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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Databases in 2003

Mobile Data Management: 4th International Conference, MDM 2003, Melbourne, Australia, January 21-24, 2003, Proceedings by
Multimedia Data Hiding by Liu, Bede, Wu, Min
Oracle in a Nutshell by Greenwald, Rick, Kreines, David C.
Web, Web-Services, and Database Systems: Node 2002 Web and Database-Related Workshops, Erfurt, Germany, October 7-10, 2002, Revised Papers by
Datenbanken im Unternehmen by Unland, Rainer, Pernul, Günther
Engineering Global E-Commerce Sites: A Guide to Data Capture, Content, and Transactions by Bean, James
LDAP Metadirectory Provisioning Methodology: a step by step method to implementing LDAP based metadirectory provisioning by Pohlman, Marlin
LDAP Metadirectory Provisioning Methodology: a step by step method to implementing LDAP based metadirectory provisioning by Pohlman, Marlin
Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell: A Guide to Tools: A Guide to Common Tools and Databases by Markel, Scott, Leon, Darryl
Advanced Signature Indexing for Multimedia and Web Applications by Nanopoulos, Alexandros, Tousidou, Eleni, Manolopoulos, Yannis
Applied ADO.NET: Building Data-Drive Solutions by Talbot, David, Chand, Mahesh
Design and Control of Workflow Processes: Business Process Management for the Service Industry by Reijers, Hajo A.
Expert Oracle9i Database Administration by Alapati, Sam
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 7th Pacific-Asia Conference, Pakdd 2003. Seoul, Korea, April 30 - May 2, 2003, Proceedings by
Advances in Informatics: 8th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2001. Nicosia, Cyprus, November 8-10, 2001, Revised Selected Papers by
Business Modeling and Data Mining by Pyle, Dorian
Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing: 9th International Conference, Rsfdgrc 2003, Chongqing, China, May 26-29, 2003, Proceeding by
Informations Management: Handbuch Für Die PRAXIS by
B2B Integration: Concepts and Architecture by Bussler, Christoph
Objektorientierte Anwendungsentwicklung Mit Der Postrelationalen Datenbank Caché by Kühn, Mathias, Kirsten, Wolfgang, Ihringer, Michael
Applied Decision Support with Soft Computing by
Data Privacy and Security by Salomon, David
Intelligence and Security Informatics: First Nsf/Nij Symposium, Isi 2003, Tucson, Az, Usa, June 2-3, 2003, Proceedings by
XML for Data Architects: Designing for Reuse and Integration by Bean, James, Barry, Douglas K.
Storage and Retrieval of XML Documents with a Cluster of Database Systems by Grabs, Torsten, Grabs, T.
Oracle Data Dictionary Pocket Reference: Views, Columns & Tips by Kreines, David C.
Uncertainty in Multi-Source Databases by Nair, Premchand S.
Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing -- Icann/Iconip 2003: Joint International Conference Icann/Iconip 2003, Istanbul, Turkey, by
Java Database Best Practices by Reese, George
Fuzzy Sets and Systems - Ifsa 2003: 10th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, June 30 - July 2, 2003, Proceedings by
Case-Based Reasoning Auf Der Grundlage Relationaler Datenbanken: Eine Anwendung Zur Strukturierten Suche in Wirtschaftsnachrichten by Pfuhl, Markus
Mathematical Methods for Protein Structure Analysis and Design: Advanced Lectures by
New Horizons in Information Management: 20th British National Conference on Databases, Bncod 20, Coventry, Uk, July 15-17, 2003, Proceedings by
Bernard Lonergan's Insight: A Comprehensive Commentary by Tekippe, Terry J.
Bernard Lonergan's Insight: A Comprehensive Commentary by Tekippe, Terry J.
Intelligent Agents for Data Mining and Information Retrieval by
Advanced Topics in Database Research, Volume 3 by
The Art and Science of Oracle Performance Tuning by Lawson, Christopher
Java Persistence for Relational Databases by Sperko, Richard
Ecoop 2003 - Object-Oriented Programming: 17th European Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, July 21-25, 2003. Proceedings by
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 8th International Symposium, Sstd 2003, Santorini Island, Greece, July 24 - 27, 2003. Proceedings by
Handbook on Data Management in Information Systems by
Real World SQL Server Administration with Perl by Shea, Dave
Advances in Web-Age Information Management: 4th International Conference, Waim 2003, Chengdu, China, August 17-19, 2003, Proceedings by
Database Modeling with Microsoft(r) VISIO for Enterprise Architects by Halpin, Terry, Evans, Ken, Hallock, Pat
Spatio-Temporal Databases: The Chorochronos Approach by
Text- And Speech-Triggered Information Access: 8th Elsnet Summer School, Chios Island, Greece, July 15-30, 2000, Revised Lectures by
Data Entry and Validation with C# and VB .Net Windows Forms by Symmonds, Nick
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 7th European Conference, Ecdl 2003, Trondheim, Norway, August 17-22, 2003. Proceedings by
Artificial Immune Systems: Second International Conference, Icaris 2003, Edinburgh, Uk, September 1-3, 2003, Proceedings by
Cooperative Information Agents VII: 7th International Workshop, CIA 2003, Helsinki, Finland, August 27-29, 2003, Proceedings by
Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation by Khan, Arshad
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 14th International Conference, Dexa 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2003, Proceedings by
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 5th International Conference, Dawak 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, September 3-5,2003, Proceedings by
Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases by
Object-Oriented Information Systems: 9th International Conference, Oois 2003, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2003, Proceedings by
Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming by Connell, John
Beginning SQL Server 2000 for Visual Basic Developers by Willis, Thearon
Advances in Databases and Information Systems by
Electronic Information and Communication in Mathematics: ICM 2002 International Satellite Conference, Beijing, China, August 29-31, 2002, Revised Pape by
Intelligent Search on XML Data: Applications, Languages, Models, Implementations, and Benchmarks by
Web Services: Concepts, Architectures and Applications by Casati, Fabio, Kuno, Harumi, Alonso, Gustavo
Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification, and Retrieval by
Database and XML Technologies: First International XML Database Symposium, Xsym 2003, Berlin, Germany, September 8, 2003, Proceedings by
Technologies for E-Services: 4th International Workshop, Tes 2003, Berlin, Germany, September 8, 2003, Proceedings by
Algorithms in Bioinformatics: Third International Workshop, Wabi 2003, Budapest, Hungary, September 15-20, 2003, Proceedings by
Databases in Networked Information Systems: Third International Workshop, Dnis 2003, Aizu, Japan, September 22-24, 2003, Proceedings by
How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office Access 2003 by Andersen, Virginia
The Functional Approach to Data Management: Modeling, Analyzing and Integrating Heterogeneous Data by
Implementierungskonzepte Für Datenbanksysteme by Schneider, Markus
Object-Oriented Application Development Using the Caché Postrelational Database by Kirsten, Wolfgang, Ihringer, Michael
Medien-Datenbank- und Medien-Logistik-Systeme by Kretzschmar, Oliver, Dreyer, Roland
Crystal Reports 9 on Oracle by Harper, Marie Annette
SQL Server CE Database Development with the .Net Compact Framework by Tiffany, Rob
Beginning Oracle Programming by Dillon, Sean, Beck, Christopher, Kyte, Thomas
Conceptual Modeling -- Er 2003: 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Chicago, Il, Usa, October 13-16, 2003, Proceedings by
Photoshop Most Wanted 2: More Effects and Design Tips [With CDROM] by Ward, Al, Smith, Colin
SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedures Handbook by Davidson, Louis, Bain, Tony, Dewson, Robin
Conceptual Modeling for Novel Application Domains: Er 2003 Workshops Ecomo, Iwcmq, Aois, and Xsdm, Chicago, Il, Usa, October 13, 2003, Proceedings by
Computer Security - Esorics 2003: 8th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Gjovik, Norway, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings by
String Processing and Information Retrieval: 10th International Symposium, Spire 2003, Manaus, Brazil, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings by
Data Mining and Decision Support: Integration and Collaboration by
Algorithmic Learning Theory: 14th International Conference, Alt 2003, Sapporo, Japan, October 17-19, 2003, Proceedings by
Medical Data Analysis: 4th International Symposium, Ismda 2003, Berlin, Germany, October 9-10, 2003, Proceedings by
The Programmer's Guide to SQL by Darie, Cristian, Watson, Karli
Database Design Manual: Using MySQL for Windows by Norman, Matthew
The Semantic Web - Iswc 2003: Second International Semantic Web Conference, Sanibel Island, Fl, Usa, October 20-23, 2003, Proceedings by
Journal on Data Semantics I by
How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003 by Hart-Davis, Guy
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 9th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, Aime 2003, Protaras, Cyprus, October 18-22, 2003 by
SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled by Barnes, Daryl, Likes, Bryant, Williams, Kevin
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 14th International Symposium, Ismis 2003, Maebashi City, Japan, October 28-31, 2003, Proceedings by
Practical Web Database Design by Limeback, Rudy, Kent, Allan, Auld, Chris
Webkdd 2002 - Mining Web Data for Discovering Usage Patterns and Profiles: 4th International Workshop, Edmonton, Canada, July 23, 2002, Revised Papers by
Advanced Conceptual Modeling Techniques: Er 2002 Workshops - Ecdm, Mobimod, Iwcmq, and Ecomo, Tampere, Finland, October 7-11, 2002, Proceedings by
Mining Multimedia and Complex Data: Kdd Workshop MDM/Kdd 2002, Pakdd Workshop Kdmcd 2002, Revised Papers by
Oracle Regular Expressions Pocket Reference by Linsley, Peter, Gennick, Jonathan
Optimizing Oracle Performance by Holt, Jeff, Millsap, Cary
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: Coopis, Doa, and Odbase: Otm Confederated International Conferences Coopis, Doa, and Odbase 2003 Cata by
Multimediale Datenbanken: Einsatz Von Datenbanktechnik in Multimedia-Systemen by Meyer-Wegener, Klaus
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: Otm 2003 Workshops: Otm Confederated International Workshops, Hci-Swwa, Ipw, Jtres, Worm, Wms, and Wr by
Content-Based Video Retrieval: A Database Perspective by Petkovic, Milan, Jonker, Willem
Web Data Management: A Warehouse Approach by Ng, Wee K., Bhowmick, Sourav S., Madria, Sanjay K.
Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security by Robinson, Garry
J2ee Performance Testing with Bea Weblogic Server by Aston, Philip, Osborne, Ted, Zadrozny, Peter
Common SAP R/3 Functions Manual by Lawlor, William
Digital Libraries: Technology and Management of Indigenous Knowledge for Global Access: 6th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, Icadl by
Information-Statistical Data Mining: Warehouse Integration with Examples of Oracle Basics by Sy, Bon K., Gupta, Arjun K.
Spidering Hacks by Iff, Morbus, Calishain, Tara
Google, Amazon, and Beyond: Creating and Consuming Web Services by Nakhimovsky, Alexander, Myers, Tom
Maximizing Performance and Scalability with IBM Websphere by Neat, Adam
SQL Tuning by Tow, Dan
Oracle 11i E-Business Suite from the Front Lines by Wells, April J.