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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Databases in 1996

Constraint Databases and Applications: Esprit Wg Contessa Workshop, Friedrichshafen, Germany, September, 8 - 9, 1995. Proceedings by
Objekt-orientierte Datenbanken: Modelle und Sprachen by Lausen, Georg, Vossen, Gottfried
Spinning the Web: A Guide to Serving Information on the World Wide Web by Fisher, Yuval
Web Server Technology by Yeager, Nancy J., McGrath, Robert E.
Advances in Database Technology Edbt '96: 5th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Avignon, France, March 25-29 1996, Proceeding by
Client Data Caching: A Foundation for High Performance Object Database Systems by Franklin, Michael J.
Hypertext and Cognition by
Computer Aided Concurrent Integral Design by
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 8th International Conference, Caise'96, Herakleion, Crete, Greece, May (20-24), 1996. Proceedings by
Advanced Relational Programming by Lamperti, G., Cacace, Filippo, Cacace, F.
Advances in Databases: 14th British National Conference on Database, Bncod 14 Edinburgh, Uk, July 3 - 5, 1996. Proceedings by
Implementing Practical DB2 Applications by Rudd, Anthony S.
Objektorientierte Informationssysteme: Konzepte, Darstellungsmittel, Methoden by Kappel, Gerti, Schrefl, Michael
Data Warehousing: The Route to Mass Communication by Kelly, Sean
Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Representations as Interlingua: 4th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Iccs'96, Sydney, Australia, Au by
Database Concurrency Control: Methods, Performance, and Analysis by Thomasian, Alexander
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 7th International Conference, Dexa '96, Zurich, Switzerland, September 9 - 13, 1996. Proceedings by
Replication Techniques in Distributed Systems by Bhargava, Bharat B., Helal, Abdelsalam A., Heddaya, Abdelsalam A.
Verteilte Datenbanken Und Client/Server-Systeme: Grundlagen, Konzepte Und Realisierungsformen by Dadam, Peter
Logic in Databases: International Workshop Lid '96, San Miniato, Italy, July 1 - 2, 1996. Proceedings by
Digital Libraries. Research and Technology Advances: Adl'95 Forum, McLean, Virginia, Usa, May 15-17, 1995. Selected Papers by
Multimedia Database Management Systems by Prabhakaran, B.
Database Applications Semantics by
Rough Sets and Data Mining: Analysis of Imprecise Data by
Optimization of SQL Queries for Parallel Machines by Hasan, Wagar
Oracle Performance Tuning: Database Management Systems [With *] by Corrigan, Peter, Gurry, Mark
Database Issues for Data Visualization: IEEE Visualization '95 Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, Usa, October 28, 1995. Proceedings by