: Pain, Pleasure and Perfection in Embodied Identity by Pickard, Angela
Tai Chi - The Play by Scavinold
Feis Book: Champions by Hardison, Bonnie
Safe Dance Practice by Quin, Edel, Rafferty, Sonia, Tomlinson, Charlotte
Dame Maggie Scott: A Life in Dance by Potter, Michelle
Oriental Dance Curriculum: Volume 1 Beginner to Multilevel, A Complete Guide for the Belly Dance Teacher by Hutson, Katayoun
Tango I Njegov Smisao: Povest O Argentinskom Plesu by Deniston, Kristin
Henry Leutwyler: Ballet: Photographs of the New York City Ballet by
Portrait of an Artistic Journey: The Creative Process in Real Life Context by Muroff Kalt, Sherri
The Floorshow: origins of a theatrical art by Woods, Douglas W.
Le Rameau d'Or, Un Conte de Fees et Ballet pour les Enfants by Bluege, Wilor
La Rama Dorada, Un Ballet Folklorico para Ninos by Bluege, Wilor
Thelma's Tap Notes: Tap into Life: A Guide to Tap Dancing for Adults by Goldberg, Thelma Larkin
Hoedowns, Reels, and Frolics: Roots and Branches of Southern Appalachian Dance by Jamison, Phil
Dance Science: Anatomy, Movement Analysis, and Conditioning by Grossman, Gayanne
Comments on Jazz Dance, 1996-2014 by Boross, Bob
Dance as Text: Ideologies of the Baroque Body (Revised) by Franko, Mark
The "Shim Sham": (NATIONAL ANTHEM OF TAP) 2nd Edition by Foreman, Russell P., Jr.
The "Shim Sham": (NATIONAL ANTHEM OF TAP) 2nd Edition by Foreman, Russell P., Jr.
Sexuality, Gender and Identity: Critical Issues in Dance Education by
DANCE - An Illustrated History by Andreu, Helene
Defiant Itineraries: Caribbean Paradigms in American Dance and Film by Platón Lázaro, Lydia
American Dancer: A Belly Dancing Story (Large Print Edition) by Pogreba, Bev Anisa
Cute Pets working by Feiler F., Tanja, Feiler F., Dirk L.
A Book of Song Games and Ball Games, Adapted for School Use by Bremner, Kate F.
May-pole Exercises: A Collection of Exercises Compiled for the use of Teachers in Infant Schools by Hughes, E.
Geographies of Dance: Body, Movement, and Corporeal Negotiations by
Brazilian Bodies and Their Choreographies of Identification: Swing Nation by Rosa, Cristina F.
Bailar la danza del vientre (edición 2015): Todas las claves de la danza by Morato, Maria Elena
The Art and Science of Dance/Movement Therapy: Life Is Dance by
Dance Dramaturgy: Modes of Agency, Awareness and Engagement by
Dance Circles: Movement, Morality and Self-Fashioning in Urban Senegal by Kringelbach, Hélène Neveu
Parisian Music-Hall Ballet, 1871-1913 by Gutsche-Miller, Sarah
The Guild of Play Book of Festival and Dance by Kimmins, Grace Thyrza, Woolnoth, M. H.
A Collection of Gesture-signs and Signals of the North American Indians, With Some Comparisons; by Mallery, Garrick
Staging Ghana: Artistry and Nationalism in State Dance Ensembles by Schauert, Paul
Staging Ghana: Artistry and Nationalism in State Dance Ensembles by Schauert, Paul
Why Tango: Essays on learning, dancing and living tango argentino by Toumanova, Veronica
The Principles of Movement by Bain, Keith
How to Improve Your Social Dancing by Fletsher, Beale
Die Tanzkritiken von Artur Michel in der Vossischen Zeitung von 1922 bis 1934 nebst einer Bibliographie seiner Theaterkritiken: Mit einer biographisch by
Dance and the Body in Western Theatre: 1948 to the Present by Sörgel, Sabine
Dance and the Body in Western Theatre: 1948 to the Present by Sörgel, Sabine
The Art and Science of Dance/Movement Therapy: Life Is Dance by
Twirling Jennies by Evans, Ruth
Flamenco and Bullfighting: Movement, Passion and Risk in Two Spanish Traditions by Landborn, Adair
The Dance: Its Place In Art And Life by Kinney, Troy
Tango Argentino a Buenos Aires: 36 stratagemmi per ballarlo felicemente by Muller, Patricia
Tango Argentino in Buenos Aires: 36 Strategien um glücklich zu tanzen by Muller, Patricia
Choreographing Problems: Expressive Concepts in Contemporary Dance and Performance by Cvejic, Bojana
Pasha - My Story by Kovalev, Pasha
Burlesque: A Living History (hardback) by Briggeman, Jane
The Dance Gods: A New York Memoir by Pearl, Kenny
The Dance Gods: A New York Memoir by Pearl, Kenny
Letras de Tango by Brigliadori, Ivana
Tango Argentino a Buenos Aires by Muller, Patricia
Flame Flower by Chepourkoff, Michael
Gwen Verdon: A Life on Stage and Screen by Shelley, Peter
KINDERTANZ - beweg dich ganz! 24 Kindertänze fürs ganze Jahr: Das Buch zur CD mit Choreographien, Texten und Noten by Janetzko, Stephen, Hößl, Sarah
Street Dance Studio Upgrade - The Lab by Rabkin, Barry M.
