• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Dance in 2023

Read All about Dance by Mitchinson, Christy
Dance: A First Look by Peters, Katie
Read All about Dance by Mitchinson, Christy
Briefe an einen Tanguero: Tango-Ratschläge, die ich früher gerne erhalten hätte by Bronowski, Dimitris
The Routledge Companion to English Folk Performance by
Dance Lexicon in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: A Corpus Based Approach by Ciambella, Fabio
Diaghilev's Empire: How the Ballets Russes Enthralled the World by Christiansen, Rupert
Diaghilev's Empire: How the Ballets Russes Enthralled the World by Christiansen, Rupert
Dancing Indigenous Worlds: Choreographies of Relation by Shea Murphy, Jacqueline
Dancing Indigenous Worlds: Choreographies of Relation by Shea Murphy, Jacqueline
Transforming Lives Dance Movement Therapy by Chakraborty, Sohini
Thai Iced Tea & Rhinestones: A Dance Studio in Small-Town Oregon by Toll, Melissa
Capoeira Connections: A Memoir in Motion by Wesolowski, Katya
Capoeira Connections: A Memoir in Motion by Wesolowski, Katya
Why Dance Matters by Aloff, Mindy
Dances of José Limón and Erick Hawkins by Moreno, James
The Art of Dance - 2023 Exhibition Catalogue, Birley Studios, Preston, UK by Padgett, Anthony
Ballet for Adults by Brassel, Robert
Ballet for Adults by Brassel, Robert
Masculinity, Intersectionality and Identity: Why Boys (Don't) Dance by
Dancing Across the Lifespan: Negotiating Age, Place, and Purpose by
Dancing Deeper Still: The Practice of Contact Improvisation by Keogh, Martin
Auditions, Competitions, and Intensives: Why, When, What to Expect by Crouch, Dawn C.
Beyoncé and Beyond: 2013-2016 by Keleta-Mae, Naila
Don't Think, Dear: On Loving and Leaving Ballet by Robb, Alice
Pump it up Magazine - Celebrating Women's History Month with Alexa Tarantino: Empowering Women by Sutton, Michael B., Boudjaoui, Anissa Sutton
Paris Blues by Flender, Harold
I Understand Everything Better by Group, Advanced Beginner, Neumann, David
Musical Theatre for Dummies by Rudetsky, Seth
Yes, I Can Dance by Christie-Carme, Lois
Dance Ministry 101: Genesis to Revelation by Snowden, Daphne
When Words Are Inadequate: Modern Dance and Transnationalism in China by Ma, Nan
Movement at the Still Point: An Ode to Dance by
Capoeira, Mobility, and Tourism: Preserving an Afro-Brazilian Tradition in a Globalized World by Varela, Sergio González
Behind the Screen: Tap Dance, Race, and Invisibility During Hollywood's Golden Age by Shiovitz, Brynn W.
Tango - La Musicalita' by Sanna, Francesco
Folk Dance and the Creation of National Identities: Staging the Folk by Shay, Anthony
Dance Research Methodologies: Ethics, Orientations, and Practices by
The Tamil Padam: A Dance Music Genre of South India by Harp Allen, Matthew
Dance Research Methodologies: Ethics, Orientations, and Practices by
Performing Temporality in Contemporary European Dance: Unbecoming Rhythms by Rutgeerts, Jonas
Tone and Speech Eurythmy by Zuccoli, Elena
Dance Works: Stories of Creative Collaboration by Orr, Allison
Performance Cultures as Epistemic Cultures, Volume II: Interweaving Epistemologies by
Performance Cultures as Epistemic Cultures, Volume II: Interweaving Epistemologies by
Improvised Dance: (In)Corporeal Knowledges by Wait, Nalina
Contemporary Irish Theatre and Social Change: Activist Aesthetics by O'Toole, Emer
Improvised Dance: (In)Corporeal Knowledges by Wait, Nalina
Tango Argentino in Buenos Aires - 36 Hinweise by Müller, Patricia
Black Tap Dance and Its Women Pioneers by Willis, Cheryl M.
Danser la disparition by del Valle, Marian
Pole Dance: Kraft, Eleganz und Selbstbestimmung by Girard, Lucie Amelie
To Dance, to Live: A Biography of Thalia Mara by Brown, Carolyn J.
