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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Databases in 2017

Data analytics: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide by Maxwell, Lee
Time Series Analysis Methods and Applications for Flight Data by Zhang, Jianye, Zhang, Peng
Advancing Cloud Database Systems and Capacity Planning With Dynamic Applications by
Open Source Intelligence Investigation: From Strategy to Implementation by
Profiling Zwischen Sozialer PRAXIS Und Technischer Prägung: Ein Vergleich Von Flughafensicherheit Und Credit-Scoring by Schäufele, Fabia
Practical Machine Learning with H2O: Powerful, Scalable Techniques for Deep Learning and AI by Cook, Darren
Datenbanken Und SQL: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung Mit Anwendungen in Oracle, SQL Server Und MySQL by Schicker, Edwin
Wellness Protocol for Smart Homes: An Integrated Framework for Ambient Assisted Living by Mukhopadhyay, Subhas Chandra, Ghayvat, Hemant
Java for Data Science by Reese, Richard M., Reese, Jennifer L.
Big Graph Analytics Platforms by Tian, Yuanyuan, Yingyi, Bu, Yan, Da
Large-Scale Graph Processing Using Apache Giraph by Abdelaziz, Ibrahim, Sakr, Sherif, Orakzai, Faisal Moeen
Developing Metadata Application Profiles by
Data Analytics for Renewable Energy Integration: 4th Ecml Pkdd Workshop, Dare 2016, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 23, 2016, Revised Selected Papers by
Data Analytics: The Insider's Guide to Master Data Analytics (Business Intelligence and Data Science - Leverage and Integrate Data Ana by Publishing, Writers International, Nix, Cedric
Artificial Intelligence and Exponential Technologies: Business Models Evolution and New Investment Opportunities by Corea, Francesco
Emergency Response Decision Support System by Yan, Qi, Shan, Siqing
Implementing Oracle Integration Cloud Service by Wilkins, Phil, Mölken, Robert Van
Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 7th International Joint Conference, Ic3k 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, November 12-14, by
Iot Security Issues by Gilchrist, Alasdair
Intelligent Human Computer Interaction: 8th International Conference, Ihci 2016, Pilani, India, December 12-13, 2016, Proceedings by
Library and Information Services for Bioinformatics Education and Research by
Tabular Modeling with SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services Cookbook by Wilson, Derek
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis: 5th Ifip Wg 2.6 International Symposium, Simpda 2015, Vienna, Austria, December 9-11, 2015, Revised Select by
Information and Complexity by
Cognitive Hack: The New Battleground in Cybersecurity ... the Human Mind by Bone, James
HBase High Performance Cookbook by Choudhry, Ruchir
Decentralized Computing Using Blockchain Technologies and Smart Contracts: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Asharaf, S., Adarsh, S.
Efficient R Programming: A Practical Guide to Smarter Programming by Lovelace, Robin, Gillespie, Colin
Elasticsearch 5.x Cookbook - Third Edition by Paro, Alberto
Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications: First International Conference, Mlicom 2016, Shanghai, China, August 27-28, 2016, Revised Selected Pa by
PostgreSQL High Availability Cookbook, Second Edition by Thomas, Shaun M.
Curso de Introducción a la Administración de Bases de Datos: 2a Edición by Benitez, Miguel Angel, Arias, Angel
The Minimum You Need to Know About Qt and Databases by Hughes, Roland
Ontologies and Big Data Considerations for Effective Intelligence by
Exploiting Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs in Large Organisations by
Examining Information Retrieval and Image Processing Paradigms in Multidisciplinary Contexts by
Handbook of Research on Advanced Data Mining Techniques and Applications for Business Intelligence by
Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources: Cost Action Ic1302 Second International Keystone Conference, Ikc 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, by
E-Commerce and Web Technologies: 17th International Conference, Ec-Web 2016, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016, Revised Selected Papers by
TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook: Over 60 practical recipes to help you master Google's TensorFlow machine learning library by McClure, Nick
Learning Kibana 5.0 by Azarmi, Bahaaldine
Deep Learning with Hadoop by Dev, Dipayan
Shale Analytics: Data-Driven Analytics in Unconventional Resources by Mohaghegh, Shahab D.
Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 5th International Conference, Aist 2016, Yekaterinburg, Russia, April 7-9, 2016, Revised Selected Paper by
Big Data Für Entscheider: Entwicklung Und Umsetzung Datengetriebener Geschäftsmodelle by Landrock, Holm, Gadatsch, Andreas
Mastering Elasticsearch 5.x - Third Edition: Master the intricacies of Elasticsearch 5 and use it to create flexible and scalable search solutions by Dixit, Bharvi
Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python: A Test-Driven Approach by Kirk, Matthew
Management of Information, Process and Cooperation: Third International Workshop, Mipac 2016, Hangzhou, China, September 23, 2016, Revised Selected Pa by
Blockchain: The Complete Guide to Understanding Blockchain Technology by Price, Miles
Owl: Experiences and Directions - Reasoner Evaluation: 13th International Workshop, Owled 2016, and 5th International Workshop, Ore 2016, Bologna, Ita by
Reasoning Web: Logical Foundation of Knowledge Graph Construction and Query Answering: 12th International Summer School 2016, Aberdeen, Uk, September by
Learning PySpark: Build data-intensive applications locally and deploy at scale using the combined powers of Python and Spark 2.0 by Lee, Denny, Drabas, Tomasz
Pattern Recognition and Big Data by
Knowledge Representation for Health Care: Hec 2016 International Joint Workshop, Kr4hc/Prohealth 2016, Munich, Germany, September 2, 2016, Revised Sel by
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 9th Asian Conference, Aciids 2017, Kanazawa, Japan, April 3-5, 2017, Proceedings, Part II by
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 9th Asian Conference, Aciids 2017, Kanazawa, Japan, April 3-5, 2017, Proceedings, Part I by
Mastering Elastic Stack by Gupta, Ravi Kumar, Gupta, Yuvraj
Qgis: Becoming a GIS Power User: Master data management, visualization, and spatial analysis techniques in QGIS and become a GIS power user by Bruy, Alexander, Mearns, Ben, Mandel, Alex
The Cloud Dba-Oracle: Managing Oracle Database in the Cloud by Mahajan, Niraj, Jain, Abhinivesh
Oracle Database Upgrade and Migration Methods: Including Oracle 12c Release 2 by Krishnakumar, K. M., Basha, Nassyam, Ravikumar, Y. V.
SQL Grundlagen: SQL lernen leicht gemacht by Gaußling, Fabian
Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence: 4th International Conference on Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem, Grmse 2016, by
Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence: 4th International Conference on Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem, Grmse 2016, by
Privacy and Security Policies in Big Data by
Aprende SQL en un fin de semana: El curso definitivo para crear y consultar bases de datos by Padial Solier, Antonio
Social Knowledge Management in Action: Applications and Challenges by
Business Resilience System (Brs): Driven Through Boolean, Fuzzy Logics and Cloud Computation: Real and Near Real Time Analysis and Decision Making Sys by Moghaddam, Masoud, Zohuri, Bahman
Fourier-Malliavin Volatility Estimation: Theory and Practice by Sanfelici, Simona, Mancino, Maria Elvira, Recchioni, Maria Cristina
Information Management and Big Data: Second Annual International Symposium, Simbig 2015, Cusco, Peru, September 2-4, 2015, and Third Annual Internatio by
Computer Vision - Accv 2016: 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part I by
Computer Vision - Accv 2016: 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part II by
Computer Vision - Accv 2016: 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part III by
Computer Vision - Accv 2016: 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part V by
Computer Vision - Accv 2016: 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part IV by
Beginning Data Science in R: Data Analysis, Visualization, and Modelling for the Data Scientist by Mailund, Thomas
The Neglected Librarian: Seven articles on cataloguing big data 2010-2011 by Longo, Brunella
Data Analytics for Internal Auditors by Cascarino, Richard E.
Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Mining by
Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques by Niemiec, Richard
Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by Drescher, Daniel
Mastering Blockchain: Deeper insights into decentralization, cryptography, Bitcoin, and popular Blockchain frameworks by Bashir, Imran
Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Mining by
Prediction and Inference from Social Networks and Social Media by
BUSINESS INFORMATION SERVER, BIS The World's Greatest Productivity App. by Schlueter, Louis
From Social Data Mining and Analysis to Prediction and Community Detection by
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 22nd International Conference, Dasfaa 2017, Suzhou, China, March 27-30, 2017, Proceedings, Part II by
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: Dasfaa 2017 International Workshops: Bdms, Bdqm, Secop, and Dmmooc, Suzhou, China, March 27-30, 2017, Proc by
Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design: 6th International Conference, Evomusart 2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 19-21, 201 by
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 22nd International Conference, Dasfaa 2017, Suzhou, China, March 27-30, 2017, Proceedings, Part I by
SQL Server 2016 Developer's Guide: Build efficient database applications for your organization with SQL Server 2016 by Sarka, Dejan, Radivojević, Milos, Durkin, William
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 15th International Symposium, W2gis 2017, Shanghai, China, May 8-9, 2017, Proceedings by
Data Management on New Hardware: 7th International Workshop on Accelerating Data Analysis and Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Stora by
Future Information Society, The: Social and Technological Problems by
Learning Apache Spark 2 by Abbasi, Asif
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 20th European Conference, Evoapplications 2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 19-21, 2017, Proceedings, by
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 20th European Conference, Evoapplications 2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 19-21, 2017, Proceedings, by
Network Role Mining and Analysis by Doran, Derek
Business Information Server, BIS The World's Greatest Productivity App.: After 45+ Years Of Development; 150+ User Executable Information Power Tools by Schlueter, Louis
Data Science and Big Data: An Environment of Computational Intelligence by
Data Mining: Theories, Algorithms, and Examples by Ye, Nong
PostgreSQL High Performance Cookbook by Kumar, Dinesh, Chauhan, Chitij
Phrase Mining from Massive Text and Its Applications by Shang, Jingbo, Han, Jiawei, Liu, Jialu
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management: Third Ifip Wg 12.6 International Workshop, Ai4km 2015, Held at Ijcai 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, by
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: 5th International Work-Conference, Iwbbio 2017, Granada, Spain, April 26-28, 2017, Proceedings, Part I by
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: 5th International Work-Conference, Iwbbio 2017, Granada, Spain, April 26-28, 2017, Proceedings, Part II by
Think Like a Data Scientist: Tackle the Data Science Process Step-By-Step by Godsey, Brian
Forensik in Der Digitalen Welt: Moderne Methoden Der Forensischen Fallarbeit in Der Digitalen Und Digitalisierten Realen Welt by
Data Analytics: Essentials to Master Data Analytics and Get Your Business to the Next Level by Harvey, Scott
Oracle SQL Tuning with Oracle SQLTXPLAIN: Oracle Database 12c Edition by Charalambides, Stelios
An Introduction to Description Logic by Horrocks, Ian, Lutz, Carsten, Baader, Franz
Advances in Information Retrieval: 39th European Conference on IR Research, Ecir 2017, Aberdeen, Uk, April 8-13, 2017, Proceedings by
Usage-Driven Database Design: From Logical Data Modeling Through Physical Schema Definition by Tillmann, George
Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing: Second International Workshop, Algocloud 2016, Aarhus, Denmark, August 22, 2016, Revised Selected Papers by
Using Open Data to Detect Organized Crime Threats: Factors Driving Future Crime by
Gamification Und Serious Games: Grundlagen, Vorgehen Und Anwendungen by
Theory and Practice of Computation - Proceedings of Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice Wctp2015 by
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c: Build your organization's Business Intelligence system by Khan, Haroun, Ward, Adrian, Screen, Christian
Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare: Second International Workshop, Dmah 2016, Held at Vldb 2016, New Delhi, India, September 9, by
Decision Support Systems VII. Data, Information and Knowledge Visualization in Decision Support Systems: Third International Conference, Icdsst 2017, by
IoT Solutions in Microsoft's Azure IoT Suite: Data Acquisition and Analysis in the Real World by Klein, Scott
Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains: XVIII International Conference, Damdid/Rcdl 2016, Ershovo, Moscow, Russia, October 11 -14, 20 by
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 21st Pacific-Asia Conference, Pakdd 2017, Jeju, South Korea, May 23-26, 2017, Proceedings, Part I by
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 21st Pacific-Asia Conference, Pakdd 2017, Jeju, South Korea, May 23-26, 2017, Proceedings, Part II by
Summarizing Biological Networks by Seah, Boon-Siew, Bhowmick, Sourav S.