Street Dance Goals - The Next Level by Rabkin, Barry M.
Street Dance Skills & Drills - BBoy Bootcamp by Rabkin, Barry M.
Prepare For Battle - Street Dance Secrets by Rabkin, Barry M.
Dance Collage: A History of Modern, Post Modern, & Contemporary Dance by Graham, Jessica, Franklin, Theodore Michael
Flamenco on the Global Stage: Historical, Critical and Theoretical Perspectives by
The Truth about Dance by Nahvi, Shahab
Indians and Wannabes: Native American Powwow Dancing in the Northeast and Beyond by Axtmann, Ann M.
Dance Composition: A Practical Guide to Creative Success in Dance Making by Smith-Autard, Jacqueline M.
What's a Feis? An Irish Dance Memoir by O'Connor, Aisling
Catalina the Shy Ballerina by Waters, Sandy
Tahiti Ora: English version by
The Conflict: A Health Masque In Pantomime by Colby, Gertrude K.
Barre Fitness: Barre Exercises You Can Do Anywhere for Flexibility, Core Strength, and a Lean Body by DeVito, Fred, Halfpapp, Elisabeth
America Dancing: From the Cakewalk to the Moonwalk by Pugh, Megan
Becoming Sugar Plum by Katz, Heather Stahl, Catlett, Elizabeth Odell
Newman Catechism on Classical Dancing by Newman, Albert W.
The Dance: Its Place In Art And Life, By Troy And Margaret West Kinney by Kinney, Troy
A Guide to Ballet Class: A practical and light-hearted look at the wonderful world of ballet by Plunkett, Charlie
A Chance to Dance: A Parent's Guide to Healthy Dance Education by Bradley, Betsy
Dance to the Piper by de Mille, Agnes
Femininity, Feminism and Recreational Pole Dancing by Griffiths, Kerry
Understanding Dance by McFee, Graham
She Is Cuba: A Genealogy of the Mulata Body by Blanco Borelli, Melissa
Choreographing Copyright: Race, Gender, and Intellectual Property Rights in American Dance by Kraut, Anthea
Alla Osipenko: Beauty and Resistance in Soviet Ballet by Lobenthal, Joel
The World of Competitive Dance: Overview & Reference Guide by Roja, Alessa
Reflections: (a place called Ponderosa) by
What Dance Goes With This Song: A Danceable Index of over 11,000 Popular Songs! by Oliver, Lance V.
Ma tu balli salsa? by Legname, Raffaella
The Fire Knife Dance: The Story Behind The Flames Ta'alolo to Nifo'oti by Galea\'i, Pulefano F. L.
The ULTIMATE Guide To Ballroom Dancing for Colleges and Universities: A Ballroom Dancers SECRET FORMULA To Prepare For ANY Competition, Get NOTICED On by Gilday, Zhenia
A Look at Classical Ballet by Turner, Rosalie
Labanotation: The System of Analyzing and Recording Movement by Guest, Ann Hutchinson
Dance Pastor: A Practical Manual for Equipping Dancers to Release the Kingdom of Heaven by Taina, Saara
Dança do Ventre: Minha Arte, Minha Vida! by Oliveira, Marcelo Jamal
Making Connections: Total Body Integration Through Bartenieff Fundamentals by Hackney, Peggy
Moving Together: Making and Theorizing Contemporary Dance by
Dramaturgy in Motion: At Work on Dance and Movement Performance by Profeta, Katherine