Dancing Modernism / Performing Politics by Franko, Mark
Dancing Modernism / Performing Politics by Franko, Mark
Die Welt des Tribal Fusion Tanzes by Müller-Schmitz, Fleur
Die Welt des Bauchtanzes by Müller-Schmitz, Fleur
The Ultimate Guide to Belly Dance: Shimmy Your Way to Health by Khalil, Abigail Rania
Dancing Motherhood by Duffy, Ali
Dancing Motherhood by Duffy, Ali
Dance On!: Dancing through Life by
Dance On!: Dancing Through Life by
A Matter of Appearance: A Memoir by Wells, Emily
Dance on the American Musical Theatre Stage: A History by Miller, Ray
Dance on the American Musical Theatre Stage: A History by Miller, Ray
Dance Practices as Research: Approaches to the Safeguarding and Transmission of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Dance by Kämpfe, Vicky
Dance - A Spiritual Affair by Goddard, Donna
Functional Awareness: Anatomy in Action for Dancers by Romita, Allegra, Wanich-Romita, Nancy
Distractions En Route: A Dancer's Notebook and other stories by Alonso, Nina Rubinstein
Crisis and Communitas: Performative Concepts of Commonality in Arts and Politics by
Musical Theatre for Dummies by Rudetsky, Seth
Musical Theatre for Dummies by Rudetsky, Seth
Ismael Ivo: I Believe in the Body by
Pandemic Performance: Resilience, Liveness, and Protest in Quarantine Times by
Tango and the Dancing Body in Istanbul by Levent Yuna, Melin
The Moving Body and the English Romantic Imaginary by Samuelian, Kristin Flieger
Fire Under My Feet: History, Race, and Agency in African Diaspora Dance by
Dramaturgies of Interweaving: Engaging Audiences in an Entangled World by
Jonathan's Red Dancing Shoes by
From Small Steps to Big Leaps by Muntagirov, Vadim
Uday Shankar and His Transcultural Experimentations: Dancing Modernity by Sarkar Munsi, Urmimala
The Italian Dance Quest: Finding Power, Wealth, and Innovation by Harsh, Anna
Dancing Mind, Minding Dance: Socially Relevant and Personally Resonant Dance Education by
La Danse Francaise Et Son Rayonnement: Nouvelles Sources, Nouvelles Perspectives by
La Danse Francaise Et Son Rayonnement: Nouvelles Sources, Nouvelles Perspectives by
Body Space Image: Notes Towards Improvisation and Performance by Tufnell, Miranda, Crickmay, Chris
Contemporary Dance Festivals in the Former Yugoslav Space: (In)Dependent Scenes by Baybutt, Alexandra
Faszination Ballett: Entdecke die Kraft und Bedeutung des Balletts by Wagner, Sahra Jolie
Hootenanny - The Craze and Controversy of TV's Folk Music Series by Hayde, Michael J.
Hootenanny - The Craze and Controversy of TV's Folk Music Series (hardback) by Hayde, Michael J.
Illusions of Camelot: A Memoir by Boal, Peter
Breathe - Critical Research Into the Inequalities of Life by
A Moved Soul: Boldly Responding to Encountering God (A Memoir) by Haire, Brenda a.
A Moved Soul: Boldly Responding to Encountering God (A Memoir) by Haire, Brenda a.
Nutrition for Dance and Performance by Challis, Jasmine
Nutrition for Dance and Performance by Challis, Jasmine
The Movements: An Introduction to a Moving Meditation by Gold, E. J.
Balinese Dance, Drama & Music: A Beginner's Guide to the Performing Arts of Bali (Bonus Online Content) by Ballinger, Rucina, Dibia, I. Wayan
Legends of Spanish & Flamenco Dance by Bernal, Michael Miguel
Lettres à un tanguero: Les conseils de tango que j'aurais aimé recevoir plus tôt by Bronowski, Dimitris
Taking the Lead by Hough, Derek
Interpreting the Language of Dance by Holmes, R. R.