Encyclopedia of GIS by
Building Blockchain Projects: Building decentralized Blockchain applications with Ethereum and Solidity by Prusty, Narayan
Learning Apache Cassandra, Second Edition by Yarabarla, Sandeep
PostgreSQL Administration Cookbook, 9.5/9.6 Edition: Effective database management for administrators by Riggs, Simon, Ciolli, Gianni, Bartolini, Gabriele
Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration: 4th International Conference, Mike 2016, Mexico City, Mexico, November 13 - 19, 2016, Revised Selected by
Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Towards Efficient Solutions for Data Analysis and Knowledge Representation: 13th International Confere by
Learning Data Mining with Python - Second Edition: Use Python to manipulate data and build predictive models by Layton, Robert
Mastering Java for Data Science by Grigorev, Alexey
Machine Learning with Spark - Second Edition: Develop intelligent, distributed machine learning systems by Pentreath, Nick, Dua, Rajdeep, Ghotra, Manpreet Singh
Python Deep Learning: Next generation techniques to revolutionize computer vision, AI, speech and data analysis by Zocca, Valentino, Spacagna, Gianmario, Slater, Daniel
Trends in Social Network Analysis: Information Propagation, User Behavior Modeling, Forecasting, and Vulnerability Assessment by
Pro SQL Server 2005 Replication by Paul, Sujoy
DB2 Exam C2090-320 Preparation Guide by Wingate, Robert N.
We Are Data: Algorithms and the Making of Our Digital Selves by Cheney-Lippold, John
Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems by Kleppmann, Martin
Oracle Database 12c Release 2 In-Memory: Tips and Techniques for Maximum Performance by Banerjee, Joyjeet
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2016 International Workshops, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 19, 2016, Revised Papers by
Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us about Who We Really Are by Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth
Semantics, Analytics, Visualization. Enhancing Scholarly Data: Second International Workshop, Save-SD 2016, Montreal, Qc, Canada, April 11, 2016, Revi by
Spatial Data Handling in Big Data Era: Select Papers from the 17th Igu Spatial Data Handling Symposium 2016 by
Sql: Complete guide to master SQL programming and data manipulation by Harvey, Scott
Encyclopedia of GIS by
Transparent Data Mining for Big and Small Data by
The dBASE Book Plus, 2nd Edition: A Companion to The dBASE Book by Mayer, Ken
Advances in Computational Intelligence: 14th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann 2017, Cadiz, Spain, June 14-16, 2017, by
Advances in Computational Intelligence: 14th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann 2017, Cadiz, Spain, June 14-16, 2017, by
An Introduction to Description Logic by Horrocks, Ian, Lutz, Carsten, Baader, Franz
Formal Concept Analysis: 14th International Conference, Icfca 2017, Rennes, France, June 13-16, 2017, Proceedings by
Image Analysis: 20th Scandinavian Conference, Scia 2017, Tromsø, Norway, June 12-14, 2017, Proceedings, Part I by
Image Analysis: 20th Scandinavian Conference, Scia 2017, Tromsø, Norway, June 12-14, 2017, Proceedings, Part II by
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining: Proceedings of the International Conference on CIDM, 10-11 December 2016 by
Pattern Recognition: 9th Mexican Conference, McPr 2017, Huatulco, Mexico, June 21-24, 2017, Proceedings by
Dynamic Secularization: Information Technology and the Tension Between Religion and Science by Bainbridge, William Sims
Integration Von Ökologischen Lebenswegbewertungen in Fahrzeugentwicklungsprozesse by Broch, Florian
The Power of People: Learn How Successful Organizations Use Workforce Analytics to Improve Business Performance by Feinzig, Sheri, Guenole, Nigel, Ferrar, Jonathan
Mastering Azure Analytics: Architecting in the Cloud with Azure Data Lake, HDInsight, and Spark by Tejada, Zoiner