Nijinsky's Feeling Mind: The Dancer Writes, The Writer Dances by Svobodny, Nicole
Guía de Campo de Ilanding by
Diverging Ontologies in Music for Dancing: European Voices V by
Embodied Nostalgia: Early Twentieth Century Social Dance and the Choreographing of Broadway Musical Theatre by Rumsey, Phoebe
Turning Pointe: How a New Generation of Dancers Is Saving Ballet from Itself by Angyal, Chloe
Dance Cultures Around the World by
The Circle of Light: A World Champion Hoop Dancer's Journey to Embracing His Native Roots by L. Goedel, Terry
Tango Confidential, A Memoir from the Dance Floor: A Memoir from the Dance Floor, Love and Romance in Four-Four Time by Goldman, Marcy
Nrutta Ratnavali by Pathi, Jaya Sena
The Physiology Of The Dance: A Set Arranged In Eight Figures by Hood, Tom
A History of Dancing From the Earliest Ages to our own Times by Grego, Joseph, Vuillier, Gaston
Folk Dances Of Czecho Slovakia by Anonymous
Lady Hamilton's Attitudes by Rehberg, Friedrich
Serge Diaghilev by Lifar, Serge
Kuchipudi Bhagavatulu by Satry, Chintalapati Laxmi Narasimha
Der Moderne Tanz, dritte Ausgabe by Brandenburg, Hans
Artistic Work: Gymnastic by Anderson, Henry Schuyler
May-pole Possibilities: With Dances and Drills for Modern Pastime by Lincoln, Jennette Emeline Carpenter
Katechismus der Tanzkunst, ein Leitfaden für Lehrer und Lernende, Siebente Auflage by Klemm, Bernhard
Danseront-elles? Enquête sur les danses modernes. Introd. et conclusion de José Germain by
... Der Tanz Als Kunstwerk: Studien Zu Einer Ästhetik Der Tanzkunst by Thiess, Frank
Holbein's Dance of Death: Exhibited in Elegant Engravings on Wood; Also, Holbein's Bible Cuts: Consisting of Ninety Illustrations on Wood by Douce, Francis 1757-1834
The Physiology Of The Dance: A Set Arranged In Eight Figures by Hood, Tom
The Ball-room Guide, A Handy Manual by Guide, Ball-room
Kuchipudi - Bhagavathulu by Sastri, Vidwan Ch Lakshminarasimha
The Modern Dance Tutor, or, Society Dancing by Davis, J.
Folk Dances of India by
Heliometer Observations for Determination of Stellar Parallax Made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope by Gill, David
Cantos Y Bailes Populares De España; Volume 2 by Inzenga, José
The Amateur's Preceptor on Dancing and Etiquette by Carpenter, D. L.
Dancing by Frazer, Lilly Grove
Dancing With Helen Moller; her own Statement of her Philosophy and Practice and Teaching Formed Upon the Classic Greek Model, and Adapted to Meet the by Moller, Helen, Dunham, Curtis
The Code of Terpsichore. the Art of Dancing, Tr. by R. Barton by Blasis, Carlo
Explanatory Notes of Ballet Technique: Embracing Bar Exercises, Port De Bras, Adagio and Allegro by Mascagno, Josephine
May-pole Possibilities: With Dances and Drills for Modern Pastime by Lincoln, Jennette Emeline Carpenter
Kuchipudi - Bhagavathulu by Sastri, Vidwan Ch Lakshminarasimha
Alphabet Des Mouvements Du Corps Humain: Essai D'enregistrement Des Mouvements Du Corps Humain Au Moyen Des Signes Musicaux by Stepanov, Vladimir Ivanovich
Reflections of Dance Along the Brahmaputra: Celebrating Dance in North East India by
The Sword-dances of Northern England: Collected and Described Volume; Volume 3 by Sharp, Cecil James
Sylvia, Ou, La Nymphe De Diane: Ballet En Trois Actes Et Cinq Tableaux by Tasso, Torquato, Delibes, Léo, de Paris, Opéra
Abhinaya Darpanamu by Ramaiah, Subba
The Code of Terpsichore. the Art of Dancing, Tr. by R. Barton by Blasis, Carlo
Grammar of the art of Dancing, Theoretical and Practical; by Sheafe, Alfonso Josephs
Pétrouchka. Scènes burlesques en 4 tableaux by Benois, Alexandre, Monteux, Pierre, Stravinsky, Igor
Isadora a Revolutionary in Art and Love by Macdougall, Allan Ross
A Manual Of Dancing: Suggestions And Bibliography For The Teacher Of Dancing by H'Doubler, Margaret Newell