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technology and Applications: 11th Kes International Conference, Kes-Amsta 2017 Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, June 2017 by
Oracle Application Express: Build Powerful Data-Centric Web Apps with Apex by Spendolini, Brian, Geller, Arie
Smart Health: International Conference, Icsh 2016, Haikou, China, December 24-25, 2016, Revised Selected Papers by
Data Strategy and the Enterprise Data Executive: Ensuring that Business and IT are in Synch in the Post-Big Data Era by Aiken, Peter, Harbour, Todd
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 29th International Conference, Caise 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-16, 2017, Proceedings by
Business Information Systems: 20th International Conference, Bis 2017, Poznan, Poland, June 28-30, 2017, Proceedings by
Modern Database Management by
Hadoop 2.x Administration Cookbook by Singh, Gurmukh
Learning Social Media Analytics with R: Transform data from social media platforms into actionable business insights by Bali, Raghav, Sarkar, Dipanjan, Sharma, Tushar
Mastering PostgreSQL 9.6: A comprehensive guide for PostgreSQL 9.6 developers and administrators by Schönig, Hans-Jürgen
Master Data Management by Finet, Jacques, Regnier-Pecastaing, Franck, Gabassi, Michel
Introduction to Data Technologies by Murrell, Paul
pgRouting: A Practical Guide by Obe, Regina O., Hsu, Leo S.
Bioinformatics Research and Applications: 13th International Symposium, Isbra 2017, Honolulu, Hi, Usa, May 29 - June 2, 2017, Proceedings by
Business Intelligence Tools for Small Companies: A Guide to Free and Low-Cost Solutions by Nogués, Albert, Valladares, Juan
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Aime 2017, Vienna, Austria, June 21-24, 2017, Proceedings by
Mastering PostGIS by Mikiewicz, Dominik, Mackiewicz, Michal, Nycz, Tomasz
Apache Spark 2.x Cookbook by Yadav, Rishi
Python Machine Learning By Example: The easiest way to get into machine learning by Liu, Yuxi (Hayden)
Heterogeneous Information Network Analysis and Applications by Shi, Chuan, Yu, Philip S.
Processing Big Data with Azure Hdinsight: Building Real-World Big Data Systems on Azure Hdinsight Using the Hadoop Ecosystem by Yadav, Vinit
Statistical and Machine-Learning Data Mining: Techniques for Better Predictive Modeling and Analysis of Big Data, Third Edition by Ratner, Bruce
Oracle GoldenGate 12c: A Hands-on Guide to Data Replication & Integration with Oracle & SQL Server by Alswaimil, Fawzi
Biological Data Mining by
Big Data Technologies and Applications: 7th International Conference, Bdta 2016, Seoul, South Korea, November 17-18, 2016, Proceedings by
Data Mining for Design and Marketing by
Integrated Business Information Systems: A Holistic View of the Linked Business Process Chain Erp-Scm-Crm-Bi-Big Data by Gronwald, Klaus-Dieter
A Comprehensive Guide Through the Italian Database Research Over the Last 25 Years by
R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics by Lander, Jared
Global Knowledge Dynamics and Social Technology by Petzold, Thomas
Reasoning Web. Semantic Interoperability on the Web: 13th International Summer School 2017, London, Uk, July 7-11, 2017, Tutorial Lectures by
Computational Intelligence Applications in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics by
Data Mining by
Advanced Concepts for Renewable Energy Supply of Data Centres by
Mining Software Specifications: Methodologies and Applications by
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 23rd International Symposium, Ismis 2017, Warsaw, Poland, June 26-29, 2017, Proceedings by
Data Analytics: 31st British International Conference on Databases, Bicod 2017, London, Uk, July 10-12, 2017, Proceedings by
Automated Physical Database Design and Tuning by Bruno, Nicolas
Applying Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Medicine by
Beginner's Guide to Crystal Reports 2016: A Quick Start Guide by Gatmaitan, Eric M.
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