The Standard Drill and Marching Book, Including Simple Directions for Training School Classes in Military Marching, ...and a New Adaptation of Nationa by Ellis, Edwin
Music And Movement by Driver, Ann
Folk Games of Denmark and Sweden for School, Playground and Social Center by Pedersen, Dagny, Boyd, Neva L., Shoemaker, Gertrude
Lady Hamilton's Attitudes by Rehberg, Friedrich
The Ecstasy of Being: Mythology and Dance by Campbell, Joseph
B.a Kuchipudi Nrutyam by Apparao, Ponangi Sri Rama
Dancing, Ancient and Modern by
Metropolitan Opera House, December 19, 1913; Souvenir of the Pavlowa Carnival for the Benefit of the Music School Settlement by Livingstone, Beulah
Le Blason Des Danses... by Paradin, Guillaume
Andhra Natyam-Parishodana by Sastry, Vvdeva
La Danse, La Tenue, Le Maintien, L'hygiène & L'education: Seul Guide Complet Approuvé Par L'académie, Renfermant 1.000 Danses De Tous Les Pays Du Mond by Giraudet, Eugène
Lettres Sur La Danse, Sur Les Ballets Et Les Arts, Volume 4... by Noverre, Jean Georges
Geschichte Des Tanzes in Deutschland: Beitrag Zur Deutschen Sitten-, Litteratur- Und Musikgeschichte. Nach Den Quellen Zum Erstenmal Bearbeitet Und Mi by Böhme, Franz Magnus
The Chalif Text Book of Dancing by Chalif, Louis H.
The Ball-room Guide, A Handy Manual by Guide, Ball-room
Dancing, Beauty, and Games by Richardson, Constance Stewart
Nrutta Ratnavali by Pathi, Jaya Sena
Les danses de nos pères: Reconstitution des anciennes danses des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, avec gravures théorie, musique by Fonta, Laure
Andrula - Nrutyakala (Natyasastra Grandham) by Prasad, S. Druga
Theatercrifen og Balletten by Bournonville, August
Cantos Y Bailes Populares De España; Volume 2 by Inzenga, José
Dance in Us Popular Culture by
Dance in Us Popular Culture by
Salomania and the Representation of Race and Gender in Modern Erotic Dance by Devereux, Cecily
Tangofulness: Zglębiając istotę polączenia, świadomości i znaczenia tanga by Bronowski, Dimitris
Have Tutu, Will Travel: The Dancing Years by Zide-Booth, Rochelle
The Art and Science of Ballet Dancing and Teaching: Integrating Mind, Brain and Body by Karin, Janet
The Art and Science of Ballet Dancing and Teaching: Integrating Mind, Brain and Body by Karin, Janet
Modern Watercolor Botanicals: A Creative Workshop in Watercolor, Gouache, & Ink by Simon, Sarah
The Forgotten Symphony: A music That Was Lost by Carter, James
Let's Talk About Fifth: Teaching Ballet in the 21st Century by Engerman, Deborah
William Forsythe's Postdramatic Dance Theater: Unsettling Perception by Vass, Freya
Inclusive Dance: The Story of Touchdown Dance by Dymoke, Katy
Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore by Loh, Pauline
Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore by Loh, Pauline
Dancing in the World: Revealing Cultural Confluences by Spanos, Kathleen A., Emoghene, Sinclair Ogaga
Performance Generating Systems in Dance: Dramaturgy, Psychology, and Performativity by Hansen, Pil
You, the Choreographer: Creating and Crafting Dance by Angelov, Vladimir
Lottie's School of Dance by Hannah, Annette
Creativity in Indian Dance: Uday Shankar's Autumn Years, 1960 - 1977 by Sen, Sulakshana
Three Minutes to Heaven: Musings of a Ballroom Dancer by Walker, Glenn a.
Gene Nelson - Lights! Camera! Dance! by O'Brien, Scott
Analívia Cordeiro: From Body to Code by
Gene Nelson - Lights! Camera! Dance! (hardback) by O'Brien, Scott
AEPA Dance by Adams, Huey K.
TX PACT 779 Dance by Adams, Huey K.
TEXES 279 Dance by Adams, Huey K.
MTLE Dance by Adam, Huey K.
OAE 011 Dance by Adams, Huey K.
NYSTCE 164 Dance by Adams, Huey K.
CEOE 178 Dance by Adams, Huey K.
More Dance Improvisations by Reeve, Justine
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